When the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at Fishman Street, the Third Prince of the Flip Star was already at the scene, stabilizing the morale of the Sea King Army.

In his hands was a huge dragon-carved bow and several special arrows.

Wang Dong saw the special feature of this weapon at a glance.

That is, arrows that specifically shoot devil fruit fragments. You don't need to eat all the devil fruits.

You can get the devil fruit ability with one bite.

But for various reasons, even if the devil fruit is more unpalatable than dog shit, people often choose to eat it all.

On the ground, there is an unspoken rule among all the major forces that the devil fruit assassination should not be used first.

Otherwise, a strong person without a devil fruit, such as Garp, is forced to insert a piece of devil fruit fragment into him, making him a garbage devil fruit ability user with weaknesses to seawater and seastone.

Or a devil fruit ability user is given a devil fruit ability user and another devil fruit fragment is inserted into his body.

Because of the conflict between the devil fruit abilities, he will naturally die suddenly.

Except for extreme cases like Blackbeard, it is common sense that a person cannot eat two devil fruits.

But on the seabed, this set of rules still exists, but it is a little looser than on the ground.

Because of the habit of fishmen and mermaids living in seawater.

Basically, once you eat a devil fruit, you are useless.

With the help of devil fruit fragments and devil fruit users who encounter sea water, they will be powerless to resolve this conflict.

The Dragon Palace of Fishman Island has always mastered such top-level deterrent means.

It can be used to deter and expel sea kings at ordinary times.

It can also kill rebels at critical moments.

It is extremely effective.

Also because fishmen and mermaids basically cannot use devil fruits.

So once they get devil fruits. They will be recycled by the Dragon Palace for a fee.

Over time, the Dragon Palace naturally collected a considerable number of devil fruits as the ultimate foundation of the Dragon Palace.

"The garbage in Fishman Street"

"Whatever means you have against our Straw Hat Pirates, use them as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, you will have no chance soon!"

The Straw Hat Pirates ignored the captured King Neptune and Prince Shark Star and looked at the New Fishman Pirates opposite them.


Hody Jones gave an order.

Explosions sounded from above.

The seawater fell like a waterfall, destroying the houses of Fishman Street in this air ecosystem.

For a while, all kinds of dirty words continued in Fishman Street.

Some cursed the new fishman pirates.

Some laughed at the Straw Hat Pirates.

Are you stupid?

We are fishmen and can breathe under the sea.

You humans will drown in the sea.

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates used their own methods before the sea came.

Those who were simply given abilities by the pirates with ghost blood were okay.

Because they were not devil fruit users, they were not affected by the sea water. The influence of force.

It doesn't matter if you are given the power of the blood eye.

Just take the blood eye into your body and isolate it from the sea water.

The more difficult ones are Robin and Perona who are already devil fruit users.

Fortunately, the two of them also made the correct and only response.

That is to cover their entire bodies with ghost blood.

In this way, they can still be unaffected in the sea water by using ghost blood to isolate themselves from the sea water.

Brook doesn't need to make any preparations.

Because his body is shaped by the deceptive blood eye, it naturally has the function of isolating from the sea water.

His devil fruit ability lies in his skeleton, not the shaped body.

"And then what!"

The pirates remained calm.

Seeing the response of the Straw Hat Pirates in the sea water.

The New Fish-Man Pirates were still not panicking.

A flying fish-shaped javelin flew from a distance. It still burst out at a speed no less than on the ground at the bottom of the sea.

This is the killer weapon of the New Fish-Man Pirates that dares to face the Straw Hat Pirates. It is made by imitating the Devil Fruit slicing arrows of Ryugu, and it belongs to the New Fish-Man Pirates' fatal gun.

The front of the gun head is inlaid with Devil Fruit fragments.

Once hit.

Either it will be given the ability of a garbage Devil Fruit and then become powerless in the sea water.

Or it will conflict with its own Devil Fruit ability and explode and die.

What Straw Hat Pirates?

It's still going to fall to them. In the hands of the new Fishman Pirates.

They want to step on Ryugu and the Straw Hat Pirates to rise to power.

Rebuild the glory of the Fishmen!

Although the Fishmen have not had much glory since eight hundred years ago.

The pirate looked at the incoming javelin indifferently.

Raised one hand.

The javelin sank into his right hand and disappeared.

Disappeared in the literal sense.

Not penetrated.

But disappeared. It was as if there was a black hole in his right hand.

Animal-type Fish-Fish Fruit Goby Form.

He rolled his eyes at the newly acquired goby blood eye.

It is indeed rubbish that can be used as a consumable.

Just now, he condensed a blank blood eye in his palm to gain the power of the devil fruit and put away the javelin.

Everything is so simple.

"Any more?"

Three javelins came from a distance in succession.

All of them were aimed at Kaizo.

If he wasn't defeated, there would be no point.

Kaizo could obtain the abilities of the hunted Devil Fruit users.

This means that even if he killed other members of the Straw Hat Pirates, he could recover his abilities and instantly pull up another crew member of the same type.

So killing Kaizo was the top priority.

For the three javelins that came at a rapid speed,

Kaizo used his shadowless hand.

All three javelins were collected into his palm and disappeared.

Animal-type Fish-Fish Fruit Shrimp Form;

Animal-type Snake-Snake Fruit Blind Snake Form;

Animal-type Bug-Bug Fruit Slug Form;

Sure enough, there is no worst Devil Fruit, only worse Devil Fruit.

Although it is almost invisible on the market.

But some powerful forces with a background will collect this kind of Devil Fruit as the final killer.

Even the scum of the New Fishman Pirates have a lot of Devil Fruits in their hands.

The low quality of these Devil Fruits has reached the level of a single Mangekyo.

It can be said to have refreshed the lower limit of Devil Fruits.

"Anything else?"

The smiles on the faces of the New Fishman Pirates disappeared.

The fishmen who laughed at the Straw Hat Pirates in Fishman Street also began to disappear.

Since their trump card was useless against the Straw Hat Pirates, it meant that the New Fishman Pirates were dying. The

Straw Hat Pirates rarely let go of their enemies.

And even if they let go of their enemies, the criteria were not clear.

Devil's Son Nico Robin, Ghost Princess Perona

Not only were the two let go, they were also absorbed into the Straw Hat Pirates.

To say that they were lustful is not tenable.

Because Boa Hancock, who was known as the world's most beautiful woman, was brutally destroyed.

Instead, Gekko Moriah survived.

This was also their misunderstanding.

Because of the lack of information, they did not know that Gekko Moriah had died once.

A bright flare rose on the bottom of the sea.

The next moment.

More than fifty javelins covered the Straw Hat Pirates.

Among these fifty javelins, thirty contained devil fruit fragments.

It was enough for everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates to eat two javelins, and there was more than enough.

As for the other twenty or so javelins, some of them had seastone heads, and some were seastone powder bombs.

These javelins were fired by Vander Decken IX, the superhuman target fruit user.

Under the effect of the fruit ability, it was 100% hit.

But... it was useless!

The densely packed javelins were all collected in the palm of one pirate.

"So, is there anything else?"

There was already a murderous look on his face.

The new fishman pirates were chilled to the bone!

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