"You are not qualified to order me around!"

Another treasure flew towards Xingyuejian.

Then, Lancelot caught it with his bare hands again.

Xingyuejian happily collected it.

"Thank you for the reward from the Hero King"


The Hero King landed on the ground.

The King's Treasury behind him opened.

He did not spoil the fun of everyone present.

Table after table of banquets were taken out from the King's Treasury behind him, and bottles of fine wine were not left out.

All of them were banquets and fine wines of the treasure level.

Even the many heroes present had never experienced such a luxurious banquet before and after their death.

So no matter what they had thought before, they focused their attention on the banquet at this time.

"Hassan Sabbah!"

"You are one of the assassin kings."

"Knowing that the Holy Grail is already contaminated, you still don't even have the courage to show up!"

Type Moon's words made the masters present alert.

"Assassin has been killed by me."

Gilgamesh was extremely confident.

Then he was slapped in the face.

Hassan with a bone mask on his face really appeared.

And it was not just one person.

There were dozens of Hassans.

Dozens of Hassans appeared and merged with each other to become one Hassan.

"The old man in the mountain, the assassin king Hassan Sabbah greets you all."

A voice that is indistinguishable between male and female came out of his mouth.

As the assassin king, he can do whatever it takes when carrying out assassinations.

But when he is not assassinating, he is also a king.

"How dare you play tricks on me!"

A dense array of treasures was launched directly, attacking Hassan.

Because the Hero King was so angry that he launched so many treasures this time, so Type Moon and Lancelot attacked together.

Like a butterfly flying through flowers, the two of them moved among the treasures.

In the end, all the treasures were intercepted.

Hassan did not move at all, and was not hurt at all.

"Thank you for the reward from the Hero King"

"Mr. Hassan, please take a seat.

Hassan also showed a certain degree of kingly demeanor and sat down at the banquet.

"The Masters won't show up?"

"This may be the only chance in your life to enjoy a banquet of the Noble Equipment level."

"To be honest, this banquet is more precious than your lives."

"If this doesn't want to happen"

"I can only say that you all deserve the title of Magician's Mouse."

"Weber, I toast you a glass."

Xingyue Jian toasted Weber.

Weber was flattered.

"I won't drink that."

"Hero King, give me some juice."

The Hero King was furious.

But he still didn't want to ruin this rare banquet, so he accepted it.

"Madam, I want to toast you too."

"You have to think positively"

"This holy grail is useless."

"At least your daughter has avoided the fate of being made into a vessel for the Holy Grail."

"Isn't this the greatest happiness for you?"

Type Moon's words finally stimulated Irisviel, who was in a low mood.


"No, she must not be treated like that!"

Irisviel's maternal love burst out.

Emiya Kiritsugu appeared in front of Irisviel.

"Don't worry"

"I will never let that happen."

Emiya Kiritsugu comforted his emotional wife.

"You are the most useless"

"What else can you do besides hunting magicians?"

"Let me tell you about the future after the failure of the Holy Grail War"

"You can't even enter the Einzbern family's residence"

"He could only watch from outside the forest as his daughter underwent the most brutal human transformation and was transformed into the most powerful Holy Grail vessel in history."

"You died early."

"Otherwise you will die at the hands of your beloved daughter."

"What an ironic future this is"

"Emiya Kiritsugu, who saved countless people, could not save his family and himself."

Type Moon spoke of Emiya Kiritsugu's future with extremely ironic words.

With the ability he showed, people would not doubt his lies, but would think that he had the future vision to see through a person's fate.

Emiya Kiritsugu was also shocked by such a cruel future.

He never expected that the consequences of the failure of the Holy Grail War would not be borne by himself, but would fall on his daughter.

"But rejoice"

"The future has changed"

"Save the world, world peace"

"Even Bao Shi Weng doesn't dare to have such a wish, so how can you be worthy!"

"The tragedy of the Fifth Holy Grail War was all Tokiomi's fault."

"But if he takes half, you and Kotomine Kirei can at least take one third each."

"They are all scumbags!"

Type Tsukishima said excitedly.

Tōsaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei did not expect that it would suddenly involve them.

At the same time, they also had some guesses about Type Tsukishima's identity.

Perhaps he was the one who returned to the Fourth Holy Grail War from the Fifth Holy Grail War through some special ability.

"Damn it, that guy Matou Zouken has to bear all the responsibility for all the tragedies, and all the responsibilities of others combined owe him a thousand!"

Type Moon revealed the future without any scruples.

This also explained why he captured the Matou mansion and killed Matou Zouken in the beginning.

The eyes of others were focused on Matou Sakura beside Medea.

She was probably the biggest victim of Matou Zouken.

"But won't the next Holy Grail War be in sixty years?"

Kenneth questioned

"Before was before, now is now"

"Anyway, no matter what the reason, the next Holy Grail War will be held in ten years."

"And you're dead"

"Died miserably."

"He was slaughtered by Emiya Kiritsugu, his body was beaten into a hornet's nest, and not even a complete magic seal was left."

"Fortunately, your beloved fiancée Sora also died, so you can still be a qualified licker in the afterlife."

This fact undoubtedly had a great impact on Kenneth's spirit.

He thought that even if he was not the winner of the Holy Grail War, he was fully capable of escaping unscathed.

In the end, he died, and died so miserably, and dragged Sora to death with him.

He never thought about whether there was another possibility.

That he was dragged to death by Sora.

"You died without leaving behind even a complete magic seal. The future of the El-Melloi faction is uncertain."

"Fortunately, you had a lot of bad luck in your life."

"He made many contributions after his death."

"Your niece, Lanis El-Melloi Archizorti, inherited your magic seal and business."

"And he had a unique vision and shamelessly flattered Weber."

"Let Weber inherit the title of El-Melloi II and let the El-Melloi faction return to the monarchy"

"Unexpectedly, Weber's ability is much greater than imagined. He has brought considerable changes to the entire Clock Tower."

"It's just that you probably won't have to die now."

"Weber was also booked by Medea in advance"

"Unless Medea unilaterally vetoes you"

"Otherwise, just accept your fate!"

Type Moon said wantonly, changing the future of Kenneth and Weber. He did n't care what the consequences would be!

He didn't even have the restraint.

Others were even less qualified to worry.

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