The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 116: Fight dad!

  Chapter 116 Fighting Dad!

  Lu Zicheng opened his eyes, his sight was blood red.

I saw a burly man standing in front of him. He was two meters tall and his muscles were tight. He turned his head and grinned at him: "Brother, I watched the battle just now, although I don't know Why do you have to fight him desperately, but your knife skills are superb and cool! Leave the rest to us!"

  His eyes suppressed murderous intent and madness, obviously in a state of losing control at any time.

   Then he gave a thumbs up, turned around and rushed towards the expanding Qi Realm!


  The butcher let out a roar, and broke through the ground and soared into the sky!

  The Qi Realm of the fifth-level realm king is almost indestructible to low-level sublimators.

   However, the way of killing ghosts is an exception!

  The core ability of the ghost-slaying path is the power of time and space!

  When the space-time gap of the Ghost Slayers causes enough damage to this void, the entire space will crash and collapse, and all substances within the range will be shattered, without exception!

   On the container, a girl wearing a cat face mask was playing the zither, the strings of the zither were being played by plain fingers, and sound waves swept across like waves, shaking the void!

   Click! Click! Click!

  The void shattered like a mirror, with countless pathetic cracks criss-crossing, and the space suddenly shattered!

  The suddenly inflated Qi Realm is also collapsing!

   Taking advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the butcher swooped forward like a raging beast, the Qi in his body boiled like lava and ran away, the strength of his whole body merged with Qi, and blasted out a punch of iron cannon fire!

  At the same time, Shuweng gathered a violent elemental turbulence in the rear, hail and flames flying all over the sky, accompanied by flying sand and stones, whistling storms, and extremely suppressed spiritual thoughts!

  The three teamed up and targeted the mutated monster in the ruins!


  Yan Wu, who was distorted halfway, was blasted away by the turbulent flow of elements and mental thoughts, and the hard carapace on his body was blown to pieces, exposing scorched flesh and abdominal organs.

  The quasi-god-serving scholar, his combat power has infinitely approached the fourth rank!

  The sound of the piano suddenly sounded, as if a silver bottle was broken and water poured out!

  Accompanied by criss-crossing cracks flashing through the storm, Yan Wu's body was covered with countless bloodstains, his throat was torn open, and he would be beheaded directly by just a few millimeters!

  The last blow was the butcher. He punched out with all his strength, and the rain was blown back!


  Yan Wu was thrown into the air with a punch, and a terrifying energy came out through his body. The huge container shell was suddenly crushed, accompanied by countless blood splashing like mist, as if it had dyed the rain curtain red!

   "Quick, make up!"

  Yueji put away the guzheng without any hesitation, and her petite figure became unreal, flickering in the storm like an erratic ghost, and actually crossed a distance of 100 meters in an instant.

Most of the ways to kill ghosts are close combat, and she can use the special zither to make long-range attacks. She will never approach rashly before she is absolutely sure. After all, this time she is facing a fifth-level world king. .

   But now the spirituality contained in the guzheng has disappeared, she can only take risks to get close!

   "Boss, I'll cover you!"

  The butcher shouted: "Hide behind me!"

  He charged forward like a bull, overturned countless containers, and approached the target!

  At this moment, he saw a half-human, half-snake monster running along with him.

   "What is Ni?"

  He turned pale with shock: "Scholar?"

  Shu Weng said hoarsely: "It's the supreme mission, go and kill that guy!"

  In just a split second, the three of them approached the smashed container!

   Just at this time, a sudden change occurred!

  Yan Wu let out a roar that didn't belong to him, his spine tore through flesh and blood like a dragon, the **** exoskeleton burst out, and a **** dragon horn grew out of his head!

   Dragon Transformation!

  The sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the storm, and his pupils turned into weird vertical pupils!

"not good!"

  As a quasi-god-serving scholar, he can best perceive what this power is, but it's too late!


  His level was really too low. Even after strengthening to the fourth level, he was still blown away by a violent wave of air, and fell into the raging sea, bursting out with huge waves.

  Yue Ji forcibly stopped her footsteps, only to see a violent aura condensed out of thin air, pushing across like a tsunami.

  Her clear and agile eyes trembled violently, she took out a dagger from her cuff, and drew it into the void.

  Countless stern fissures are fleeting, tearing apart the air world pushed horizontally.

   But that's not enough!

  Even though the Qi Realm was cut open, it still didn't collapse, and continued to push it horizontally.

  At this time, the butcher roared and rushed over, knocking the girl out!


  In the end, the butcher was forcibly hit by this indestructible air world. His bones all over his body burst into shattering roars, and the internal organs seemed to be crushed, and a mouthful of thick blood spewed out of his throat.

   With a plop, he hit the container like a rag bag, turning into a **** man.

   "I didn't expect that I would end up like this."

  He murmured, "Fortunately, I bought insurance in advance."

  The butcher tilted his head, as if dead.


  In the distance, Yue Ji held the guzheng and forcibly stabilized her posture, killing intent burst out in her beautiful eyes.

  In the waves of bullying, Shuweng looked at this scene with horror in his eyes.

  Even Lu Zicheng, who was half kneeling on the ground, raised his blood-red eyes and was stunned when he saw this scene.

  Because Yan Wu is no longer human at all.

   In other words, Yan Wu no longer exists.

His spiritual will was completely devoured by the desire to kill. On the top of his head, his eyes turned into red vertical pupils. His face was covered with hideous bony protrusions. His mouth was getting bigger and his sharp teeth were stabbing out with blood. There are blood-red scales all over, and a thorn-like dragon tail grows behind it!

  God servant transformation!

   Dragon Transformation!

"Did you see it? This is my ultimate masterpiece, Ancient God Gu! Only by relying on the body tissue and active blood left by the ancient god's moulted skin, it is fused with the Gu insect to cultivate a new species. It can be used as the ancient **** A substitute for blood, allowing people to truly evolve...and, erasing the will of the body, implanting my spirit."

  Master Nightmare spoke softly, and said with a smile: "Yan Wu is such an idiot, he didn't notice my intention at all, and by the time he reacted, the ancient **** Gu had completely devoured him."

   Dead silence.

  Yueji looked at him coldly, hugged the guzheng in her arms tightly, and was extremely vigilant.

  Shu Weng also swam up from the sea, his eyes full of fear, but he had to stand up.

  Finally, Lu Zicheng picked up the Tang Dao in his hand, stood up unsteadily, and said in a hissed voice, "Is this your real purpose? Master Yan, you want to mass-produce... your divine servant?"

"To be precise, it's not considered a **** attendant, because I am a **** attendant myself. I just shared my evolution with Yan Wu, and fundamentally erased his self-awareness, that's all. Yes, that's it. Take away, but the difference is that I can take away everyone and become everyone!"

Nightmare Master smiled faintly: "I never thought of using Blood Demon Gu to advance, because even if I advance to the Sanctuary, it will not be stronger than the Sanctuary level of the Association and Dusk. But today, your bodies will be implanted by me." Entering the ancient **** Gu, and this is just the beginning. You will all become my servants and walk on the road of evolution together."

   "My body will continue to evolve, generate more ancient gods, and then assimilate everyone."

"Your helpers are very interesting. This group of people is beyond my expectations. If it weren't for the successful fusion of Gu Chong and Yan Wu, I'm afraid they would have been stopped by you. What's more interesting is that there is a quasi-god attendant here." .”

  There was a greedy look in his vertical pupils, and he paused: "Unfortunately, the evolution is incomplete. Moreover, a godservant with a master and a godservant without a master are completely different concepts."

   For a moment, everyone was terrified.

   "Because I can use that great existence to use his power..."

  Master Nightmare raised a finger and pressed it to his lips: "The next thing is, the ancient divine language!"


   It seems like the sky is falling apart.

  Yue Ji knelt down on her knees and covered her ears in pain, as if her spirit was collapsing.

  Lu Zicheng's clenched Tang Dao was trembling. He leaned on the Dao with difficulty to support his body, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his consciousness sank.

  The best situation is Shuweng, his life level is different after quasi-god servant transformation.

   But his whole body was also trembling, on the verge of collapse.

  The world seems to have fallen into hell, everything fell in silence, and there is no redemption.

   No one saw it. The dying butcher seemed to hear some call all over his body, and opened his blood-red eyes with difficulty. The world seemed to be broken before his eyes, and scarlet light poured out from countless cracks.

  A distant and majestic voice sounded vaguely.

   "Butcher, stand up."

  The butcher seemed to be hallucinating when he was on the verge of death.

  I saw him kneeling in the dark abyss-like mausoleum, only the golden coffin was burning with the flames that burned the world, and the gods looked down on him in the flames, and a pair of golden vertical pupils were as dazzling as the sun.

   "—Meet your newborn."

   With a bang, the world is collapsing.

   Butcher felt as if he was... reborn!



  When the Nightmare Master spit out the syllable of destruction, everything on the port collapsed and smashed, those containers were smashed into powder, the ground was also weathered into ashes, and the monstrous waves collapsed and disintegrated.

  Everything is annihilated.

  The bookman was spurting blood all over his body, and his god-serving power was fading. This was because his own evolution was incomplete, and he couldn't fully accept the power of the blood of the ancient gods, and he couldn't become a higher-level life.

  Lu Zicheng also felt that he was really going to die. His body screamed in distress, blood was gushing from the pores all over his body, and finally he fell down on his back with a knife.

  The last one was Yue Ji who was on the verge of death, but she didn't have any fear of death in her eyes, she just looked at the dragon-shaped figure full of killing intent, as if she wanted to remember the other person's appearance.

   However, at this moment, in the silence of destruction, someone suddenly stood up.

   For a moment, everyone was stunned.

  Even Master Yan's vertical pupils trembled visibly.

  It was a burly and strong man.

   No, it can't be called a person.

  There are red horns growing on the top of his head, dark golden vertical pupils are full of tyranny and bloodthirsty, his face is also covered by a red bone mask, red dragon scales are all over his body, and there is a dragon tail on his back.

  Like a dragon, but not a dragon!

   This is, Kirin!

   This is the butcher!

  In the moment just now, he actually evolved!

   And under the order of destruction in the ancient divine language, the butcher was safe and sound, and even stood up!

   "This is the real evolution!"

  The butcher grinned, bloodthirsty and ferocious: "You are a servant of God, and I am also a servant of God. My rank is not as good as yours. But obviously... the big daddy behind you is not as good as the big daddy behind me!"

   For a moment, a god-like phantom appeared in his dark golden vertical pupils.

  It was an ancient and majestic black unicorn, roaring up to the sky, and the king was furious!

  The butcher laughed wildly, furiously: "The next thing is... the ancient language of God!"


  【ps: The starting point app of this book, the next chapter at 11:30 p.m.~】

  (end of this chapter)

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