It was impossible for Misaka Mikoto's jailbreak to be hidden from the top management of Academy City.

But they could no longer care.

Because nearly 11,000 Misaka sisters went berserk at the same time.

These military replicas that surpassed the King of Soldiers controlled the entire Academy City's power system, media system, robot system, transportation system, etc.

All networked institutions were controlled by Misaka sisters.

The shrill alarm rang throughout the Academy City.

Teachers were warned that the student groups should stay in school and dormitories.

The entire Academy City was declared to be under military control and curfew.

The darkness of Academy City was also exposed indiscriminately on the Internet and around the world.

The entire Academy City was caught in a hail of bullets.

All the guards who did not obey the control were shot directly.

One by one, enterprises and research institutes were breached, all the data was copied, and all the researchers who participated in human experiments were executed.

The General Council of Academy City.

Except for Aleister Crowley's windowless high-rise, which could not be breached.

Everyone else was killed.

The Anbu organization props, schools, and hound troops were also annihilated in a short time.

The second-ranked superpower user, Kakine Teito, and the fourth-ranked Maizono Shiori were all killed. Those criminal groups of people without superpowers and people with superpowers were also wiped out.

Death became the main theme of this city that claims to be the safest.

Accelerator also died.

His strength as the number one superpower user is indeed worthy of the name.

But he was still worn to death by the runaway Misaka Mikoto.

Literally worn to death.

With the support of Misaka Network and Fantasy Hand, she set off a huge iron sand storm comparable to the black storm.

In the iron sand storm, she was rubbing against Accelerator frantically all the time.

Not seeking damage, but seeking the largest friction area.

She had only one goal, which was to consume Accelerator's computing power.

Accelerator's ability is vector operation.

It can control the direction of any energy.

This means that any attack against him can not only be rebounded, but also controlled by Accelerator as his power.

This almost invincible power, on the surface, he has no weaknesses.

Because even in the center of a nuclear explosion, he can be safe and sound.

But there is almost no power without weakness in the world.

The same is true for Accelerator.

He has a weakness that is not a weakness.

That is, when he uses his power, he consumes a lot of energy, but he is a thin person.

This means that it is difficult for him to accumulate too much energy.

So Accelerator replenishes high-sugar drinks almost all the time.

Misaka Mikoto has grasped this almost common weakness of superpowers.

Through the iron sand, he rubs Accelerator's whole body without dead ends.

Stimulate him to use high-intensity computing power to protect his whole body.

High-intensity use of computing power will cause Accelerator's brain to heat up, energy consumption, and cannot last long.

Misaka Mikoto has more than 10,000 Misaka sisters and tens of thousands of fantasy hand members to provide computing power.

There is also the blood eye in the magic room to provide physical energy support in Misaka Mikoto's body.

What does Accelerator have?

He has nothing. He can only rely on himself.

So under the extreme crushing of computing power.

Accelerator eventually lost consciousness due to brain overload.

Then his personal reality was deprived by the blood eye.

His body was ground into powder by the furious Misaka Mikoto with iron sand.

The Magical Forbidden City did not intend to use the method of depriving souls on a large scale to obtain the blood eyes of the ability users.

But some people in Academy City are not human at all.

Whether they were seduced and corrupted by the top leaders of Academy City, or they stumbled and walked on the evil path.

They all deserved to die.

So they died.

Accelerator was worn out to death.

The second-ranked Kakine Teito, his ability is the Unreal Matter.

Its characteristic is that it can create matter that does not exist in the Magical Forbidden City universe.

He has the destructive power of no less than Accelerator, but he was defeated very quickly.

The Magical Forbidden City only used the Illusion Hand to give him multiple abilities through the AIM diffusion field.

Then Kakine Teito, who temporarily became a multi-talented ability user, directly broke into pieces and collapsed.

Maiyano Shenli was defeated the most shamefully.

Her superpower atomic collapse can emit super strong electron beams, melting and destroying everything in front of it.

But the high-intensity power brings a decrease in control.

Facing the strafing of Misaka sisters from all directions.

She was beaten into a sieve because of insufficient protection after her teammates were eliminated in advance.

The fifth-ranked esper, Shokuhou Misaki, chose to join the Misaka Sisters Group. The sixth-ranked esper, Aika Etsu, is missing.

The seventh-ranked esper, Sogiita Gunha, chose to remain neutral.

A bloody battle overnight.

Misaka Sisters lost more than 300 people.

But the result was that the entire Academy City fell under the control of Misaka Sisters.

On the second day after Misaka Sisters took over Academy City.

Majinkan successfully obtained three sacred tree fruits from his other self, a giant animal blood eye and a giant Zanpakutō blood eye.

And Majinkan, who killed overnight, had a huge harvest.

Through the rapid ripening of the fantasy hand.

He harvested thousands of blood eyes of esper users and could combine them into a giant esper blood eye.

Three days after taking over Academy City.

Academy City was open to entry and exit.

The population of Academy City, which had a population of 2.3 million, plummeted.

It plummeted to about 300,000.

Countries, companies, and research institutes were madly discrediting Academy City.

On the eighth day after taking over Academy City.

Academy City disappeared.

Literally disappeared.

Except for a solitary building.

Most of the buildings and facilities in Academy City disappeared, leaving only a huge crater.

Also disappeared were the 300,000 people remaining in Academy City.

On the seventh day after Academy City disappeared.

Academy City reappeared.

But the location of its appearance was extremely bizarre.

It was on the moon.

Academy City became the first city to land on the moon.

Whenever people look at the moon at night.

They can see that bright light on the moon.

Academy City shows its existence to the world in another extremely sci-fi way.

100% successful ability development.

The minimum strength of Lv4 high-ability users. Fully automatic operation of Academy City.

Virtual reality technology has achieved results.

Energy technology has made a successful breakthrough.

The first human to successfully land on Mars


Academy City, which was demonized by countless people, showed people the technological progress of Zenith Star level.

Academy City was recruiting students.

When this announcement was made, the world went crazy.

Countless people sent crazy emails to Academy City, including students who had previously withdrawn from Academy City.

At this time, they regretted it.

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