"Experience the power of Zanpakutō"

"I have already distributed more than 10,000 Zanpakutō like this in the lower level area."

"Unlimited production quantity"

"As long as I have enough materials, I can easily make millions a day."

"Can you estimate how long it would take to kill off more than 10,000 Zanpakuto users in the upper zone?"

Xingqiongjian was like a salesman.

But his words made Shiluwa, Jeppard, and Pera feel the chill from the bone.

Looking at the hundreds of Zanpakuto that appeared out of thin air in front of them.

Shiluwa was unconsciously attracted to the lightning-attributed Zanpakuto.

Jeppard and Pera were attracted to the ice-attributed Zanpakuto.

At the moment they held the Zanpakuto that matched their strength, their spirits were connected to the Zanpakuto.

The power of electricity and freezing spread in the room.

The feeling of being able to use their arms and fingers swept through their bodies and minds.

At this moment, they felt that the Zanpakuto seemed to have become a part of their bodies, or more accurately, a part of their souls.

The power was amplified by more than one time.

Such a powerful feeling made them addicted and even more terrified.

In fact, they exaggerated the power of Zanpakuto. Zanpakuto is indeed powerful.

The people who can use Zanpakuto are more important.

It is precisely because of their own huge potential that they are particularly powerful when amplified by Zanpakuto.

Ordinary people can only exert very limited power when they get a Zanpakuto.

Of course, even with limited power, it is not a problem to defeat ordinary Silver Mane Guards.

"Therefore, surrender can change the fate of Beloberg's inevitable destruction."

"Or will they resist and be killed by me?"


Do they have any other choice?

Shiluwa, Jeppard, and Pera chose to join the Spirit Group.

"very good"

"Bring your Zanpakutō to recruit members"

"I will make more Zanpakuto."

Xingqiongjian disappeared.

He came to the outskirts of Beloberg.

This is where the Silver Mane Guards fought the most fiercely with the monsters of the Rift.

So there are skeletons accumulated over seven hundred years here.

One by one, they were transformed into Shōda by Xingqiongjian.

Soon, he had accumulated more than a million Shōda on his body.

Then he had to enter the Rift and start harvesting the endless Rift monsters here.

One clone after another brought Shōda to increase efficiency.

A whole Rift was completely cleared.

Then he went to the next Rift.

He really only took one day to make a million Zanpakuto.

Such a number of Zanpakuto is enough for everyone in Beloberg.

Now the total population of the entire Beloberg is less than 800,000.

200,000 in the lower area and

600,000 in the upper area.

"Here is Ten Thousand Zanpakuto"

"This number should be enough."

Bronya, Silva, Jeppard, and Pera looked at such a large number of Zanpakuto and fell silent again.

Treasures that were extremely precious to them seemed to be sold wholesale to Starry Sky.

In front of Bronya's righteousness, in front of Jeppard's guarantee, and in front of the power of Zanpakuto, the Silver Mane Guards chose to defect without any suspense.

They did not care about righteousness.

Seven hundred years of suffering had already worn away anyone's righteousness. All they wanted was to live.

When facing the monsters of the Rift, they would have a stronger force to resist, that's all.

Zanpakuto can give them strength.

Food and fruits and vegetables can fill their stomachs and those of their families.

They don't have to take nutritional supplements all the time, that's all.

And Bronya doesn't need them to deal with the current Great Guardian Cocolia.

It's enough for them to maintain order and remain neutral.

Almost in a deliberate way, facing Bronya, the adopted daughter who rebelled against him.

Facing the Silver Mane Guards who refused to listen Following her own orders,

Cocolia decisively chose to escape.

Her escape was not meaningless.

It was to activate her long-planned plan.

That was to liberate the star core.

Use the star core to bring about a cold wave again, and put a perfect end to the doomed Beloberg.

In this way, Beloberg, who was destroyed in the memory star core, will be recorded by the memory star god Fuli.

When the universe returns to silence again, the memory star god Fuli will use the memory of the universe as a blueprint to revive all worlds.

This will include the destroyed Beloberg.

So in Cocolia's view, she is not destroyed.

But a memory, a new life.

Why can't the people of Beloberg understand?

Instead of dying ugly in pain, it is better to find a decent way to die while alive.

Yongdong Ridge.

Creation platform.

Seven hundred years ago, this was the largest and last industrial base of Yalilo-VI.

Countless weapons were produced here and antimatter legions fought desperately.

But seven hundred years later, this place was covered with ice and snow.

"I command you as the Great Guardian."

""Wake up, Creation Engine!"

In the midst of the earthquake,

Bronya, Silva, Jeppard, and Pera were shocked to see a giant robot that looked like a hill.

After seven hundred years, it woke up again.

"No one can stop me!"

"No one!"

Cocolia was suspended in the air.

Traces of the world-ripping monster had already appeared on her body.

Such a significant feature was the most direct evidence that the great guardian Cocolia was bewitched and corrupted by the star core. No matter how many suspicions became reality,

Bronya and others felt not anger, but sadness.

Only after knowing the truth about Beloberg's future could they understand the pressure.

They still had the Starry Sky as their savior.

But Cocolia had been watching the final arrival of the doomsday deadline in such despair.

Even if she sacrificed the interests of the lower districts, it only delayed the arrival of the doomsday.

There was no way to save the world.

In the end, she was bewitched by the star core in despair and became as crazy as she is now.

"Mother, stop it."

"There is still hope for Belloberg……"

Cocolia interrupted Bronya


"Are you one of the pioneers on the Star Train, or an unknown guest?"

"Let them take the star core away. Beloberg will have no last hope."

"In my hands, Beloberg will be remembered, preserved forever, and finally reborn!"

"You are the ones who don’t understand!"

"Cold wave!"


Cocolia's last sanity was also eroded in the madness.

The whole person was completely transformed into a rift monster.

Became the agent of the memory star core.

The cold wave swept the entire creation platform.

Cocolia, the mother of illusion!

Born for it.

But the cold wave she expected had just shown signs.

She was pierced through by a shallow strike.

Cocolia, the mother of illusion, did not see her dream come true with her own eyes.

The whole person was sealed in the shallow strike.

A powerful Zanpakuto appeared in front of the four people.

They also learned for the first time how to make a Zanpakuto.

One of its raw materials was actually a rift monster.

No wonder the starry sky has such a powerful force.

But he insisted on wanting Yalilo-VI

The Yalilo-VI, which is filled with rifts and rift monsters, is indeed an irreplaceable treasure in the starry sky!

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