The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 146: If the child does not teach, it is the fault of the grandmother

  Chapter 146 It's my grandmother's fault if I don't teach my son

  Gu Jianlin glanced at the brat hanging from the street lamp, and an unknown fire shot up again.

  The aftereffects of the ghost-like runaway state brought him too much. In fact, if he didn't use the realm of freedom to eliminate all the extraordinary abilities in the domain in the end, then he couldn't control himself at all, and he would inevitably die.

  Even after the battle was over, he silently recited the Great Mercy and Great Compassion Mantra several times to stabilize his mentality.

  Amitabha Buddha, good and good.

   This brat is so rowdy, and his fighting power is still very strong, he deserves to be the mad king of Tier 4.

   You must know that Gu Jianlin himself is not just a simple third-order commandant, he himself has a dual-core drive spirituality, and all his extraordinary abilities are almost double the power, and he has also been strengthened by the power of the unicorn.

  His basic attributes are doubled, and his skills have also been strengthened.

   Even comprehended the true meaning of breathing technique.

   This is not counting the protection of light that Lin Wanqiu gave him in advance, which helped him to immunize him from physical toxins.

   Neither side is armed with mythology.

   No wonder no one has been able to control this bear child. Due to their status, those big bosses must not be too harsh on a child. There are few young people who are her opponents, and even if there are, they are afraid of their background.

   She almost ruined Gu Jianlin's character design.

   But fortunately, in the end they won by a narrow margin.

  In the realm of freedom, the original battle between sublimators has become a 17-year-old teenager against a 12-year-old brat. Neither side has extraordinary abilities, and the advantages are clear at a glance.

  Pick up the folding chair and hit the buttocks, and that's it.

   And after using the Realm of Freedom, even the stench was purified.

   Praise the breathwork.

   Praise the King of Blue.

  The parrot stood in the cage, yin and yang said strangely: "Splash the monkey!"

  On the street lamp, Ji Xiaoyu was still struggling, but she was almost paralyzed by the fire of the **** sacrifice. Obviously, without anyone to help her, this fourth-order mad king lost his former prestige.

  At this moment, someone from the crowd stood up.

   "My God, my little princess, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Youyu was the first to stand up, turned on the camera with his mobile phone, and shot wildly, with tears in his eyes, the corners of his mouth cracked with distress, and his smile collapsed: "Who are you offending? Look, how did it all become like this?" .Oh, this is really the reincarnation of heaven, who will the heavens spare! Ah, no, this is really a sin haha..."

  People looked at the fat man silently, thinking that you are really brave.

  Especially Zhang Cheng and Nie Xiangsi as teammates.

  Although the little princess was hung from a street lamp, she is still conscious.

  The eyes almost burst into flames, obviously remembering you, little fat man.

   Obviously, in this peerless battle, the Chair Killer defeated the Jedi Poison King forcefully.

   ended this undefeated legend.

   But the question is, how to win!

  At the same level, it is still possible to challenge beyond the level.

   It is very rare for the extraordinary level to defeat the ultra-dimensional level.

  At least in the Fengcheng area, only Lei Ting can do it alone, and it is armed with the help of mythology.

   "I didn't notice the fluctuation of the mythical armed forces."

  A great wizard of the witch path said in a low voice: "But I have noticed traces of the existence of spirit bodies."

  Spiritual body!

   So that's the case, then the case will be solved.

  Among all the ways of inheritance, only the priest has the ability to control the spirit body.

   And you have to become the chief commander.

   In other words, Gu Jianlin has already broken through the third level!

  Lin Wanqiu looked at the young man with more and more warm eyes. It seems that his performance in the forbidden area of ​​Westport was not his limit. No wonder he was able to calmly face the attack of a fourth-order overlord.

   It is understandable that even Instructor Wan's Slaughter Domain can be ignored.

At this time, in the stands in the distance, Wan Tu silently put down the binoculars, turned his head and shouted: "Did you see it? Old Chen! Did you see it? You still tell me that this person is not that powerful? What do you mean?" Doesn't it hurt to touch your own conscience? How do you say this? You just want to trick me, right?"

   "Even the little princess was subdued by him, which is not so powerful, so what is powerful?"

  He roared: "This is the student of the King of Blue, right? It must be someone from their lineage who came to revenge on me again, and want to see me make a fool of myself? No, I want to go back and practice more! Ten times more!"

  Chen Bojun has eagle eyes, so he can see distant scenes without binoculars.

  He also couldn't understand how this was done.

   "Third order, Commander-in-Chief, so fast?"

  He murmured: "Could it be that the King of Green gave him a prescription? Where did he get the spiritual medicine?"

   And even if it is promoted to the third level, this speed is too fast.

   "Don't play dumb!"

  Wan Tu said heartbroken, "You guys just joined forces to trick me, didn't you!"

  Suddenly, Chen Bojun raised a finger: "Hush!"

  Wan Tu roared angrily: "Shhhhhhh, don't divert the conversation..."

  But the next moment, he suddenly shut up.

  Because Chen Bojun silently pointed in one direction.

  Under the dim streetlights, someone was standing in the shadow of a tree, and the wind was blowing her golden robe.

   Grace, majesty.

  This figure is familiar to the senior members of the Ethereum Association.

  As long as you have seen it once, you will not forget it.


  Chen Bojun and Wan Tu glanced at each other, unexpectedly this fun even attracted the president!



  Taihua was separated by a long distance, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

   "Heh, you little thing, you still have today."

  She paused for a moment: "Huaiyin, this brat does nothing at all, but he does have a good eye."

An old servant stood beside her respectfully, and said: "Madam, Mr. Huai's student is indeed very talented, but his advancement speed and combat power are really a bit abnormal. In theory, according to Mr. Huai's The method of teaching apprentices should not give away resources in the early stage."

  Taihua glanced at him: "Huh?"

   "I mean, there should be something wrong with Gu Jianlin."

  The old servant said with a low eyebrow, "Especially, this is Gu Ci'an's son, so we need to be cautious."

  Taihua narrowed his eyes, and said lightly, "I'll just pretend you never said such a thing."

  The old servant's complexion changed, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

  "How can a person live in this world without secrets?"

  Taihua said calmly: "A person who has no secrets will live shortly. A mediocre person will like a mediocre person who can see through it at a glance. For me, the more secrets he has, the better."

  The old servant said quickly: "Understood, madam."

"Gu Ci'an's son is interesting, so let Xiao Yu learn from him for a while. This child has been lacking in discipline and education since he was a child. If he doesn't treat her in time, he will probably die. If you are lucky, you can still learn. to respiration."

  Taihua thought of something coldly, and snorted coldly: "Old Jiu, go and give him my golden phoenix feather."

  The old servant's expression changed: "Understood."



  On the street lamp next to the ruins, the little princess was like a roast suckling pig, she was already delirious after being burned by the fire of the **** sacrifice, and finally realized that she was unable to break free, so she cried loudly.

   The people who eat melons are watching, and they have already foreseen what the headlines of the Deep Space Forum will be tomorrow.

  Gu Jianlin still sat on the sofa, unmoved.

   "Do you want to put the little princess down?"

  Lin Wanqiu said in a low voice: "After all, she is the granddaughter of the President, and her guardian will come soon."

  Gu Jianlin said lightly, "Hang up for two days first."

   Hang for two days!

  Those younger brothers standing in a row showed inexplicable expressions of horror.

  At this time, the crowd parted automatically, and a dignified middle-aged man walked over with his hands behind his back.

   "Little princess!"

  When he saw the figure hanging on the street lamp, and after this tragedy, his expression changed greatly: "Who did it!"

  In the dead silence, Gu Jianlin sat on the sofa and raised his head: "Me."


  The middle-aged man showed anger: "Do you know who she is? How dare you treat her like this? Put her down quickly! Otherwise, I will bring this matter to the president, and you will feel better!"

"I reject."

Gu Jianlin put down the cup of Coke, and asked blankly, "Are you her father? I remember a saying that it's the father's fault if the son doesn't teach. If you want me to put her down, then you have to Take responsibility for her mistakes and apologize for her."

  The middle-aged man's complexion changed. He obviously knew who his little princess was, and he stumbled and said, "I, I am the guardian of the little princess. The little princess has no parents. Your statement is not true!"

  Whoever dares to be the parents of the little princess is courting death.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

  At this time, the parrot yelled: "That is the fault of the grandparents for not teaching the child!"

   Everyone's complexion changed, good guy, who are you implying!

   As we all know, the little princess' grandfather was the president of the previous generation. He has passed away for many years and has nothing to do with this matter.

  Then there is only one elder in the direct line within two generations.



  In the distance, Taihua, who was about to leave, froze slightly when he heard these words.

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, see you at 8:30 tomorrow night. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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