The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 173: Su Youzhu (7000)

  Chapter 173 Su Youzhu (7000)

  The roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth penetrated the darkness, and the thunder fell like a sword in the dark world, illuminating the ancient city that had been buried in the mist for thousands of years. It was so empty and desolate, as if it had been forgotten at the end of time.

   Left alone, independent.

   This is a lost civilization relic. The barren city is surrounded by towering rock walls. Thousands of huge rocks are carved into weird human faces, looking up at the sky with compassionate eyes.

  The main road extending in all directions, with huge stone statues on both sides of the road.

  These stone statues are all dressed in sacrificial attire. Some kneel down devoutly like believers, some prostrate in pain on the ground, some open their arms as if embracing the sky and the earth, and some hunched in agony as if they were dying.

   Walking through here, it seems to be watching the statues of all living beings in ancient civilizations.

  Old and strange buildings are scattered in all directions, and the center of the city is a huge altar.

  It was a huge stone statue standing in the middle of the deserted city, accepting the worship of all living beings.

  He did not carve any specific facial features or face. His body was majestic and majestic like a giant. He wore a golden and luxurious robe. His hands were slightly open, and two spheres like magnets were suspended in the palm of his hand.

  And His head is surrounded by a huge halo.

   It is clearly from the past, but it seems to be in the future.

   "For eight years, this is the deepest secret of the Forest of Burial, a city of ancient gods, as you can see, from another world. A mysterious, barren, broken civilization."

Si Wei'an stood in front of this sculpture, with an exaggerated smile gradually appearing on his face, and his tone was soft and pleasant: "So far, there is no way to detect the specific year of these relics, and even what kind of sculptures these sculptures are made of. The materials carved are all unknown. The more mysterious, the more people yearn for it.”

   "According to our research, this is very likely to be a sculpture built by the ancient gods to celebrate the birth of Venerable Qilin in the ancient times. They witnessed the death of a planet and the birth of a perfect life."

  The mercenaries surrounded the surrounding area with guns in their hands.

   And behind him, there are eight burly men with exactly the same appearance, all bald, with ring scars on the top of their heads, as if they were from a certain temple, King Kong glared, not angry.

"Sometimes I still think that it would be great if I could move this sculpture to the real world. After I have completely mastered the Youying Group and become the new king of the dark world, I will give this sculpture to the president .”

  The smile on Si Wei'an's face grew stronger: "On the day she was buried."


  The invisible and substanceless air world vibrated violently.

   "Himeno, calm down!"

  A young man in a gray suit said in a deep voice, "Don't lose your sense of proportion."

   Ji Ye's face was cold and stern, his body was covered with blood, he folded his hands on his chest, and said in a cold voice: "How do you want me to calm down? Ji Han, you just heard what he said, he was insulting Grandma."

  As the top ten of the Omega sequence, the Gemini of the Ji family.

  The pair of siblings maintained considerable restraint in the face of the enemy's humiliation.

  Because under the Qi Realm of the two of them, there were eighteen unconscious nano-soldiers and two self-awakened ones who were accidentally sent into the fairy palace, all of whom were seriously injured.

  If it wasn't for these people, the siblings would have rushed out to fight them to the death.

   "I've been trapped here for three days, don't you give up? If you take too much spiritual medicine, you will lose control. Or, you haven't given up yet, are you still waiting for rescue?"

Si Wei'an's eyes were teasing, and he said with a smile: "In the Omega sequence, one of you ranks fifth and the other ranks sixth. What a pity it's so out of control? As long as you tell me where the top three are hiding. You guys It's perfectly okay to do things for me, not for the... decayed ether society."

  He shook the remote control in his hand.

   Around the Qi Realm, there are super-electromagnetic mines all over, shining red light.

  As long as the barrier collapses, these bombs will immediately blast the people inside to pieces.


   Ji coldly said: "The premise is that you first tell me who the ghost among us is."

  Himino yin and yang said strangely: "Yes, since we are all trapped here."

  In fact, even if there were no electromagnetic bombs around them, they would not dare to act rashly.

  Because the fourth master of the Youying Association on the opposite side is a fifth-level star king, and also masters some special methods in this ancient **** race relic, which is very difficult.

  Especially the eight vajra arhats behind him, all with ancient martial methods, and also have unique combat skills.

  Eight people teamed up, powerful and inexplicable.

  Si Wei'an heard the words, a strange light flashed in his eyes, he stood with his hands behind his back and turned around.

  At this time, a group of mercenaries walked up to him with an old man in kimono: "Fourth Master."

  Si Wei'an raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Inoue, you are here."

   Inoue Hideichi brought two female bodyguards with him, and his face was not very good-looking: "Something happened."

  Si Weian frowned: "What happened?"

Inoue Xiuyi's eyes were gloomy: "Why did you wake up so many living corpses at once? The guard post you arranged outside was almost wiped out. If it wasn't like this, the third master's people couldn't get in. Now he came here angrily. You've settled your accounts. Our plans are likely to be disrupted!"

   Unexpectedly, Si Wei'an was stunned for a moment: "I didn't wake it up."

  Hideichi Inoue was taken aback: "What did you say? Who else could it be but you? Unless someone, like us, masters the method of manipulating this ruin, it is absolutely impossible!"

  The smile on Si Wei'an's face gradually froze.

   There was a loud bang!

  There was a violent explosion outside the ancient city, and gunshots were like thunder for a while!

   "Liu Sanye, you fat shit-stirring man!"

  Hideichi Inoue cursed angrily: "Baga!"

  Si Wei'an said coldly: "Come on, take out those things for me, and prepare for the battle."

  The eight Vajra Arhats nodded slightly, turned and left.

   When they came back, everyone was carrying a silver coffin and was firmly bound by iron chains.

   "Preparing to open the gate of the underground ruins, this time we must find the fragments of the Qilin Wedge!"

  Si Wei'an said in a deep voice: "In eight years, we can't fall short."

  He turned around and said in a cold voice: "Two Omegas, let me ask you one last time, since you don't want to tell where your companions are hiding. So... what's going on with that blood mist?"

  Ji Han and Ji Ye looked at each other: "Isn't that one of yours?"

  Si Wei'an's pupils suddenly shrank.

   "No time, hurry up!"

   Inoue Hideichi urged: "They are going to come in!"

  Si Wei'an turned around, took out an ancient bronze compass, and pressed it on the sculpture.

   For a moment, the halo above the head of this huge sculpture lit up with a brilliant light like the sun.

  The dilapidated city was shaking violently.

  In the depths of the barren ruins, a pitch-black void appeared out of thin air, like a giant beast waking up in the abyss, releasing an ancient and barbaric breath, and it is still expanding!

   At the same time, the sound of explosions outside the ancient city seemed to be very close!



  The roar of assault rifles and sniper rifles, mixed with the explosion of grenades, and the explosion of elemental turbulence.

   Gunpowder smoke filled the front, and from time to time there were mournful howls.

Holding the Desert Eagle, Gu Jianlin casually shot and destroyed the living corpses behind him, growling: "Follow me, don't run far away! Butcher, then you are responsible for protecting Yue Ji, and the battle is left to me! "

  This is the first time he has come to this ruins, but it is too late to feel how ancient and majestic the city of the ancient gods is, because the current scene is too chaotic, surrounded by zombies behind.

  The front is a large-scale melee, and the sound of explosions is endless.

  He seemed to be in a runaway state, the black will-o'-the-wisp on his forehead roared like a ghost, and opened the way with four flaming golden ghost hands.


  I saw a thrown grenade being caught by four ghost hands.

   Before the grenade exploded, it was crushed directly!

   "Do you remember what I told you just now?"

Yueji blurred out again, walked around behind a mercenary, and cut off his head with the **** Tang Dao: "I told you before that the reason why Youying Group has less contact is because you were killed by the Green King." People who value you, you will be labeled wherever you go. In the Youying Group, there are many fanatics of the Scarlet King, and they will find you, try to defeat you, and prove something."


  Gu Jianlin raised a finger, and the thick black light suddenly burst!


  Another five first-tier mercenaries from the warrior path were blasted to pieces, leaving no ashes.

   Now this kind of Tier 1 minion can't pose any threat to him.

"Back then, the King of Youth wanted to accept your father as a student, but your father didn't approve of his behavior, so he set his mind on you. You have to think carefully about whether you want to become his student." Yue Ji Backed up behind him, took out the guqin from behind, and plucked the strings!


  A mournful crack pierced through the void, and countless living corpses and mercenaries died on the spot.

   "Are you admitting that you are my father's student?"

  Gu Jianlin took a look at her, but the girl's personality portrait has already been completed.

  But the only thing I can't figure out is that it is likely to be the effect of some kind of mythical weapon.

  Since the other party didn't say anything, he didn't intend to continue asking.

  Because no matter who she is, she is very important to me, so I just need to protect her.

   "I'm not, I don't."

  Yueji muttered softly.

   "Die to me!"

  The butcher was carrying a huge backpack, folded his hands at his sides, and was crazily accumulating energy: "Hamei Hamei... Ha!"

  The ancient martial arts method is known as the one with the most life, because the use of qi is varied, you can completely use it to simulate the special effects of skills in most animations, and satisfy the psychology of the second disease!

  With a bang, a violent air wave surged out, blowing countless enemies away.

  In the smoke of gunpowder, a guy laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha, Si Wei'an, you bastard! Lao Tzu's reinforcements have arrived! Yue Ji! Butcher! Fuck these guys to death!"

  I saw a fat man rushing out of the smoke, extremely arrogant.

  Others are dressed normally, or are fully armed.

  Only this guy is wearing a safety helmet, his body is covered with dust and mud, and half of his **** is still exposed: "Si Wei'an, you actually let out so many living corpses to bite me, I have nothing to do with you!"

  Ning Chen, as his personal bodyguard, punched frantically beside him to repel the enemy.

  However, Yue Ji and Butcher didn't want to talk to him at all.

  Because the real boss of the two is the legendary Supreme.

  Gu Jianlin's expression became extremely strange.

  Because he knew that the person who caused the other party's **** to be bitten was not Fourth Master, but himself.

  At this moment, a Tier 3 Overlord Path set up a gun in the distance, and the sniper rifle roared angrily!

   "Boss, be careful!"

   Ning Chen roared.

   Turning his head, Sanye Liu saw a pitch-black muzzle aimed at himself!


  At the very moment, four flaming golden ghost hands overlapped in front of him, abruptly catching the bullet from the sniper rifle, and burst out a shocking roar, which was deafening.

  Gu Jianlin looked up and saw the sniper lying on an ancient altar.

   Then he raised a finger, and the rich black cross flashed away!


  The sniper's head was pierced by a ray of black light, and he immediately fell to the ground.

  The official website of Deep Space once mentioned that Overlord is the most suitable inheritance path for this era, but too many people rely too much on the power of thermal weapons, which leads to their negligence in other fields.

  Many times, as long as a snipe fails, they are the ones who die.

  After the words fell, Yue Ji lightly landed beside him, and kicked away a living corpse.

  The butcher followed immediately, twisting the head of the living corpse off with his backhand.

   "Damn it, chair killer!"

After Liu Sanye saw the young man, his eyes widened in surprise: "Yueji, butcher, you two can do it, I thought what are you doing, it took so long! I didn't expect to find a chair killer! Wait, Why doesn't the chair killer have a weapon? How can this work? What about the exclusive weapon?"

  He roared: "Come on, give our chair killer a special weapon!"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, and saw three bodyguards coming in front of him carrying a huge black stone throne.

   "You please!"


  The black stone throne landed in front of him, kicking up dust.

  Gu Jianlin looked at this black stone throne silently. Although this thing looked too outrageous, for some reason, it fit his temperament very well, and even a certain instinct in his blood was awakened.

   This instinct is called, kindness and love!

  The four burning ghosts behind Gu Jianlin grabbed the Blackstone Throne with their hands, letting the negative emotions in their minds run amok.

   Boom boom boom!

  When he took the lead and stood at the front, the enemy's mercenary line of defense was suddenly dispersed!

  I saw a maniac-like guy, with four flaming hideous ghost hands floating behind him.

  The huge black stone throne was smashed around.

  Every deafening bang was accompanied by several smashed corpses.


  The butcher murmured, "Am I a reckless man, or is he a reckless man?"

  Yue Ji was also a little shocked at first, but she quickly reacted and complained: "I don't know!"

   "Did you see it, did you see it! If I had this kind of general, would I still be afraid of Si Wei'an?"

   Liu Sanye roared to the bodyguard next to him: "Ning Chen, learn from me!"

  Ning Chen: "..."

   "Come on, brothers!"

  Liu Sanye grinned grimly: "Fuck them to death!"




  The violent explosion was mixed with flames, and the turbulence swept over.

  The battle line deployed by the fourth master has been completely broken through, and there are countless black shadows rushing in the billowing smoke.

   "It's a pity, I didn't expect this to be disrupted."

  Si Wei'an's face was extremely gloomy, he tugged at his collar, turned and left.

   Shuichi Inoue followed behind him: "It doesn't matter, the combat power we left behind is enough to keep them out. And didn't you also say that there will be members of the Twilight Organization to take action this time? There is nothing wrong with it."

  The real treasure place has been opened, they must enter as soon as possible, and they cannot be dragged here.

  Late changes.

  The wedge of the unicorn is the most important thing, and nothing else matters.

  In the Realm of Qi, Ji Ye and Ji Han were shocked, and their first reaction was that reinforcements were coming!

   At the same time, a shrill piercing sound came roaring!

   I saw Gu Jianlin grabbing a huge black stone throne, and smashing it with majestic force.

  The eyes of the two female bodyguards changed slightly: "Not good!"

  The eight vajra arhats did not change their faces, and immediately took a horse stance, their waists sank, and they gathered their strength to punch!


  The terrifying vigor exploded, and the Black Stone Throne suddenly came out of his hands.

   Gu Jianlin's pupils shrank suddenly, and these eight were all ancient martial arts methods.

   There was only a dull sound and it exploded.

He himself was also pushed back tens of meters, and two deep ravines were drawn along the way, and the black stone throne fell on his side impartially, and he fiddled with it with his backhand, and straightened it impartially .

   "King Kong Arhat!"

  The butcher rushed over and was shocked when he saw the eight bald heads in front of him: "No, this is cultivated by the fourth master. He was born in Xingjue Temple. He has been tempered and trained, and his combat effectiveness is extremely strong."

  Yueji disappeared like a ghost, and said anxiously: "Don't delay with them here, you must hurry. The gate of the underground ruins has been opened, and there are only three minutes!"

  Gu Jianlin was very surprised, he didn't expect this girl to know this ancient ruins so well.

   It vaguely gave him a bad feeling.

  But he is standing by, so nothing will happen.

   At this time, he also saw the whole picture of this ancient ruins.

   and the ancient altar at the end, and the ever-expanding black void.

  Si Wei'an and Inoue Shuichi were already approaching that pitch-black void.

   And Gu Jianlin felt an original breath in there, an inexplicable throbbing.

  He knew that the unicorn wedge was inside!


  The eight vajra arhats didn't intend to fight them, but just broke the chains on the silver coffin beside them.

   "These things, play with you!"

  They sneered: "Retreat! Protect the boss!"

  The King Kong Arhats turned their heads and followed, followed by the two female bodyguards.

  The eight silver coffins trembled violently, as if something was about to come out.

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes, as if he was facing an enemy.

   "This is the breath of the ancient ancestors."

  Yue Ji Youyou said: "I will try to break out of the siege in a while, but I am afraid it will be impossible."

  The butcher looked around, considering whether to directly become a god-servant and open Wushuang.

   It was at this moment that a sudden change occurred.

  On the ruins in the distance, a person suddenly appeared.

  It was a man with swaying black hair, with a majestic and dignified face, and a black gold robe fluttering in the wind. Sixteen golden flying swords were suspended above the head, condensing a brilliant golden light.

   Ranked first in the Omega sequence, Ying Changsheng!

   On the other side, there was also a heavy iron sword suspended above the head of a woman with fluttering white hair. The bleak sword light shot up into the sky, as if gathering a violent storm, with a strong sword intent.

   Omega sequence ranked second, Mu Qingyou.

  Finally, there was a handsome young man holding a wolf cub in his arms, surrounded by thirty-two jet-black flying swords, and the fierce sword energy gathered around him like a blizzard.

   Omega sequence ranked third, Li Hanting.

  Three five-rank sword sects!

  So that's the case, with their abilities, even if they were ambushed, they shouldn't disappear without saying a word.

  They just lurked and waited until the most critical moment to make a move.

   "Three, get ready!"

   There was a bang.

  A black shadow fell from the sky and hit the rock wall heavily.

  Instructor Wan crossed his arms and ordered in a deep voice: "Concentrate and attack that black hole!"


  Three beams of sword light soaring into the sky almost illuminated the dark ancient ruins, descending from the sky like a thunderbolt of destruction.


  The pitch-black void was violently turbulent, on the verge of collapse.

   "The deployment of the Ethernet Association, is that all?"

  At this moment, Si Wei'an sneered, and threw a pitch-black magnet into it with his backhand.


  Shuichi Inoue followed him into the black hole.

  The eight vajra arhats and two female bodyguards also disappeared without a trace.

   That pitch-black magnet made this pitch-black and empty world forcibly stabilized for a moment

   They forcibly entered the underground ruins!

  At this moment, the faces of the top three Omega suddenly changed.

  Wan Tu couldn't help but curse: "Bastard!"

  Amidst the loud bang, the entire ancient ruins were trembling, and the ash was shaking off.

  The huge sculpture is full of cracks.

   One step late.

   Chess is short of a move.

it's a pity.

   That pitch-black void collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, on the verge of collapse!

  The entire ancient ruins are crumbling.

   "Instructor Wan and the others should have tried to prevent them from entering the ruins, but unfortunately they failed. This passage should be opened in some way. I don't know if I have the ability to force open another door."

   Gu Jianlin looked into the distance and murmured in his heart.

"That's too late."

  Yueji said softly: "The pieces of the Qilin Wedge should be inside."

  The butcher scratched his head: "Boss, what should we do?"

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin suddenly heard a rustling sound, and suddenly turned around.

  Yue Ji took out a vanity mirror at some point, and rolled up her sleeves.

  Written impressively on her white wrist, use a mirror to de-hypnotize!

   "Tsukihime, wake up!"

   She said coldly.

   For a moment, there was a cold light on the vanity mirror.

  There was a moment of confusion in the girl's beautiful eyes, and then she regained her clarity.

   "Butcher, get behind me."

   She said suddenly.

  The butcher didn't know why, but he did it honestly.

  Gu Jianlin was stunned, because he found that the girl had just lifted some kind of hypnosis.

   That is to say, she had been hypnotizing herself before.

   "Because you know me too well, if you don't hypnotize yourself, you won't be able to fool you at all."

  Yueji suddenly bent her eyes, with a clear smile in her eyes, and said softly: "Actually, you should have guessed who I am a long time ago, right? But because of the interference of the mythical armed forces, you have not been sure for a long time."

She also took out an ancient bronze compass, the golden light illuminated her cat face mask, and her sly eyes: "Okay, I'm going to enter the ruins too. I promised the teacher to take good care of it." You, protect you. So this time, I won't take you in. If you can, make dinner at home and eat it when I go back. "

   For a moment, the golden light engulfed the two of them.

  Yueji and Butcher suddenly disappeared.

   "Let's go, don't be brave outside."

   Only a soft sentence was left, which echoed in the boy's ears.

  Gu Jianlin stood there silently.

  The old Gu who was imagined by him sighed: "This little guy is still so headstrong."

   It turns out that the file the girl gave him is missing.

   The most critical part was hidden by her.

  Obviously, Lao Gu has been here before.

  Now, as Lao Gu's student, that girl is going to find the truth for her.




   There was a bang.

  It seems that the world is collapsing, and time and space are sweeping like a torrent.

  Yueji seemed to be falling into the endless darkness, but her pupils were calm, and her red lips were tightly pressed.

   "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you are the best."

  She took a deep breath, and said quietly: "The teacher has taught you many times, don't be afraid. You are the ghost-slaying path, and the last thing you are afraid of is time travel. It will be fine."

  The girl comforted herself in her heart.

   At the same time, the butcher stood beside her like a numb puppet. The bronze sheet in his pocket suddenly became hot, and he suddenly trembled violently, and a phantom of a black unicorn flashed in the depths of his pupils.


  As if he had received some kind of order, he asked, "Why didn't you let Brother Gu come down with you?"

Under the pressure of traveling through time and space, Yue Ji's cold voice became hoarse, and she whispered: "Because he is too stubborn and stubborn, if he comes down with me, he will definitely not let me take risks. In the end, All the dangers and pressures are still borne by him alone."

  She said softly: "I don't want to do this, and I am not willing to do this."

  The butcher's face twitched, and he asked again: "That's why you like him so much?"

  Yueji was silent for a moment, then hummed lightly.

   "Then what do you like about him?"

  The butcher asked inexplicably.

  Yueji shook her head: "I don't know, I just like it anyway."

  The butcher's eyes darkened, and he felt that the piece of bronze was about to scorch him, so he bared his teeth and asked, "Then when did you start liking him? You don't know that, do you?"

  Yue Ji suddenly smiled softly.

   "But I really don't know. Maybe it was when I accompanied the teacher and watched him from afar."

  She paused, and her deep beautiful eyes seemed to become gentle: "It's also possible that it was the night three months ago when he suddenly woke up from a nightmare and then hugged me tightly in his arms."



  Amidst the roar of the ancient ruins, Gu Jianlin looked up at the sky and the deep seabed.

  The dim light reflected in his pupils.

   "There are beads..."

  (end of this chapter)

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