The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 172: lost ancient city

  Chapter 172 The Lost Ancient City

   At 5:30 in the morning, the forest of burial.

  The barrier of the Unexisting Lock was constructed, covering the sense of existence of the three people.

This trick was not used before, because the lock of non-existence can only block the sense of existence, but it cannot make you disappear as a whole, and there are too many living corpses. If he really touches you, he can tear you into the air bite.

   There was even a stampede.

   It can only be used to cover the breath when the number of living corpses is small.

   Gu Jian was sitting under an ancient tree to rest, as long as he climbed over the hill ahead, he should be able to reach the entrance of the ruins.

  Although there are occasional attacks from mercenaries and groups of living corpses along the way, with the protection of his second-generation Qilin Venerable, no matter whether it is a female priest or a tiger general, there will be no problems.

  At this moment, he was holding the pink box, silent.

  The box is very cold, but it feels warm to the touch.

  Because it has the heart of a girl.

  Yueji sat next to him, and when he was not paying attention, she turned around and signed a sign language.

   means: "You didn't say you were revealing, did you?"

The butcher also made a sign language, which meant: "Absolutely not, I followed the orders of the boss. I also emphasized that you specifically told me not to tell him, just let me say that I picked it up by chance. .”

   Tsukihime was very satisfied.

  Gu Jianlin glanced at the two people without any expression on his face.

   Heh, this little trick can't be hidden from him at all.

  He had already seen it, but he didn't intend to expose it, because that girl was really looking for advanced materials for herself, and this intention was without any distracting thoughts, which was very touching.

  The little scheming in the back made her feel cuter.

Hearing the dense gunshots sounding in the distance, Gu Jianlin suddenly asked: "Aren't you both candidates for the third master's investment? Will there really be no problem if you don't stay by the third master's side to protect him at this time? "

  Yueji glanced at him: "I am very free in Youying Group, he can't control me."

  The butcher scratched his head and said, "I meant to find reinforcements."

  Gu Jianlin seriously suspected that the reinforcements mentioned by the other party were himself.

   Well, seeing the eyes of the two people opposite, I can confidently remove the word doubt.

"The Youying Group is disorderly. Unlike the Ether Association, the six directors have never been in harmony. The big and small competitions have continued from the real world to the ancient gods. If anyone suddenly gains power, he will definitely put everyone else Eat it up. The fourth master has united with the power of a certain organization and has been trying to open this ruin."

  Yueji explained: "Although the fourth master is a lunatic, his methods are indeed ruthless and well-connected. And the third will think that he is an ordinary fat man, but someone is covering him."

   Butcher Thief Xixi said: "It is said that the lowest sanctuary, the highest may be the top sanctuary."

  The top sanctuary, isn't that the ninth level.

   Gu Jianlin frowned and asked: "Then what is the purpose of Youying Group doing this? The six directors are calling and calling. They shouldn't be the master of the dark world, right? There must be someone behind this."

Yue Ji hummed: "Some people say that the real master of the dark world is Dusk, and Youying Group's method of raising Gu and choosing various investors is to send fresh blood to Dusk. But this is just a rumor. There is no confirmation, and very few people have seen their existence."

She said: "The relationship between Dusk and Youying Group is not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but a cooperative relationship. In fact, in the most prosperous period of the Ethernet Association, that is, the golden age two hundred years ago, there was no large-scale relationship in the dark world. Power, because under the violence of the kings, no one has the ability to unify the dark world."

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment: "Two hundred years ago?"

  That seemed to be the era of the Blue King.

   "Until the first king of the dark world appeared, the legendary Red King."

Yue Ji said softly: "That king, for some unknown reason, suddenly fell into self-madness. He believed that human beings should not master the power of the inheritance path, let alone pursue the power of the ancient gods. Therefore, he betrayed the Ether Association and escaped. entered the dark world, and unified the power of the dark world with his own power."

  Gu Jianlin hesitated for a moment: "What is the relationship between the Green King and the Red King?"

  Yueji's eyes were strange: "It is said that it is the relationship between senior and brother."

  Gu Jianlin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly remembered the words that Uncle Mu had said to him back then.

  At the beginning, someone in the Ethereum Association suggested that it should cooperate with Youying Group.

  Taihua could not resist this general trend.

  In the end, it was the King of Blue who made a strong move to stop all this.

  Looking at it this way, it seems that there is an enmity between the seniors and brothers.

"I heard from the third master that the Scarlet King established the Youying Group in an attempt to unify the entire dark world, but in the end he was brutally smashed to death by the Green King. It was a huge turmoil, from the real world to the ancient gods. World, I don’t know how many people died. At that time, people realized the combat power of natural disaster level for the first time.”

Yue Ji said faintly: "Why do you say that era was the golden age of the human world? Because at that time, the King of Blue and the King of Red had the strength to fight against the Supreme even in the ancient God Realm. The most powerful weapon ever, is a weapon specially bred to fight against the ancient gods."

  Being able to fight against the Supreme does not mean that you can defeat the Supreme.

   But looking at it this way, it is indeed terrifying.

   No wonder Venerable Candle Dragon has not destroyed the world until now.

   After all, the Blue King is still alive.

   "I don't even know these secrets in the association."

   Gu Jianlin complained.

   "It's normal. After all, people in the dark world talk a lot, and news spreads more widely."

Yueji put her hands on her chin, and said casually: "The president of the previous generation, Taiqing, and the president of this generation, Taihua, are the couple who ushered in the peak era of mankind. The two students they trained should have shouldered the responsibility of defending The mission of the human world, but the final not satisfactory."

and many more.

  Gu Jianlin caught the key word: "All?"

  Yueji glanced at him suspiciously: "No one told you?"

  Gu Jianlin shook his head.

   "Well, it may be that no one dares to talk about the king of green."

Yue Ji cleared her throat and said in a low voice: "In the eyes of the world, the Green King has indeed made a lot of contributions to the human world, but his damage to the human world is even more serious than what the Red King has done. Although I don’t know what the Scarlet King wanted to do in the first place, but what I can be sure of is...he didn’t succeed.”

  She said quite meaningfully: "The King of Green, he is the one who released the devil from the cage with his own hands. He was the first to open the taboo Pandora's box. He once pushed the human world to the edge of a cliff, which is extremely dangerous."

  Gu Jianlin rubbed the center of his brows, a little confused.

   To be honest, his mind was a little lost, what exactly happened that year.

  But at this moment, he also suddenly realized.

  If the Green King was really so respected, he would have already become a prince in the ether association.

  Although I haven't formally accepted apprentices yet.

  Many people in the Ethereum Association, after hearing that he was valued by the King of Blue, all they showed was fear.

  Thick fear.

  Master Nightmare once said that the King of Green may not be a good teacher.

  Even Lao Gu said that the Green King is a lunatic.

  In this way, it is reasonable for the Blue King to have a meteorite restraining him above his head.

  He thought for a moment and came to a conclusion: "In other words, the relationship between the King of Blue and this world is not harmonious, but the world must rely on his existence. So, what did he do?"

   "I don't know, but it's definitely crazy."

Yue Ji said faintly: "The Blue King's claim is that the real enemy of the human world is definitely not the ancient gods, there is a greater crisis lurking in the darkness, and the people who are still alive in this world are almost all idiots. In history There are only a few people who have found some clues."

   "And the Supremes are also looking for this answer."

  She said: "Sounds scary, right? And the idea of ​​the Red King is... don't respond to the spiritual call, that's not the power that human beings should touch. Don't respond, don't respond, don't respond!"

  Gu Jianlin whispered: "No wonder."

  The Red King, he doesn't know how to evaluate it.

  As for the King of Green, no wonder the old man would say that the third lesson is choice.

   After teaching him so much, he had to choose by himself.

  If you don't learn from a teacher, then what you taught him before is considered a gift.

  If you learn from a teacher, you may have to bear the karma of the old man.

   Just bearing this name is scary enough.

   "In short, after the battle two hundred years ago, Taiqing, the president of the previous generation, died, as did the Red King, and the Blue King was seriously injured. He was bound by a meteorite, and his actions were monitored."

  Yueji said: "My teacher told me so much."

   Gu Jianlin thought to himself, so that's the case.

   "Old Gu is indeed a gossip."

  He sighed: "It's a pity he didn't tell me."

  Yue Ji agreed deeply: "Yes, indeed gossip."

  As soon as the words fell, she suddenly tensed up and her pupils shrank.

   "You slipped up, Miss Yueji."

   Gu Jianlin said coldly.

  He could see that this girl had been sending him messages.

  Without exception, they all got it from Lao Gu.

   In other words, she is replacing Lao Gu and cultivating herself.

  Yue Ji hurriedly covered her face: "I'm not, I don't!"

  The butcher listened to the corner for a long time, relishing: "What did you say?"

  Stupid fool!

Yue Ji said coldly: "Anyway, that's about it. The fourth master's goal is to become the next king of the dark world. This person is very ambitious. He also got help from a very mysterious organization. Although this organization is not as good as Dusk is powerful, but its methods are more secretive."

   "I've dealt with them."

   Gu Jianlin said calmly.

  Yueji's eyes changed slightly, and she quickly grabbed him: "Are you okay?"

  Gu Jianlin looked into her eyes calmly: "My father has also experienced these things, right?"

  Yueji's eyes were deep, and she was silent for a second: "It should be."

   "It seems that you are not very clear."

  Gu Jianlin sighed: "Okay, let's not talk about this. Did that fourth master send someone to hunt you down?"

  Yueji puffed her cheeks and said in a low voice, "No."

   "I know you well now, don't lie to me."

  Gu Jianlin raised his hand and tapped her cat face mask: "This is not an example."

   Right here, boom!

  It seemed that the entire Burial Forest was shaking.

  When the trembling sound sounded, countless living corpses under the hillside roared and rushed up.

  The black unicorn in Gu Jianlin's mind suddenly raised his golden pupils, and a blazing golden light lit up.

   "Have you finished your break?"

  He withdrew the enchantment of the lock of non-existence, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go."

  Yueji and Butcher took a look at his back and immediately followed.

   Between the huge rock walls is a bottomless canyon, and the surging fog covers everything.

  Suddenly, the fog was blown away by a gust of wind.

  At this moment, no matter whether it is the female priest, the tiger general, or the second-generation Qilin Venerable.

  All showed shocking expressions.

   Because in the deepest part of the canyon, there is a lost ancient city.

  That is definitely not a human city.

   Instead... the city of the ancient gods!

   ps: Sorry for being half an hour late, mainly because the next plot about Yue Ji is too important and needs careful consideration...



  (end of this chapter)

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