The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 114: Assassination!

  Chapter 114 Assassination!

  The villa area on Yanshan Road has been reduced to a sea of ​​ruins.

  The strong wind swept the burning embers into the air, and was doused by the rainstorm pouring all over the sky. From time to time, it was accompanied by the body fluids of Gu insects exploding, like a dark and deep oil painting, full of madness.

  I saw a pale middle-aged man being pierced by countless spikes rising from the ground, blood gushing out like a fountain, and his whole body was rapidly decaying, lifeless.

  However, another palm-sized Gu worm crawled out of the crack in the wall, licking the body fluid and blood flowing everywhere, its body suddenly swelled and swelled, turning into a terrifying monster.

With a puff, the carapace on the Gu worm's back broke open, and a naked pale man leaned out half of his body, with a weird smile on his face, and said, "Please save me, Zijin, I am also a sixth-level Gu master now. It won't be like the waste in the team back then, needing to be protected by you and Lao Gu everywhere."

   What responded to him was the violent turbulence of elements above the sky.

Lu Zijin was suspended in the torrential rain, but his whole body was not drenched by a drop of rainwater. There was no expression on his immature and delicate face, but there was a profound demeanor on his face: "So you still remember, I thought you were so picky I have already forgotten all the wolf-hearted things."

There was a sarcasm on her lips: "It's beyond my expectation that you are still alive. I thought you had died in the dimensional rift. When I first saw the necromancer, I should have thought of it." .”

  The ground suddenly collapsed, and countless Gu worms crawled out from the depths of the ground, densely packed like a sea tide.

"How could you forget? Lu Zijin, Gu Ci'an, and Meng Hebo, the three of us were the most dazzling team in Fengcheng District back then. Unfortunately, Captain Zhou and Deputy Captain Ye died in Buzhou Mountain, and Lao Gu is gone. .”

  Master Nightmare smiled slightly, his lips were blood red, and his face was extremely pale.

   "Don't mention them."

  Lu Zijin looked down at him condescendingly, and said every word: "You are not worthy."

Nightmare Master sighed: "Eight years have passed, do you still hate me? In fact, I have never understood this point. Even a frog at the bottom of a well will sit and watch the sky, let alone a human being? What did our Gu Master do wrong? ? Why can I only watch you and Lao Gu advance to the sixth level and touch the threshold of the sanctuary."

  He paused: "One of you became the branch chief of the Fengcheng area, and the other joined the Night Watchmen, but I was always stuck at the third level because of those unwarranted rules and couldn't be promoted."

The majestic spiritual thoughts shrouded the ruins, Lu Zijin said indifferently: "Our promotion is not based on sacrificing the lives of innocent people. The ability of the Gu Master path is too dangerous. Once people like you open the meat , have tasted the sweetness of the blood sacrifice, then I can't stop anymore."

The Nightmare Master asked: "So what? This world is where the weak eat the strong, and only the strong can survive. If you don't be a butcher, you will be a lamb. From ancient times to the present, why do people seek the power of the ancient gods? How many people are lost? On this path of evolution, have you become a fallen person?"

   "Why does the Kylin Fairy Palace exist? It is as strong as the first emperor. After he aspired to the realm of demigods, he planned to live forever and live forever. Naturally, Xu Fu couldn't withstand the temptation of immortality, so he knelt down under the seat of the Supreme."

   "The reason why you can stand on the moral high ground and despise me now is because your inheritance path is not a Gu master. If you stood at the same angle as me, you might be crazier than me."

He smiled and said: "Oh, speaking of this, you don't know yet, right? Xu Fu was on the path of the Celestial Master when he was at the third level. Worshiping the **** of fire, in fact, they believe in the two supreme beings, Suzaku and Qilin, one bright and the other dark, and they are the exterior and interior of each other."

  "The customs of the Chu people are to respect the phoenix and the red, worship the fire and worship the sun, and love witches and ghosts."

  His eyes were mysterious and deep, and he said quietly: "In the inheritance of these two supreme beings, there is really a mystery of longevity! And if I guess correctly, in the past two thousand years, someone has already succeeded!"

  Lu Zijin knew this person too well, talking nonsense at this time was nothing more than distracting her.

  She said indifferently: "Stop talking about those useless things. Since your body is not here, this fight is meaningless. I just ask you a question, does the blood moon massacre have anything to do with you?"

   Master Yan blinked his eyes, continued to smile and said: "The matter of Gu Ci'an, this is very interesting, but why should I tell you? Actually, I came here because of your brother's matter."

The murderous intent in Lu Zijin's beautiful eyes grew stronger, and he said coldly: "Zicheng will naturally settle accounts with you for the evil you did in order to obtain the secrets of the fairy palace back then. If you hold me back here, why don't I hold you back here? ? If you want to refine Blood Demon Gu, then you are doomed to fail today."

  With a sigh, countless Gu worms squirmed densely.

   "Zijin, we haven't seen each other for more than eight years, why do you suddenly not understand me?"

   Nightmare Master smiled strangely: "I will keep a hand in everything."

  Lu Zijin narrowed her beautiful eyes.

"In your opinion, what I'm refining now is indeed the blood demon Gu... that's right, because this kind of Gu is indeed refined by me according to the method of the blood demon Gu, it can devour people's blood energy and grow without limit until Assimilate the entire city group along the coast into its body, and become a hotbed of nutrients for me to advance to the sanctuary."

  Master Nightmare deliberately paused: "Of course, when refining this Gu worm, I made a little change. Because I used not only my own flesh and blood... but also the flesh and blood of an ancient god!"

  The Gu master path, the core ability it masters is to refine one's own flesh and blood into Gu.

  After mastering this natal Gu, you can use it as the core to refine various Gu insects.

   Necrotic Gu, Parasitic Gu, Blood Demon Gu, etc.

  Basically every high-level Gu master has the ability to destroy the entire city.

  Lu Zijin's pupils suddenly shrank.

   "Do you think I really want to advance? Wrong."

  Master Nightmare smiled and said, "I'm looking for a substitute for the blood of the ancient gods, and mass-produce my own servants."

  Boom, the turbulent flow of elements exploded.

  The killing intent in Lu Zijin's eyes boiled up.

   "It's too late."

  Master Yan smiled and said: "Just wait and see the good show."



  The torrential rain was pouring, the sea tide was raging all over the coast, and the yacht was shaking in the sea water.

The deck of the yacht was washed by the torrential rain. Zhang Miao looked at Jin Ka in front of him, and the young man sitting opposite him. He smiled and said, "Gu Ting, very good. Are you sure you are a free man? You should know the dark According to the rules in the world, if you are fighting for other bosses, it will be difficult for me to sign you."

  The bodyguards stood behind him, loaded with live ammunition and fully armed.

   "Yes, free man."

  Gu Jianlin smiled and said, "Because I don't have the resources to advance, I beg Boss Zhang to take him in."

Zhang Miao's eyes lit up, and he laughed and said, "Okay! Very good! Now I'll have someone draw up the contract, and you'll be under my command from today on. Money, resources, beauties, whatever you want! You want you If you can win a boxing match for me and win a place to enter the Immortal Palace, I can give you anything!"

  Gu Jianlin nodded and said, "Thank you, Boss Zhang."

At this time, Zhang Miao turned her head and winked at a secretary behind her, and said almost with her lips: "Go, finish the contract for me, and bring me a glass of Mongoguela by the way, and put enough ingredients in it for me. We want the most toxic one, otherwise this kind of person is difficult to control, understand?"

  The secretary nodded in understanding, then turned and left.

  Gu Jianlin pretended not to see anything, lowered his head and played with the gold card in his hand.

   At the same time, he silently counted the time in his heart.

  Suddenly, I saw two bright lights breaking through the storm, and a Land Rover was parked by the port.

  A large number of mercenaries with live ammunition swarmed in and immediately blocked the road to the port.

  The rear door of the Land Rover was kicked open, and a middle-aged man in a white suit came over with a suitcase. His hair was messy, his pupils were bloodshot, and he looked extremely alert.

   There was also a gracefully dressed woman walking down after him, holding up an exquisite umbrella.

  This woman looked around with disgust in her eyes, as if she felt that this messy and dirty place was not worthy of her nobility.

  The driver in the driver's seat got out of the car with his head down.

  Yan Hao also got off the co-pilot and followed behind them.

   "I am Yan Wu, I bought a boat from Mr. Liu."

   A cold and stern voice sounded in the rainstorm: "Who will deliver?"

  On the deck, Zhang Miao smiled slightly under the umbrella: "Business is coming, please excuse me, little brother."

   After finishing speaking, he got up and disembarked with his bodyguards, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yan! I've been waiting so long! The boat is ready for you. As long as you pay the final payment, you can leave immediately with this boat!"

  Gu Jianlin also got up and followed them silently without saying a word.

  Yan Wu and Mrs. Yan were obviously relieved. It seems that this taboo area in Westport is still reliable. At least the boat is already in front of them, and they can leave immediately after paying the final payment.

  However, at this moment, Yan Hao stepped forward and called out: "Brother."

  Yan Wu frowned and turned around: "What's wrong?"

   At this moment, Yan Hao suddenly showed a broken smile on his face, holding a poison-enhanced dagger in his right hand, and stabbed towards the opponent's spleen.

   With a puff, blood shot out.

   As expected of the fifth-order realm king, Yan Wu reacted at the critical moment, suddenly turned his waist and retreated half a step, the poisoned dagger just missed and pierced into his kidney!


  In just a moment, he punched backhand, and the violent energy exploded.

   Yan Hao's head was suddenly blown off.

  Tier 2 vs. Tier 5, there is only an instant chance, otherwise the backhand will be instantly killed!

  At this time, Mrs. Yan also let out a shrill scream.

  On her neck, she was stabbed with an unknown medicine at some point.

  Shuweng, who was pretending to be a driver, raised his head and ran away.

  Yan Wu and Mrs. Yan were shocked and angry, but they didn't expect that there were two sixth children lurking beside them!

  Suddenly, a white Lamborghini broke through the rain and slammed into his chest!

   "Enemy attack, hurry up..."

  Zhang Miao roared when he saw this scene.

   There was a poof.

  A black umbrella tip pierced his chest.

  Gu Jianlin covered his mouth and said softly, "Shh."

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, and the next update will be at 11:30. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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