The movement of the Superman-type Giant Blood Eye was much greater than that of the Animal-type Giant Blood Eye.

However, the gestation time was still seven days.

After seven days, the Superman-type Giant Blood Eye was completed. This time, the strength of the Superman-type Giant Blood Eye finally reached the estimated standard of the pirates.

Like the Animal-type Giant Blood Eye, the ability of each blood eye inside was not integrated.

However, the ability of each Superman-type Blood Eye was increased, and the ability generally entered the category of the rule system.

If the previous Superman-type ability could still be defended by the armed color domineering, then it is completely impossible now.

In addition, the Superman-type Giant Blood Eye also bred a small world.

As long as the ability of the Superman-type Giant Blood Eye is continuously improved, this small world will be directly upgraded to the Kingdom of God.

The potential is beyond imagination.

What is even more surprising is that the Natural Blood Eye can be perfectly integrated into the Superman-type Giant Blood Eye. The two complement each other and become more powerful.

At this point, the pirates finally took the two sacred tree fruits given by the Hokage and Marvel.

The qualitative change in the life level brought by the fruit of the sacred tree also forced him to transform into the form of an Otsutsuki.

Each of the two sacred fruits has dual abilities.

One has radiation and space, and the other has life and soul.

The power of the space gem and the soul gem was infused into the two sacred fruits, and the quality was further improved.

The form of Pirates changed into a golden reincarnation eye between the eyebrows, the left eye is an animal blood eye, and the right eye is a superhuman blood eye.

These three were originally in giant form.

Now with the improvement of the life level brought by the fruit of the sacred tree, they are perfectly integrated into his body.

Back to Earth.

Pirates opened the golden reincarnation eye between his eyebrows.

The insight directly penetrated the entire planet. The natural devil fruits, superhuman devil fruits, and animal devil fruits scattered all over the planet were all in his sight.

With the spatial ability from the space gem.

He harvested a huge amount of devil fruits every day without leaving his house.

These devil fruits were all transformed into blood eyes by him and integrated into his own eyes.

His strength has exceeded the dimension of the One Piece world.

With the Celestial Dragons voluntarily handing over all the devil fruits.

They had a good end.

The pirates did not attack the Celestial Dragons.

It was because the Celestial Dragons really had a self-destruct system that could drag the world into hell. After eight hundred years of rule, the Celestial Dragons had more powerful devil fruits than expected.

These even included bug-level existences such as the Black Hole Fruit, the Space Fruit, and the History Fruit.

So in order to prevent the Celestial Dragons from dragging everyone down with them, the pirates reconciled with the Celestial Dragons.

He built an ecosystem for the Celestial Dragons on the moon.

The Celestial Dragons were relocated to the moon.

The Celestial Dragons continued to enjoy their dream of being the nobles of the world and the descendants of the Creator on the moon.

The pirates did not break their promise.

It's just that the moon is different from what the Celestial Dragons imagined.

The moon in the One Piece world is not native.

A long time ago, a super civilization was born on the moon.

Even many of the technologies and devil fruits on Earth today may have been passed down from the moon.

But guess why the moon people with such advanced technology would choose to migrate all their people to Earth?

There is only one answer.

That is, the resources on the moon are no longer enough to support a technologically advanced civilization.

At first, the Celestial Dragons will find that the moon is full of birdsong and flowers, which perfectly matches their identity as descendants of the Creator.

Various autonomous robots on it will also serve the Celestial Dragons, making their lives more comfortable than on the ground.

However, these are all illusions.

When the resources accumulated on the moon for 800 years are exhausted, the Celestial Dragons will need to be self-reliant on the moon.

You can imagine what a wonderful picture that would be.

Even the Celestial Dragons have surrendered.

Not to mention others.

The Pirates first announced that they had become the Pirate King.

All forces in the world would have one word.

Right, right, right.

Then the Pirates announced that they had become the King of the World.

It was still the same reply.

He has become a god.

Everything he says is right.

All the Devil Fruits were forcibly recovered by the Pirates.

Including the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because there was no life-threatening situation and sufficient rewards were given.

So it was successfully carried out.

The Pirates naturally could not treat them unfairly.

They could choose to make a wish from him to get ten times the value of the Devil Fruit.

It can also be given the artificial animal-type blood eye of the Chimera form created by the pirates.

That is, the blood eye that combines multiple artificial animal-type characteristics is eaten by flames, solutions, plasma, land, stones, etc. to create the Chimera fantasy beast.

The type is essentially similar to the venom slime created by Caesar Kulang.

This is no longer in the category of devil fruit.

But the pirates can use the blank blood eye to re-encapsulate it into the animal-type blood eye of the fantasy beast.

It can also be sealed in other people's bodies as a tailed beast to let it exert its power.

Among them, the top Chimera fantasy beast species is not inferior to the original natural system in power, and has more pan-functionality.

It can be replaced at any time.

It will not be limited to the original ability of a devil fruit for a lifetime. And the pirates who collected almost all the devil fruits in the world.

The superhuman blood eye in his right eye has also completed the transformation again.

The small world inside has directly evolved into a kingdom of God.

His blood eye has also transformed into the true eye of God.

Driven by the eye of God.

His life level was once again elevated.

Before, he ate the fruit of the sacred tree and transcended ordinary life, but he still belonged to the category of extraordinary creatures.

Now he can be truly called a god in the literal sense.

He was not arrogant even though he became a god.

Because Naruto and Marvel had successfully built the Kingdom of God before him and also became a god-level existence.

And he just skipped the process of building the Kingdom of God, which made him seem to be progressing rapidly.

In fact, starting from the second Kingdom of God, his progress would be much slower than that of Naruto and Pirates.

The order of the world was completely rewritten.

The Straw Hat Pirates were above everyone else.

But they did not become the new generation of Celestial Dragons.

Because the pirates had no idea of becoming Celestial Dragons.

The regrets of the Straw Hat Pirates were partially made up.

He still did not become the world's number one swordsman.

But his childhood sweetheart, Kuina Shimotsuki, was resurrected.

Sanji returned to the sea restaurant Barati, accompanied by his mother Vinsmoke Sora.

Nami continued to sail and continued to draw her own world map.

In Cocoa West Village, Bell-mère gently accompanied her daughter Nokiko.

As the dean of the medical school, Chopper teaches, publishes books and studies new treatments.

Under his lecture hall, the quack doctor Hiruluk takes notes seriously.

Vivi manages the entire Straw Hat Sea.

She is also accompanied by her mother Didi.

Nico Robin rebuilt the archaeological capital of O'Hara. Even the legendary archaeological tree in O'Hara was reproduced by her with Wood Release.

Unfortunately, the Demon Killing Order destroyed O'Hara quite thoroughly.

She did not resurrect many people.

Here, the Archaeological Academy is being held. She is the dean of this archaeological academy, teaching people the knowledge of archaeology and the history that has been discovered so far.

Franky continues to build sea trains covering the world. Only by solving the transportation problem can technology be better developed.

In front of him, the legendary shipwright Tom carefully teaches what he has learned throughout his life, just to maximize the potential of his disciple Franky's Swallowing Blood Eye.

Perona went to the Daughter Island and stayed with Moria and others. They are Perona's real"family".

Brook resurrected his companions on the ship and found the island whale Lab to resume his voyage around the world.

For the Straw Hat Pirates, everything is perfect.

And for the world, their good days have just begun.

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