After the Straw Hat Pirates killed three Shichibukai in succession, their reputation in the world has changed a lot.

King Neptune personally led a team of mermaids to talk to the Straw Hat Pirates.

The main idea was that they were full of sincerity and harmless.

If the Straw Hat Pirates were not stupid, they would not have fought a naval battle with Fishman Island without preparation.

And the advantage of naval battle was eliminated.

King Neptune did not think that Fishman Island was much stronger than the Shichibukai Crocodile, Gekko Moriah, and Boa Hancock.

"Welcome to Fishman Island, everyone from the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"If you have any requests, please feel free to ask"

"If you want to travel, Neptune can personally receive you and guarantee that you will have a satisfying trip to Fishman Island."

King Neptune lowered his attitude very low.

This was a gesture that was enough to surprise other mermaids or fishmen.

Because in the past, King Neptune was never such a humble king.

But all mermaids and fishmen would not feel strange.

There was an example of the annihilation of the Nine Snakes Pirates led by Shichibukai Boa Hancock. There is no doubt that the Straw Hat Pirates can and dare to kill.

This is enough to bring excessive deterrence to the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Our target is Jinpei the Sea Knight"

"I know you can contact him."

"Ask him to come back to Fishman Island"

"I'll give you a week."

"This week we traveled to Fishman Island"

"I hope I don't run into some tactless fishmen."

"Then I will blame the entire Fish-Man Island."

The pirates revealed their purpose.

Overbearing, unreasonable, and tyrannical.

But King Neptune had no choice but to endure it.

He also realized the reason why the Straw Hat Pirates would cause trouble for Sea Knight Jinbei.

It was still for the Arlong Pirates.

The captain of the Arlong Pirates, Arlong, was originally a member of the Sun Pirates.

After the captain of the Sun Pirates, Fisher Tiger, was seriously injured and died by the navy.

He failed in the competition with Jinbei for the Sun Pirates and withdrew from the Sun Pirates.

Then Arlong was arrested by Kizaru, who was still a vice admiral of the navy at the time.

It was Jinbei who promised to become a Shichibukai as an additional condition in exchange for Arlong's release from prison.

As a result, after being released from prison, Arlong took his subordinates to the East China Sea.

He ravaged the hometown of Nami, the current navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, for a full ten years. He also killed Nami's adoptive mother Bell-mère.

Now it seems that even if the Arlong Pirates are completely wiped out,

Sea Knight Jinbei will still not escape the subsequent reckoning of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"I will inform Shichibukai Jinbe"

"If he refuses to come to Fishman Island"

"I will personally lead the Sea King Army to jointly hunt him down."

King Neptune expressed his position.

"Now, please follow me, all the distinguished guests of the Straw Hat Pirates, to Fishman Island."

"I will definitely give you a satisfying Fishman Island experience."

With King Neptune as the tour guide, the experience will certainly not be bad.

Under the guidance of King Neptune, the Ark Proverbs anchored at the best pier on Fishman Island.

Then take the special means of transportation on Fishman Island.

Various fish.

King Neptune himself rode a 40-meter whale, also named Huo Ai.

Fishman Island has two ecological modes.

Because mermaids and fishmen are amphibious.

So there is a marine ecological mode composed entirely of seawater, and there is also an air ecological mode composed entirely of air.

In the marine ecological mode.

They need to wear bubbles on their heads.

This kind of bubble is very popular in the Sabaody Archipelago, Fishman Island, and the Holy Land of Marijoa.

It can isolate both air and seawater, and the most important thing is It also has the function of filtering oxygen.

So wearing such a bubble, you can always experience fresh air.

The Celestial Dragons regard this as proof of nobility and humbleness.

Never breathe the same air with lowly people.

Wear a bubble, ride on a dolphin, or other types of fish.

Under the command of the mermaid, you can swim freely in the ocean.

Only mermaids have this ability.

Because mermaids are born with the ability to communicate with fish.

Only a very small number of fishmen have the ability to communicate with a certain group.

There is a qualitative difference between mermaids and mermaids.

In the company of mermaids, riding a fishman to swim in the seabed.

This is indeed a romantic and beautiful act.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates are all immersed in it.

500 meters deep under the sea, not much sunlight can penetrate.

Looking up, you can only see the blue light fluctuating above your head.

The vision of mermaids and fishmen is not enough to ignore the darkness.

So all kinds of luminous algae are planted everywhere.

With the help of these little lights, mermaids and fishmen can use the dim light to see things normally, move normally and live normally.

The strength of the Straw Hat Pirates members is proportional to their vision.

Those with weak strength may not have weak vision.

But those with strong strength must have strong vision.

So they can also adapt to the dim rhythm of life on Fishman Island.

King Neptune introduced the characteristics of Fishman Island to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Various underwater plants and fruits also opened the eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Wang Dong, Sanji, Robin, and Chopper each collected some parts of underwater plants.

Wang Dong is for the Wood Release database.

Sanji is for cooking ingredients.

Robin is for recording.

Chopper is for research on medicine.

After soaking in the sea for three hours, they came to the air ecological zone.

The living conditions here are very close to the ground.

There are lights, flames, and streets.

The business atmosphere here is very enthusiastic. At the same time , this is also the largest commercial street in Fishman Island. It is specially used to provide the wealthy groups of Fishman Island and other VIPs who cannot refuse to come here for tourism experience.

Because Fishman Island is famous.

Even if King Neptune strictly blocks it.

Nobles, pirates, and navy from all over the world who cannot refuse are still able to enter Fishman Island.

King Neptune also modified his dress for this place.

Because there are no feet.

As a mermaid, King Neptune can live in the air for a long time, but he can't walk upright in the air.

So he can only put a huge bubble on himself to reduce the burden.

Then ride a huge crab as a means of transportation.

On the contrary, those mermaid maids, in the sea water, their lower body is a fish tail.

In the air, their fish tails automatically change into legs.

But this is also a sign.

A sign of being married and having children.

Even if the mermaids who are not married and pregnant are in the air, their fish tails will not turn into legs.

King Neptune entertained the Straw Hat Pirates with great care.

Even before parting, he specially sent his eldest prince, Shark Star, to take over.

He also gave the pirates three devil fruits as gifts.

All of them were superhuman devil fruits.

No low-level animal devil fruits were used to make up the numbers.

This shows King Neptune's sincerity.

It was a matter of life and death for Fishman Island.

King Neptune did everything he could.

But the sadness of the weak is that they cannot control their own destiny.

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