"Watch me."

The cultivation room quickly made arrangements.

Then the ground shook violently.

Three giants appeared from three different directions and surrounded the Pudu Zen Temple.

"Big centipede, you are enjoying yourself here, why didn't you call us three brothers?"

"Do you look down on us now that you have become the national teacher?"

"We also want to receive offerings from the imperial court, and we also want people to offer us food on their own initiative!"

An 80-meter-tall rock giant.

However, the so-called stone on this giant turned out to be a tombstone, and the so-called soil was grave soil.

An 80-meter-tall tree giant.

However, this tree giant was covered with bones, which was extremely terrifying.

An 80-meter-tall ghost giant.

Countless heads were squatting around the ghost giant, making shrill ghost cries.

The appearance of the three giants shocked countless people, including Yan Chixia.

He probably guessed the origins of the three giants.

But it was precisely because of this that he felt so incredible.

Because in his perception, the pressure of these three giants was much stronger than the two forms of the tree demon grandmother and the Black Mountain Old Demon.

Countless people fled in all directions, and a stampede was about to occur.

But the ghost giant gave a creepy ghost laugh.

The ghost laugh spread.

Groups of people lost consciousness.

Such a terrifying killing range once again frightened Yan Chixia.

Now he is extremely fortunate that the cultivation world is still on the side of the righteous path.

Otherwise, in today's Dharma Ending Age, he alone might be enough to slaughter all living things.

"The snacks that belong to us can't run away."

The ghost giant laughed and said.

Pudu Cihang finally couldn't sit still.

He couldn't remember when he met three giant brothers with such strength.

But one thing is certain.

The other party is not a good person.

"I don't know you."

Pudu Cihang said.

In an instant, the national teacher has become everyone's hope.

Even the hope of the entire capital.

No one thinks that Daqian's useless guards can really play a role in facing the three demon giants.

"We know you enough."

"As long as you promise to provide us three with 30,000 people per month, we will become brothers."

"It's a good deal for a centipede like you."

Pudu Cihang pondered.

"I promise you."

As soon as these words came out, countless people's hearts were broken.

This was the national master Pu Du Ci Hang that countless of them had been looking forward to, but it turned out to be a useless waste!

"It's so easy to agree"

"It seems that you have eaten more than 30,000 people."

"We want 30,000 per person per month."

The population suddenly increased from 30,000 to 90,000.

This is a population that even the Daqian country can hardly afford.

"I promise you."

Pudu Cihang still said this.

Now no one can use Pudu Cihang's excuse of bearing humiliation and retreating to gain advantage.

90,000 people per month.

This can only mean that Pudu Cihang does not care about human lives at all.

"What if each of us earns 90,000 per month?"

The tree giant looked malicious.

"I promise you."

This time, even Wang Dong was speechless.

It seems that Pudu Cihang has completely become a wish-making machine. It can only say this, right?

"Humph, if we kill you, we can eat as much as we want!"

The rock giant tore his face directly.

A tsunami-like earth wave erupted on the ground.

The Pudu Temple was overturned in an instant.

Then the people standing on the city wall saw a horrifying scene.

Under the overturned Pudu Temple, there were endless skeletons.

The countless skeletons completely verified the identity of the Pudu Cihang monster.

At this moment.

Yan Chixia no longer had any doubts in his heart.

Blood and tears dripped from his eyes.

After breaking the idolatry of Pudu Cihang.

He also remembered a strange fact.

That is, there was an endless stream of refugees from all directions.

Pudu Temple gave out porridge every day to ensure that the refugees were not starving to death.

But why did the total number of refugees remain at a fixed number?

No one would think about this problem in the past.

Because refugees are a burden to everyone.

No matter where the extra refugees go, it is to reduce the burden on everyone.

But now.

They know Where did the disappeared refugees go?

They were all eaten by the monsters in Pudu Zen Temple.

Pudu Cihang remained calm in the face of countless skeletons.

But his disciples could not remain calm.

A large number of monks revealed their true appearance as centipede monsters, and everything looked so disgusting and hideous.

In this situation.

If you still believe that Pudu Cihang is still a human being and a monk, then you are simply sick in the brain.

But the next moment.

Pudu Cihang really changed people's minds.

It can only be said that the eyes of the masses are sharp, but the ignorance of the world is also real.

Human beings are creatures whose thinking is always dancing back and forth between cleverness and stupidity.

Because of what people saw.

They saw that Pudu Cihang actually manifested the golden body of Tathagata.

In front of Tathagata. No matter how many truths there are, they are instantly covered up.

People's minds automatically ignore all abnormalities.

All they see is the golden body of Tathagata.

"The golden body of Tathagata?"

"Big centipede, how about this trick of mine!"

"Thousands of hands!"

A thousand-meter-high wooden statue of Thousand-handed Guanyin stood where the tree giant had been.

Yan Chixia suddenly woke up.

He quickly looked in the direction of the people.

But he found that in the dust, the people were sliding away with the ground.

The entire stratum was moving.

This was the rock giant raising a huge earth wave to cover up the action behind it.

At this time, the people had completely left the scope of Pudu Zen Temple.

They were not affected by the thousand-meter-high Thousand-handed Guanyin statue. Compared with the Thousand-handed Guanyin statue in front of them, the Tathagata Golden Buddha looked extremely miniature.

"Big centipede, look at me again!"

A stone statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, also a thousand meters tall, rose from the ground and appeared in front of the golden body of Tathagata.

""Big centipede, look at me!"

A thousand-meter-high Maitreya Buddha statue smiled at the golden body of Tathagata, making people feel dazed.

The face of the golden body of Tathagata transformed by Pudu Cihang showed a visibly sad expression. The people who were originally attracted by the golden body of Tathagata were once again shocked by the Thousand-armed Guanyin statue, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue, and Maitreya Buddha statue presented by the three giants.

A thousand meters is so high.

It is difficult for them to see the top when they look up.

This is already in the category of towering into the clouds.

The centipede demon cancelled the golden body of Tathagata and truly manifested its own form.

It is also a huge centipede hundreds of meters long.

"As the same kind, why should we be enemies? Let humans benefit."

"How about we eat up all the people in the capital and satisfy our appetite?"

"The three big brothers eat first!"

Pudu Cihang admitted his defeat.

But he didn't know that his biggest mistake was to show his centipede true form.

Because this is the purpose of the cultivation room.

"How dare the demons cause chaos in the world!"

A ten thousand meter tall Vajra Dharma image appeared out of thin air.

A palm slapped down from the clouds!

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