When the pirates had completed their mission,

Marvel also started their own actions.

Because the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One finally died.

On the surface, she was killed by her defected disciple Kaecilius with the help of the dark power of Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension.

In fact, she committed suicide. She was quite famous in the universe and gained power that the Eternals could not reach in a few hundred years.

But she also paid the price for her youth.

With the power of the Time Stone, she stole power from Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension, infinitely.

She thought that she had the Time Stone and the debt she owed could be postponed forever.

Then she found that she was still young.

The debt would not disappear, but would grow bigger and bigger.

When the debt rolled to the point where even the use of the Time Stone had to pay a price.

Ancient One had to make two choices.

That was to settle Dormammu's debt.

Or let the Time Stone also become his creditor.

Ancient One chose the former.

The latter was completely a poison to quench thirst.

So she died.

She was not worried that after her death, the earth would be swallowed by Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension.

Because there is a more terrifying existence than Dormammu in the universe who is eyeing the Time Stone.

And the other party is not very interested in the earth.

Sure enough, the first time after the death of the Ancient One, the Marvel Universe appeared on the earth.

As the disciple of the Ancient One, Doctor Strange Stephen Strange could not even resist and the Eye of Agamotto carrying the Time Stone was taken away.

There is a magic code on the Eye of Agamotto.

This is not difficult for him.

Directly give the Eye of Agamotto spirituality, and then invade and refine it, it will open automatically.

The last Time Stone was obtained.

Installed into the last blank of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Unimaginable power swept through his body.

His whole body entered the God Body stage under the effect of the six Infinity Stones.

The alien space directly promoted to the Kingdom of God.

The body was completely deified.

At this time, he was already a complete god, and his power was definitely the strongest in the Marvel Universe.

But he still followed the convention.

Hidden the Mind Stone and Soul Stone on the Infinity Gauntlet.

Everyone would think that he has the Power Stone, the Reality Stone, the Space Stone, and the Time Stone.

These are his more obvious actions.

But the Mind Stone and the Soul Stone are still unknown.

Ancient One knew about the Mind Stone.

But she may not know that the Soul Stone is also in the hands of Marvel.

As the saying goes, when things are full, they overflow.

A person who has four Infinity Stones is enough to dominate the universe.

He doesn't need to emphasize to others that he has all six Infinity Stones.

Once someone is fully prepared and tries to be his enemy.

At that time, the six Infinity Stones will completely give the other party despair.

When Dormammu sensed that Ancient One was dead, he tried to come to Earth as soon as possible. Devour the planet that gave birth to the bastard Ancient One.

Then he saw Marvel holding the Infinity Gauntlet with four Infinity Stones inlaid on it.

"Excuse me"

"I'm lost."

Dormammu closed the portal.

Four Infinity Stones, my god, it's scary.

Ancient One died.

The Earth lost a supreme guardian.

Doctor Strange without the Time Stone is still unable to take on the responsibility of protecting the Earth.

Fortunately, the Earth has welcomed the care of Marvel.

It will not be easily destroyed by extraterritorial demons and alien civilizations.

He appeared in front of Odin.

Odin looked at the Marvel and was not surprised.

"I am leaving"

"If you don't mind"

"Let Hela teach Loki a lesson"

"After possessing the power of Laufey, he seemed to be a little swelled again."

Odin is dead.

His body turned into pure energy and dissipated.

The Rainbow Bridge lit up.

Loki appeared at the place where Odin died.

She did not notice the existence of the Marvel Room.

Heimdall, who was guarding the Rainbow Bridge, did not see it either.

But he guessed that there was someone around Odin.

Loki, who was remembering Odin, suddenly felt the coming of death.

It was the real death.

The terrifying breath of death swept everything.

Thousands of years of sealing and suppression did not make the goddess of death Hela weaker.

On the contrary.

Her understanding of death became deeper.


Loki had no intention of fighting.

He called out to Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge.

But Heimdall did not respond.

Loki's heart sank to the ice abyss.

"Let me see what happened"

"A frost giant Asgardian god king"

"Oh, it's the acting God King."

"It's so funny."

The death goddess Hela was shocked and mocked by the facts, so she laughed heartily.


"Is this the first gift you gave me?"

"I have to say, you really gave me a surprise!"

Loki slowly backed away.

"Tell me, who are you?"

"What does it have to do with Odin?"

Loki tried to steady the other party.

Then he was nailed to the ground by a dagger.

The Loki in front of Hela disappeared.

The real Loki had retreated many steps.

"Very good illusion"

"It's already higher than my mother's attainments."

"But it's useless in front of me"


Because I can see death.

"Are you Hela, the goddess of death?"

"That's not a legend, you really exist?"

The goddess of death Hela walked slowly in front of Loki.


"It seems that old Odin has erased my existence."

"Even you, the bastard God King, have actually read the records about my past."

"Die, Frost Giant"

"Rest assured, this is the price you pay for tarnishing Asgard's glory."

"I will completely destroy Jotunheim, and not a single Frost Giant will be left alive."

The terrifying murderous aura washed over Loki's soul, and death spread through his body.

He felt that he was really going to die. He originally thought that he had inherited the power of the Frost Giant King from his father, Laufey, and might be qualified to truly be the God King who ruled Asgard.

Now it seems that he thought too much.

He���Not only was he abandoned by Heimdall, but he also brought disaster to the Frost Giants.

He once again remembered Odin's teachings.

To become the God King of Asgard, one must first have strength, and then wisdom.

He killed his father Odin.

The Rainbow Bridge opened again.

This time, Thor, the fully armed God of Thunder, descended.

He suddenly heard the news of his father Odin's death. He suddenly saw his brother Loki seriously injured and dying.

As the next God King appointed by Odin, he finally broke out the power of his other half of the God King's authority.

The God King's authority in Asgard was divided into two.

Half was in Odin's body, and the other half was in the body of the Goddess of Death Hela.

Because the Goddess of Death Hela was the next God King appointed by Odin thousands of years ago.

Odin died.

His half of the God King's authority was naturally transferred to Thor's body.

Facing the aura in Thor's body that was like the thunder of destruction,

Hela was not surprised but happy.

As long as she killed the God of Thunder in front of her.

She can then combine the authority of Asgard into one, and truly gain power over the Eternals.

At that time, she will lead Asgard to conquer the galaxy, spreading death and conquest to every corner of the universe.

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