The moment before, he was in the abyss of despair.

He was worried that the capital would be devoured by the four demons.

The next moment, the world was suppressed by the Vajra.

A huge Buddha's hand fell from the sky.

The thousand-meter-high Thousand-armed Guanyin statue, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue, and Maitreya Buddha statue all collapsed in an instant.

Then the hundreds of meters tall centipede monster was severely suppressed to the ground.

If Yan Chixia hadn't known in advance that the three giants were arranged by the cultivation room, he would have bowed down to worship them.

But even so.

Such ups and downs of development also made him tremble with fear.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right now!"

Buddha's voice came down from the clouds.

This time it was not a soul-demanding Sanskrit voice, but a pure Buddhist voice of salvation.

The three giants, along with the centipede demon, were successfully saved by the Buddhist voice.

The surface of their bodies was coated with a layer of gold.

In the end, the four of them returned to human form and bowed down in front of the ten-thousand-meter-high Vajra Dharmakaya.

Only Yan Chixia noticed that there was a vertical mark between Pudu Cihang's eyebrows.

He could almost imagine that there must be a blood eye behind the vertical mark.

The Buddhist voice did not stop.

Instead, it continued.

Yan Chixia began to notice that some people began to chant along with the Vajra Dharmakaya.

There were more and more such people.

Finally, they became a continuous mass.


Yan Chixia couldn't continue.

Because he found that all the humans who followed the Vajra Dharmakaya to chant began to have a faint Buddha light.

This Buddha light gradually spread, connecting everyone.

The Buddha light became stronger and stronger. Even the ground was stained with a layer of gold.

The entire capital city inside and outside turned golden.

Yan Chixia was sure that all the golden light and gold were the purest Buddha power.

There was no evil power in it.

But he always felt something was wrong.

Instinct told him that he shouldn't chant the Buddha's sound mantra together.

The Buddha light in front of him also had a faint strangeness.

It was not evil power.

But it was not pure Buddha light.

It was not pure, but abnormally pure.

Such a weird feeling made him feel creepy.

The changes were still happening.

Yan Chixia saw that in the golden light, the buildings in front of him were changing.

From the original ordinary buildings, they gradually transformed into the legendary Lingshan Buddhist Kingdom.

The magnificent Great Leiyin Temple.

Countless Buddhist temples and pagodas rose from the ground, and all kinds of exotic flowers and fruits were everywhere.

Countless and abundant food of various colors grew on the ground, enough for people to eat endlessly.

A magical rain fell from the sky, making people feel comfortable all over.

A Buddhist country with the capital as its center was created out of thin air.

"Buddhaland, Buddhaland……"

Yan Chixia muttered to himself.

He looked at the Buddha land that was still spreading outward.

He suddenly realized, and then he was extremely shocked.

"It turns out that he wants to turn the world into a Buddhist country."

""Create a world composed entirely of Buddha kingdoms!"

What a terrifying vision.

Even the Buddha, Bodhisattva and Arhat that Yan Chixia knew would not have such a big hand.

But now this scene appeared in front of him.

Yan Chixia was right.

The cultivation world is now going to be transformed into the Buddha world.

Because his goal is really to transform the entire planet into a Buddha kingdom.

While saving all living beings, to achieve his own immortality.

And the abnormal Buddha light in Yan Chixia's eyes makes sense.

The Buddha kingdom in front of him is not a pure Buddha kingdom.

It is a Buddha kingdom achieved by taking shortcuts.

As for the way of taking shortcuts, it is the fantasy hand.

With the help of the Buddha's voice, the Buddha seeds are planted in the hearts of the people.

Then the fantasy hand is used to forcibly open everyone's superpowers.

The Buddha seeds will transform everyone's personal Reality is distorted into the same type.

It is equivalent to everyone's superpowers being unified and consistent as a Buddha.

In the end, with the help of millions of Buddhas and the resonance of the computing power of the Fantasy Hand, the Buddha Kingdom in front of us was achieved.

Brand-new rules are formulated in the Buddha Kingdom.

Everyone's sins will be presented in the Buddha Kingdom. Those who were originally high above will be brought down to earth.

People who were originally in the mortal world will have a good starting point.

Although their personal realities have been unified.

But their own thoughts have not been distorted, they are still the same as before.

They can still develop themselves and improve themselves.

In the future, other Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Jie Di, etc. in the Buddha Kingdom will be born from it.

The Buddha will become the ancestor of all Buddhas.

"What do you think of the future of such a Buddhist country compared to the previous world?"

Yan Chixia looked at the thousands of mansions in the Buddhist country; looked at the food and fruits and vegetables everywhere; looked at the people in the Buddhist country free from the torture of diseases; looked at the equality of everyone in the Buddhist country, and the emperor fell from the throne;


Yan Chixia nodded

"This is a future I cannot imagine."

No matter how glorious the prosperous times in his mind are, they are not comparable to the Buddhist kingdom in front of him.

"That's good."

The Buddha sent out his four avatars. They were incarnated as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Maitreya Buddha, and Dipankara Buddha to show miracles to the surrounding cities, chant Buddhist sounds, and transform the kingdom of God.

The expansion speed of the kingdom of Buddha is closely related to the population.

The more people there are, the faster and larger the expansion will be.

Improving the quality of the population accordingly is also possible.

But to be honest.

The quality of the current first-generation population is quite worrying.

Only when the second and third generations start from babies can the quality of the population be greatly improved.

However, that distant water cannot quench the immediate thirst.

It is a foolish dream to want to turn the entire planet into a Buddhist kingdom within a year.

But the emergence of the Buddhist kingdom has verified that A path to immortality without the fruit of the sacred tree.

This in itself is the greatest significance.

But this Buddha country is not good for everyone.

For practitioners.

They have a stable personal reality and are not easy to be transformed.

If they are forcibly transformed, there is a risk of backlash.

This is why Yan Chixia's instinct keeps warning.

For this part of people.

Of course, the Buddha world did not kill them all.

They can live freely in the Buddha country without sin.

But one thing is necessary.

That is to hand over their practice methods.

The Taoist practice methods are no longer of great significance to the Buddha world.

But for other planes It is of reference value to myself.

The Buddhist scriptures and heritage are also shared.

This is also the meaning of his creation and advance investment.

Otherwise, how could the Fantasy Hand obtain it without cost?

The Dharma Ending Age also has its own advantages.

Countless originally extremely precious heritages have been abandoned and lost.

Now these heritages have been picked up again by the Buddha, and after being sorted out, they are stored in the Sutra Library.

People from Buddhism and Taoism can read all the heritages in the Sutra Library at will.

But they must record their own interpretations and submit them.

A year later.

The Buddhist country of the Buddha only occupies an area of about one province.

But it has gathered Daqian. More than 99% of the population.

Some of the population hid in various corners for refuge and were difficult to find.

This was the population limit of Daqian.

If he wanted to continue to expand the Buddhist country, he had to either absorb foreign populations or encourage births in the Buddhist country.

But in fact, he didn't need to encourage it at all.

The living standards had exploded, and people whose spiritual entertainment was deliberately suppressed by the Buddha had begun to marry and reproduce on a large scale.

These were the inertia of inherent concepts. They would quickly disappear in the second and third generations in the future.

The first baby boom would come next year.

He still chose an expansion model based on the Han Chinese.

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