The extremely luxurious Cake Island of the entire Wanoku was packed up and taken back to the Alabasta waters by the pirates.

This is undoubtedly the best proof of the defeat of the Big Mom Pirates.

But before people can continue to be shocked.

The Germa Kingdom in the North Sea was attacked by the Straw Hat Pirates.

King Vinsmoke Judge of the Germa Kingdom surrendered to the Straw Hat Pirates.

The islands, laboratories, and warships occupied by the entire Germa Kingdom were packed up and taken away by the pirates.

And Vinsmoke Judge will then be mainly responsible for the production of artificial devil fruits.

When he was infused with Caesar Clown's memory.

He knew that he had no bargaining chips in front of the pirates.

If it weren't for the fact that he was Sanji's father.

He would have died.

As an evil scientist who is no less than Caesar Clown.

Vinsmoke Judge has extremely high attainments in science, and is also proficient in biology and mechanics.

When he, Caesar Clown, and Quinn were young, they were in the same laboratory as the world's number one scientist, Vegapunk.

Later, Vegapunk was incorporated into the World Government.

Vinsmoke Judge, Quinn, and Caesar Kulang escaped from the laboratory, escaped from the clutches of the World Government, and started their own business.

With the help of the discovery of bloodline factors, Vinsmoke Judge used his children as experimental subjects and gave them the ability to be born, which is equivalent to a natural devil fruit ability user who is not afraid of sea water.

Moreover, he has no emotions and obeys orders. He is an excellent experiment for him to realize his ambition.

Sanji is the only failure in his hands.

He has neither inherited abilities nor ordinary people's emotions.

But until his wife died of depression.

Vinsmoke Judge repented.

He still maintained his ambition to dominate the North Sea, but he also underestimated his wife's position in his heart.

Since then, Vinsmoke Judge still chose to dominate the North Sea.

But he never married a new wife and made more of his children into weapons.

He began to devote his energy to cloning research, thus creating a corps of replica soldiers.

In order to exert the combat power of his children and reduce the damage they suffered.

He also developed combat uniforms to increase the combat power of himself and his children.

Over the years, Vinsmoke Judge has been trying to expand the influence of the Germa Kingdom. He even created the feat of beheading four North Sea kings.

However, his ambition was never fulfilled due to many constraints.

Until he was incorporated into the Straw Hat Pirates.

Quinn focused his energy on the fields of mechanical transformation and viral biochemistry.

The result was just like that.

Caesar Clown mainly engaged in two aspects of research.

They were artificial devil fruits and human gigantism.

He had succeeded in the former. He had some results in the latter, but it was impossible to succeed, at least he did not have the ability to succeed.

Now Vinsmoke Judge has obtained the memory related to Caesar Clown's artificial devil fruit.

With his scientific research ability, it is not difficult to produce a large number of artificial devil fruits, and he can even improve the process to produce more powerful and more perfect artificial devil fruits.

He wanted to avoid the fate of Caesar Clown.

Not only did he die, his devil fruit ability was taken away, and finally his memory was taken away.

That was a bit too cruel for Vinsmoke Judge, who was tough on the outside but weak on the inside.

The Straw Hat Pirates' successive actions made the world feel that a storm was about to come.

Their feeling was correct.

The pirates did speed up their actions.

After taking over the Germa Kingdom, the Straw Hat Pirates brazenly attacked the underwater prison Impel Down.

The entire Impel Down was packed up and taken away by the pirates.

Kizaru and Aokiji, who were on standby at the Marine Headquarters, went to intercept them immediately.

"I will return the jailer of Impel Down to you."

"rest assured"

"None of the prisoners inside will walk out of my hands alive."

The pirates used the ghost domain to transfer all the jailers inside.

In order to avoid hurting the jailers of Impel Down, Kizaru and Aokiji had no choice but to let the pirates leave.

When the two reported the words of the pirates, the Five Elders, Sengoku, and a group of high-ranking officials of the World Government were silent.

At this point, the pirates have long been uncontrollable and lawless.

They can only pray that the pirates will not attack the holy land of Marijoa, and thank God for that.

There are cruel prisoners from all over the world imprisoned in Impel Down.

Among them are a considerable number of devil fruit ability users.

The fate of these devil fruit ability users can be imagined.

They were all transformed into blood eyes by the pirates.

And there is only one reason why the pirates are so impatient.

That is the one-year period is approaching.

A new universe will be decided to open.

It was previously discussed by Naruto and Marvel.

He was created in this way.

If he cannot enter the One Piece world within a year, it means that he will miss the development of the new universe.

Don’t think that Naruto and Marvel did not make any demands on him.

This is because the One Piece world is a nostalgic server for the two big guys, Naruto and Marvel.

They have no intention of getting anything from the One Piece world.

The devil fruit that is sought after by the world is not even worth looking at in the eyes of the two big guys, Naruto and Marvel.

Only when he independently created the first giant blood eye of his own, he was qualified to be called a fellow Taoist by the two big guys.

Relying on rewards is not enough to become an equal to the real big guys. Yes.

He was also very curious.

What will be the final quality of the giant blood eye made from the blood eye of the devil fruit.

Every world has its own rules.

The giant blood eye composed of the blood eyes of the devil fruit must be fundamentally different from the giant reincarnation eye and the giant rebirth eye.

The pirates did not attack the Celestial Dragons immediately.

Because he was not fully prepared.

The congratulations from various forces came late.

Their gifts were added layer by layer, among which the devil fruits occupied a huge share.

Including the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates, various kingdoms, and even the navy personally sent their congratulations.

This was unprecedented in the previous One Piece world.

The pirates and Vivi, as well as the Straw Hat Pirates, received the envoys from all parties and expressed their He has stopped expanding.

This accurate answer made all parties feel relieved.

After the grand gift.

The Pirates began the first step of assembling their own giant blood eye.

That is to combine the thousands of animal-type devil fruit blood eyes they have obtained.

Among them are various types of animal-type blood eyes, including ancient species and mythical beast species. After thinking about it.

He felt that the giant blood eye in front of him was missing something.

He opened the door and appeared outside the space.

Kaido, the Beast, who was flying back to the earth in a panic, saw the appearance of the Pirates, and fear finally appeared in the pupils of the Blue Dragon form.

Because being trapped in outer space for a long time is not thirsty, frozen, suffocated, and radiated. After a long time, he will really die.

It's just that he doesn't have to worry about the future.

Ghost Domain Expand

"Boom, boom, boom……"

The knocking sound continued to echo in the ghost realm, superimposed, and the power was infinitely increased.

No matter how strong Kaido's resistance was.

In front of the knocking sound with infinite power, he would still die.

He used the Dark Blood Eye to recover the Blue Dragon Fruit scattered in Kaido's body.

He recovered Kaido's body at the same time.

He opened the door.

He returned to the original place.

He threw the Blue Dragon Blood Eye into the thousands of animal blood eyes.

As the last puzzle was combined, the throbbing of terror unfolded around this giant blood eye.

A new category of giant blood eyes will appear.

The eyes of the Hokage and Marvel were refocused on the giant blood eye in front of the pirates.

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