The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 117: If the day is not good enough, how can the candle dragon shine?

  Chapter 117 The day is not safe, how can the candle dragon shine?

  For a moment, the butcher's dark golden eyes seemed to be ignited with golden flames, burning the darkness of the storm brightly like the sun, as if the delivery of dusk and night.

  The phantom of a black unicorn seemed to penetrate the sky, roaring!

  The ancient and majestic syllables sounded like thunder!

  The silence was torn, as the fire of God's wrath burned in the stormy night, and the roar of kingly anger engulfed everything like a domain, and the world seemed to fall into a trembling abyss, endlessly falling.

   This is the supreme divine power, which belongs to the ultimate dominion of the Supreme, as if it contains the origin, birth and death of the universe. When the syllable of destruction is completely recited, it will be the day of divine punishment.

   His command is, die!

  From this moment on, the world will fall into hell!


  The syllable from Nightmare Master's throat came to an abrupt end, submerged in the silent roar.

  The domain created by the ancient divine language he uttered is like a fortress on the beach, blowing away with the wind and falling apart!

  Because what he was facing was also the ancient language of God.

   And it is an ancient divine language of a higher level, and it is the divine punishment of the ancient supreme!

  When two ancient divine languages ​​collide, the strong will rule everything, and the weak will be wiped out!

   In the sound of shattering roars, the dragon horns on the Nightmare Master's head shattered, the dragon scales all over his body exploded one by one, the dragon's tail burst into blood mist, and his body decayed and collapsed like a mummy that had been weathered for thousands of years.

  Finally, thick blood flowed from the vertical pupils of the twin dragons.

   "This, what kind of power is this... This is the authority of the Supreme! This is, the wrath of the Supreme!"

  The Nightmare Master seemed to be insane, and let out a hysterical roar: "Miracle! Miracle!"

   In his **** vertical pupils, endless blood spread like blood, and he saw a crimson one-legged dragon entrenched in the depths of the darkness, roaring in fright and restlessness.


   A huge sigh echoed in the wind and rain.

  The phantom of the pitch-black unicorn did not respond at all, but just looked down from a high position. Those fiery golden vertical pupils burned like the sun in a storm, majestic and furious.

  Even the ancient **** behind Nightmare Master didn't dare to look directly at these majestic and furious golden pupils!


   Regardless of the strength of power, or the person of authority, and the level of life.

   All-round rout!

   The Rhapsody of Destruction was played to its climax, and the whispers of ancient majesty shattered between heaven and earth!

  The red dragon seemed to be roaring towards the sky in the darkness, lava-like blood flowed from the blood-colored vertical pupils, and its barbaric aura was instantly annihilated in the void and disappeared.

  The Nightmare Master's spirit was exhausted and annihilated from this body.

  The world was silent.

  However, in the unknown dark depths, in the abyss as silent as a tomb, there was a mournful roar.

   The darkness is crumbling, as if it is on the verge of collapse.

   "He's alive, he's awake!"

  Amidst the raging dragon roar, a vast and majestic voice sounded.

  At the same time, Nightmare Master was surrounded by sea sand-like Gu worms, lying naked in the swarm, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and a smear of gray death suddenly appeared on his pale body.

  Even if the ancient **** was taken away in time, he fled the battlefield.

  But the supreme death rules still spread to him.

  Master Nightmare let out a terrified roar. At this moment, he clearly felt that his spirit was collapsing inch by inch, and the spirituality in his body was wiped out. His soul level suddenly plummeted, and he fell into an extremely weak state.

  Sixth order, fifth order, fourth order, third order, second order, first order!

  The gift belonging to the ancient gods is also rapidly decaying and dying, and finally nothing remains!

  All the hard work in the past eight years, and the promotion of the rank after untold hardships, fell to the bottom!

   This is a punishment from a supreme being!

"no no-"

  In the silence, a heart-piercing, extremely painful roar sounded.

   Nightmare Master's roar was full of despair.

   This is ten thousand times more painful than killing him directly.



  In the mausoleum in the deepest part of the Qilin Fairy Palace, the golden flames in Gu Jianlin's eyes gradually disappeared.

  The majesty of God's wrath disappeared into nothingness, and the king-like anger gradually extinguished, and everything returned to death.


   "Thank you for teaching me how to use God Attendant."

  He said softly: "Otherwise, I really don't know that the ancient divine language can be used like this."

  It wasn't until this moment that he understood the true meaning of the existence of God Servants, that is to replace the ancient gods who could not exert their full strength in the real world, and liberate the real power that should belong to them.

  The servant of the gods is actually the medium through which the ancient gods use their authority.

  Although the power erupted through the servants of the gods is definitely not as good as the deities of the ancient gods.

   But the advantage is that there is no need to pay the price of violating the rules of the real world, and there is no need to suffer backlash.

   What is even more surprising is the talent of the butcher.

   This guy doesn't seem to be very smart, just a brainless reckless man. He didn't expect to be able to completely withstand the baptism of the blood of the ancient gods, and he only needs one drop to complete the true god-servant transformation.

   And showed a posture similar to that of a unicorn.

   Looking at Shuweng again, the evolution seems to have failed very much, and it just showed the appearance of a snake.

   And Nightmare Master has also completed the transformation into a **** servant.

   But therein lies the problem.

  Behind Nightmare Master, there is also an ancient god, that is Kui!

   However, that is not the Supreme, but a lower level existence.

   An ancestor.

   And what is certain is that the guy is also extremely weak.

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself that this is really a cycle of karma. He stopped the blood sacrifice at the outskirts of the Qilin Fairy Palace, in exchange for this victory!

   Therefore, Gu Jianlin won this battle.

   In other words, Venerable Qilin won.

  You are weak, and so am I.

  You transformed God Servant, I also transformed God Servant.

  伱 The transformed servant has a higher rank, so it doesn't matter.

  As long as I have a higher personality than you, I can win you!

  According to the official information of the Ether Association, the gap between the Supremes and other ancient gods is like a natural moat, and how can the gap between the fourth and fifth ranks be bridged.

   "That is indeed the attitude of the Zhulong clan. If I am not mistaken, the Zhulong inheritance that Liu Sanye said should be guarded by that Kui. What exactly is it?"

   Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes and murmured softly.

   If there is an ancient **** in the fairy palace when he cannot get out of trouble, it will make him extremely frightened.

   But now, he can go out anytime, that's another story.

   On the contrary, he even had the idea of ​​the ancient god.

   I don't know what Venerable Zhulong left behind.

   But it sure is good stuff!

  Suddenly, the pitch-black chains that bound him trembled, as if countless black dragons were entangled around him, and the sound of dragon chants piercing through the sky resounded through the silence, as if the world fell into the nether world at this moment!


  The darkness seems to be boiling, and the sky and the earth are collapsing.

  The headache is splitting, and the soul is shaking.

  In the trance as if the soul was torn apart, the dim light ignited in the darkness.

  Gu Jianlin also seemed to have fallen into the abyss. He actually saw a black stone pillar piercing the sky, tilted and broken amidst lightning and thunder, and the sky was also torn apart, pouring out scorching lava.

  The earth was flooded by the torrential black river, which was full of skeletons and corpses, swallowing the whole world.

   Blood rained down the shattered sky, and two terrifying fissures burning with endless light overlooked the earth.

Do not.

   That's not a rift.

   But a pair of eyes!

  The god-like vertical pupils filled with lightning and thunder!


   The sound of destruction.

  Where is the sky? There is clearly a black dragon covering the sky and covering the sun, entrenched on the sky.

  His eye pupils shone with lightning, his breath spewed out thunder, and his whole body was wrapped in dark clouds.

   "Qilin, I haven't seen you for two thousand years, yet you are still alive."

  The ancient whispers echoed in the nether world.

  However, it was clearly a woman's voice, like the wind passing through the sky, or the sound of the tide engulfing the world, accompanied by the sound of furious thunder, majestic and mighty.

  On the stone pillar reaching to the sky, a red dress flutters in the blood rain. The silhouette is so graceful and graceful, like a manjusawa flower born in the Nine Nether Underworld, overlooking the world with a beautiful posture, enchanting and blooming.

  She stands between the sky and the earth, as if overlooking the surging Styx.

  The black dragon soaring into the sky was entrenched beside her like splashes of ink, roaring upwards.

   "Suzaku has returned, and Bai Ze is about to wake up. I think you will not be absent."

  Her voice is ethereal like a wind chime, echoing between heaven and earth: "I have already taken that step, how about you?"

  In an instant, a blazing electric light flashed out, illuminating the black dragon horns on top of her head, her beautiful side face as white as snow, her long ink-like hair fluttering in the wind, and her long dress as rich as blood.

  The world is full of dragons singing.

  Gu Jianlin's heart trembled wildly, as if there were billions of souls roaring deep in his heart.

  Great fear exploded deep in my heart.

   He was blown out of his wits!

  In the northwest of the sky, there is a country of darkness and no sun, and there is a dragon holding a candle to illuminate it!

   What Gu Jianlin saw was the Nether Kingdom, which was exactly the same as the charm in the painting he saw back then!

   Nine Yins!

  Candle Dragon!

  The woman in front of her turned out to be... Venerable Candle Dragon!

  What a powerful strength this is. This is the real power of the Ancient Supreme. It can transcend time and space and forcibly erode the space where he is. Even the Qilin Fairy Palace has been assimilated!

   The wind is blowing.

  The blood rained all over the sky.

  The beautiful red-clothed silhouette seemed to turn around, countless lightning bolts criss-crossed, and thunder rolled.

  The breath of the candle diffused like fog.

  The red dress seems to have traveled across time and space, drifting here.

  Gu Jianlin felt as if a world was coming!

  In the darkness, a pair of eerie blood-red vertical pupils burned, like the sky shrouded in dusk.

  The casual glance cast by those vertical pupils is breathtakingly beautiful.

  Accompanied by the roar of space breaking, He is getting closer!

  In the vast mist, a pair of white hands like ice crystals protruded. The nails of the ten fingers were blood red.

   In the darkness, blood-colored Bana flowers emerged, like a sea of ​​blood.

   Coquettish, dangerous.


  Gu Jianlin's throat rolled, even with his lunatic character, he couldn't arouse the will to fight.

   Even if the real Venerable Qilin is here, he has to weigh it.

   Not to mention him, the second generation Qilin Venerable!

  However, under the tremendous pressure of the extreme collapse of Dao Xin, he suddenly felt relieved and smiled softly.

   "Zhulong, long time no see."

   Pretending to say hello, he visualized the Qilin Island floating above the sky in his mind, and suddenly disappeared.

  The silence in the dark is deathly.

  Those beautiful hands were finally empty.


  I saw a pair of bewitching and charming blood-colored vertical pupils light up in the darkness, as if a touch of astonishment emerged.

  【ps: The starting point app of this book, the next update will be at 8:30 tomorrow night】

  (end of this chapter)

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