The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 115: Supreme will! (5800)

  Chapter 115 Supreme Will! (5800)

  The white Lamborghini hit and flew countless mercenaries along the way, rampaging in the water, the tires clinging to the ground tightly, and a cloud of rainwater splashed out and fell with a clatter.

   Only a muffled sound was heard, and Yan Wu and Mrs. Yan were knocked out by a snow-white Lamborghini, crashing into the container pile at the port like a shell, and the huge roar resounded like thunder in the storm.

  The Lamborghini braked to a sudden stop in the rain, and the tires rubbed against the ground making a teeth-stinging sound.

  In an instant, the dark clouds above the sky were torn apart by a ray of electric light, and the coral-like clouds were illuminated by the electric light like a mother's nest pregnant with trouble, and also illuminated the sharp knife-like eyes in the sports car.

  The rain is getting heavier, as if the tide is going to submerge the whole world.

  The sound of the tide and the sound of rain mixed together, echoing between the heaven and the earth.

  The car door was kicked open, and the stern young man got out of the car.

  He was wearing a long black windbreaker, with a huge knife bag tied behind his back, and his waist was full of secret medicine reagents packaged in metal tubes, and a bald parrot hovered above his head.

  Tonight, Lu Zi is fully armed.

   "Master, the other captains haven't come yet, they should be held back by the Gu worms on the road."

Chen Qing got off the co-pilot, holding an alchemy bazooka in his hand, and said softly: "I can feel that the Blood Demon Gu should be on Yan Wu's body, and if you guessed right, the Nightmare Master's body should also be on Yan Wu's body." exist."

  Lu Zicheng picked up a cigarette for a long time, lit it with a lighter, and said softly: "Chen Qing, you can go. Go and join the other captains. The next battle is my own business."

  Chen Qing pretended not to hear, picked up the alchemy bazooka, and launched it with a bang!


  A flame fell on the container in the distance, and with the explosion of the flame, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

   "I can protect myself."

Chen Qing said expressionlessly: "Let's go, let's avenge Shishi together, she is not only your fiancée, but also my best friend and teammate. Although I am a support, don't always look down on me I."

Lu Zicheng was silent for a second, with a twitch of his lips, and said calmly: "It's a pity, I may not be able to watch that child rehabilitate Professor Gu after this trip. However, he has been approved by the King of Green, I guess we won't be needed in the future, right? With his temper, he probably won't be bullied."

   "I'm not afraid of him being bullied, but I'm afraid of him messing around."

  Chen Qing also smiled. She casually took out a metal rod from the car and stuck it on the ground.

   With a bang, a powerful electromagnetic pulse poured into the ground and spread out loudly.

   Just like when he was in Heiyun Walled City, the communication in the forbidden area was forcibly restored.

  Lu Zicheng took a deep breath, stepped forward through the rain, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."


  I saw the majestic energy explode, and he tore through the storm like a sharp arrow, galloping forward.

   "Eight years."

  He said softly: "I can finally avenge you with my own hands..."

  Two Tang knives flew out of the knife bag, and there was a stern cold glow in the rain.

  His left and right hands held the handle of the knife respectively, and threw it vigorously.


  The energy exploded, and inch by inch ripples shook the rain curtain like a raging wave, and there was a mournful sound of breaking through the air!

  In the burning container, the devil-like man slowly got up, facing the two Tang knives galloping towards him, he laughed mockingly and disdainfully, and an invisible aura suddenly expanded!

  The ancient martial arts path, the fifth-tier world king!

  At this stage, the Ancient Martial Path can expand its own qi into a barrier. As long as it is within the bounds, all attacks will be counteracted by qi, and it will be attacked by qi at any time.

   Moreover, the fifth-level realm king can also detonate the air realm and cause super-wide-scale destruction!


   That was Yan Wu's roar: "Do you want to die if you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth?"


   Lu Zicheng's eyes flashed with a hint of madness, and the energy covering his whole body was boiling violently. He broke into the opponent's realm abruptly, and let out a lion-like roar of anger!


   Two streams of gas collided and exploded, and the torrential rain was blown up and rolled back.

  In the distance, Chen Qing pulled out a huge weapon box from the car, and aimed the rocket launcher on one knee.




  On the deck of the yacht, there was an eerie silence.


   Gu Jianlin pulled out his black umbrella and said softly.

   With a puff, a blood hole was opened in Zhang Miao's chest, and blood flowed out.

   At the same time, a hand burning with pale will-o'-the-wisp pressed on the top of his head, burning his life.

  Zhang Miao's rank is not high, and there is a blood-red light in his pupils, which is obviously using the ability of hypnosis.

  Even though he was wearing a suit, he looked like a magician in the boy's eyes.

  A first-order magician, you're so good.

   "Not infected? Pity."

  Gu Jianlin put down the man in his arms, threw him aside casually, and said lightly, "I know you still have breath, so don't wonder why I killed you. I heard you want to poison me and control me."

   With a plop, Zhang Miao fell to the ground.

  The bodyguards and mercenaries watched this scene in shock, and their minds couldn't turn around.

  First the transaction was interrupted by the raid.

   Then the customer was hit by a Lamborghini.

  Now Boss Zhang has been directly stabbed to the core.

   They watched this scene in astonishment, surrounded the boy from all directions, but did not make a move.

  The reason is simple, because the boss is dead, and they don't know what to do.

  Gu Jianlin ignored them, just glanced at the explosion flames of the container group in the distance, and frowned slightly.

  His perception of life captured the three rhythms of life in the car.

   Lu Zicheng, Chen Qing, Parrot.

"Something's wrong. According to the code of conduct of the Ether Association, to pursue a mission of the Yan family's level, you will definitely not only arrange for a captain and a vice-captain to participate, at least there should be a large number of captains, plus one to two five Jie, what's the situation now?" Gu Jianlin's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly guessed something.

   There is a great probability that the other combat forces of the Ether Association will be dragged outside.

   Only Lu Zicheng and Chen Qing chased in.

  Combined with the madness of driving directly into someone just now, it should be emotional!

   At this time, his mobile phone resumed communication, and several consecutive messages were sent through the deep space network.

  Voice autoplay:

   "Xiao Gu, it's me, Lu Zicheng."

"When you receive this news, I should already be on my way to carry out the mission. This time should be our farewell, or a farewell forever. Sorry, I once promised at Professor Gu's grave that I will take care of him instead of him. Good for you, I will protect you as you slowly grow up, help you lift the curse, and reverse the case for your father."

"I'm afraid I don't have this chance now. After all, you have been approved by the King of Blue, so you don't need me anymore. Moreover, my sister and your father were teammates back then. Even if I am gone, she will take good care of me." You. Although she didn't want you to join the association at first, she didn't want you to be looked down upon by the trial court. She has been watching you, and without her cover, your father's students would not be able to escape."

  “There are many bad people in this world, but in fact, there are more good people. One more than me is not too many, and one less than me is not much. So I decided to do what I have always wanted to do, but can’t do.”

"Eight years ago, my mentor, Meng Hebo, code-named Nightmare Master, betrayed the association when he first located the Qilin Immortal Palace. Nightmare Master, as one of the leaders of that operation, sent 52 Fourteen people were trapped at the bottom of the sea, using the power of Asgard to kill them, thus completing the promotion."

   "It was a very tragic blood sacrifice. Only three people survived, but their spirits were seriously polluted."

   "One of them is named Mu Shishi, who is Uncle Mu's eldest daughter and my fiancée. When we found her, she had already started to deform. We had no choice but to kill her with our own hands."

"Later, the Nightmare Master fell into a dimensional rift on the way to be hunted down. Uncle Mu, your father, and members of the Night Watchmen all tracked him down, but found nothing. We thought he was dead, Unexpectedly, eight years later, he would appear in the real world again."

"It's great, I can find revenge myself. For the past eight years, I have been repeating a nightmare every day and night. I killed my most beloved girl with my own hands. I hugged her and cried loudly on the coast. She is my fiancée, she was killed, but I can't even avenge her."

   "But today, no matter what, I should end this nightmare. If I can kill Nightmare Master, then I can be worthy of Shishi. If I can't, then I can go to see her."

  "If there is only one person in this world who can understand what I do, then I think that person must be you. Because you have experienced the pain of losing the most important person just like me."

   "It's too lonely to be alone, even if I die with her."

"Little Gu, your talent is stronger than mine, and stronger than your father's back then. Although you may encounter many hardships and difficulties in the future, I believe you can overcome the past little by little and defeat those bastards. I hope you Let everyone see your sharpness, and at that time I can also brag to others in the kingdom of heaven: Look, that child is the one I dug out in the first place."

   "So, come on."

  The voice came to an abrupt end, interrupted by the thunder that exploded in an instant.

  Gu Jianlin silently looked at the phone with the screen turned off, the captain's voice seemed to still echo in his ears.

   Although he is currently surrounded by a group of people.

   But still some fleeting inspiration flashed through his mind.

  Eight years ago.

  The first survey of Qilin Asgard.

  The Nightmare Master defected, promoted through blood sacrifice, and fell into a dimensional rift.

  Uncle Mu's sudden fall while performing a mission, and inexplicable amnesia.

  As the commissioner of the night watchman, Fu Qingxuan suffered from soul loss Gu during the mission.

  The last is the Nightmare Master's desire for the Qilin Wedge after the blood moon massacre.

   All things, all connected!

  —Master of Nightmares!

"team leader…"

  Gu Jianlin looked at the battlefield in the distance, his eyes gradually turned cold.

   "Stay still, hands up, weapons down!"

  A mercenary said in a deep voice: "You have a gold card, we need to take you to Mr. Liu for interrogation."

At this moment, the secret art who had left came out, and when he saw the dead boss, his complexion suddenly turned pale: "The boss was killed... it's broken, it's broken, kill him quickly, kill him quickly! Then hurry up and kill him!" To support customers, if this single business is ruined, the company will lose money!"

  The bodyguards immediately raised their guns and aimed at the teenager in front of them.

   It was at this very moment that Gu Jianlin's forehead suddenly ignited a pale will-o'-the-wisp, and the whites of his eyes were completely swallowed by darkness, like black holes, deep and terrifying.

   For a moment, the empty silver-white chains flew vertically and horizontally, forming an enchantment.

  A black bell suddenly rang a broken bell!


  At this moment, everyone was shaken by the roaring bell, and felt that there was a black halo above their heads, like a whirlpool that was going to take away the souls of all of them!

   Pale will-o'-the-wisps blazed from the deck, consuming their life force.

   "Sorry guys, time is running out."

  Gu Jianlin held a black umbrella in his left hand, picked up a chair with his right hand, and charged into the enemy's formation!


  A mercenary is pierced through the heart by a black umbrella.


  A bodyguard's head was blown off by a chair, and it exploded like a watermelon.

  With a bang, the endless darkness exploded, blasting the three enemies into powder and shattering the deck.

  The deck is shattered and everyone is falling downward.

   It was at this moment that the black umbrella burst out with blazing lightning, causing the enemy to twitch.

  Isolate the battlefield with the lock of non-existence, and use the requiem bell as a group control to cooperate with Tianxiegui and chairs.

   This is a one-sided killing.


  Gu Jianlin raised a finger, and his body was covered with strange black spells.

   There was a puff, and everyone's seven orifices bled, as if they had been hit hard.

   Pale will-o'-the-wisps burn their life force.

   Streams of void and chaotic life force flowed into the young man's body.

   Finally, a drop of the blood of the ancient gods was formed at the position of the heart!

  Gu Jianlin thrust the black umbrella into the eye socket of the last dying mercenary with his backhand, and blood spurted out.


   Enemies are all resolved.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, the spirituality in his mind had completely dried up.

   "Next, Captain... how can the enemy fight alone?"

  Gu Jianlin raised his head and drank a bottle of Azure Blood, bathed in the torrential rain, and closed his eyes.

  In his mind, he began to visualize the Qilin Immortal Palace suspended above the sky.

  The world shattered, and scarlet light poured out from countless cracks, engulfing him!



  In the burning ruins, Yan Wu's eyes were blood-red, propping up an indestructible air world, his face was full of ferocity and madness, and he growled: "Captain Lu! You are here to ambush me!"


  The terrifying vigor exploded, accompanied by his tiger-like roar.

   A turbulent tide of air swept away.

  Amidst the terrifying roar, there was the trembling sound of Tang Dao!

  It was a blade that was so fast that it tore through the howling storm, and even forcibly cut through the field of qi.

  Lu Zi leaned forward and rushed forward, galloping and running on the burning ground, like a black lightning!

  The blade trembled, extremely happy!

   At this moment, he showed his proficiency in swordsmanship. Even though his body was covered in blood from injuries in the air world, he cut a gap abruptly, and then forcibly tore it apart.

   Concentrate and do your best!

  I saw a flash of cold light, accompanied by a huge roar!

  Lu Zicheng slashed down, but was clamped by the opponent's palms that suddenly clasped together, making a loud noise like a bell!


  Yan Wu stared at him with blood-red pupils, full of mockery.

  At that moment, Lu Zicheng let go of his hand expressionlessly, and actually pulled out two more Tang knives from the knife bag.

  Chop left, chop right!

  The murderous pace drew a sharp arc in the rain, twisted his waist and the blade landed!


   At the critical moment, Yan Wu blocked with his Tang knife backhand!

  The blades collided, and the vigor of both sides collided violently!


  Lu Zicheng was sent flying by a majestic blast of air, and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood.

  At this time, Yan Wu was going to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but another rocket fell from the sky and hit him!

   There was a huge roar, and flames shot up into the sky.

  Yan Wu withstood the bombardment of the rocket with his own aura, but the realm was crumbling.

  Suddenly, Lu Zi supported his body with his hands on the ground, broke through the rain and charged again, the two blades drew a cold arc in the night, like the brilliance of broken stars, and the ancient sword technique burst out!

  Although he is at a disadvantage in terms of rank, his attainments in martial arts are even stronger!

  At this moment, Yan Wu's pupils trembled violently, he forcibly condensed the Qi Realm, and punched out!

  The blood-stained fist shakes the storm, as if the whole realm is pushing forward!


  A bullet came galloping, forcibly piercing a gap in his boundary.

  The roar of the sniper rifle rolled over and spread between the sky and the earth.

  Yan Wu's qi world was impeded for a moment, and at the same time his left kidney turned black, and the toxin spread at this moment, causing him to let out a muffled groan!

  Lu Zicheng saw this opportunity, and the slashed swords roared like a dragon's chant!

   Like a flash of lightning, the light of the knife flashed away!


  Lu Zicheng finally heard the sound of his wish fulfilled, it was the sound of blades tearing flesh, it was so beautiful in the hustle and bustle of the storm, it was so refreshing.

  Yan Wu's chest was suddenly pierced by two Tang knives, blood splashed out like the wings of a butterfly.

  He froze, showing an expression of disbelief.

crazy! This Captain Lu is really crazy!

  It's just the task of the association, why do you have to work so hard!

  He staggered back step by step, trying to pull the two knives out of his body.

  This kind of injury is not enough to directly kill the fifth-level Kaiwang.

   But this knife is poisonous!

  Lu Zicheng let go of the handle of the knife and looked at the other party out of breath: "Sorry, the person I'm really looking for is not you."


  He said softly: "Chen Qing has already found you, come out."

  I saw a pale middle-aged man reflected in Yan Wu's blood-red pupils.

   "Zicheng, long time no see, good job."

   He said softly: "But it's not enough!"

  The moment Lu Zicheng saw him, his eyes were full of murderous intent, suddenly sharp and cold like a knife.

  At this moment, Yan Wu's body swelled inch by inch, and his flesh and blood seemed to proliferate crazily.

  Muscles swelled, bones exploded, and his whole body was iron-blue.

  An insect's jointed limbs burst out from behind, and the body gradually hardened!

   "Nightmare, Master Nightmare!"

  Yan Wu was startled and angry, and said, "What did you do!"

A strange laughter sounded in his body: "Don't panic, I just hid the Gu worm in your body, and what I handed over to you is just an ordinary Gu worm. The real blood demon Gu, in your body in vivo."

  Yan Wu's pupils contracted violently, but were gradually eroded by a strange black.

  His body gradually lost control.

  The spirit also seems to be sinking.

   As a variant of God Attendant, he was temporarily controlled!

  At this time, the bald parrot suddenly flew over and let out a shrill cry!


  The terrifying sound wave suddenly exploded.

  The majestic shock wave erupted like a tsunami, and Yan Wu's mutated body suddenly burst apart, spurting out thick body fluids!

   Lu Zicheng stared at the other party, took a deep breath, and then injected all the secret medicine into his body, his pupils became blood red, and pulled out a Tang knife again.

   At the same time, he glanced back.

  Beside the Lamborghini in the distance, Chen Qing looked at him silently.

  The wind blows away her coiled hair, which is as poignant as fluttering poppies.


   Lu Zicheng said softly.

He knew that this was his last chance, and his blood-red eyes seemed to be ignited with anger. At this moment, countless pictures seemed to flash through his mind, and finally it was fixed on that night when the tide was raging, and the one he loved was in front of him. before death.

   Tang Dao roared.

  The air is boiling and going berserk.

  Lu Zicheng suddenly turned into a black lightning bolt and swooped down!


   I saw Yan Wu roaring up to the sky again, and the boundary that was on the verge of breaking became indestructible again, as thick as a mountain, blocking him, unable to cross!

  Blade trembled angrily, but was firmly blocked by this aura.

  Do your best, but make no progress.

   Something is wrong.

  —If the blood demon Gu was implanted in Yan Wu's body, then the toxin just now should have worked. How could this be the case!

  Lu Zicheng roared, and all the energy in his body gushed out, pouring all of it into this slash!

   Just a crisp sound!

  The blade is broken!

   "Zicheng, you have indeed grown up, but you underestimated me."

   Nightmare Master smiled faintly: "Who told you, I'm going to use Blood Demon Gu?"


  No matter how unwilling Lu Zicheng was, he was still blown away by a wave of violent energy, like a **** falcon, withering in the storm!

  At that moment, a broken roar sounded in his body.

  He seemed to be supported by the wind, bathed in a storm, a tear of blood slipped from the corner of his eye, reflecting the rain all over the sky.

   Only a muffled bang was heard.

   At this moment, someone swooped down and caught him firmly with a strong and broad chest!

   "Hey, can you still fight? Don't give up, brothers of the association!"

  It was a simple and powerful voice, with a hint of admiration: "Boss, kill that guy!"


  The guqin suddenly burst into thunder, and the void shattered!

  A petite and slim girl appeared in the wind and rain at some point, fiddled with a black guqin!

   At the same time, a monster with first-born horns and snakes all over its body came out from the corner.

  The bewildering vertical pupils are full of madness.

   "—Follow the will of the Supreme!"

  【ps: This book is the first starting point app, welcome to read the genuine version. The next update will be at 8:30 tomorrow night~]

  (end of this chapter)

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