Konoha 68

【Naruto: The Buddha's Kingdom brings us a brand new exploration attempt】

【It is considered a step forward in the kingdom of superpowers.】

【Worthy of attention]

The superpower kingdom of God takes the path of omniscience and omnipotence.

But it is basically the type that has a high starting point but can hardly see the end.

In terms of development potential, it is actually inferior to the Buddhist route.

【Marvel Room: Then try the Taoist route next?】

【Xingyuejian: What are the routes of Taoism? To be in harmony with Taoism?】

【Buddha Room: The fate route of the Star Iron Universe feels pretty good】

【The destiny of Buddha, the destiny of Taoism, etc.】


【Hokage: It's decided then, the next world is the Star Iron Universe】

【The road of destiny is worth a try.

There was no objection.

So the world decided like this.

The Starry Sky was born under such circumstances.

And the place of birth was still the wanderer in the large mining area of the lower area of Yalilo-VI.

That is, the wild monster in the game.

The wanderer who is feared by normal people is actually a poor person who tries his best to survive.

The current Yalilo-VI was an interstellar civilization thousands of years ago, or even seven hundred years ago.

It was a member of the protected planet of the Interstellar Peace Company.

Then Yalilo-VI was attacked by the Antimatter Corps.

The fierce battle lasted for three hundred years.

Yalilo-VI, an interstellar civilization backed by the Interstellar Peace Company, was beaten to death. It is not surprising that such a situation would occur.

Although there is also the Protector Star God Klipper behind the Interstellar Peace Company.

But the Protector Star God Klipper never responded, nor refused, it was just a figurehead.

This figurehead made the Interstellar Peace Company develop into the largest, richest and most neutral force in the universe.

Behind the Antimatter Corps is the Destruction Star God Nanook.

Unlike the Star God of Protection, Klipper, who is just a figurehead and does not interfere with the operation of the Interstellar Peace Company, the

Star God of Destruction, Nanook, is not stingy with sharing his fate with the Antimatter Corps.

Therefore, a notable feature of the Antimatter Corps is that it is powerful and endless.

Unless it has the ability to directly clear the Antimatter Corps in the surrounding star fields, otherwise it will almost mean defeat if it falls into a stalemate.

The Interstellar Peace Company cannot say that it does not support Yalilo.-VI

But there were also many factions within the Interstellar Peace Corporation.

After supporting Yalilo-VI for three hundred years, they still could not see any hope of defeating the Antimatter Legion.

So the support for Yalilo-VI began to gradually decrease.

Faced with this situation,

Alisa Rand, the builder of Yalilo-VI at the time and the future Great Guardian of Beloberg, chose a path of betrayal.

She resented that the Interstellar Peace Corporation, which had the name of protection, was gradually abandoning Yalilo, which had the name of protection.-VI

She hated the antimatter army that had invaded Yalilo-VI for three hundred years.

In the end, she prayed to the star core of the cancer of all worlds.

A cold wave descended on Yalilo.-VI

Except for Beloberg, everything in Yalilo-VI was frozen.

Whether it was the other city builders who insisted on fighting, the helpers of the Interstellar Peace Company, or the invading antimatter army, they were all buried by the cold wave.

After this cold wave.

Yalilo-VI still exists on the surface.

But Neri has been declared extinct.

The first great guardian, Alisa Rand, continued the last survival of Beloberg by leaving the Interstellar Peace Company.

Seven hundred years have passed.

Beloberg has come to the brink of resource exhaustion and extinction.

The Interstellar Peace Company still symbolically sent a specialist from the Interstellar Peace Appliance Department of the branch to seek the last possible traces of humans and civilization in Yalilo-VI in the name of advertising.

And at this most critical node of Beloberg's demise.

Not only did the pioneers and the nameless of the Star Dome Train land on this frozen planet.

And just after landing, they met the human Sambo, and found the last surviving Beloberg under Sambo's leadership.

The lower underground area also ushered in the arrival of the Star Dome.

In the large mining area.

As a wanderer.

In addition to worrying about other wanderers, what he needs to worry about most is the rifts that will appear randomly here, and the rift monsters that emerge from the rifts.

The rift is a special space-time phenomenon that accompanies the appearance of the star core.

It will present the creatures that died in the star core disaster in another way of information reorganization.

Such rift monsters are inexhaustible.

It is also one of the important factors for the continuous decline of the upper and lower areas of Beloberg.

The star core disaster that lasted for seven hundred years has made the rift on Yalilo-VI deeply entangled with this planet.

Even if the star core is resolved, the rift will continue to exist for a long time.

It’s just that the rift monsters that others can’t avoid have become the target of active search by Xingqiongjian.

Soon he found a rift monster, the Eternal Winter Disaster Shadow.

This is a distorted information of a dead Silver Mane Iron Guard.

The whole body exudes a strong chill.

In his hand, he wields an ice axe blade. A bone shallow hammer appeared in Xingqiongjian’s hand.

These materials were all extracted from a skeleton at random.

In Yalilo-VI

No matter what he lacks, he has bones.

After all, the mines in the lower area can't bury it.

The ice and snow in the upper area can't weather it.

He stabbed this simple shallow strike at the Eternal Winter Disaster Shadow.

A miracle happened.

This bone shallow strike absorbed the Eternal Winter Disaster Shadow and turned into an ice-type Zanpakuto. The rift monsters all over Yalilo-VI are no less than a treasure for the Starry Sky.

In a short period of time, he has made dozens of Zanpakuto with different functions.

Then he left the large mining area.

After avoiding the many obstacles of the members of the Earth Fire, he entered the Rock Town, which is not open to wanderers.

This is also the only large human town in the lower area.

There was also a Rivet Town before.

But it was abandoned under the invasion of the rift monsters.

There is also a small human stronghold.

But the leader there is an intelligent humanoid robot, Swarlow.

Came to Natasha's clinic, which is almost full of patients.

That's right.

The name of the clinic is [Natasha's Clinic】

"I'm looking for Dr. Natasha."

Xingqiongjian looked very unhappy.

Or rather, the wanderer he parasitized looked very unhappy, and he was the type who was going to die soon.

""Doctor Natasha, there's an emergency."

The nurse shouted.

Soon Natasha appeared in front of Xingqiongjian.

Unlike the nurse,

Natasha saw at a glance that the visitor was a wanderer.

A hopeless wanderer.

No one knew how he got into Panyan Town.

But Natasha did not drive him away, nor did she notify the members of Dihuo. Instead, she made a normal diagnosis.

"Alas, another hopeless one."

Sambo said coldly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"There is no patient who cannot be saved here."

"Wait for me."

Natasha took Sambo away.

After a while, Natasha brought a cup of medicine with a strong smell of medicine.

"Drink while hot"

"You have long-term malnutrition, plus pneumoconiosis caused by inhaling mineral dust."

"This is a chronic disease"

"Although it is difficult to treat, if you take care of yourself slowly and don't do heavy physical labor, you can still live a normal life."

Natasha said this with hope and despair.

Hope is the hope of survival.

Despair is that there is no easy but subsistence work in the lower areas.

Xingqiongjian slowly drank up the bitter soup that Natasha had specially added precious sugar cubes to.

"This is my reward"

"That's my intention too."

"Take it."

A Zanpakutō was taken out of thin air and placed on the table.

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