"You can call me Jian. What's your name?"

Longzhu Jian greeted the others on the flying car.

"My name is Son Goku."

Son Goku kept eating the snacks that Bulma had just bought for free.

"My name is Wulong"

"Master Jian, I heard that you can turn other people into red carrots. How do you do that?"

The pig-headed Wu Long was curious.

"As long as you graduate from the Transformation University and master more advanced transformation techniques, you can transform into other people.


"I skipped school before I even graduated from kindergarten."

"You are indeed an elite who can dominate a city."

"I can only occupy one village."

Long Zhujian nodded.

"My name is Bulma"

"You are indeed the eldest daughter of the Universal Capsule Company."

"Only you can invent something like Dragon Ball Radar"

"Because even if others invent a radar to detect Dragon Balls, without a detection instrument on the satellite, the efficiency will still be greatly reduced."

Bulma was curious

"I didn't expect you to know technology?"

"I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit"

Bulma took the courtesy between Dragon Ball seriously

"Sun Wukong, can you give me some of your blood?"

"I can smell that you are fundamentally different from the people on Earth."


Sun Wukong agreed immediately.

He was used to being injured, so a little blood didn't hurt.

A 5 ml syringe appeared in Longzhujian's hand.

He drew 5 ml of blood from Sun Wukong's arm and dripped it into his mouth.


"What did you find?"

Bulma was not willing to believe that a gang leader like Longzhujian

"Sun Wukong is the first generation of aliens"


Bulma was shocked.

In the history of Dragon Ball Earth, there have been more than one wave of alien immigration, which has created many ancient high-tech relics and various strange races on Dragon Ball Earth.

They are all earthlings.

But they are all earthlings who have lived on Earth for a long time and their blood has degenerated. They no longer master the aliens' talents and abilities, and no longer inherit the aliens' scientific and technological knowledge and cultural heritage.

Except for their appearance, everyone is roughly at the same starting line.

The appearance of a first-generation alien not only means that alien spaceships have arrived without the knowledge of the current earthlings, but also means that another wave of alien immigration may appear.

Dragon Ball Earth is on the edge of the Dragon Ball Universe.

Only when a galactic interstellar war occurs and affects a wide range, will countless aliens come to Dragon Ball Earth for refuge.

Every time a wave of alien immigration brings technology, it also brings about a reshuffle of forces on Earth.

This is absolutely crucial information for Dragon Ball Earth. This is especially true for Bulma, the top chaebol on Earth.

Bulma doesn't even want to find the last Dragon Ball anymore.

She needs to confirm the authenticity of the judgment between the Dragon Balls.

And if Son Goku is the first generation of Earthlings, is he an accidental individual or a precursor to a wave of alien immigration?


"If you dare to lie to me, I'll make you pay."

Bulma was concerned about a martial artist like Son Goku who didn't understand hierarchy at all.

But she didn't have such a good face for Longzhu Jian.

The identity of the eldest daughter of the Universal Capsule Company was enough for her to walk sideways in any civilized place.

Grabbing the steering wheel of Wulong,

Bulma stepped on the accelerator and accelerated the speed of the flying car.

Soon they arrived at the location of the last dragon ball.

A castle that looked abandoned for a long time.

Longzhu Jian didn't care about Bulma's attitude.

He had obtained and integrated Son Goku's Saiyan genes.

Now he is getting stronger every moment.

He doesn't need to do anything.

Soon he will be the strongest on earth.

This is the horror of the Saiyan bloodline.

There is no need to transform into a Super Saiyan.

The normal Saiyan's bloodline is developed to a certain extent, and can easily reach a combat power of 10,000.

And 10,000 combat power is just the starting point of the Saiyans.

The Saiyan King of the now destroyed Vegeta Star is only about 10,000 combat power.

It is his upper limit that restricts the upper limit of the Saiyans.

A king who is jealous of others' talents is disastrous for a nation.

"Please leave the last dragon ball to me."

"It's my sincerity."

Longzhu moved his body.

He punched a hole in the castle and walked in.

Bulma and Ulong shuddered at the violent scene.

So this rabbit spirit is so strong.

He made a hole and walked in a straight line and appeared in front of the trembling Pilaf trio.

The three of them also looked for the dragon ball, and the last dragon ball was in their hands.

"Everyone, can you hand over the last dragon ball?"

"Of course."

Pilaf reluctantly handed over the last dragon ball.

The dragon ball master took the last dragon ball and walked out of the castle.

"The last dragon ball"

"Let's see if the legend is true."

The seven dragon balls put together emit a distinct golden light.

"Come out, Shenlong?"

The key spell was spoken in the dragon ball.

Suddenly, the sky changed and dark clouds gathered.

A huge Shenlong appeared from the dragon ball.

"Tell me your wish"

"I will do anything for you!"

While the others were shocked by the appearance of the dragon,

Long Zhujian spoke first.

"Give me a map of the distribution of galactic civilizations"

"Your wish has come true."

A vast star map was inserted into Longzhujian's mind, on which every civilization in the past and present was fully recorded.

The dragon that had fulfilled its wish disappeared.

The seven dragon balls also turned into stone balls and flew away.

However, Longzhujian was quick-witted and caught them all in his hands.


Bulma looked lonely.

"My handsome boyfriend."

This is Bulma's wish

"King of my world."

This is Pilaf's wish

"My underwear."

This is Wu Long's wish

""Can I revive my grandfather?"

This is Sun Wukong's wish.

His grandfather, Sun Wuhan, died tragically.

He still doesn't know that his grandfather, Sun Wuhan, was trampled to death by him because he turned into a giant ape on the night of the full moon.

"What on earth did you do!"

"That's my Dragon Ball, mine!"

Bulma grabbed the collar of Dragon Ball madly.

"One year later you can make another wish"

"Besides, aren’t you curious about the Milky Way?"

"As long as we find the spaceship that brought Sun Wukong to Earth"

"We can use spacecraft to visit various civilizations in the galaxy."

"That's the dream a scientist should have."

"Not a boyfriend."

Bulma couldn't hold back after hearing what Dragon Ball said.

"Of course I'm a scientist"

"But I also have puberty, OK?"

Bulma let go of the Dragon Ball room

"Forget it, now that the Dragon Ball wish has been verified to be true"

"It is acceptable to wait a year before making a wish."

""Son Wukong, let's go back to your house first and see if there are any spaceships around your house?"

Bulma cheered up again.

Compared with her boyfriend, verifying the first generation of aliens was much more important.

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