"What do you want to do to my crew?"

Pirate emerged from the blood pool that inexplicably appeared on the ground and looked at the CP9s around him.

His eyes circled around the faces of several CP9s.

Finally, they fixed on Bruno, the user of the superhuman Door Door Fruit.

Without any signs.

Bruno was illuminated by a red light and disappeared in front of everyone.

He died. He turned into a Bloody Eye of Door Door.

For Pirate, the effect of the Door Door Fruit on him is even greater than that of the Natural Devil Fruit.

Because it can increase the strength of the Bloody Eye of Door Door.

The Bloody Eye of Door Door is the foundation for him to gain a foothold in various universes.

Seeing their companion Bruno disappear, the others instinctively took action.

But they were stopped by Rob Lucci.

"We were disrespectful."


Without any hesitation, Rob Lucci made the right choice.

It is no secret that pirates purposefully hunt down Devil Fruit users.

Bruno's disappearance is likely to be fatal.

But he can only endure it.

Only when he really faces the pirates can he experience the terrifying oppression that exceeds the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

It seems that the instinct that he will die if he moves is stinging his nerves.

He can only suppress his anger and grief for the loss of his companions and retreat.

As a well-trained intelligence officer, the other members of CP9 still obeyed Rob Lucci's instructions.

"Welcome to the Straw Hat Pirates"

"My shipwright Franky.

The pirate stretched out his right hand to him, and the two held it tightly.

Then the ground sank.

With Franky's short scream, the two disappeared in the blood pool and appeared on the Ark Proverbs in the air.

"This is for you!"

A blood eye was handed to Franky.

Franky sensed the power transmitted by the blood eye and showed a look of shock.

Swallowing blood eye.

This is clearly the ability of the Swallowing Fruit of King Walpo of Magnetic Drum Island, and now it has been made into the ability of the blood eye. The ability to swallow, combine, and synthesize at will is simply the dream of a technology fanatic like him.

More importantly, the technology of a civilization system is integrated into this Swallowing blood eye. The

Swallowing Fruit is matched with an entire industrial system.

This means that as long as he is given enough materials, he can completely create an industrial civilization by hand.

Such a dream, such a feat.

It moved Franky to tears.

His master The great cause that Tom has not completed will be completed in his hands.

The Celestial Dragons want to block high technology?

Dream on.

Then Franky performed a thrilling stunt under the gaze of others.

Eat yourself.

When Franky was eaten by himself, he was spit out by himself. His angular body, which had been mechanically transformed, finally returned to the form of a normal person.

At the same time, the transformation in his body was fully upgraded by the Blood Eyes, becoming stronger.

This is the ability of the Blood Eyes.

This is just the primary application of the Blood Eyes.

When Franky absorbs the knowledge of an entire industrial system.

With the ability of the Blood Eyes, it will not be a problem to transform himself into a Gundam.

"Then let's get to know each other."

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates introduced themselves to Franky.

Franky himself is a passionate person. He quickly got along well with the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

He tailored fitness equipment for Zoro with the Bloody Eyes.

And fully upgraded Zoro's two swords, the Sandai Kitetsu and Snow Walker.

These two swords are no longer coated with a layer of seastone on the surface, but are fully integrated with seastone, which greatly improves the strength of the blade.

He tailored a seastone armor that can cover the whole body for Sanji with the Bloody Eyes. He built a full set of cosmetic tools for Nami with the Bloody Eyes.

He fully upgraded Usopp's slingshot. He built a full set of medical equipment for Chopper.

He built seastone gloves and leg covers for Robin, which are used on the Wood Release fists and feet summoned by Robin, which can greatly enhance Robin's ability to suppress Devil Fruit ability users. He built a gorgeous crown and fitted dresses of different styles for Vivi.

He presented the construction drawings of Pluto to Wang Dong.

The construction drawings of Pluto are roughly equivalent to the construction drawings of an aircraft carrier.

Of course, it is not possible to insult the IQ of people.

Frequent appliances.

In the end , the technology is very qualified.

The young conference, showing the flying mode of the Golden Ship in the Seven Water Capital , recruiting the boatman , telling the Pluto, recruiting new members Frank, killing a navy intelligence personnel...

One pile , one by one, all of them.

"Next stop, the terrifying three-masted sailing ship!"

This time, the Ark Proverbs did not fall back into the sea.

Instead, it maintained its flight mode and left the sky of the Seven Waters City.

"The captain's target is the Shichibukai Gekko Moriah?"

Not long ago, he just killed a veteran Shichibukai Crocodile.

This time he is targeting another veteran Shichibukai Gekko Moriah.

Crocodile is famous for challenging the Four Emperors Whitebeard. He was recruited as a Shichibukai by the World Government.

Gekko Moriah is famous for challenging the Four Emperors Kaido. He was recruited as a Shichibukai by the World Government.

Even though both of them suffered a terrible defeat, facing the Four Emperors, being able to escape alive is a recognition of their strength.

"It's him indeed."

"I want his devil fruit ability, and I also want his zombie army."

The pirates no longer hide their need for devil fruits.

Others think that the pirates took Gekko Moriah's devil fruit ability and used Gekko Moriah's superhuman Shadow-Shadow Fruit ability to control his zombie army.

But they didn't expect that the pirates could control his zombie army without the Shadow-Shadow Fruit.

As he became stronger, more blood eye abilities were gradually unlocked by him.

The combination of the soul-summoning blood eye and the ghost-herding blood eye can already be used.

Gekko Moriah's control method for his zombie army is extremely poor.

The zombies' strength when they were alive was only 20% to 30%.

This is an extreme waste of resources.

He will awaken the consciousness of those zombies from their slumber and turn them into new-age workers.

There is no way.

His desire for zombies is not out of strength.

Even when the zombies were alive, their strength was just like that to him, like chicken ribs.

Except for a very small number of zombies, most zombies can only be used as labor.

And labor that does not need to eat or drink is a huge value in itself.

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