The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 147: rivalry

  Chapter 147 Competition

   It's the grandmother's fault if the son doesn't teach.

  Gu Jianlin didn't reprimand or refute the idiot, because that's what he thought.

  The president asked him to be the team leader. Although it also meant to help him grow up quickly, it was more likely that he wanted him to help take care of the children and toss him by the way.

   There must be some bad thoughts like this.

  He is clearly the leader of the whole sublimation world, but he is so small-minded, mediocre!

   None of the people present dared to answer the question, and even if they had ten guts, they would not dare to speak directly to the president.

   "You have to know, your words have reached the ears of the president, ten of you are not enough to die."

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, his eyes became cold, and he said with a sneer: "Now give you a chance to put the little princess down. No matter how naughty the little princess is, this is the granddaughter of the president and belongs to the Ji family." Daughter, you have lost face to the president and the Ji family, and you are destined to have no good fruit."

   While speaking, there was actually a steel sword box shaking at his feet, releasing a strong breath.

  Everyone retreated one after another, not knowing whether it was the fourth or fifth level.

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyes and glanced at him, and what he saw was a cold and stern phantom, carrying more than a dozen rusty iron swords on his back, his whole body was surrounded by a gust of sword energy, tall and burly like a giant.

  Jianzong passed by.

   It's not the fifth order, but it's close to the fifth order.

   As expected of the Ji family, the family background is solid.

   At the same time, five stern youths came from the crowd and stood behind him.

   "What did you do earlier?"

Gu Jian said expressionlessly: "When Ji Xiaoyu came to make trouble, why didn't you jump out? It seems that you are not low in rank, and you are all in your 30s and 40s. It is impossible to control a child. The only one The only possibility is that because of her status, you don't dare or want to control her, right?"

  The middle-aged man's face changed, and the other guardians looked at each other.

   "I helped you discipline this brat. Instead of thanking me, you just threatened me. You are afraid of the brat's background, and you dare not provoke her. Instead, you are making fun of me, the victim."

  Gu Jianlin played with the poison bags on the table, and said casually: "The guardians that the Ji family is looking for are just such a group of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong? That's really not good."

   Obviously, Ji Xiaoyu's guardian is basically the same as her.

   If you don't follow her, it is impossible to stay by her side.

   These guardians are very clear about the bullshit's nonsense on weekdays, so they pretend not to see it.

  Wait until one day you kick the iron plate and get beaten up by others, and then jump out to pretend to be tough.

   Isn't this just like those mentally handicapped parents.

  The brats in my own family are not good at teaching, and after causing trouble outside, they still blame others.

   This kind of person is just one word.


   The parrot yelled.

  The middle-aged man's face was ugly, and he said coldly, "We are the guardians of the little princess, and we are only responsible for protecting her safety."

  Those stern youths took half a step forward and continued to exert pressure.

   "Come on, talk as if you dare to fight me directly here."

   Gu Jianlin waved his hand.

  He has read the relevant regulations of the Omega sequence before.

  At least in the base of Heiyun Walled City, members of the Omega sequence have the highest priority.

  Anyone who dares to attack them will be bored.

  The middle-aged man's face froze, and the other guardians also looked around.

  The pitch-black night spread like water, and the reflection of the sniper scope flickered in the darkness. In the apartment buildings and office buildings in all directions, there were sublimators of the Overlord Path locked them.

  Anyone who dares to attack the Omega sequence will be shot in the head.

   "If you want me to let this brat go, yes."

  Gu Jianlin looked at the middle-aged man, and said calmly, "You hang on it for her, and the others will stand beside you."

  At this time, the bear boy on the chandelier whimpered, his eyes widened as if he saw hope.

  Those younger brothers who were punished to stand by also raised their heads full of hope.

  However, the guardians came here for profit, so how could they do such a thing.

  The leading middle-aged man was silent for a long time, and silently took out a bronze mirror. A thick fog suddenly appeared on the mirror, and the dark underground palace and burning bonfire were reflected in the fog.

  I saw a short-haired woman with a stern face, wearing a blood-stained tight combat uniform, holding a **** Tang knife in each hand, and said coldly: "What's going on?"

   "Miss Himeno."

  The middle-aged man told the story in a low voice.

  The bronze mirror pointed at the embarrassed figure hanging under the street lamp.

After a moment of silence, the short-haired woman in the mirror said indifferently: "Do you need to bother me specially for this kind of thing? Hurry up and put Xiao Yu down, don't let her lose Ji's family here. I don't care who the other party is, I don't care how naughty Xiao Yu is, no matter what, she is from the Ji family..."

  The next moment, she suddenly shut up.

  The guardians also froze in place.

  Because an old servant walked over from the crowd, holding a mahogany tray in his hand, on which was a phoenix feather made of gold, which shone brightly even in the dark.

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly.

   "Mr. Gu, this object is the Golden Luan Phoenix Feather. It was unearthed from the Fusang Shrine. It is currently a keepsake of the Ji family."

  The old servant offered the golden luan and the phoenix feather with both hands: "Holding this thing is like meeting the president himself."

  Fuso Shrine!

  Gu Jianlin took the so-called golden phoenix feather and observed it carefully.

   Gorgeous, quaint.

  The age is very long.

  The phoenix feather made of gold is full of scratches from the years, which has a sense of vicissitudes of history.

  The moment Jin Luan and Phoenix Feather appeared in the boy's hand.

  The guardians of the Ji family, and the woman reflected in the bronze mirror, their pupils trembling violently.

  Jin Luan Feng Yu.

  Personal token of the President.

  Those eyes were full of fear and fear.

"No matter what, Xiaoyu is from the Ji family. She is as naughty as a monkey at the age of twelve. It is good to be taught a lesson once in a while. It's time for her to have a good memory so that she won't go out and lose Ji's house in the future." s face."

  The woman in the bronze mirror said indifferently: "Chen Ze, how do you usually discipline her?"

  She paused: "When I come out of the fairy palace, you can get out."

  The middle-aged man named Chen Ze's complexion changed drastically, and he screamed in his heart that he was wronged.

  Guardians: "…"

  On the street lamp, Ji Xiaoyu's eyes widened.

   This time, the iron plate was really mentioned!



  A library at the base of Heiyun Walled City.

   Gu Jianlin drank his coffee in silence, feeling the gradual recovery of spirituality in his body, and let out a long sigh of relief.

  Nie Xiangsi looked at him, hesitated to speak.

   "Brother Lin, is it really okay to hang the little princess outside like this?"

  Cheng Youyu leaned over and asked, "Hang for two days?"

  Zhang Cheng kindly reminded: "After all, she is a little princess. Even if there is Jin Luan and Phoenix Feather, she is still a bear. What if one day she goes crazy with a cry and comes to find you desperately?"

  Gu Jianlin hummed: "It's okay, she can't beat me anyway."

  Although it was difficult to win this battle, he was already fully aware of his lack of combat power.

  I will find a way to make up for it in the near future.

   After a while, the gap should be widened.

Cheng Youyu gave a thumbs up: "As expected of Brother Lin! You are a peerless ruthless person! The little princess was killed by you, I guess this matter will soon spread throughout the association, you are famous again Ah! I was betting on you on the forum before, but fortunately I know your ability, so I put all the last 200 meritorious deeds on you, blood money!"

  Zhang Cheng and Nie Xiangsi turned their heads to look at him, and said in unison: "The gambling dog will die!"

   "Hey, I'm just a small gambler. I believe in Brother Lin's ability. It's not worth the money."

  Cheng Youyu said: "The most important thing is that Brother Lin killed the little princess, and his reputation has been greatly improved since then!"

  When Gu Jianlin heard the word "famous", he almost had a stress disorder.

   "However, who sent the president's golden luan and phoenix feather?"

  Zhang Cheng asked blankly: "The Patriarch of the Ji family asked for it?"

   "Idiot, do you think the Patriarch of the Ji family can ask for such a thing?"

Cheng Youyu glared at him: "Who is the president? Since she took this position, she treats everyone below her equally. As long as you are useless to her, she doesn't even bother to look at you. And all these years, The relationship between the president and the Ji family is getting more and more distant, because she thinks the Ji family is useless."

  Nie Xiangsi said softly: "My uncle also said this. The Jinluan Phoenix Feather is the president's personal token, which to a certain extent symbolizes her majesty and power. It is really unlikely that the Ji family will ask for this thing."

  What did she think of: "Could it be... the King of Blue?"

   Gu Jianlin shook his head, the old man should not care about such trivial matters.

   "This should be the meaning of the president himself."

  He was silent for a second: "Although I don't know what she wants to do."

   But he always had a hunch.

  The president handed over his granddaughter to himself, not just to let her be beaten.

  Maybe, there are other purposes.

   "The president is from the Ji family, right?"

  Gu Jianlin suddenly asked: "But does she have some grievances with the Ji family?"



  The sea breeze reverberates between the sky and the earth, and the sound of the tide is like thunder.

  Taihua stood with his hands behind his back, standing on a huge reef, overlooking the rough sea.

  The waves are sweeping, and the foam is gushing.

   "It's the grandmother's fault if the son doesn't teach."

  She sneered: "Okay, Lao Jiu."

  The old servant bowed his head and said, "I am here."

   "Go and unban the mythical weapon and put it in the resource library of the Omega sequence."

   Taihua said lightly.

  The old servant was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood what Madam was talking about.

   "You still have to compete with him."

  He asked: "What if he doesn't choose that mythical weapon?"

  Taihua sneered: "There is no chance, he will definitely choose."

  Because if it were her, she would definitely choose that mythical weapon.

   When she saw that child, it was like seeing a younger, male version of herself.

  【ps: This book is the first starting point reading app, the next update will be at 11.30 tonight】

  (end of this chapter)

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