"Here, Doflamingo's body."

The Pirates handed Doflamingo's body to Aoki.

Aoki used his Ice Fruit ability to freeze Doflamingo's body and preserve it.

Then Aoki handed him the frozen Three Calamities.

Handing Doflamingo's body to the Navy was the premise for the cooperation between Sengoku and the Pirates.

One Doflamingo's body could be exchanged for two Navy admirals.

The Pirates felt it was worth it.

Sengoku also felt that sending out two Navy admirals could test the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, weaken the Beasts Pirates, and take down Doflamingo, which he also felt was worth it.

But neither Sengoku, nor Admiral Kizaru and Aoki expected it.

The Pirates actually took down the Beasts Pirates and Wano Country.

So, don't look at the atmosphere between the Pirates and Kizaru, Aoki is very good.

In fact, Kizaru and Aoki both understood that the situation was serious.

What was thought to be a bloody battle between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Beasts Pirates turned into a one-sided massacre.

Everyone knows that the more devil fruits pirates obtain, the stronger they are.

Now that they have obtained so many devil fruit abilities from the Beasts Pirates, it becomes almost impossible to control them.

The two did not dare to stay any longer.

They were afraid that the natural devil fruits on their bodies would be targeted by the pirates.

They chose to leave immediately.

The strength of the pirates exceeded everyone's imagination.

When Sengoku heard that the Beasts Pirates were completely destroyed and Wano Country was occupied by the Straw Hat Pirates, he was completely dumbfounded.

This was completely different from what he expected.

Although he achieved the goal of at least bringing back Doflamingo's body, he felt that he had accidentally created a more terrifying monster.

What's more terrifying is that the Navy seems to have no way to deal with this monster now.

When Sengoku notified the Five Elders and re-held a big discussion among the top leaders of the World Government about the Straw Hat Pirates, the news that Kaido's pirates were destroyed and Wano Country was captured by the Straw Hat Pirates spread like wildfire.

Through photos, people can see cities and islands in Wano Country floating in the air.

A shocking group of floating islands was formed.

This is undoubtedly a new ability that the pirates have taken from Shiki the Golden Lion.

Shocking pits appeared on the land of Wano Country.

There were no people from the Beasts Pirates.

Not even a corpse could be seen.

The explosive news once again shocked the world.

The Straw Hat Pirates are really powerful.

They destroyed the Seven Warlords of the Sea with one move before.

This time, they destroyed the Four Emperors with one move.

After a period of preparation.

More photos and details were reported.

It can only be said that the ability of reporters is really terrifying.

Even in the closed country of Wano, there are still reporters.

Blurred photos were released one by one.

But these blurred photos pieced together the general details of the battle.

The Four Emperors Kaido, the Beasts, was not defeated.

But he was launched into outer space.

Navy Admirals Kizaru and Aoki participated in the attack on the Three Disasters of the Beasts Pirates.

The Donquixote family was completely wiped out by the Straw Hat Pirates.

The main forces of Wano Country were bloodbathed by the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Beasts Pirates were harvested by the Straw Hat Pirates.

The general outline of the destruction of the Beasts Pirates was roughly presented.

It's not that the Beasts Pirates are not strong.

It's that Kaido is too weak.

As a result, the strongest of the Four Emperors did not play any role at all and was sent to outer space. It is still unknown when they can return.

Admirals Kizaru and Aokiji took down the three strongest disasters under Kaido in the Beasts Pirates. Without a leader

, it seems reasonable that they were destroyed by the Straw Hat Pirates.

But no matter how people look for the factors of the destruction of the Beasts Pirates.

How lucky the Straw Hat Pirates won.

But the Straw Hat Pirates have deserved the title of the new Four Emperors.

It was announced that Wano Country would be included in the management scope of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Then the seastone veins and the top swordsmiths were packed away.

In return, the pirates used the ability of the Floating Fruit to move mountains and fill the sea, and used the ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit to turn the rocks into sand, and then further into soil.

A large plain was created in the mountainous Wano Country.

After all, this will be their territory in the future.

Kaido can only be regarded as a famous teacher, but not a good animal trainer.

Even his own daughter is alienated from him.

Wang Dong knows the strategy of hitting a stick and giving a sweet date.

As long as he is given a certain amount of time, he can definitely tame Wano Country into a loyal dog.

When all forces in the world sent delegations to Alabasta to congratulate the Straw Hat Pirates on becoming the new Four Emperors, the pirates did not even have time to properly manage Wano Country.

Before the delegation of the Big Mom Pirates arrived in Alabasta, they took the lead in declaring war on the Big Mom Pirates. The

Straw Hat Pirates' madness exceeded everyone's imagination by declaring war on the Four Emperors Pirates in such a short period of time.

This time, the Straw Hat Pirates did not have two admirals to help them.

The result was once again jaw-dropping.

The Big Mom Pirates were also destroyed by the Straw Hat Pirates in a short period of time.

There are such reasons.

On the one hand, the strength of the pirates does exceed the upper limit of the Four Emperors.

On the other hand, the pirates still do not have martial ethics.

He used the Childlike Blood Eyes that he had obtained from the Don Quixote family.

The Childlike Blood Eyes had a very special ability.

It could turn the people it touched into toys, and it could also issue dominant commands to the toys.

In addition, it could also erase the memories of the people who had been turned into toys.

Such a heaven-defying ability naturally cannot be without limits.

If the strength gap is too large, the ability will not work, or it can only work on certain parts of the body.


The strength of the pirates is still above that of Big Mom Charlotte Linlin.

Then Charlotte Linlin, who was attacked by the childlike blood eye, turned into a huge toy man.

In a short period of time.

Everyone in the Big Mom Pirates lost the memory related to Charlotte Linlin.

So that there was a huge confusion in the memory.

The Straw Hat Pirates took the opportunity to go out and swept the Big Mom Pirates in a crushing manner.

In the end, the pirates used the dark blood eye to completely crush Big Mom's toy man, and while killing Big Mom, they stripped the superhuman soul soul fruit in her body.

Soul Soul Blood Eye, Licking Blood Eye, Glutinous Blood Eye, Steaming Blood Eye, Hot Blood Eye, Cream Blood Eye, Biscuit Blood Eye, Book Blood Eye, Chaotic Blood Eye, Mirror Blood Eye, Squeeze Blood Eye, Butter Blood Eye, Memory Blood Eye, Eat Blood Eye, Egg Blood Eye, Turtle Blood Eye...

This time, the pirates once again reaped a lot of rewards in the trip to all countries.

Not only did they get so many new blood eyes.

Even the three highest-level Homies Napoleon, Zeus, and Prometheus that Big Mom had worked so hard to create were sealed by the pirates with blood eyes.

Thus, they had three unique blood eye Jinchūriki.

Installing Napoleon's blood eye on the long sword can make this long sword have the quality and spirituality of the Supreme Great Sword Twelve Works level.

Placing Zeus's blood eye on others has the same effect as a superhuman electric discharge fruit user.

Placing Prometheus's blood eye on others has the same effect as a superhuman burning fruit user.

It's an extra gain.

Two of the four emperors were gone in a short period of time.

Unprecedented shock swept the world.

Everyone realized that a new order might be reshaped worldwide.

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