The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 144: Extraordinary vs Ultra Dimensional

  Chapter 144 Extraordinary vs Ultra-Dimensional

  Gu Jianlin felt the spiritual tide gushing out of his body. At this moment, he was already a third-rank commander, and he clearly felt a qualitative change in his soul, and he vaguely awakened a new instinct.

   That's his new extraordinary ability—coalescing spirit bodies!

   At the same time, he felt that when he was transformed into a ghost, the negative emotions in his mind skyrocketed tenfold, like a powder keg, which washed away all his sanity and was about to explode at any time!

   This should be because the ability to transform into ghosts has also undergone a qualitative change.

  At this moment, there are only two words left in my mind.

   Beat her!

   "Want to fight? I am super-dimensional, you are asking for your own death!"

  At that moment, Ji Xiaoyu seemed to show a triumphant smile. Just as the muzzle of the bazooka locked onto the opponent, he saw a black shadow coming through the air, bursting out with a screaming sound!

   There was only a loud noise, and a folding chair collapsed and flew the bazooka in her hand.

  The sound of metal shattering can be heard clearly.

  At this time, Ji Xiaoyu realized how powerful this blow was. Even her fourth-order mad king was a little bit helpless when she was unprepared, and her hands were slightly numb from the shock!

  How could this be the second-order Shao Siming!


   Almost in an instant, Gu Jianlin stepped on the ground and jumped up.

  Besides being astonished, the bear child showed a frenzied smile again, and the fighting spirit in his eyes soared.

  The gas gushed out like a volcanic eruption, boiling frantically.

   The super power of the fourth-order mad king, maddening!

   Without the slightest fear, she swooped forward instantly, her waist sank, and her right fist contracted.


   With a punch, the air was shaken with terrifying vigor!

The special energy used by the ancient martial arts approach is qi, and this kind of qi can be released outside the body. I saw the majestic qi force surging like a sea tide, even the floor tiles were smashed, accompanied by the overturning of the soil, falling down roll!

   Facing this blow, Gu Jianlin certainly couldn't take it hard, but his hands were condensed with dark negative energy particles, a dark air world faintly flashed in the void, and the darkness oscillated!


  Amidst the violent explosion, Gu Jianlin flew upside down and knocked down a big tree, as if his whole body was about to fall apart, all the organs in his body were displaced, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat.

  For Kamiji, injuries are commonplace.

   Half a month was enough for him to endure this pain.

   Pain, on the contrary, will make his brain clearer.

  Gu Jianlin ignited the fire of the **** sacrifice with his backhand, absorbing the vitality of the tree.

  The boundless will-o'-the-wisps also ignited under the feet, spreading in all directions, burning the lives around them.

  The injuries healed in an instant.

  In the dust and smoke rising into the sky, Ji Xiaoyu maintained the posture of punching, without moving.

  Gu Jianlin panted slightly, and wiped the blood from his lips.

   This is the gap between the super-dimensional level and the extraordinary level.

  Under the premise of not using the power of the ancient gods, even if he has a dual-core drive, he is not an opponent.

  There is an obvious gap between speed and strength.

   "Hahaha, just the chair killer, that's it?"

  The shrill sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and Ji Xiaoyu arrived in an instant, spilling a handful of black ash casually.

  Play dirty tricks!

  Because the other party's speed was too fast, Gu Jianlin didn't react, and saw the black ashes sprinkled on his face, and in an instant, faint whispers sounded in his ears, which turned out to be a kind of mental poison.

  However, it doesn't work for him!

   "Howling root!"

  Ji Xiaoyu took full advantage of her short stature, her right hand gathered vigor, and she came up with a rising dragon fist!

   If you get hit this time, you will basically go into shock on the spot!

   As the previous second-order Gu Jianlin, there is almost no way.

   But it is different now, he is the chief commander, and has the ability to gather spirit bodies!

For a moment, pale will-o'-the-wisps lit up in the darkness behind Gu Jianlin, clusters of strange fires condensed out of thin air, and the terrifying golden ghost's hands tore through the void. type!

   There are four huge golden ghost hands in total, with pale will-o'-the-wisps burning all over their bodies, strange black spells all over their palms, black chains on their wrists, and bulging hideous blood vessels!

   Accompanied by a violent roar!

  —Spirit Call!

  In an instant, the four burning ghost hands blasted out in fury.

   There was a bang.

  Ji Xiaoyu was caught off guard, and was suddenly blasted out, and was instantly smashed into the apartment building covered in poisonous smog.

   "You old six! You are actually the third-rank chief commander!"

   Known as the Jedi Poison King, then she must have taken the antidote first, and she will be fine in the poisonous fog.

   Besides, the ancient warriors were rough-skinned and resistant to beatings. In a blink of an eye, she jumped out from the second floor of the apartment.

   It came crashing like a cannonball.

  Gu Jianlin looked at her coldly, while the four hands of burning ghosts were circling behind her.

   This summoned spirit body can be controlled by him anytime and anywhere, and can basically be used as an extra limb, although he doesn't know why he summoned four unicorn arms.

   But it doesn't matter, as long as it works well!

  The spirit body can not only be manipulated at will, but also burns the fire of the **** sacrifice anytime and anywhere. It is purely composed of dark matter and dark energy. It is not weaker than the main body in terms of strength and speed, and it is extremely powerful.

  In an instant, Ji Xiaoyu flashed to the top of his head with extreme speed, and her short legs swept out wildly.

   "Old Six, die to me!"

  Crack feet!

   Bang bang bang bang!

  Gu Jian Lindong didn't move, and let the four ghost hands violently bombard him, fist shadows like waves!

   It was clearly a collision of fists and feet, but there was a metallic roar.

   However, Ji Xiaoyu, as the mad king of the fourth rank, obviously has the upper hand.

   Even though Gu Jianlin had four ghosts to help him, he was beaten and retreated steadily.

  But in fact, every time a fist collides, the fire of the **** sacrifice will absorb the opponent's vitality.

  The spirituality of both parties is also being consumed.

  Gu Jianlin, however, slowly recovered his spirituality through breathing techniques.

   One goes up and down the other, the one who really has the upper hand is him!

   After fighting for half a minute, Ji Xiaoyu also discovered the problem. Her vitality and spirituality were consumed too much, so she simply turned over and fell to the ground, and then her fists gathered energy and blasted out crazily!

  Scrolling punches!

  Hell, the ancient martial arts path needs to be honed and understood in martial arts in order to display its true strength.

  And this brat's martial arts moves are all in anime style!

  Gu Jianlin still received the move with the four flaming ghost hands, blasting out an overwhelming fist shadow!

   Bang bang bang!

  However, the moment the fists collided, streaks of thick green mist suddenly exploded!

  Gu Jianlin could only feel a stench blowing over his face, it almost made him faint!

   Another dirty trick!

  The brat actually hid poison in his palm!

   Who is the sixth child?

   "Didn't expect it, I'm the sixth child!"

  Ji Xiaoyu took advantage of the situation and made a strong attack, hitting his chest directly with a roundabout kick!

   With a bang, another miserable green poisonous mist burst out.

  Gu Jianlin was caught off guard, and flew upside down with the four flaming ghost hands with a huge impact force. His back smashed down the wall of the apartment, and the soles of his feet rubbed against the ground, making a piercing sound.

   This monkey is the sixth son, and the soles of his shoes are full of drugs!

   Bang bang bang!

  The paper packets containing the poison exploded in his chest, and countless toxins poured into his body.

   Has psychotoxins.

   There are also physical toxins.

  Although his spirit was not disturbed, the physical poison still invaded his body.

  At this moment, a golden holy light flashed in his pupils.

  Helped him temporarily suppress the toxin outburst.

  Lin Wanqiu applied the shelter of light to him before, temporarily immune to physical poison!

   However, the toxin is immune, but the smell still irritates the eyes.

   Gu Jianlin was in this green poisonous mist, and he just wanted to spit out everything he had eaten in his life!

  At this time, Ji Xiaoyu rushed to attack again, with majestic vigor gathered in his right hand.

  Obviously, he wanted to strike another Wave Punch!


  At this moment, Gu Jianlin raised his right hand, holding a piece of her hair between his fingers!

  Ghost spells!

  The two of them snorted at the same time, bleeding all over their bodies!

   It's just that this kind of injury can't stop the crazy criticism at all, Ji Xiaoyu let out a frenzied laugh, directly took out a poison bag from his pocket, and threw it out with turbulent energy!

  Damn it!

  Gu Jianlin's pupils suddenly shrank, and four flaming ghost hands overlapped in front of him!

   With a bang, the green poisonous rain covered the sky.

   It exploded with terrifying energy!


   Huge shock wave spread.

  Gu Jianlin was suddenly sent flying, and landed on the sofa in the living room impartially. The blood spurted out stained the suit red, and the bones all over his body made the sound of being on the verge of breaking.

  He himself slid back with the sofa under him, making a tooth-piercing sound on the ground.

   Dead silence!

  Ji Xiaoyu put her hands on her hips, laughed triumphantly, and taunted: "Is this the only level? Do you still want to ride on Miss Ben's head like this? If it doesn't work, go find a class. The second sequence is not suitable for you."

   Obviously she thought she had won.

  In the grass behind, the younger brothers all poked their heads out, marveling at the mighty boss!

  However, at this moment, in the miserable green poisonous mist, a dark will-o'-the-wisp actually lit up.

  Gu Jianlin sat on the sofa, seeing the mess on his body and the stench in the thick fog, his mentality was completely broken.

  He let the negative emotions in his mind completely get out of control, and he ran away in a ghostly state!

   This is the ability he strengthened after he was promoted to the third level.

  Ghosts turn into rampage form, letting negative emotions go completely out of control, tens of trillions of cells in the body release terrifying dark energy, at the cost of sacrificing all reason, blindly pursue violent power, thus greatly enhancing combat effectiveness!


   For a moment, the sound of Gu Jianlin's breathing was like the roar of a wild animal grinding its teeth and sucking blood.

  The eyes lit up in the poisonous mist were terrifying, and the black figure sitting on the sofa seemed to be a demon instead of a human being!

   Subconsciously, Ji Xiaoyu took a step back.

  Being stared at by those eyes, she, who claims to be invincible in the world, actually felt a little fear.

   "Come on, go on."


  The air burst, at an unimaginable speed, in an instant!

  The pitch-black will-o’-the-wisps soar in the wind!

"wait wait wait!"

  Ji Xiaoyu was obviously frightened, and her eyes trembled slightly: "Stop..."

  Gu Jianlin raised his hands, and the four burning ghost hands behind him scattered and crisscrossed, gathering pitch-black violent particles!

  Dark shock!

  At that moment, Ji Xiaoyu burst out with fury, but it was too late!

   There was only a loud noise, and the majestic impact sent her flying.

   The goggles and protective clothing were directly blown to pieces and fell directly into the thumbtack trap in the front yard!

   A cry.

   It was a scream like killing a donkey.

   "You're cheating! You don't talk about martial arts!"

  Ji Xiaoyu let out a shrill wail, writhing on the ground in pain.

   Under the severe pain, he jumped up again, jumping up and down.

   "You are not a third-order at all! There is no third-order like you! They said wait, you still fight!"

   Stupid kid.

  The fight has already started, so there is no reason for an intermission.

   "Stop as soon as you say?"

  Gu Jianlin said hoarsely, "Sorry, I'm a barbarian."

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, and the next update will be at 8:30 tomorrow night. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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