If the cold wave caused by the star core will erupt again, giving Bronya despair, then the statistics of the earth marrow veins given by the intelligent humanoid robot Swarlow will make her understand why her adoptive mother Cocolia made such a choice.

What Swarlow knows, her adoptive mother also knows.

Even if the current extreme exploitation of the lower area and the maintenance of the extremely simple life in the upper area are followed, in about half a year, the last earth marrow veins will be exhausted.

Without the earth marrow as an energy source,

Beloberg will face destruction even if it survives the star core crisis.

It is difficult to describe Bronya's despair when she heard the news.

"Everyone on the Star Train"

"Could you stay in Yalilo-VI and provide Beloberg with enough energy to survive?"

Bronya's smile was very forced.

"You don't have to answer."

"You have no obligation to stop for Beloberg"

"This is something that the ruler of Beloberg should consider."

"For example, the future ruler of Beloberg."

Bronya has accepted her fate.

Since the Great Guardian cannot bring a future to the people of Beloberg, it is only natural to let the people of Beloberg make their own choices.

Dan Heng, March Seven, and Xing of the Star Train looked at each other, unable to make promises or respond.

Including Jizi and Walter who were in outer space, they also fell into deep thought.

They have the obligation to deal with the star core.

Because this is the mission of the pioneers of destiny.

But they have no obligation to save the planet.

This is the mission of the natives of the planet.

As destiny walkers, they cannot violate their pioneering mission.

Once they stop, their power will decline.

After all, they are pioneers.

Saving Yalilo-VI is the mission of the Interstellar Peace Company.

Bronya's surrender is a huge victory for the lower area.

This means that the originally risky task of raiding the upper and lower passages will become simple.

Bronya was also assigned a Zanpakutō.

A wind-attributed Zanpakutō.

Then she returned to the upper area.

She did not return alone.

Xingkongjian also followed her.

"Your adoptive mother Cocolia has been bewitched by the star core"

"The cold wave seven hundred years ago was caused by the last city builder, the first great guardian, Alisa Rand."

"While burying the Antimatter Corps, all other city builders who resisted, as well as the supporters of the Interstellar Peace Company, were also buried."

"This time, the last great guardian, Kokolia, made the same choice again."

"Although there were disagreements within the Interstellar Peace Corporation regarding the support for Yalilo-VI"

"But the Great Guardian was the first to betray the guardian."

"That's why the Great Guardian never dared to let Beloberg see the light of day again."

"Because after seven hundred years, the Interstellar Peace Company still has not completely given up on Yalilo.-VI"

"In the outer space of Yalilo-VI, there are salesmen of Interstellar Peace Appliances sending out advertisements non-stop."

"Hoping to hear from the survivors of Yalilo-VI"

"But seven hundred years"

"Belloberg never responded."

Bronya was once again shocked by this fact.

She had been taught since childhood that it was the Interstellar Peace Company that first betrayed the guardian and abandoned Yalilo.-VI

It was the first Great Guardian, Alyssa Rand, who caused the miracle.

At the cost of a terrible price, she perished together with the Antimatter Army.

As for the advertisement of Interstellar Peace Appliances, it was a bait of Interstellar Peace Company.

Once someone responded, they would be located by Interstellar Peace Company and completely wiped out to remove the dirt on the body of the guardian.

Now all of this has been reversed.

If she hadn't known that there was no need for Star Sky to deceive her, she would never have believed and accepted it.

"So do you understand?"

"Seeing how sneaky Alisa Rand is, you can understand the consequences of offending the Interstellar Peace Corporation."

"The Interstellar Peace Corporation can pay for preservation, but will not allow itself to be deceived or sacrificed."

"Once Beloberg is discovered by the Interstellar Peace Corporation"

"Then, as the legitimate successor of Alisa Rand"

"Belloberg must pay for the sins and debts committed by Alisa Rand"

"The expenditure of materials, personnel and finances for fighting the Antimatter Legion for three hundred years"

"Believe me"

"Even if I sell the entire Yalilo-VI, I still can't afford it."

"In order to get rid of the debt of Interstellar Peace Company and prevent Beloberg from becoming an eternal employee of Interstellar Peace Company"

"The owner of Beloberg must also be changed"

"So is there a better choice than mine?"

"Anyway, the Star Train will never repay the debt on your behalf or bear this huge debt for Beloberg."

Bronya remained silent.

With the help of the freight containers in the upper and lower passages,

Bronya and the Star Train hid in them.

This is why Sambo is welcomed and hated by people from both upper and lower levels.

Because he has the ability to bribe the guards of the upper and lower passages. In this way, he can profit from transporting some special products between the upper and lower levels.

But he was too exaggerated last time. He transported four people to the lower area.

The smuggling mode that is impossible for ordinary lower-level people is not a problem at all for Bronya.

Because she is in the upper area, everyone knows that she is the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard and the next Great Guardian.

"It's the commander."

The guards on the upper floor saw a person in the cargo box and immediately saluted after recognizing him.

Bronya realized that the guards here could only see her.

So she ordered strict guarding of the upper and lower passages. She first went to see the Silver Mane Iron Guards officer Jeppard.

Then she summoned people related to her, such as Silva and Pera.


"The news of your rescue is confirmed and there is no need to inform the Great Guardian."

Jepard was doubtful.


"Because Beloberg will soon cease to exist."

After gathering the three people, Bronya told them about the current situation Beloberg was facing. Only then did they realize that what Bronya said was true.

Beloberg, seemingly peaceful and harmonious, was actually at the time of its demise.

In front, the great guardian Cocolia was bewitched by the star core and tried to launch a cold wave again to destroy Beloberg.

In the back, the earth marrow veins could only support more than half a year.

Without the earth marrow as an energy source, Beloberg could only wait to die.

Even if they survived these crises, there was still the Interstellar Peace Company to collect debts from behind. Their best outcome was to become employees of the Interstellar Peace Company and pay off the debts of Yalilo-VI forever.

So, does Beloberg still have a future?

The three were confused.

"We have one last choice."

Bronya's words attracted the attention of the three people.

"Let me introduce you"

"Spirit Organization Leader Room"

"A cosmic figure who is at least at the level of a general"

"His target is Yalilo-VI"

"Save Beloberg by the way."

Bronya felt extremely humiliated.

But this is the truth.

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