The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 143: My grandmother was the president!

  Chapter 143 My grandmother is the president!

  As midnight approached, the sound of construction in Heiyun Walled City gradually subsided, and the dormitory apartments were lit up. In the distance, the light of a lighthouse swept across the dark sea, and the sound of the tide echoed with the sea breeze.

  The living area where the Omega sequence belongs is like a high-end residential area. There is an apartment building next to a lush and lush park. The surrounding is quiet, there is no one, and the street lights are dim.

   This is the second echelon, the apartment of the leader of Group A.

  At the same time, there were faint footsteps in the apartment, as if someone was coming to open the door.

   "You don't want to, we have an extra team leader to take care of us?"

Ji Xiaoyu huddled in the grass, looking arrogantly at her little brothers, her immature voice was full of arrogance: "Remember, in the second echelon, no one can be our team leader, not even Thunder! Those idiots here are jealous of my talents, so they don’t let me become the team leader. When the real doomsday comes, they will realize who is the real leader and the real savior.”

  She smiled coldly: "At that time, they will bow down in front of me and surround me on the throne."

   This is an immature little girl with short platinum-blonde hair and a delicate and lovely appearance.

  It's just that the expression is slightly broken, and it looks a bit frenzied.

  He is wearing a protective suit, and there is a goggle on his head.

  The little brothers said in their hearts that they couldn't stand the tone of the second middle school, and their toes picked out three rooms and one living room.

   "But boss, that's a chair killer."

   Someone was still a little worried: "What if he made him anxious, and he shot us in the head?"

Ji Xiaoyu curled her lips in disdain: "Chair Murderer? What kind of stupid code name is this? The others are just two characters. Is he the only one who is special? It's not as good as my Jedi Bad Master! Those who like to be special like this are usually in vain. Just a second rank, how powerful can he be? Can he be promoted to the third rank overnight?"

  The little brothers thought it was reasonable: "But he is the person that the King of Blue values, and it is said that his combat power is abnormal!"

  Ji Xiaoyu sneered: "How long has it been? Can he still learn the breathing technique?"

She said carelessly: "I will take care of the accident. I am a mad king of the fourth rank. It is no problem to beat ten chair murderers. You don't have to be responsible for the frontal battle, so as not to be held accountable by Director Chen! a lesson!"

   Group A, not everyone can come!

  The younger brothers immediately started to act with their equipment boxes.

   Someone was the first to sprinkle thumbtacks at the door of the apartment, and the nails were covered with toxins that paralyze the nerves.

  Some people also set up traps at the door, as long as someone opens the door, they will be poured from head to toe with a very smelly liquid.

  Someone placed a rope in the courtyard, and when someone ran over, he pulled it tight and let him throw a dog to eat mud.

  The last part of the people lay in ambush in the grass, ready to shoot at any time.

  Their guns are specially modified, using alchemy bullets aimed at nerves.

  After being concentrated by bullets, there will be no damage to the limbs, but the nerves will be infected by toxins.

   Crooked mouth, slanted eyes, convulsions all over, mental decline.

  Even if it is the apex of the extraordinary level, it will be uncomfortable for three days.

   "Ready to fight!"

  Ji Xiaoyu put on the goggles, took out a modified bazooka, and launched it with a bang!

  I saw a flame burning with green poisonous mist shattered the windows of the apartment, and suddenly exploded!

  Amidst the loud noise, the green poisonous mist spread, filling with a strong stench.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Ji Xiaoyu let out a frenzied and rampant laugh.

   It seemed as if he could already hear the mournful wailing that would be heard in the apartment next.

  However, she waited for ten seconds, but she didn't hear any sound.

  For a while, I felt something was wrong.

   This is not right, even if you hold your breath, the stench can get in through your nostrils.

   Not to mention neurotoxins.


  The little princess ordered again.

   Bang bang bang!

  As the black muzzle flashes flickered, countless stink bombs and toxin bombs poured into the apartment.

  The originally well-decorated apartment is now a mess.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin was standing on the lawn by the back door, watching the poisonous fog filling the apartment, the corners of his eyes twitching.

  The tide of spirituality surged in his body, and was on the verge of breaking through at any time.

   But his breakthrough was interrupted at this moment.

   This is not a big problem, and he can break through again at any time, but the problem is that even if his reaction was a second slower, he would be directly hit by the poisonous fog.

  When the foul-smelling gas exploded, he almost threw up his stomach acid.

   It's hard to imagine what would happen if you were hit directly.

  If it weren't for the fact that his life perception range is far away, I'm afraid he really got caught.

   These little kids are hateful!

   Gu Jianlin hadn't looked for him yet, but they called the door first.

   "Young people don't talk about martial arts, but they actually engage in sneak attacks!"

  The parrot stood on his shoulder and shouted: "Give them some color!"

  Gu Jianlin was holding a folding chair in his hand, and after thinking about it, he put it down.

  Because he felt that since Thunderbolt failed to tame the little princess, violence should be useless.

  He decided to be gentle, to be kind to others, and to influence them.

   Yes, remember to be kind to others.

  However, at this moment, another flaming gas bomb hit his face, causing his face to change suddenly!


  Gu Jianlin's forehead suddenly lit up with a pale will-o'-the-wisp, and he jumped into the grass.

  I saw that the place where he was was blown away by poisonous gas, and the stench hit his face.

   "Hahaha, I didn't expect to hide behind, quite vigilant?"

  In the mist, I saw a petite figure wearing goggles and protective clothing, laughing with his arms akimbo: "So what if you're a little clever? In the end, you can't escape from Miss Ben's clutches?"

   Under her feet, there is also a modified bazooka.

  In the ghost-like state, the negative emotions in Gu Jianlin's mind almost exploded, and those clear and quiet pupils were also smudged with black, like an evil ghost in hell, terrifying.

   "You are Ji Xiaoyu?"

  He pointed to the poisonous mist coming out of the window, and said hoarsely: "This apartment is unlivable."

  Ji Xiaoyu said arrogantly: "This is the apartment only the leader of Team A can live in. It was not for you. Director Chen and the others let you come, but as long as you don't get my approval, you will have to get out of here."

  Gu Jianlin looked at the little kid and said hoarsely, "Apologize."

"What did you say?"

  Ji Xiaoyu was taken aback, thinking she might not be a fool.

  Gu Jianlin repeated: "I say, I apologize."

   "Apologize? Joke, do you know who my grandmother is?"

  Ji Xiaoyu continued to be arrogant: "My grandmother is the president!"

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath.


   “My grandmother was the President!”


   “My grandmother was the President!”


   “My grandmother was the President!”

   I saw Ji Xiaoyu set up the **** bazooka again, aimed at him, ready to go!

   From ten meters away, I can smell the stench!

  Gu Jianlin completely lost his patience, the spirituality in his mind made a strong breakthrough at this moment!


  At this moment, he seemed to hear the sound of the shackles being broken, and spirituality surged out, nourishing the soul.

  It seems to fly into the sky.

   At this moment, he officially became the third rank, the Commander-in-Chief!

   "Fuck you and be kind!"

  The parrot shouted: "Teach this monkey a lesson!"

   At the same time, in the deep space network forum, a post was instantly pinned to the top.

   "—Battle of Focus, Chair Murderer VS Jedi Poison King, let's fight! Let's fight!"

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, and the next update will be at 11:30 tonight. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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