He easily suppressed the original body of the Black Mountain Old Demon in the human world.

Then he sealed it in a wooden clone. He then transplanted a blood eye between the eyebrows of the wooden clone to refine the original body of the Black Mountain Old Demon in the body.

He then obtained a blood eye clone of the Black Mountain Old Demon.

""Sword divides Yin and Yang!"

A sword cut the boundary between the human world and the underworld.

He jumped in without hesitation.

Yan Chixia gritted his teeth and followed in.

The City of Wrongful Death was just below the Black Mountain Mass Grave.

So they had just entered the underworld and fell into the City of Wrongful Death.

It must be said that the Black Mountain Old Demon was quite creative.

In the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, the gods and Buddhas disappeared, and the road ahead was cut off.

In the pursuit of finding a stronger power, he chose to develop in the underworld.

With the advantage of his Black Mountain Mass Grave, he successfully established the City of Wrongful Death in the underworld.

From the Black Mountain Old Demon, he became The Black Mountain Old Demon and the Black Mountain Ghosts and Gods developed in two directions.

But even such a two-in-one. It was meaningless to face the world of cultivation.

The original body of the human world was easily suppressed.

The ghosts and gods of the underworld could not put up any decent resistance.

The world of cultivation took down his original body and used the Blood Eye of the Tomb Soil.

To take down the City of Wrongful Death, the Blood Eye of the Ghost Shepherd was used.

In the face of this complete restraint.

Including the Black Mountain Ghosts and Gods, they had no choice but to submit.

Obviously, he had already condensed the golden body of Buddhism and the Vajra Dharma.

But when the world of cultivation dealt with the Black Mountain Old Demon, it still used evil means.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right now!"

There is no bright Buddhist meaning.

There is only gloomy horror.

"Soul-demanding Sanskrit sound?"

Yan Chixia's face changed.

He watched helplessly as the ghost soldiers and generals of the entire Wrongly Dead City struggled in pain under the soul-demanding Sanskrit sound, and then disappeared into thin air.

"Successfully liberating the evil spirits of a city, the merits are immeasurable."

Something that almost overturned Yan Chixia's three views happened again.

Because he really saw the Buddha's light shining brightly on the cultivator, and a Buddha wheel appeared behind his head.


Yan Chixia couldn't believe it.

Killing evil spirits with evil means can also increase merit?

If there are so many evil demons in the world, wouldn't it mean that there are Buddhas everywhere?

"Yan Chixia, you are still obsessed"

"Buddhist methods: judging by deeds rather than intentions"

"The evil spirits in the City of the Wrongly Dead are not worthy of being saved by Buddha's light. No matter what means are used, saving them is to eliminate harm for the people and it is a great achievement."

Even though Yan Chixia saw the result with his own eyes, he was still indignant.

"Am I obsessed?"

"I'm afraid it's not that you have a problem with your understanding of Buddhism."

Yan Chixia would never admit that he was wrong.

How could the cognition he had built up over decades be easily destroyed?

It can only be considered that it's not him who has a problem.

It's the problem of the world of cultivation.

His cognition is actually correct. But the understanding of the world of cultivation is also correct.

It can only be said that the doctrines in reality are not like mathematics, where there is only one solution.

Instead, there are many understandings.

These understandings have their own reasons.

As long as it can lead people to goodness and the result is good, it is good. He shot a blood eye into the forehead of the Black Mountain Ghost God.

In a blink of an eye, he had another ghost god clone.

"Yan Chixia, do you want to go to the Yama Palace in the underworld and take a look?"

"Let's see what's wrong with the underworld."

Yan Chixia hesitated and shook his head.

"There are no problems with the current operation of the underworld."

"The cycle is still going on normally"

"The problem is in the human world, not the underworld.

Yan Chixia was unwilling to touch the underworld without first dealing with the affairs of the human world.

Once it caused problems with reincarnation, it would be a real disaster for the three realms.

At least Yan Chixia couldn't imagine what a world without reincarnation would be like.


"Let's deal with the affairs of the human world first."

Another sword.

The road to the human world was split open.

The two returned to the human world.

The location was still the Black Mountain mass grave.

From the outside, nothing had changed here.

But Yan Chixia could see that there was no gathering of demonic energy and yin energy here.

It had become an ordinary mass grave. It was impossible to condense a demon here again in the next hundred years.

"I heard that this Daqian State Master was transformed from a centipede spirit that had practiced for a thousand years."

"The purpose is to use the Daqian dragon energy to complete the dragon transformation"

"When he transforms into a dragon, he will eat up all the royal relatives, civil servants and military officers in the court, and eat up the last bit of the dragon veins in Daqian to increase the chance of transforming into a dragon."

"What will happen after turning into a dragon?"

"I don't know about that."

It's hard to describe Yan Chixia's mood at this moment.

He originally thought that the world was dark and corrupt officials were the way society was.

But now he knows a fact.

In fact, Daqian would not have been like this.

Or it could be said that Daqian would not have been so dark.

Everything was the fault of Pudu Cihang, the national teacher transformed by the centipede spirit.

Daqian could have been saved.

"We must get rid of the centipede monster and restore a peaceful and prosperous world."

Yan Chixia was furious and excited.

""Okay, let's go to the capital of Daqian."

Still flying on the sword.

After being blown by the cold wind from high altitude, Yan Chixia began to calm down.

"Are you sure that the national teacher is a centipede monster?"

"You should know that the national master Pu Du Ci Hang is a great monk."

"His Buddhist skills are worthy of being called a living Buddha"

"Various charity donations"

"How could such a great monk be a monster?"

Yan Chixia was puzzled.

"I also have a golden body of Buddha, a Vajra Dharma image"

"But does it conflict with me using evil means and evil magical powers?"

"The same is true for the centipede monster"

"He can also practice Buddhism while eating people."

"As for alms?"

"What does a centipede monster need from gold, silver, and jewelry, or from warehouses full of grain?"

"Naturally, it is to win people's hearts"

"And to discover his true face?"

"Believe me, the moment he found out, he was the one being eaten."

"After eating all the discoverers, it is naturally the innocent and flawless body."

Xiuzhenjian was explaining.

Yan Chixia still had doubts. It was already amazing that there was a monster like Xiuzhenjian in the world.

How could there be two?

No matter what.

Yan Chixia still did not stop this action.

Although he could not stop it.

Came to the capital of Daqian.

On the surface, it was still prosperous. There was no sign of the end of the dynasty.

But Yan Chixia had seen it with his own eyes, the suffering of the people, the oppression of officials, and the rampant bandits.

That's why he was desperate, retired, and didn't care about worldly affairs.

"Pudu Zen Temple?"

"What a big tone."

In the cultivation room, I saw the temple where Pudu Cihang was located.

This temple was not in the capital, but outside the capital.

The scale of its construction was so grand that it could be called a landmark building.

But no one would blame it for wasting the people's money.

Because there were more believers and refugees who relied on Pudu Zen Temple to survive.

Pudu Zen Temple would give out free porridge as much as possible every day.

You can't fill your stomach, but you won't starve to death.

You just need to say a word of Pudu Cihang's goodness.

Just relying on this, Pudu Cihang saved countless lives.

Of course.

He also ate countless people secretly.

But no one cared about those who were missing.

Because every day there were still many refugees who came here to survive just for a mouthful of porridge.

Looking at this scene.

Yan Chixia frowned and became more and more suspicious.

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