"Well said"

"King of Conquerors Iskandar appears."

Along with lightning and thunder, a cool bullock cart appears.

A burly man is driving the cart steadily.

Behind the cart, a thin boy is staggering in it.

"Is King Arthur actually a girl?"

"Are you interested in becoming my queen? I can give you half of the honor of the King of Conquerors.

In front of everyone,

Iskandar proposed to Altria.

"You are insulting a king!"

The invisible sword in Altria's hand revealed its true appearance.

Lancelot roared at Iskandar.

Seeing that his heroic spirit had caused public outrage as soon as he appeared on the stage,

Waver quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.

"Rider didn't mean that; he was joking, just kidding."

"Is he Rider's Master?"

"The body looks a bit thin, not to my taste"

"But to be recognized by King Iskandar of Conquerors, he must be a good man."

"Maybe after some training, he will be qualified to be my husband.

Medea also revealed her feelings for Weber without any reservation.

Weber was so scared that he hid behind Iskandar.


"Weber, I told you you're pretty good."

"Your mentor made a mistake."

"Even the famous Medea can look up to you"

"Go and marry Medea."

"I will be your master of ceremonies!"

Iskandar laughed and praised Weber to the utmost.


"You can't pretend you haven't heard of this."

"The thief who stole my holy relic has the right to hold his head high?"

Director Kenneth's words resounded throughout the audience.


Weber didn't expect to meet his director.

He shrank into a ball in fear and guilt.

"I said Weber is qualified, so he is qualified"

"I am Iskandar, the King of Conquerors"

"For a guy like you who hides his head and shows his tail"

"Even if it's magic, I would disdain it, let alone a mere monarch?"

"Haha, since when did a magician become qualified to be called a monarch?"

"Is it really hilarious?"

At least after King Arthur and before modern times, the status of magicians was not high. It was normal for them to be driven by wise and capable monarchs. It was not until modern times that the magic knowledge system experienced a qualitative leap, coupled with the monopoly of magicians brought about by the decline of magic power, that magicians almost monopolized the status of the other world.

"You are not allowed to insult my monarch!"

Diarmuid was anxious.

In the myth, he eloped with the fiancée of Finn, the leader of Fiona, which caused a rift between the two.

In the end, Diarmuid was seriously injured by the demon pig transformed by his brother and was on the verge of death.

The leader Finn had healing water that could save him, but he deliberately missed it every time, which led to his death.

So the purpose of Diarmuid's response to the call of the Holy Grail this time was to make up for the regret of the discord between the monarch and his subjects.

Unfortunately, he seemed unable to do so.

Because the fiancée of the master Kenneth fell hopelessly in love with him

"Where is Archer?"

"Are you afraid to show up?"

Iskander ignored Diarmuid.

For such a loyal dog, it would be the best as his subordinate.

But as his opponent, he didn't even take a second look at the opponent who couldn't be recruited.

"Who are you talking about?"

A treasure shot towards Iskandar.

Without waiting for Iskandar to react

, Lancelot took the lead and caught the shot treasure spear with his bare hands and held it in his own hand.

"A knight does not die with bare hands!"

Through this, Artoria finally confirmed Lancelot's identity.

A golden man appeared on the street lamp, looking down at the people present.

""You have not come to see the Hero King Gilgamesh!"

He swept over the crowd with a kingly demeanor as if he was born with it.

The Heroic Spirits were fine.

Waver and Irisviel almost knelt down.

Lancelot brought the Noble Phantasm back to Type Moon.

Type Moon took the Noble Phantasm and then put it into his body.

"Excuse me"

"Lancelot has the ability that a knight will not die unarmed."

"All items and treasures that fall into his hands can be used directly as his weapons"

"I also have a similar ability, I can take other people's treasures and use them for myself"

"So I have no intention of killing any Masters or Heroic Spirits except Matou Zouken."

"But if your Noble Phantasm falls into my hands, I will not return it."

Xing Yuejian once again openly spoke of Lancelot and his own abilities.

This approach earned him the respect of the Heroic Spirits present.

The Heroic Spirits hated those who hid their heads and showed their tails.

If they could take their Noble Phantasms head-on, it would not be mean, but a skill.

"Hey, what do you think about the Holy Grail being contaminated?

Gilgamesh spoke up.

In his opinion, the Holy Grail was his, and he could not accept the fact that it was contaminated and its value was reduced.

"It is literally polluted."

"In the Third Holy Grail War"

"The Einzbern family summoned a heroic spirit named Angra Mainyu to win."

"As the embodiment of all the evil in this world, after he died in battle and his soul returned to the Holy Grail, it naturally polluted the Holy Grail and distorted its essence."

"So what is the point of a Holy Grail that distorts desires and turns everything to the evil side?"

Type Moon's statement was recognized by everyone present.

In the final analysis, everyone participated in the Holy Grail War for different reasons, but except for the Einzbern family's persistent desire to obtain the Holy Grail, everyone else's purpose was different.

For example, Director Kenneth wanted to prove himself to his fiancée Sora.

Waver wanted to prove himself to Director Kenneth.

There was no reason for them to kill each other.

The previous reason was the Holy Grail.

Now that the Holy Grail was contaminated, the desire to fight was greatly reduced.

"How could it be?"

Alice couldn't accept it.

"So there is no Holy Grail as a reason for hostility."

"Why don't we have a party here?"

"So many heroes gathered together"

"Don't always think about fighting and killing. The Holy Grail War will end in half a month anyway."

"Why not enjoy it for a while?"

Xingyuejian made his own suggestion

"good idea"

"But we don't seem to have prepared any food or drinks.

Iskandar was the first to agree.

"Hero King, I'll leave it to you."

"If you want to fight, you can stay until the last day of the Holy Grail War."

"Let's fight without any worries"

"Now it's time for the banquet"

"With your ability, let's have a full banquet and delicious wine."

Type Moon began to order.

The King's Treasury not only has weapon-type treasures, but also other types of treasures.

Including food-type treasures.

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