Just when the Straw Hat Pirates were having fun and relaxing on Fishman Island, an accident naturally occurred.

An explosion occurred in the underwater port where the Ark Proverbs was docked.

Because King Neptune and the Great Prince of Shark Star both had daily official duties to deal with.

The person who is now the tour guide has been arranged to be the Second Prince of the Royal Star.

Not long after,

King Neptune came in person to apologize.

The reason was simple.

The Ark Proverbs was destroyed by the Fishman Pirates, and it was completely hopeless.

First, the Ark Proverbs was blown up by an explosion.

Then the port was destroyed.

Let the Ark Proverbs sink to the bottom of the sea.

Unless there is help from the Sea Kings, it is doomed to be unable to be salvaged.

Wang Dong does have the ability to control the Sea Kings.

But why should he clean up his own ass?

"how come?"

"My notes!"

Chopper is the most distraught person.

Because many of the herb notes he recorded are kept in the Ark Proverbs.

Sanji:"The recipes I compiled!"

Robin:"My academic paper!"

Nami:"My nautical chart!" Usopp

:"The storybook I wrote for Kaya!"

Vivi:"My clothes!"

Franky:"I haven't researched my ship enough!"

Perona:"My zombie doll!"

Brook:"The latest music scores I collected!"

No one realized that their Ark Proverbs would be attacked, and dared to launch an attack.

Therefore, their belongings suffered heavy losses.

Only Zoro remained calm.

Because the most important things on him were the three famous swords.

King Neptune suppressed his extreme anger and could only apologize humbly.

He never expected that nothing would go wrong on his side.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinbe was also returning to Fishman Island.

As a result, Fishman Island boldly launched an attack on the Ark Proverbs first.

With the current reputation of the Straw Hat Pirates in the world and their unparalleled record,

Fishman Island absolutely cannot afford to offend them.

"I will definitely give you an explanation"

"I will also double your compensation for your losses."

When he said this, the muscles on King Neptune's face were trembling.


That sounds good!

Not to mention the loss of the Straw Hat Pirates' personal belongings on the Ark Proverbs, the value of the ship itself is inestimable.

The Ark Proverbs, which can go up to the sky and into the sea, is definitely the most gorgeous and functional ship in the world.

The value of itself is inestimable.

Many places on the Ark Proverbs are made of gold.

The flying golden giant ship is the most profound impression everyone has of the Ark Proverbs.

The gold on the Ark Proverbs alone is absolutely It is calculated in tons. After this compensation,

Fishman Island will simply be called the Island of the God of Poverty.

King Neptune suppressed his anger and apologized with a smile. He immediately summoned the Sea King Army and marched towards the Fishman District with murderous intent.

It seems that he was too kind before.

There is only one Fisher Tiger among the fishmen, and there is only one Sea Knight Jinbe.

He tried to indulge some fishman pirate groups to fight against the slave-catching group to reduce the losses of Fishman Island.

As a result, it is out of control now.

Even if the slave-catching group captured 10,000 fishmen, it is not as much as the loss of today.

Damn the fishmen!

"Surround Fishman Street!"

"If those scum of Fishman Street don’t hand over the murderers who attacked the port within an hour today!"

"I will sell all the fishmen in Fishman Street to the Celestial Dragons to make up for today's loss!"

The ruthless King Neptune is extremely terrifying.

After the death of Princess Otohime, King Neptune has been decadent for a long time.

So much so that many fishmen have forgotten his strength as the Great Knight of the Sea.

King Neptune came with great momentum.

Then he was captured. It was simply hilarious.

It can only be said that he has been inactive for too long and has lost his vigilance as a king.

King Neptune did indulge the Fishman Pirates and looked down on these trash who were not even worthy of carrying shoes for Fisher Tiger and Jinbei.

But even these trash are not really stupid and hopeless.

Since they How could the Straw Hat Pirates, who dared to plan to eliminate three Shichibukai in succession, not have made corresponding preparations?

At least they had preparations against King Neptune.

They even calculated that King Neptune would appear in Fishman Street.

So when King Neptune spoke nonsense, the Sea King Army surrounding Fishman Street was reduced in strength.

A giant rushed out from under King Neptune's feet.

Or it could be said to be an extremely rare giant red-finned pufferfishman, the"Dainyudo" Watatsumi who is quite famous even in Fishman Island. He is usually 80 meters in size, He has already reached the lower limit of the sea king class.

If he inhales air or water, his body will expand further, reaching a range of hundreds of meters, a true sea king class body.

Compared to the equally huge human King Neptune, he is not worth mentioning in front of Watatsumi.

Long-term lack of exercise made him unable to respond immediately. He was held in Watatsumi's hand, swept through the surrounding sea king army, and was thrown to the ground.

After a wave of combos, King Neptune lost his resistance.

King Neptune was captured here.

On the other side, Shark Star, who led the sea king army The eldest prince was also defeated by the new Fishman Pirates captains Hody Jones and Vanderdecken IX.

King Neptune, who had planned to show off his prowess after many years, was thrown into the abyss of the sea this time.

It was not until the second prince of the Royal Star hurriedly asked the Straw Hat Pirates for help that they realized how outrageous King Neptune was.

As the king of Fishman Island and the owner of the most powerful force, he was actually defeated by the small Fishman Pirates.

To be honest, even the Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinbe, who was born locally, would not have thought that there would be such an outrageous development.

"If the Straw Hat Pirates can successfully rescue my father and brother"

"I am willing to use the position of the second prince of Fishman Island as a guarantee."

"Gifted the Straw Hat Pirates five devil fruits"

"One of them is an animal-type mythical beast!"

The second prince of the Royal Star gritted his teeth and gave his biggest bargaining chip.

It is no secret that the Straw Hat Pirates hunt for Devil Fruit users, and their demand for Devil Fruits can be imagined.

This is also the most useful method he can think of.

"Then let's go for a trip"

"I also want to know how those pirates in Fishman Street have figured out how to deal with us?"

"Only then can they not bear our wrath after destroying our Straw Hat Pirates' Ark Proverbs?"

Wang Dong grinned.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates who suffered huge losses also grinned.

Led by the Second Prince of the Royal Star, they paraded through the city.

They swaggered through the sea and rode dolphins towards the direction of Fishman Street.

Most of the fishmen or mermaids did not know what happened.

But the truth is still spreading rapidly in Fishman Island.

Chaos is growing.

Now the pillar of Fishman Island is no longer the royal family like King Neptune.

It is the Straw Hat Pirates. The

Straw Hat Pirates, who have always been known for their hatred of evil, suppressed the chaos of Fishman Island.

Before the defeat of the Straw Hat Pirates, rash rebellion is just a way to death!

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