The Straw Hat Pirates' golden ship, the Ark of the Proverbs, could not hide its whereabouts at all.

Even Aoki himself had no concealment.

So naturally, some daring merchant ships observed the brief contact between Admiral Aoki and the Straw Hat Pirates from afar.

The best news is that there was no fight.

The passenger flow of the Seven Waters City also dropped by nearly one-seventh due to the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates.

It is easy to imagine what the one-seventh of tourists who disappeared were.

Near the Seven Waters City, you can see the iconic means of transportation here, the Sea Train.

It is different from what you expected.

The key to the Sea Train is the water rails.

The key technology of the water rails is not to support the weight of the train, but how to avoid blocking the passage of other ships.

That's right.

In the world of One Piece where shipping is developed.

Shipping is the focus of everything.

If the Sea Train leads to the choice between trains and shipping, then everyone's first thought is shipping.

The train will roll as far as it can.

But the Sea Train was still built.

This is because the developers of the Sea Train came up with a brilliant idea.

That is an intelligent system that can autonomously detect surrounding ships and autonomously sink and float.

This seems unscientific. It is actually unscientific.

But in the unscientific world of One Piece, this is still scientific.

At least on the surface.

That is the legendary shipwright who built the flagship for Pirate King Roger pioneered the invention of a retractable steel cable connected in series inside the rail.

In this way, when stretched normally, the rail will appear straight on the sea surface.

When a ship comes, the steel cable will shrink and the rail will automatically sink into the sea.

This not only ensures the passage of ships, but also ensures the navigation of the sea train, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As for the seawater corrosion and strength of the rails and cables.

There is no need to worry.

Just add a little bit of special material seastone, everything will be fine.

The Seven Waters did not have much good face for the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Because of their arrival.

Many hackers of unknown origin ran away directly, greatly affecting the tourism income of the Seven Waters.

The Seven Waters was a world-famous shipbuilding base eight hundred years ago.

Its greatest fame is that it created Pluto, one of the three legendary ancient weapons.

Pluto is said to have the power to destroy an island with one shot.

Although the size of this island is unknown, it is indeed exaggerated.

But after the Celestial Dragons came to power, this place has been suppressed by the Celestial Dragons.

The shipbuilding technology of the Seven Waters City has evolved from being able to create Pluto to now mainly manufacturing wooden sailboats.

It is one of the best wooden sailboats.

As the world's largest sailboat manufacturing factory, the Seven Waters City not only accepts orders from the navy, but also accepts orders from pirates.

As long as you pay, the Seven Waters City has black docks that can quickly and efficiently produce cheap sailboats.

Even though the Seven Waters City complained that the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates caused a sharp drop in passenger flow, when they really arrived, there were still countless shipbuilders, workers, and tourists gathered at the dock to see the style of the golden giant ship.

The windless and automatic golden energy ship.

Such an advanced ship immediately attracted the attention of many shipbuilders.

They are veterans in building wooden sailboats.

But precisely because of their old qualifications, they have heard of the legendary glory of the Seven Waters City.

Other tourists are more concerned about luxury and performance.

Only the shipwrights were concerned about the brand-new technology that was different from the traditional one, which was reflected in the golden giant ship.

For a time, a large number of shipwrights who usually treated visitors with contempt were crying and begging to visit the Ark Proverbs.

They were willing to pay any price for this.

As the saying goes, if you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening, which is the scene in front of them.

Because they knew that the technology of wooden sailing ships had reached its end.

So they actually had an extraordinary fascination with high technology.

The Tianlong people's behavior of eliminating high technology worldwide did not completely suppress people's exploration of high technology.

"Unless you agree to go to Alabasta to build a shipyard, you can't touch my golden spaceship!"

The pirates said arrogantly.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's disbelief, the Ark Proverbs actually floated into the air.

A golden giant ship that can fly independently without a devil fruit.

The scene of this flight shocked everyone.

Countless flashes sounded in the crowd.

A large number of Den Den Mushi were blown up.

The new flagship of the Straw Hat Pirates will inevitably serve as a flash point to attract the attention of the world's people again.

A large number of shipbuilders are like bereaved parents.

They can't give up their foundation in the Seven Water City.

Some people are determined to go to Alabasta and give everything they have for this incredible energy-powered spaceship.

Among them is Franky, the target of the pirates.

After his master, the legendary fish-man shipbuilder, was executed by the World Government, the meaning of his rest of his life is not to avenge his master. The pursuit of more advanced technology.

Because this is what the World Government fears the most.

In the context of technological discontinuity.

Tom was able to develop the sea train technology on his own, which really frightened the Celestial Dragons.

Compared with the strong pirates who would burn, kill and loot.

The Celestial Dragons attach great importance to the spread of high-tech technology.

On the one hand, they established the so-called scientific forces to develop high-tech weapons; on the other hand, they tried their best to suppress the birth of other civilian high-tech around the world.

After the death of the legendary shipwright Tom.

The sea train could not be built again because of the loss of technological inheritance and capital investment.

This is exactly what the Celestial Dragons want to see.

After all, the current Seven Water City cannot apply for enough seastone powder from the World Government to manufacture key components of rails and cables.

"I came to Qishuizhidu this time for two purposes."

"One is to recruit enough shipbuilders to open a shipyard in Alabasta and build higher-level ships."

"The sailboat power is too backward"

"What I want is at least steam power, so I can sail freely regardless of the sea wind."

The pirate said his first goal

"As for my second purpose of coming to Water 7, it is to recruit a shipwright to join the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Is Franky here?"

"I'm looking for you"

"As long as you get on board, not only my Ark Proverbs, you can study it at will."

"In Alabasta, there is also Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons."

"You heard it right."

"The Pluto of the Seven Water Cities, who has the highest shipbuilding skills, is in Alabasta"

"As long as you are willing to board, Pluto is open to you to study."

"Although I don't think highly of Pluto's skills."

Another world-class melon has been revealed among the pirates, shocking countless people.

That is Pluto, who is said to be able to destroy an island with one shot.

"Once you get on board, I can not only repair your body, but also give you a superpower that is enough to rebuild Pluto."

"Action is worse than thought"

"If you don't respond after five minutes, I'll assume you've rejected it."

"I know you have the blueprints for Pluto's construction."

"There is only one chance to create Pluto"

"If you miss it, you will never get it again!"

As the pirates continued to expose the news,

Franky stood out from the crowd.

"I am Franky."

As soon as he stood up, several boatmen immediately surrounded him tacitly.

They were members of the intelligence agency CP9.

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