The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 142: Tier 3, Commander-in-Chief!

  Chapter 142 Third Tier, Commander-in-Chief!

  Gu Jianlin was inexplicably shocked: "First love? Fiancee?"

   Yes, Lao Gu.

   Unexpectedly, there is actually a love debt here.

   No wonder the woman always had an inexplicable feeling when she saw his eyes.

  As if to swallow him alive.

   This is Lao Gu, who can always give him unexpected surprises, so he has to be convinced.

Uncle Mu looked weird, and said: "Yes, I don't know the specific situation, but Han Jing has always been interested in your father. According to her character, she will not ignore your father's affairs, maybe there are other secrets .I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the Inquisition is keeping a close eye on the Night’s Watch.”

   "The crime I am accused of is that in the process of exploring the Qilin Immortal Palace, I was bewitched by the power of the ancient gods and killed my companions wantonly, and I also let go of unclean people without permission."

  He reminded: "You also know about your father. In the past, there were also some night watchmen who would be hunted down and beaten if they made a mistake. Dismissal is a common thing. What do you think of?"

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment: "The court is cutting off the wings of the night watchman."

"Is such that."

   Uncle Mu said.

   "It is basically confirmed that your amnesia is due to the loss of soul Gu. I will find the antidote for this Gu insect as soon as possible."

  Gu Jianlin said seriously: "This matter is related to the Nightmare Master. Everything happened in the Qilin Immortal Palace. I will investigate this wasteland reclamation work carefully. Can't you remember anything?"

  Uncle Mu was silent for a long time, and shook his head helplessly: "Sorry."

   "It's okay, I trust you."

  Gu Jianlin paused for a moment: "Even if in the end, the culprit is really you, it's a relief."

  Uncle Mu smiled and said, "Then I would rather kill myself."

  Gu Jianlin didn't say anything, if he did such a thing, he would kill himself.

   Ashamed to be the Son of Man.

"I'm quite old, so I don't look down on these things. I'm just worried that something will happen to you. You performed very well in the forbidden area of ​​Westport. A genius like you, the president will be moved. Although you ridiculed her, she occasionally I will wear small shoes for you, but it should belong to you, and there will be nothing missing."

Uncle Mu sighed: "But the factional struggles in the Ethernet Association have never stopped, and many people will become victims of the struggle. Although you won't listen to what you say, but when you investigate your father's affairs, try your best to Keep a low profile, don't easily accept the wooing of any faction, and don't become their pawn."

"Oh, I see."

  Gu Jianlin looked up at the time: "It's getting late, so I won't disturb your rest, I'll go and see Wan Wan."

  Uncle Mu smiled and said, "Okay, on the second floor, let's go."

  This single-family apartment is no different from a small villa. Wan Wan lives in the princess room on the second floor.

  Pink decorated small bedroom, there are many exquisite dolls and dolls, dotted on the bedside and windowsill.

  Wan Wan huddled on the soft bed, wrapped in a quilt and fell asleep, only showing a delicate little face.

  At this moment, Nie Xiangsi was preparing to put the clothes she bought into the closet.

  Zhang Cheng also bought a lot of snacks, planning to surprise the little girl.

  Only Cheng Youyu sighed beside him, but the things he bought were a bit difficult to sell.

   But Brother Lin asked him to buy it, and he couldn't help it.

"Wait a moment."

  Gu Jianlin stood at the door and said softly, "Leave all those presents to Uncle Mu."

  Nie Xiangsi and Zhang Cheng turned around with suspicious eyes.

Gu Jianlin knew what they meant, and smiled silently: "People lose their happiness slowly after they have too much and know too much. When I was young, I didn't have any sweets to eat, and occasionally I got a piece of chocolate. Happy. I can give you a candy shop directly, and those things will become commonplace for you.”

"You will no longer be interested in candy, and will instead pursue other things, new happiness. But there are only so many happiness in a person's life. The more happiness you get at one time, the more lonely you will be in the future. "

  He paused: "So, slow down."

  Some children were born in Rome.

  But there are also some children who cannot even see the light when they are born.

   But don't lose heart, you don't deserve the hardships in life.

   Those are the enemies, defeat them.

  When you overcome those sufferings through your own efforts and finally see the first ray of light, you will feel the happiness that no one else has ever experienced in your life. That is the unique treasure that fate bestows on you.

  You will become incredibly powerful.

   "It seems to make sense."

   Zhang Cheng murmured.

  Nie Xiangsi was thoughtful, and took back those delicate and cute little skirts.

   "Okay, here comes the suffering."

  Cheng Youyu picked up the big and small bags, and poured out all the textbooks and homework books inside.

  Wan Wan has reached elementary school grade, poor education can't afford anything.

   Wait until the little girl wakes up and sees the mountains of textbooks and exercise books around her.

   You will definitely shed tears of emotion.

  During her sleep, Wan Wan felt the maliciousness in the dark, and turned over unconsciously.

  Accompanied by her bedside is a copy of "Six-Year Primary School Three-Year Simulation".

   It looks very warm.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin suddenly noticed that there was a bruise on her calf when she kicked out of the quilt.



  As the sun went down, Gu Jianlin planned to leave after visiting the seniors from the shelter one by one.

  The reason why he didn't wait for Wan Wan to wake up was because he was not good at dealing with children.

  As long as he saw that they were doing well, he was relieved.

   "Brother Lin, I'm leaving first if there's nothing else to do, take care of yourself."

Cheng Youyu bowed deeply, as if in a farewell ceremony for a dead body: "If you really can't handle the little princess, let's withdraw, don't be ashamed! After all, even the sanctuary-level bosses will be tossed by her, this is really unbearable. !"

   Zhang Cheng kept a straight face and bowed deeply: "I hope to see you again."

  After the two left, only Nie Xiangsi was left looking at him timidly under the twilight.

   "I heard more than enough to say, do you have something to tell me?"

   Gu Jianlin asked politely.

  Nie Xiangsi hummed lightly, and said seriously: "You saved us twice, I want to thank you very much. There is another very important thing, the trial court is already preparing to collect evidence of Uncle Mu's crime."

  Gu Jianlin's pupils shrank slightly.

   "I only found out about this by overhearing my uncle's phone call."

  Nie Xiangsi said softly: "From now on, I will continue to keep an eye on him. Once they make any moves, I will notify you at any time. I think Uncle Mu and the others are good people, and they cannot be convicted."

  Gu Jianlin was startled, this is really a filial daughter.

   "But if you help Uncle Mu and the others like this, nothing will happen to your uncle?"

  He paused: "I remember..."

Nie Xiangsi bowed and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I know that my uncle and your father are good friends, but in fact my uncle was not such a person many years ago. I don't know when he changed. I don't know why. , but now he has become very strange, chasing fame and fortune too much."

  She whispered: "But I hope you can believe me, I sincerely want to repay Uncle Mu and the others."

   After speaking, she seemed too flustered and left in a hurry.

  In the silence, Gu Jianlin looked at her back, thoughtful.

  The trial court has already started to act.

  Then here, you have to hurry up.

  The most urgent task is to find a quiet place as soon as possible and advance to the third rank.


  Because for the Shensi path, Tier 3 will acquire a very important skill.

  —Spiritual body!

  Use dark matter and dark energy to guide part of your own spiritual power and condense it into a spiritual body.

   Even at the demigod level, this is an extremely important extraordinary ability.

  In the later stage, there will be a very powerful qualitative change.

   Moreover, every time Gu Jianlin is promoted, his previous extraordinary abilities will evolve.

  Then the advanced one this time should be ghost-humanization!

  Gu Jianlin has a dual-core drive, plus these extraordinary abilities strengthened by the power of the ancient gods.

  Assisted breathing technique, and advanced freedom.

  Plus Requiem Bell.

   Believe it or not, I can't deal with a little princess.

   "It's really not possible, let's go to Director Chen and Minister Lu to discuss it?"

  Lin Wanqiu asked from the side: "Or, the King of Blue?"

  Gu Jianlin shook his head: "No need."

  Looking at his confident look, Lin Wanqiu thought to himself that he was indeed the one who could ignore Instructor Wan's killing field.

   "I'm going to advance to the apartment."

  Gu Jianlin frowned and asked, "What are you still following me for?"

  This woman's reputation is not very good, and he has to think about how to use it.

  Lin Wanqiu felt a little aggrieved immediately: "I'm the fourth-level Holy Mother, don't you really need me to help you advance? My sacred aura can speed up your accumulation of spirituality."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know that the priest had such ability.

   "Besides, your apartment is also in Area A, which is very close to the little princess. According to her personality, she will come to attack you in all likelihood. I can also secretly grant you the protection of light and immunity to physical toxins."

  Lin Wanqiu hurriedly said, "I'm really useful."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly fell into deep thought.



  The propeller wings of the helicopter set off a howling wind, and the sky was full of cherry blossoms.

   "President, we are leaving for Kyoto Airport."

  The driver asked: "The people from Gao Tianyuan are already waiting for you over there, and want to apologize to you."

  In the cabin, Taihua stared at the bustling night view of Tokyo, and said lightly: "I'm not in the mood, let them go. Change the itinerary immediately, there is no need to go to Northern Europe, go directly to Fengcheng."

  The driver turned pale with fright, his hands were shaking: "What? Something happened to Asgard?"

  As the president's official helicopter pilot, he has worked for more than forty years.

   One of the people in the world who knows the President best.

  If her old man comes forward in person, there will be blood.

  Is there anything in Fengcheng that deserves her to come forward in person?

   Don't let Venerable Qilin wake up and start roaring the world!

   "Don't shake your hands, it's okay."

  Taihua glanced at him, and said indifferently: "It's just to go to the theater."



  At ten thirty in the evening, Gu Jianlin sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed.

   There were empty reagent bottles in the trash can, which were then ignited by the lighter he threw in.

   It burned silently.

  Ten bottles of blood of fallen angels have been poured into the body, and the spirituality is skyrocketing.

  At the same time, a soft holy light enveloped him, helping him gather his spirituality.

  His breathing technique, combined with meditation, makes the spiritual tide surge.

  At this moment, strange melodies broke into his life perception.

   Ding Dong.

  The doorbell rang downstairs.

"Is anyone here?"

  Someone said obediently downstairs: "We are members of Group A, and we specially came to visit the new team leader and brought you a meeting gift."

  Gu Jianlin listened to this voice, it was clear and sweet, quite pleasant.

   "Little princess?"

  This voice sounds quite cute, it is completely different from the impression of the devil in the world, she is a polite and kind girl.

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment, and with the style of being kind to others, he decided to open the door first.

   If you can influence the other party with love, you don't need violence.

   To save his notoriety from continuing to spread.

  At the same time, there were rustling sounds in the grass downstairs of the apartment, as if someone was moving inside.

  A petite black figure stood beside him, looking cute.

  She looked towards the dark apartment, showing a frenzied smile.

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, this chapter is 3200 words, and the next update will be at 8:30 tonight. 】

   There are some things that I just wanted to use the plot to reflect, but I don’t know how some people see it. The understanding of the plot is very strange, so I have to say it here.

   Uncle Mu and the others are "criminals" on the side of the Ethernet Association, so they were hunted down. Xiao Gu is still looking for the truth, but whether it is framing or factional struggle, they have all committed crimes on the surface. Now it is because of the guarantee of the King of Blue that they are safe and sound. Of course, the Tribunal wants them to die because of factional struggles, but I still say that this kind of factional struggle has always existed, and it is not a new thing.



  (end of this chapter)

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