The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 141: Why is there a second mother? (4000)

  Chapter 141 Why is there a second mother? (4000)

  Seeing the fat man's expression, Gu Jianlin's ominous premonition became stronger: "Little princess?"

  Cheng Youyu rubbed his teeth: "How should I explain this to you?"

   A while later, Nie Xiangsi also came over with a bag on her shoulders. She was carrying a lot of shopping bags from the shopping mall. She probably just came back from shopping in the shopping mall. She was timid at first, but when she saw the nameplate, she froze.

   When Zhang Cheng came over with meat, poultry, eggs, milk and the like, he had the same expression.

   He even forgot to say hello, his expression was full of astonishment.

   This is not over. When they entered the hospital, the medical staff who came and went saw the identity plate on his chest, and all showed shocking expressions, with pity and sympathy in their eyes.

   This hospital was established within the association, and the medical staff are all pharmacists and priests.

  Uncle Mu and the others were assigned to a special isolation area, and the environment is still very good. There is a separate well-furnished apartment and a small lush garden, surrounded by members of the security team, and the whole process is guarded and supervised.

   Originally, special permits and passes were required to enter here.

  But Lin Wanqiu, as the person in charge of the medical department, directly opened a small stove and brought people in.

   "Old Mu, I have suffered you all these years, I am sorry."

   "It's not bitter to say it's bitter, the real bitterness is the past few months when Lao Gu left. Before that, in Heiyun Walled City, apart from not being able to see the sun, it was just a normal life."

"How can this be called normal? We old friends are still incompetent, and we have never been able to find out what happened when you had an accident. Why did Rhine and his trial court kill you all? Even if it was because of the seizure of power, He wants to cut off Lin Dong's wings, but you are already useless, what is he planning?"

   "Old Gu was also investigating this matter before, but there was no result."

  In the garden, Uncle Mu's waist sank, and he breathed a sigh of relief while maintaining a punching posture.

  Chen Bojun sat beside him, his face extremely pale, holding a cup of tea with goji berries.

   Sensing the arrival of the crowd, both of them turned their heads with different expressions.


  Chen Bojun had an expression of seeing through and not telling the truth, and his expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile, which was quite weird.

  Uncle Mu seemed to be in good condition, and he was even able to come down to practice boxing. However, after seeing the identity card on the young man's chest, his expression became weird: "Xiao Gu, what evil did you do?"

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second, only to see everyone looking at him with strange expressions.

   "If you have anything to say, just talk about it."

  He said with a straight face: "Who is the little princess?"

Cheng Youyu's face was strange, but he still said: "Ji Xiaoyu, the little princess of the Ji family, the Ji family is an ancient clan in the east, and there have been many great people, such as the president of the previous generation. The grandmother of the little princess is this The president of the first generation. She is a fourth-level, ancient martial arts path, a part-time pharmacist, known as the king of deadly poison..."

   "Part-time pharmacist?"

   Gu Jianlin was taken aback: "Can a pharmacist still work part-time?"

"The so-called part-time pharmacists are actually people who have studied pharmacology. They don't have the skills of pharmacists, but they have rich experience. For example, if you are proficient in all pharmacies, then you will be given a An experienced fool alchemist, you can easily guide him."

Cheng Youyu thought of something frightening, shivered, and then said in fear: "It's just that what she studies is not serious stuff, it's all dirty tricks, it's extremely disgusting. Acacia is one of the few who can get close to little things." Princess'."

  Gu Jianlin silently turned his head to look at the girl in sailor suit.

Nie Xiangsi hesitated for a moment, then said weakly: "The character of the little princess is like this. Her extraordinary talent is very good. She was awakened when she was ten years old, and she was already at the fourth level when she was twelve. It's just because her parents passed away too early. , leading to a slight twist in her personality...and finally turned into a magic star."

   "Hey, what are you talking about, just watch the video!"

  Zhang Cheng immediately logged into the Deep Space Network, found a video from the forum, and pressed the play button.

   There was a bang, and a dense green mist exploded on a basketball court. At the same time, there was a mournful howl, and a guy covered in all colors ran out screaming, rolling and crawling.

  In just a few seconds, his whole body swelled up and turned into a pig's head.

   And there was a stench all over him.

  Why do you say stench, because you can feel the smell when you look at the color of the poisonous fog.

  This stench seems to be able to break through the screen and get into your nostrils.

  In the depths of the dense fog, I saw someone with their arms akimbo, laughing wildly.

   Extremely arrogant.

  Seeing this scene, Gu Jianlin immediately fell into deep thought: "That laughter is the little princess? So here comes the question, who is this person who ran out howling?"

  The parrot laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, what kind of bad luck is this, I'm dying of laughter."

  Zhang Cheng's expression suddenly collapsed, showing a frenzied smile.

  Nie Xiangsi silently turned her head.

  Cheng Youyu blushed, and said with a dark face: "Hehe, this is me..."


  Gu Jianlin was stunned, he didn't expect this fat man to have such a sad past.

   "The little princess is like this."

  Lin Wanqiu handed over her mobile phone: "Minister Lu sent a warning message earlier, but it was too late."

  Gu Jianlin glanced at the message, no wonder this woman was hesitant to speak before.

Uncle Mu couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Unknowingly, the little princess has grown up so much. I met her when she was four years old. At that time, the president asked me to teach her martial arts, but as soon as I met her, she I poisoned the tea, even with the help of the priest, I still had diarrhea for two whole days."

   "Hehe, you're okay. Last time my brother went to educate her, she just made her go bald."

Chen Bojun said with emotion: "She is such a person who refuses to be disciplined. If anyone comes to control her, she will torment him. The A group of the second echelon has never had a team leader before, and she beat them all away. After all, The princess is very powerful, and she also has a strange poison all over her body, and there are endless tricks, and ordinary people are really no match for him."

  He paused: "Even if you can defeat her, you will suffer badly from those poisons."

   Diarrhea is not bad.

   Baldness is more terrifying.

   There is also the video of the little fat man.

  Gu Jianlin fell silent.

   Co-authored, the President is here waiting for him.

  In name it was promotion, but in fact it was secretly tripping him up, wanting to see him make a fool of himself.

  Although there is really no malicious intent, there is obviously a lot of bad water.

  The so-called Grandmother is just this little.

  Mediocre master.

  The parrot's eyes changed drastically: "Insidious! This is a conspiracy!"

   No, this is a conspiracy.

  Because even if Gu Jianlin knew about this in advance, he would definitely fall for it in order to get into the second echelon.

   "Originally, I arranged for someone else to be the leader of Group A."

  Chen Bojun said: "It almost succeeded, what a pity."

  Uncle Mu was stunned: "Could it be the explosion in the training ground the day before yesterday?"

   Everyone turned their heads to go, only to see a faint roar coming from a training ground in the distance.

   It should be that the construction team is engaged in reconstruction.

"who is it?"

   Gu Jianlin thought that if he almost succeeded, he should be an extraordinary person.

   "You know this person."

  Chen Bojun glanced at him: "Lei Ting, she just broke through to the fourth level."

Uncle Mu nodded slightly: "The descendant of the sword mound? The talent is really good. It should be because she has contained Ji Lei since she was a child, so the speed of advancement has been seriously hindered. But after she is promoted to the super dimension, she will have accumulated a lot. Give her In a little time, we should be able to directly tie with the first echelon."

   Gu Jianlin was startled, it turned out to be her.

   The first echelon, even if it doesn't require the level of the fifth tier.

"Thunderbolt and the little princess were like a thunderbolt. The two of them refused to accept the other, and they did it when they met. Although I didn't see that battle, it was said that the two queens fought to the edge of the universe, and the starry sky was shattered. The Dao has been wiped out! Although the little princess cannot be defeated, she would rather die than submit, and she has been defeated repeatedly."

  Cheng Youyu exclaimed in amazement: "The two of them got together for twelve hours, and they fought nine times, with an average of one fight every one and a half hours. In the end, the base was about to be demolished, so Lei Ting was transferred away."

   "When I went to heal the little princess, the little princess still wanted to seek revenge."

  Nie Xiangsi said weakly: "Actually, Senior Sister Tang probably kept her hand."

  Zhang Cheng said: "This is true, because I was beaten by Senior Sister Tang before. The Sword Sect Path and the Ghost Slaying Path are like this, pure attack and kill techniques."

  Gu Jianlin put his hand on his forehead, this is still really difficult.

   Fortunately, he is about to break through the third level.

   Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be beaten violently.

"This is the transfer order that the President found Minister Lu and personally issued. The original words are... the little princess is stubborn. She is a mediocre lord who has no way to discipline her. You might as well hand it over to someone with insight. After all, you are a newcomer in Fengcheng District The king is still the person whom the Green King values, so there must be something special about him."

  Chen Bojun paused for a moment: "It's good to give you a space to express yourself!"

  Uncle Mu also sighed, full of helplessness.

  The corners of Gu Jianlin's eyes twitched slightly.

  Everyone looked at him with pity in their eyes.

   "Okay, I won't bother you to reminisce about the old days."

  Chen Bojun turned around and said, "Old Mu, don't forget about boxing scores."

  Uncle Mu said with a stern face: "I know, but don't even think about the boxing score I inherited from my master."

  Chen Bojun smiled and said, "Okay!"



  In the living room of the apartment, there is a strong tea fragrance, but there is little sandalwood fragrance.

   "Xiao Gu, thank you."

  Uncle Mu poured a cup of tea, thought for a while and took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator, put it on the coffee table, and said seriously: "Forgot, you young people generally don't like to drink tea, you should drink Coke."

  The refrigerator is very high-end, and there are several buttons. His movements are very unfamiliar, and he is obviously not very good at using them.

  Gu Jianlin shook his head: "Don't be so polite, this is what I should do, you are kind to my father."

   "What should and shouldn't be? If it weren't for you, we might have been arrested by the trial court, tortured for ten days and a half months, and then executed in secret."

When Uncle Mu said this, his eyes were calm: "Thank you, really... thank you. But I still want to say, if there is another time for this kind of thing, please don't do it. Your talent is good, and you are so good Your life is worth more than all of our lives combined, it's not worth it."

  He enjoined: "In the extraordinary world, life must be measured by value. Because you are a talented person who fights against the ancient gods, your life is not only your own, but also the entire human world."

   "I don't know what Lao Gu left for you, but what will bring you great power will definitely have consequences. You should cherish your own life, and don't act like this again."

"Although you are recognized by the King of Green, he will look at you, but with your personality, I think that sooner or later, you will not even listen to the King of Green. Well, I am more confident, get rid of the feeling .”

   "You are so lawless, I have already seen it. You must listen carefully to the words of the King of Blue in the future. That is the most important opportunity in your life. You must seize it well, understand?"

  This old man, nagging like an old father.

  He didn't ask about other things.

  Because he knew that this child is now a student valued by a natural disaster.

  All problems are nothing in front of the King of Blue.

  I was worried that if he messed up again, he would lose his life.

   Gu Jianlin would definitely not agree.

   "There is no need to mention this matter. If there is another time, I will still do it."

  He said: "The garbage of the Inquisition Chamber is not worthy of making me flinch."

  The parrot cried: "What kind of hooks are they!"

  Uncle Mu was stunned: "Lu Zicheng gave you this parrot."

  Gu Jianlin hummed: "Have you heard about Master Nightmare?"

  Uncle Mu was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, I heard."

  There was a touch of sadness and nostalgia in his eyes.

  His eldest daughter died because of the incident eight years ago.

   But now, it is considered revenge.

   "Your character, coupled with this parrot, is a disaster."

  Uncle Mu said with emotion: "I'm a useless person, so I can't control you anymore."

  Gu Jianlin shook his head and said, "Don't say that, are you still used to living here?"

Uncle Mu nodded: "It's impossible to talk about getting used to it. After all, I have been a mouse in the underground for too long. The world is changing with each passing day. It is difficult for us who are eliminated by the times to adapt. However, compared with being underground, here It really is heaven, the environment is very good, and everyone likes it very much.”

  Gu Jianlin asked, "Where is Wan Wan?"

  Uncle Mu pointed to the house upstairs: "I'm taking a nap."

  Gu Jianlin felt a lot more comfortable when he thought of that cute little guy.

  A cute little girl like Wanwan should be pampered like a princess by nature.

  This is the life she should live.

   "By the way, Uncle Mu."

   Gu Jianlin said seriously: "I have something to ask you."

  Seeing his serious expression, Uncle Mu asked, "What's wrong?"

   "Night Watcher, someone is looking for me."

  Gu Jianlin said: "One is called Han Jing, and the other is called Wang Taisheng. They want to recruit me into the Night Watchman department, but the prerequisite is that I will not continue to investigate my father's affairs."

   He said, "This makes me uncomfortable, what do you think?"

   "Wang Taisheng...oh, if it's him, it's not surprising."

  Uncle Mu said: "Because he is a defector, and his tendency is to be on the side of the trial court."

   Gu Jianlin thought so.

   "As for Han Jing, what did she tell you? You didn't contradict her, did you?"

  Uncle Mu's eyes were strange: "She is your father's first love, and also a former fiancée."


  Gu Jianlin almost spit out a mouthful of Coke.

  【ps: This book is the starting point reading app. This chapter has 4,000 words, which is a short two-in-one. I will write another chapter in a while, so you don’t have to wait, and I will post it when I finish. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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