"What a terrible junior."

Pluto Rayleigh really didn't make a move. He just watched indifferently as the Straw Hat Pirates wiped out the Nine Snakes Castle.

He had seen all kinds of storms.

The Straw Hat Pirates only slaughtered another Nine Snakes Pirates with thousands of members.

He had seen wars to destroy countries with a population of hundreds of thousands or millions.

Most of those who died were unarmed, innocent ordinary people.

The Celestial Dragons still maintain the strategy of destroying a country every three years.

On the one hand, it is used to deter those countries that have not joined the member states.

The heavenly gold that these member states pay every year is an important part of the expenditure of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

On the other hand, it is also used to hone the elites within the Celestial Dragons, the elites who defected to the Celestial Dragons, and the elites in the navy. Those who can be awarded the top devil fruit and become members of the navy admiral.

All have participated in such activities.

Including the current Navy Marshal Sengoku.

The three admirals of the navy, Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

This is also why the definition of justice among the top leaders of the navy is so divided, as they are all members of the navy.

Because their justice has been stained with blood from the beginning.

Their pursuit of justice is precisely the process of eliminating the blood debt on their hands.

It's just that their justice and the orders of the Celestial Dragons produce a chemical reaction and are distorted.

Marshal Sengoku chose to bear the sins of the Celestial Dragons and strive to create a justice that reigns over the world.

Akainu Sakaski pursues"thorough justice" and destroys all evil, including the goals given by the Celestial Dragons.

Kill all the pirates in the world, and justice will surely come.

Aoki Kuzan pursues"lazy justice" and waits for the opportunity for change through passive confrontation.

Kizaru Borsalino pursues"ambiguous justice", which belongs to the kind of slacking without expressing a position.

Without a mandatory order, he will never take action and lies down every day.

Behind these justices, there is an unavoidable darkness.

That is the corrupt and degenerate Celestial Dragons. The reason why the world is so chaotic is that the Celestial Dragons can no longer fully suppress the resistance in the world.

This was possible when the Grand Line was opened up and the four seas were not connected.

But now that the Grand Line has been opened up and the four seas have been connected.

The Celestial Dragons can still control the navy more strongly.

But they cannot control the navy and suppress the pirates at the same time.

It can only be said that the limit that the Celestial Dragons can control is shrinking little by little.

When the power of the Celestial Dragons retreats to a limit.

A limit that is believed to be overturned.

That is when it is truly overturned.

Pluto Rayleigh is gone.

Not swimming, not walking on the sea, but riding a fish.

It can only be said that when it comes to traveling alone, the world of One Piece actually has many options for the strong.

"Next stop, Fishman Island!"

The Thriller Bark was left on the Daughter Island to pick up the Baroque Works employees who arrived later.

And the zombies on the Thriller Bark will also become the main force in the construction of the Daughter Island.

Outsiders cannot know what happened on the Daughter Island.

Even the powerful reporters are the same.

They do not have the ability to enter the Calm Belt.

And the major forces cannot share the scene of the Straw Hat Pirates destroying the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Compared with summoning nine thousand-meter sea kings out of thin air.

Princess Vivi, who was not worth mentioning before, suddenly jumped to the admiral-level combat power through the imitation fruit, which made the major forces even more shocked.

Two days later. The Ark

Proverbs landed above the Sabaody Archipelago.

The appearance of the Straw Hat Pirates caused panic in the Sabaody Archipelago.

This panic was mainly caused by the pirates of the Sabaody Archipelago.

The Sabaody Archipelago is a world-famous tourist attraction.

There are both There are beautiful attractions, amusement parks, and consumer markets.

There are also various black markets, including the human trafficking market.

But ordinary people can only accept the good side of this place.

They know nothing about the dark side of this place.

Therefore, the number of tourists who disappear in the Sabaody Archipelago every year is not a small number.

Because the Celestial Dragons often visit here.

On the one hand, they buy luxury goods including devil fruits at the auction house, including slaves of various races.

On the other hand, they also rob people on the street.

So in order to cover up the behavior of the Celestial Dragons.

The darkness here is completely covered up.

It also provides cover for those human traffickers.

It has become a recognized fact that the Straw Hat Pirates hate evil.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile is dead.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea Gekko Moriah took him in as a dog. The

Seven Warlords of the Sea Boa Hancock has been taken away by the Navy. The headquarters reported the death.

It was not easy for these little karami who were not even considered as Seven Warlords of the Sea to be crushed to death by the Straw Hat Pirates.

So they panicked and got confused.

And then before the Straw Hat Pirates took action, they were swept by the navy.

The Navy Headquarters knew in advance that the Straw Hat Pirates were not from the Sabaody Archipelago, but from Fishman Island. They directly sent Kizaru to guard the Sabaody Archipelago.

They could use this opportunity to clear the darkness of the Sabaody Archipelago.

They could also protect the Celestial Dragons and improve their favorability.

The Ark Maxim descended from the air and went straight to the bottom of the sea.

Seeing the Ark Maxim disappear from the sea and sink to the bottom of the sea, people certainly would not think that the Straw Hat Pirates were drowned.

Instead, they realized that the destination of the Straw Hat Pirates was Fishman Island.

The fishmen of Fishman Island were also obviously aware of this problem.

Soon, a fishman flew towards the Fishman Island at a rapid speed. The human island returned.

Report to King Neptune of Fishman Island that the Straw Hat Pirates are coming.

It's like the pirates didn't see the rising current that violates the laws of physics in the Twin Gorge.

The real Fishman Island is not 10,000 meters below the sea.

In that case, the fishmen would not be discriminated against by humans.

The physical fitness given by the water pressure at a depth of 10,000 meters is enough for the fishmen to rule the world.

But the reality is that the fishmen are generally discriminated against in the Grand Line.

The discrimination here even includes humans who are born weaker than fishmen, but can crush fishmen many times more when they practice.

The sinking Ark Proverbs soon saw the extremely magical and magnificent Fishman Island below. The Fishman

Island, wrapped in two layers of bubble film shields, is matched with various lighting algae on the Fishman Island, so that everything from top to bottom looks like another bubble galaxy.

The water depth is 500 meters, which is the height of Fishman Island, a depth that is just suitable for mermaids and fishmen, but uncomfortable for humans.

The fishmen on Fishman Island also saw the Ark Proverbs above their heads.

The golden giant ship glittering in the sunlight could not be ignored at all.

Even though Fish-Man Island was closed to the outside world, mermaids or fishmen who ventured out of the Fish-Man Island would not be protected by Fish-Man Island.

So being arrested, sold, or killed had nothing to do with Fish-Man Island.

Fish-Man Island had no obligation to save those mermaids or fishmen.

That was the job of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Jinpei.

But the Straw Hat Pirates were the focus of world news.

So even Fish-Man Island was aware of the remarkable features of the Straw Hat Pirates' golden giant ship.

Fish-Man Island inevitably fell into chaos.

Because humans captured a lot of mermaids or fishmen.

But the premise was that fishmen attacked humans and killed more humans.

The behavior of a small number of fishmen affected the attitude of the entire human race towards mermaids and fishmen.

Some extreme humans did not even think that mermaids and fishmen were intelligent creatures that could speak, but fish that could be killed at will.

The contradiction between the two sides was obvious.

It was only because the fishmen were at an absolute disadvantage that they looked pitiful.

Even though the mermaid princess tried to make efforts to resolve the conflicts between humans and mermaids, she was assassinated by the fishmen.

It can only be said that a large number of individual cases do affect the impression of the fishmen.

Even though Nami admired the beauty of Fishman Island, she was disgusted by the ugly fishmen there.

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