Unimaginable anger accumulated in Misaka Mikoto's heart.

Now she doesn't have much hatred for Accelerator.

Because what she saw was only the"Mass Production Type Ability User Plan".

The original purpose of this plan was to mass-produce LV5-level superpower users.

As a result, what was produced was generally LV2-level weak ability users.

But a deeper level is that after the plan failed, it became a mass-produced clone for military purposes.

The quality of a single Lv2 weak ability user is average.

But at a unit price of 180,000 yen, the learning device can forcibly input basic skills such as speech, movement and military.

The combat power that erupted can be described as exaggerated.

If the dark side of each country is not considered.

Only the LV2 Misaka Corps is enough to sweep the world's corps of various countries on the surface.

What a terrifying power.

And this is not the limit of LV2 Misaka sister. The military combat level of LV2 Misaka sister is still steadily improving with the increase of training.

As the combat target of Misaka sister, it is naturally Accelerator, the number one superpower user in Academy City.

Only Accelerator can guarantee that he will be unscathed under the attack of Misaka sister.

This is also the reason why Misaka Mikoto did not have much resentment towards Accelerator.

Even though he killed many Misaka sisters.

But on the surface, he was also a victim used for combat testing.

Misaka Mikoto certainly did not know.

The two-layer plan she could see was a disguise.

There was also a third layer plan for this experiment, which was the"Absolute Power User Evolution Plan".

According to the calculations of the tree diagram designer.

As long as Accelerator can conduct combat experiments with 20,000 Misaka sisters, then after passing, he can be upgraded from a LV5 superpower user to a LV6 absolute power user.

So far, he has killed thousands of Misaka sisters and there is no turning back.

Misaka Mikoto, who did not know this, naturally first attacked the related companies and research institutes involved in the mass production of power users and military clones.

In front of her superpowers and invincible hacking technology.

As long as it is presented on the Internet, there is nothing she can't investigate.

She was shocked by the companies and research institutes one by one.

Many of them were companies and research institutes with which she had cooperated.

As a result, she underestimated the sinister nature of people. She never expected that the other party would be so beastly.

The attack began.

She did not need to be there herself.

What she had to do was to trigger the fire alarms of major companies and research institutes first.

After the relevant personnel evacuated, she would manipulate the server to short-circuit and burn the server.

Overnight, the Academy City was filled with smoke and flames.

Misaka Mikoto thought that was enough.

Such a huge loss was enough for the other party to terminate the experiment.

However, what Misaka Mikoto did not expect was that the security team found her.

But the most direct reason why the security team found her was not that she attacked so many companies and research institutes, causing unimaginable economic losses.

It was that more than 300 researchers were burned to death in the building and the research institute.

"How is this possible?"

Misaka Mikoto couldn't believe it.

She had clearly set off the server fire only after confirming that all personnel had evacuated.

But she looked at the pictures provided by the security team.

There were charred bodies and the identity information corresponding to the bodies.

Many of these people were scholars with considerable international reputation.

Now they were all buried in the sea of fire.

So Misaka Mikoto had to take responsibility.


Misaka Mikoto fell from the top of Academy City to a criminal.

Even though a large number of students were unwilling to believe this fact.

But after the security team provided comprehensive evidence and the video of Misaka Mikoto admitting it herself, they had to believe it.

No one knew Misaka Mikoto's motives.

Misaka Mikoto herself didn't say.

I don't know. Those who know naturally don't know.

Those who know can't say it.

In short, Misaka Mikoto went from being the representative of Academy City to a world-class killer demon. She is countless times worse than Accelerator who actually killed thousands of people with his own hands.

The massacre caused by Misaka Mikoto's rampage attacks on many companies and research institutes.

The bill to restrict high-level ability users is also being quickly released.

Misaka Mikoto was imprisoned in the highest level prison awaiting trial.

Her parents and classmates came to see her.

They were unwilling to believe that Misaka Mikoto would do such a thing.

But Misaka Mikoto admitted it herself.

As for why, she kept silent.

To Misaka Mikoto's surprise, Shokuhou Misaki, her mortal enemy of Tokiwadai Junior High School, also came to see her

"You found out,"


But I really didn't expect you to do it so violently.

"I started the fire, but I checked the surveillance video to confirm that no one was inside the building."

"I don't know how they died, but I have to take responsibility." Misaka Mikoto said what she hadn't said before.

"It seems that they are no longer satisfied with your clone, but are targeting you as a person."

"Using so many lives, or corpses, in exchange for your confession and becoming an experimental subject"

"What a big deal."

Shokuhou Misaki's words finally caused Misaka Mikoto to react.

"What do you mean?"

Misaka Mikoto's pupils shrank to the extreme.

Even though she had imagined the darkness as much as possible, she didn't expect that Shokuhou Misaki's mouth could contain even deeper darkness.

"Means nothing"

"If we are lucky, we can meet again, and even be colleagues."

"bad luck"

"This is the last time we meet."

"Bye now"

"The innocent Misaka Mikoto."

Shokuhou Misaki is gone.

Misaka Mikoto's mood could not calm down for a long time.

The turmoil surrounding Misaka Mikoto continued.

5 days later.

Misaka Mikoto began to dream again.

She once again dreamed that she was killed, and was brutally killed by Accelerator in various ways.

The servers of dozens of companies and research institutes caught fire, and the deaths of more than 300 elite researchers did not stop the experiments.

For the first time, she deeply understood the darkness of Academy City.

She was still too naive.

Under the torture of the dream of death and the despair of cruel reality.

Misaka Mikoto turned black.

She ignored the risks and became an apostle of the Magical Forbidden Room.

The Fantasy Hand connected Misaka Mikoto and the Misaka network of more than 10,000 Misaka sisters.

With the blessing of the same source computing power.

Misaka Mikoto was directly amplified to the level of half-step lv6.

An angel ring appeared above her head.

Wings composed entirely of electric current appeared behind her. The ceramic armor that restrained her shattered in front of the huge wings.

The extremely sturdy high-level ability prison was useless to Misaka Mikoto at this time.

Amid the alarm, Misaka Mikoto easily destroyed the wall, spread her wings behind her, and soared into the sky


The thousands of deaths in the Misaka Network completely destroyed Misaka Mikoto's sanity.

She now had only one thought.

That was to kill Accelerator!

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