The gestation of this animal-type giant blood eye, which is purely composed of the blood eyes of animal-type devil fruits, was too loud.

The pirates had to reappear in outer space through the door.

They located the moon in outer space.

This was because the moon was not visible during the day.

The giant reincarnation eye was used to locate the moon.

The door was opened and the moon was successfully landed.

Then the door was opened again.

Arrived at the back of the moon.

The blood light that shot into the sky could not even be isolated from the ghost domain.

Even if it belonged to the back of the moon.

The blood light still reflected the edge of the moon into a blood-colored round.

Half of the people in the world saw a blood ring appear in the sky.

For this ominous sign, people made various interpretations.

Among them, the most guided interpretation was that the Straw Hat Pirates suddenly appeared, and even the celestial phenomena issued an early warning, which was an ominous sign.

But even the Celestial Dragons did not care about the rumors of the people.

Let alone the pirates.

This gestation lasted for seven days.

The blood wheel also hung in the sky for seven days.

People all over the world could see it as soon as they looked up, whether it was day or night.

Wait until the giant animal-type blood eye was gestated.

The pirates sensed the power of this giant animal blood eye.

How should I put it?

It was not as amazing as I had imagined, but the power was just okay.

The strength of this giant animal blood eye itself was online.

It had completely surpassed the giant reincarnation eye he currently possessed.

This giant animal blood eye could activate the power of any animal blood eye inside, and could be amplified to the extreme.

It could also combine the power of the animal blood eyes inside by itself and fight in a chimera posture.

Under the amplification of the giant animal blood eye.

Even the most useless animal can exert the power of the top mythical beast species.

And the power of the top mythical beast species can be amplified to the mythical level.

But that's all.

It's powerful, but not as brilliant as I had imagined.

But it's already very good.

He tried to integrate the superhuman and natural blood eyes into it.

It turned out that the amplification effect was not as good as expected, and there was even a faint rejection reaction.

So he took out the superhuman and natural blood eyes again.

He shared the data of the giant animal blood eye with the Hokage and Marvel.

Then he finally got the recognition of the two bosses.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist"

""When we didn't think highly of you, you took the first step towards immortality."

At this moment, Pirates were moved to tears.

It seemed that he swept across the world of One Piece.

But in terms of the difference in life levels, he was not even worthy of carrying shoes for the two big guys before.

Now he can be called a fellow Taoist by the two big guys.

It really depends on his own efforts.


It is his own efforts.

As a gift for his immortality, both the Hokage and the Pirates gave him a big gift.

That is, a sacred fruit each.

Now the Hokage and the Pirates are not short of sacred fruits.

Marvel copied the bodies of Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Urashiki through the reality gem. The bodies of the two were fed to the other two sacred trees, giving birth to new sacred tree seedlings.

In this way, Marvel can plant three sacred trees at the same time.

Triple the harvest, triple the happiness.

Every month, the Hokage gets one, and Marvel gets two.

That's why the two of them were so generous to give the fruit of the sacred tree as a gift.

The pirates who didn't know the inside story were deeply moved.

But he didn't eat it.

Because he wanted to wait until he could combine the superhuman blood eye into a superhuman giant blood eye.

The natural type was out of the question.

He had collected all the natural devil fruits in the world, and they probably couldn't meet the minimum standard of combining the animal type giant blood eye.

The superhuman type was okay.

So the pirates issued a bounty worldwide.

The bounty was for superhuman devil fruits and superhuman devil fruit users.

Regardless of whether it was a superhuman devil fruit or a superhuman devil fruit user, they would be purchased at ten times the market price.

The more the quantity, the higher the price.

You can ask for Bailey, gold, jewelry, food, famous swords, ships, any supplies. You can also ask for resurrection. , treatment, creation of human beings.

Even founding a country, floating island, life span, going to outer space, landing on the moon are all possible.

As long as it is within the value of the devil fruit, you can make any wish.

The Straw Hat Pirates will do their best to help you complete it.

The Straw Hat Pirates even provide painless and immortal removal of the devil fruit ability in the body.

All those who are worried about becoming a target of superhuman devil fruit ability.

They can also come to the door and sell themselves.

As soon as this superhuman devil fruit bounty order was issued. It once again set off the world.

With the current strength and reputation of the Straw Hat Pirates in the world.

No one thinks they are talking nonsense.

Moreover, the pirates have harvested countless devil fruit abilities. When combined, they may really reach the realm of God.

Resurrection, life extension, creation of human beings, treatment, founding a country... every A service is enough to make anyone excited, including the Celestial Dragons.

The Celestial Dragons can enjoy a lifetime of wealth and glory.

Only their life span is the same as that of ordinary people.

This is undoubtedly the greatest injustice in their eyes.

And the older generation of strong men in the world have also rekindled hope.

For example, Edward Whitebeard.

As the strongest man in the world.

At his peak, he was said to have the ability to destroy the world.

But now he is old.

He has always been worried about what will happen to the Whitebeard Pirates after his death.

Now he has no such concerns.

Even the most rubbish superhuman devil fruit can be exchanged for a guaranteed life span of ten years from the hands of the pirates.

With the ability of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It is no problem to extend Whitebeard's life for hundreds of years.

The entire One Piece world has set off a wave of hunting for devil fruit ability users.

The devil fruit ability users who were originally envied by countless people have now become the existence that countless people are eyeing.

This has even spread to the animal devil fruit ability users.

The pirates also recycle animal devil fruits and ability users.

But because it is not necessary, the price is only twice that of the market.

When someone verified the service of the pirates.

There are broken limbs regenerated, terminal illnesses cured, rejuvenation, and resurrection of loved ones...

Taking these people as examples, the world fell into a further frenzy.

The Celestial Dragons became the biggest customers of the Pirates.

The quality and quantity of the superhuman devil fruits they provided were very satisfactory.

Then their requests naturally received the most satisfactory response.

The Celestial Dragons used their financial resources that surpassed everyone else to buy the most satisfactory service.

The Pirates also harvested a certain number of superhuman devil fruits.

Even though he always looked down on the Celestial Dragons.

But he had to say that it was quite pleasant to do business with the stupid and rich Celestial Dragons.

In just two months.

The superhuman blood eyes in the hands of the Pirates met the minimum limit of the combined animal giant blood eyes, and even exceeded it by a lot.

So he suspended the transaction.

The blood wheel appeared in the sky again.

This time the world was silent.

They guessed it.

But they didn't dare to say it.

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