Feeling the thunder force that was far more powerful than his own frost force erupting from Thor's body,

Loki felt relieved that he would not die. He also had a deeper understanding of power.

But he was too happy too early.

Thor certainly did not look like a qualified God King in any way.

But the courage and peace of mind he brought to people on the battlefield were unparalleled.

Thor's hammer smashed towards the goddess of death Hela in front of him.

He did not need to know who the other party was. He only needed to know that the enemy who killed his father Odin and seriously injured his brother Loki should die!

Then his thunder strike was taken by the other party with both hands.

This was the greatest respect Hela gave to Thor.

In front of Hela, the goddess of death, who completely mastered half of the power of the God King.

Thor, who had just inherited the other half of the power of the God King, was extremely weak. Thor's hammer shattered in the hands of Hela, the goddess of death.

This was not because Hela, the goddess of death, really had the ability to crush Thor's hammer with her bare hands.

It was because she was the former owner of Thor's hammer.

Thor was the current owner of Thor's hammer.

Both of them still have half of the power of the God King in their bodies.

So when the goddess of death Hela and the god of thunder Thor fought fiercely for the control of Thor, the spiritual Thor's hammer chose to self-destruct.

Thor's choice was actually biased towards Thor.

When Hela's strength surpassed Thor's.

If Thor's hammer fell into Hela's hands, the consequences would be disastrous.

Taking advantage of the gap when Thor lost his Thor's hammer and was distracted,

Hela easily broke Thor's limbs and sealed Thor's power with the power of death.

"It seems that victory still belongs to me."

The goddess of death Hela laughed crazily, and her long-cherished wish for thousands of years was finally about to be fulfilled in her hands.

But... she stopped. She left Thor's body and gave up the idea of killing Thor.

"How can it be?"

"I actually saw death in myself?"

"Odin is dead"

"Who can kill me?"

"Who dares to kill me!"

The goddess of death Hela actually sensed her own future death, which made her fall into madness again.

Then she died.

Before she died, she only heard a knock on the door.

Or it could be said that countless knocks were superimposed.

The broken Thor's hammer was reshaped in the hands of Marvel.

"Odin and I have a deal."


Marvel appeared and disappeared in front of the seriously injured Thor and the acting God King Loki.

"elder brother"

"You should be the God King."

The seriously injured Loki saw Thor's power surge again after the death of Hela, the goddess of death, and he completely lost the idea of becoming the God King of Asgard.

Thor, who had the full authority of the God King, was stronger than Hela, the goddess of death. He couldn't even take a move from Hela.

Not to mention Thor.

"I can be the king of gods"

"But I'll leave the management of Asgard to you."

After many years, the two brothers who had a rift came together again. In the 62nd year of Konoha, the three giants gathered together.

【Hokage Room: Congratulations to you for collecting all the Infinity Stones】

【Pirates: Congratulations. 】

Marvel, who has collected all six Infinity Stones, is the first to reach the end of his power.

He is a real giant.

【Marvel Room: Happy Together】

【Send a red envelope]

The Hokage and the Pirates received a sacred fruit each.

So grand.

It is something that neither the Hokage nor the Pirates have now.

After some greetings.

The next step is to choose the next world.

Because the previous choice of the Pirate World was mostly nostalgic.

So this time the choice of the new world is mostly functional.

No one dislikes more sacred fruits.

【Hokage Room: Now we start discussing the choice of the next world】

【Naruto: I propose Dragon Ball World】

【Marvel Studios: I propose the Death World】

【One Piece: I propose the Magical Index World]

Oh my goodness, opinions are divided once again

【Naruto Room: Reasons】

【Marvel Room: Aren’t you curious about what kind of power the Zanpakuto Blood Eye will have after it is combined into the Zanpakuto Giant Blood Eye?】

【One Piece: The Fantasy Hand can use the brains of ordinary people to increase computing power almost unlimitedly and convert computing power into superpowers】

【This kind of power is more universal and can greatly improve the level of civilization construction.】

【Naruto: Then the next world will be the Dragon Ball world.】

【Marvel Room:……】

【Pirates Room:……】

【Naruto: Now let's discuss what kind of power the fourth fellow in the Dragon Ball world should be given.

In the end, Naruto, Marvel, and Pirates each added a little bit of their abilities to the Dragon Ball information contract.

Prepare the ghost drawing ability, and a blank drawing paper appears; prepare the ghost Ma Liang, and draw the picture of the Dragon Ball world with one stroke; prepare the door opening ability; the door opens with a creak.

Dragon Ball World Episode 9.

The rabbit boss who has the ability to turn the lifeforms he touches into carrots is parasitized by the information contract, and in the blink of an eye he is transformed into the Dragon Ball.

Seeing a red-eyed rabbit man turned into a red-eyed young human.

Bulma is angry.

"It's you southern shapeshifters."

"Wu Long used his transformation ability to abduct women and blackmail villagers"

"You are using your transformation ability to collect protection fees, that's too much!"

Long Zhujian didn't care.

"Are you looking for Dragon Balls?"

"Can I get one?"

"Then I will disband the gang and stop doing bad things."

Longzhujian put forward his own opinion at the right time.

Bulma was in a state of hesitation.

"What? It seems that this little girl is just talking about good deeds."

"I heard that you didn’t pay for the things you bought before?"

"They don't want it."

Bulma was angry.

Is she the kind of person who needs money?

If she wants, she can buy the whole city.

"Okay, as long as you promise to disband your gang and not do bad things, I will allow you to see Dragon Ball."

"make a deal"

"No, Boss."

The two men hugged Long Zhujian's calves from left to right.

Then they were kicked away by Long Zhujian.

"I declare that the Rabbit Gang is disbanded."

"I will also leave this city."

When these words came out, everyone who heard them showed joy on their faces.

The two gang members were like bereaved parents.

Long Zhujian sat in the back of the flying car.

"Then let's go"

"I am also very curious whether the legend of Dragon Ball is true."

Bulma still didn't spend money on shopping.

As a reward for taking away the rabbit boss, all their consumption today was free. They bought enough supplies.

The original three-person team looking for Dragon Balls became four.

Under the guidance of the Dragon Ball Radar, there is no Dragon Ball that cannot be found.

They have successfully collected six Dragon Balls, and only the last one is left.

Legend has it that if you collect seven Dragon Balls, you can summon the dragon to make a wish.

Now it is close to verifying this legend.

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