The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 166: Yue Ji: I can't do without him

  Chapter 166 Yue Ji: I can't do without him

  Kirin Fairy Palace, a cliff of extreme cold.


  Yueji held the blood-red Tang Dao with both hands, and it disappeared like a ghost, leaving a broken afterimage.

  Dozens of giant wolves covered in frost and cold hadn't figured out what happened, but their heads were cut off by countless criss-crossing **** flashes, and then their bodies were also torn apart, and frosty blood spurted out.

  In just a few minutes, she had already blazed a trail with her powerful personal strength.

   Occasionally, a giant wolf that is cut apart will drop an ice blue spar from its body.

   "Boss, come on, you are the best! Keep working hard!"

  The butcher cheered on behind, and excitedly followed behind to pick up materials. In less than ten minutes, he had filled six baskets, like a farmer who returned with a full load, quite simple and honest.

  Whether it is the Aether Association or the Youying Group.

  The talents shown by Yue Ji are all jaw-dropping.

   First of all, her talent is very good.

  And her sword skills are superb, her movements are light and agile, and she can maximize the ability of the ghost-slaying path.

   More importantly, she is too familiar with Qilin Asgard.

   This is due to her teacher, who took her to train in the Qilin Fairy Palace for a long time.

   This monster is nothing to her.

  One person can kill all in seconds, no teammates are needed at all.

  And the other candidates can only stare blankly at the side, it is clear that everyone is in the fourth rank, I don’t know why there is such a big gap, your operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is zero bar five.

   And they killed without thinking from the beginning to the end, as if the living corpses on the opposite side were all cabbages.

"Hmph, what's the big deal? She usually pretends to be aloof and ignores everyone, but after entering the Immortal Palace, she behaves more positively than anyone else. Isn't it just to please the third master? "There is a strange yin and yang behind Judith. This is a girl from North America and one of the candidates for the dark world.

   "Yeah, I thought she was really cold before."

Zhao Enmin hummed beside her and said, "Didn't many people pursue her before? But this little thing always said that she has a boyfriend, and she came here to marry her boyfriend after earning enough money. At that time, I didn't believe it. They are all people who can gain a firm foothold in the dark world, how can they be so promising? Now, it is really fake, pretending to be noble on the surface, and they don’t even care about advancing, now you look at it?"

   "I'm more curious about whether those who pursued her are blind."

   There was also a young girl beside her muttering, "Wear a mask all day, what if it's an ugly girl?"

   "Then I can only go to Eunmin's country for plastic surgery, hahaha."

   "Didn't she not see anyone all day long ago? Maybe she has already gone."

   "Tsk tsk tsk."

   I don’t know why, but everyone really hates the kind of people who pretend to be fishing on the surface, but secretly work hard in private. Once such people appear around them, they will be attacked by groups.

   "Concentrate, this is opening up wasteland."

  Ning Chen glanced at them coldly.

  Everyone shut up.

  The bodyguard next to the third master usually doesn't care about them.

  But it doesn't matter now.

  Because the butcher has come over.

  Every step this giant bear-like man took, the ice layer trembled and cracks opened.

   "My boss looks much better than your sows."

  He grinned and smiled coldly: "If you dare to blah blah in private, I'll wring your heads off."

  The faces of the green tea girls changed suddenly in fright. In fact, if they can become candidates, they are no longer vases. Everyone is a poisonous rose in the dark world, fierce and fierce.

   When performing tasks, she doesn't mind sacrificing a little bit of beauty to catch a few men with sperm and brains.

   After using it, turn around and kill it.

  You can also dedicate yourself to those powerful and powerful figures for some resources.

  I was still calling my father the night before, and when I squeezed out the value the next day, I turned around and said you were three centimeters.

   Yue Ji is completely different among this group of people.

  She never does dirty work for her own benefit.

  Never use her beauty to gain benefits.

  This is completely different from most women in the dark world, so they will naturally be excluded.

   However, Yue Ji's style is not stained by mud.

   will attract a lot of suitors.

  Although she is wearing a mask and cannot see her specific face clearly, but if you look at her eyes, she cannot be an ugly girl.

   What's more, in the dark world, you can easily check her shopping records.

  Expensive cosmetics and skin care products are free to buy.

  In the entire Youying Group, Yueji is the flower of Gaoling.

   It is abnormal not to be envied.

   It's just that they only dare to discuss it in private.

   Not to mention Tsukihime herself.

  Even this butcher, they can't afford it.

   It is said that Yueji and Butcher are now highly regarded celebrities.

   Needless to say the weight of the former.

  The latter has grown by leaps and bounds recently, creating a record of 167 consecutive victories in boxing matches.

  The opponents were all beaten into inhuman shapes by him, and the scene was extremely bloody.

  No one knows why this guy suddenly became so fierce.

  Those who didn’t know thought that this reckless man had received the Supreme Inheritance.

   But this is also a joke.

  Who's Supreme would like this brainless idiot.


   In less than ten minutes, this group of mutated wolves had been slaughtered.

  The frozen mountain was suddenly cut and fell to the cliff.

  A frost-white snow lotus appeared.

   Frost snow lotus is a necessary material to advance to the fifth level of the ghost-slaying pathway.

  Yueji picked up the Frost Snow Lotus and put it in her backpack, but her eyes didn't show much joy, and she didn't even realize that the slash just now might destroy it directly.

  Holding the blood-red Tang Dao, she carefully tapped in the ice.

  The crushed ice was knocked down, and there was a piece of red lava inside.

   "Great, found it."

  She said softly, took out the piece of lava with her gloved hands, carefully put it into the alchemy stone box, and then wrapped it in a pink gift box and put it in her bag.

  This is corrosive lava, a necessary material for the promotion of the God Division to the fourth level.

   "Ah Choo."

  Tsukihime sneezed cutely, wrapped her white down jacket tightly, and tied her scarf again.

  The rules of the ancient God Realm are different from those of the real world. The weather is very changeable. Many places are only a few kilometers away, but the climate is completely different. You wear big pants, and I wear a thick padded jacket.

  If two waves of people pass by in the middle, they can't help but look at each other.

   Then I cursed in my heart, silly criticism.

At this time, the butcher came over with a basket on his back, and said excitedly: "That's great, boss, the winter stones you killed have far exceeded the quota. You can almost exchange enough points for the Worm of Time. Now you I am already very proficient in sword skills, I will go to Master Kuhe to practice tomorrow, and I have already reached the master level!"

  He smiled honestly: "When the time comes, you will be the fifth-level Yuesi!"

  Yueji hummed, with a solemn expression, not very happy.

   "Boss, don't relax, keep working hard!"

  The butcher paused: "This is His will after all!"

   Venerable Kirin.

  The Will of an Ancient One.

Yue Ji only felt the pressure was great, she puffed up her cheeks immediately, and said with her lips: "Are you sure He really plans to take me as a female priest? What does He like about me? Can't I change it? I I always thought that the ancient gods and humans were reproductively isolated, until I heard about female priests, it was too scary."

  The butcher scratched his head and said, "I don't know. Anyway, it's just a suspicion. After all, you look so good-looking. If you eat as strong as me, maybe he will change his mind!"

  Yueji looked at him with a mentally retarded look: "Then I would rather die."

  The butcher said helplessly: "Who knows what he thinks, I even begged for you."

  Yueji's eyes became serious: "Don't do such a dangerous thing next time."

   "I know! But after all, boss, you are kind to me."

The butcher scratched his head and said, "I was too scared at the time, thinking I was going to tell you where I was, but who knows, He suddenly changed his mind and asked me to protect you. What He meant was that you can't continue to fish like this." Now, we must focus on advancing, not on falling in love."

  He paused for a moment, with an extremely serious expression: "Otherwise, we will beat the mandarin duck with a club and arrest you as a priestess!"

  Yue Ji was stunned, with a stupefied hair bristling on the top of her head, shivering in the cold wind.

   "I didn't expect that in the extraordinary world, I would be forced to study hard..."

  It is impossible to be a female priest.

  Even if the opponent is an ancient supreme.

  It is impossible in this life.

  She would rather die than surrender!

  The butcher thought about it, and said with his lips: "Perhaps the Supreme has his deep meaning. We are some of the servants of the gods, and you will probably be trained by him to be able to act in the human world and do something for him."

  Yue Ji said quietly: "I see."

"This is not bad. After all, the bookman also said that the supreme being is learning about human beings, and the day when he rules the world is not far away. To him, we still have some value. I, the bookman, and the pharmacist Old thief, if you let him down, you will probably be swallowed up by him directly."

  The butcher said: "As for the boss, after all, you are the only clean person among us, and you are of great use in His eyes. But if you continue to behave like this, won't you be arrested and made a female priest?"

  Life is not easy, Yue Ji sighed.

   "I know, I will not let him down."

  She thought for a while: "By the way, where is the third master?"

The butcher's complexion changed slightly, and he replied: "It seems that I'm going to meet with the informant. It is said that the people on Si Ye's side have found an ancient ruin near the Burial Forest, and there may be clues in it! The current situation I'm very nervous, and I'm preparing secretly."

   "Forest of Burial?"

  Yueji's eyes flickered for a moment: "Go, let's go too!"

  The butcher was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise, "Now?"

  He thought the boss had finally gotten his head around it.

  Hearing the news of Qilin Wedge, he rushed to the scene and prepared to make contributions to Supreme.

  Yue Ji didn't speak, but turned around and left with her bag on her back.

   "He is so withdrawn and so brave, if he is with the people of the Ether Association, he will definitely be excluded."

  She paused: "Without me, he can't do it."



  Ancient God Realm, a forest of burials.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin was sitting beside the campfire warming up, dazed in a daze.


  Tang Ling took a piece of roasted beef shank, tore off a small piece with her scallion fingers, fed it to his mouth, and said lightly, "Do you want to eat?"

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, this chapter is a bit late, sorry. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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