The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 165: Suspected of ghosts

  Chapter 165 The Suspect of the Inner Ghost

   I have to say that although Ji Xiaoyu is a bear, he can indeed come in handy at critical times.

   After all, she is the president's biological granddaughter. No matter how stubborn her personality is, she can't do things that deliberately calculated her teammates, not to mention that she probably doesn't have that IQ. And she is full of treasures, she is a walking monster, so far no one knows how many mythical weapons she carries.

   Her name will always be on the reward list in the dark world.

   Although the bounty is zero.

   But everyone knows that she is the most expensive.

  Looking at the petite black figure with hands on hips in the raging fire, everyone felt a strong sense of security in their hearts.

   Of course there is also a trace of guilt.

   This time, it was actually a child who made the rescue.

  However, in the next second, Ji Xiaoyu rushed out of the flames screaming: "Run!"

   Behind her, densely packed living corpses crawled out from the dead trees or the soil, even though they were burned all over by the fire, they still roared and chased after her, the scene was extremely terrifying.

  The most important thing is that after those living corpses were burned by the fire, they actually gave off a stench!

   No, it stinks!

   Those who didn’t know thought that the little princess had started poisoning again.


   Everyone is an elite, and they all know what to do at this time.

  Gu Jianlin couldn't bear this kind of recalcitrant personality: "Six o'clock direction, 115 meters."

  Tang Ling followed him and ran wildly, surprised: "Your life perception is so far away?"

  Gu Jianlin responded blankly: "This is a gift from my father."

  Now he has learned

  If there is a blame, throw it on Lao Gu.

  Although everyone didn't know the reason, they could only run in the direction of six o'clock.

  The little princess ran at the end.

  At this moment, Tang Ling and Gu Jianlin slowed down simultaneously.

  Ji Xiaoyu ran past the couple in surprise, not knowing why they stopped suddenly.

  However, at the next moment, the couple raised their legs at the same time and kicked her ass!

  The movements are uniform and the posture is very standard, as if he has the demeanor of a world champion.

  Those who didn’t know thought it was discussed in advance!


  Ji Xiaoyu's words stuck in her throat, she drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and fell to the ground.

   Fortunately, Guwu Road has rough skin and thick flesh, so it didn't hurt at all, and it didn't hurt.

   But she felt very humiliated!

  Just when she was about to get angry, she suddenly found herself in the front position.

   Looking back, a large number of living corpses had already overwhelmed her position just now.

   "Come on, don't stand still!"

  The crowd ran past: "The two of them want to stay and end the queen!"

   "Offended, little princess!"

  Shu Guang picked up the nape of the little princess's neck and ran wildly.

  Gu Jianlin turned his head and glanced at the departing crowd, and said expressionlessly, "It's a pleasure."

  Tang Ling picked up the iron sword and said lightly, "It's really cool."

  Although I don't like that bear child, she is indeed useful.

  With the pride of the two of them, they definitely won't let a twelve-year-old child come to the rear.

   "It's still the old rule, you're left and I'm right, fight for five minutes and then withdraw."

An eerie ghostly aura surged behind Gu Jianlin, clusters of pale ghostly fires ignited, and the hideous golden ghost's hands tore through the void, with strange black spells all over their palms, and simple iron talismans wrapped around their wrists. chain.

  When the four ghost hands clenched tightly, it seemed like an evil ghost was roaring.


   Tang Ling responded lightly, then suddenly remembered something, and seriously hung her backpack and the package containing the sacrificial objects on the hands of the spirit ghost behind him.

  As if dancing a beautiful waltz, holding an iron sword, he rushed into the group of living corpses.

  The sword energy swept across like a storm!

   Even though Gu Jianlin was in a berserk state, he was shocked when he saw this operation.

   "Just play for five minutes, no need to go all out."

   Tang Ling's arrogant voice resounded in the crowd of corpses, relaxed and freehand.


  Here, Gu Jianlin unleashed a dark shock, and countless living corpses were wiped out in the thick black light.

   "A question, when your first echelon came in, was this also the case?"

   he asked suddenly.

Tang Ling swung her sword and chopped off the head of a living corpse: "It's almost the same, but what we met back then was not a tree burial, but some petrified sculptures, and those living corpses would come out of the sculptures, and one of them was an ancient ancestor. "

  Gu Jianlin hummed, then turned to look aside.

   It is decided to be Ni, Lao Gu.

Come out.

The old Gu who he had imagined was full of hippie smiles, and said mysteriously: "My dear, do you know how important your knowledgeable father is by now? Tang Ling and the others met That kind of living burial is called stone burial, and the one you encountered is called tree burial, but they have one thing in common."

   "Thousands of years have passed, unless a large number of living people die here, they cannot wake up."

  He paused: "Unless someone temporarily awakens them, after these living corpses are forcibly awakened, they will naturally become irrational, crazy and terrifying monsters, extremely aggressive."

  Gu Jianlin looked at the misty sky above his head, in a daze.

"I see."



   "Get out of the way! I want to fight back!"

   "I, Ji Xiaoyu, have never been weaker than others in my life. Who wants that pair of dogs and men to save me!"

   "What are you doing here? Hit and go! I'm so annoying!"

  The brat screamed impatiently, biting his handkerchief annoyed.

  However, everyone was very serious, and no one paid attention to her at all, just staring straight ahead.

  Because there is actually a rushing river ahead, there are some scattered huge gravels and dense bushes, there are campfires burning on the ground, and six tents.

  Ten mercenaries carried automatic firearms and aimed at them.

  Everyone's eyes are as sharp as a falcon, obviously the overlord approach.

  Outside the tent, a pair of twin women who looked almost identical wore black tight-fitting combat uniforms and several knives were tied behind their backs. They were obviously a little nervous and scared, and kept vigilant at all times.

   At the end is an old man in a kimono, and his handsome young man.

  Nightmare raised his hand to signal his teammates not to come forward for the time being, raised his head and said lightly: "Who is the team leader?"

  The old man in the kimono stood up, with a gentle smile on his face, and said, "It's me, my name is Inoue Shuichi, and I'm from Yingzhou. This is my land reclamation team. We came in from the sea."

  His statement obviously carried some flattering meaning.

  Because he clearly felt that the strength and configuration of the opposing team were undoubtedly elite.

   Nightmare frowned: "Yingzhou people? Who came from?"

   Inoue Hideichi obviously hesitated, and even his teammates were extremely nervous.

   "Ethereum Association, A-level investigator, ranked fourteenth in the Omega sequence, code-named Nightmare."

Nightmare said coldly: "We are carrying out a confidential mission, and now we need you to report your identity and the channel to enter the Asgard, otherwise we will regard you as an enemy and kill you on the spot. Even if some of you can escape by chance and return to reality The world will still be included in the most wanted list of the Aether Association."

  He paused: "I have marked your spirituality."

   "It is recommended not to resist."

  Shu Guang said gently: "You can't beat us."

  At the same time, Yaodao and Blue Whale stepped forward at the same time, with indifferent expressions.

  Especially the mountain ghosts, who have already picked up the living utensils left on the ground and are ready to curse.

  As for Ji Xiaoyu, if she wants to fight or not, she is almost bored to death.

  Shuichi Inoue and his subordinates did not expect to encounter people from the Ether Association. This is really bad luck.

   "I came here through Mr. Liu's channel."

  He sighed, and explained clearly: "My students and a pair of nieces are from Yingzhou. These ten mercenaries were recruited in the black market."

   "We can guarantee that the people here are clean and definitely not wanted criminals. We have not harmed anyone from the Ether Association since we entered here. We just want to hunt for treasure."

   "If you need anything, we can help you for free."

  Nightmare exchanged glances with his teammates, considering whether to kill this group of people directly.

  Because it was probably this group of people who attacked the first echelon.

  Especially in a place like Qilin Fairy Palace, there is no order and law, and there is no bottom line.

  Anything can be done for profit.

  You sacrifice your own safety to be kind to others, and it may be you who gets eaten in turn.

   At the same time, footsteps sounded deep in the dense forest.

  Gu Jianlin carried the two bags of the irritable old lady, and walked over expressionlessly: "What's going on?"

  Tang Ling followed behind him, wiping the blade with the bark with a look of disgust.

  When everyone saw the two of them coming back, they didn't say anything.

  The fighting power of these two people is the fiercest in the group, and there is no possibility of being damaged by the group of living corpses.

  After briefly understanding the situation, Tang Ling turned to look at the boy: "What should I do?"

  Gu Jianlin thought about it, glanced at those people, and just asked a question: "When you were here, were you ever attacked by a living corpse? Whether it came out of a tree or a sculpture."

  Although Nightmare wanted to compete with him, he still took out the crystal ball, and his pupils turned white.

  Teammates are on alert.

  As long as the other party shows signs of lying, they will violently attack.

  Hideichi Inoue frowned, and replied: "No, we were not attacked by living corpses, on the contrary, we encountered many mutated beasts, and we just came out of an ancient ruin."

  Their subordinates also looked at each other, apparently not knowing that the living corpses here would actually attack people.

   Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes, which is very interesting.

  When the eleven people from the first echelon came in, they happened to encounter a living corpse.

   And when their rescue team came in, they also encountered living corpses.

   That is to say, there is an inner ghost.

   "Camp here tonight?"

   Tang Ling glanced at him.

  Gu Jianlin hummed: "Okay."

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, welcome to read the genuine version. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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