The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 189: Madness of the Red King

  Chapter 189 The Madness of the Red King

  In the dark and hot cave, scorching waves of flames surged.

  Tang Zijing bowed his head and said calmly, "I understand, Master First Ancestor."

  After the lava waterfall, a majestic and indifferent voice came out.

The ancestor of Kuilong looked down at him from a high position, and said in a cold voice: "You have only two tasks, one is to determine the status of Venerable Qilin, and the other is to find the fragments of Qilin's wedge. That keel is very important, although it is important for It is useless to us, but it must not be obtained by Zhulong and Qilin."

  Tang Zijing said: "I will die if I do something for you."

  The ancestor of Kuilong was unmoved, and said indifferently: "Meng Hebo will go out with you. His rank has fallen to the bottom of the valley and he needs to be promoted again. I will let a newly bred ancestor follow you."

   Faint footsteps sounded, and she walked out of the lava waterfall.

  Long dark red hair fluttering, wearing a skull mask on his face, tall and slim body covered with a black gold robe, stepping barefoot in the lava, burning with flames all over his body, like ghosts and gods.

  He slightly raised his hand.

  In the lava, a dark crystal coffin soared into the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

"Do not let me down."

   He said.

   Tang Zijing nodded slightly: "Please rest assured, this is the last time."



  In the early morning of the next day, Gu Jianlin came to the grocery store at the gate of the community again.

   It's just that this time his mental state is very sluggish, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, and he is sick.

After all, he wore the lock of symbiosis, and the severe pain in his soul tormented him all night. In this situation, he couldn't sleep at all, and he couldn't even use the breathing technique to meditate. He could only silently recite the Great Compassion Mantra in his heart to distract him force.

   After finally surviving until dawn, the severe pain disappeared, as if it had been a lifetime away.

   "Quite on time."

  Jing Ci adjusted the tie of his suit in the mirror, and glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally: "It seems that the little girl has suffered a lot during this period, and the pain that came back actually made you toss like this?"

  With a tired face, Gu Jianlin slumped on the chair by the door, and said softly, "It doesn't matter. Tolerance to pain is also a part of increasing combat effectiveness. It is very good for me."

  Jing Ci was taken aback, he didn't expect this little guy to be so cruel to him.

   "As long as the learning of forbidden spells is not delayed."

   Gu Jianlin said calmly.

  At this time, Huaiyin came out of the grocery store with a wheelchair, raised her frosty eyebrows, and said lightly: "Is there a possibility that you can randomly capture an enemy to wear the master lock, and make him suffer?"

  Jing Ci paused slightly with his bow tie hand.

  Gu Jianlin's expression suddenly froze.

  Seeing the expressions of these two people, Huaiyin immediately became happy, and even hummed a little song.

  Yeah, why.

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a while, mainly because he didn't expect it to be like this.

  Jing Ci was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "Don't listen to him, what do old people know? They don't understand sentiment at all. Can anyone wear something like a couple bracelet?"

  Gu Jianlin had a reason in his mind.

  However, he quickly realized: "What kind of couple? I don't have one, so don't talk nonsense."

Jing Ji looked at him with very connotative eyes, and said with deep meaning: "What are you worried about? Anyway, in terms of law, you are not brother and sister, and you are not related by blood. This is punishable. Although the little girl's biological mother There may be some troubles on the side, but it is not impossible to solve."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Who is Youzhu's biological mother?"

  Jing Ci said lightly: "From an ancient family in the dark world, you will know in the future."

  Gu Jianlin was thoughtful.

  The two brothers and sisters quickly changed the topic, and then vaguely understood something.

  The old man is taking revenge on the two of them for talking about the teacher last night.

   Isn’t it just the Air Force, what’s the big deal.


   Huaiyin beckoned, and the whole grocery store suddenly twisted.

   "Where is this going?"

   Gu Jianlin asked suddenly.

  Jing Ci replied calmly: "Soul Courtyard."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback: "Isn't the soul courtyard the secret archive of the Ethereum Association?"

   "What's the matter? The teacher was originally from the Aether Association, but he just went out on his own later. The construction of the soul courtyard was also indispensable to the teacher. He has a high moral and prestige, where can't he go?"

Jing Ci smiled slightly, with mocking eyes, and explained: "What's more, the Aether Association is about to enter the highest alert state, and your group of Omega will also have the opportunity to enter the soul courtyard to share the Yunyao Secret Treasure, which is rare for the Tribunal to Bleeding, a chance to pluck their wool."

   Gu Jianlin thought the same thing, after all, the teacher was a natural disaster, and he was also a student of the previous president.

   It should be more than enough to enter a soul courtyard.

  The next moment, time and space are suddenly distorted, and the world is pitch black.



  Gu Jianlin only felt a buzzing in his ears, and a light shone in front of his eyes.

  When the distorted time and space returned to normal, the huge library reappeared in front of my eyes. Countless towering bookshelves were arranged in a matrix according to some special rules, like a huge maze, staggered around.

  The patio of the dome casts faint skylight, reflecting circular light spots on the wooden floor.

  Huaiyin sat in a wheelchair, calm and relaxed.

  Jing Ci pushed the wheelchair behind.

   At the same time, a cold and stern reprimand sounded: "Who is it? You are not allowed to trespass in the soul courtyard!"

In the sunlight falling on the patio, a middle-aged man with red hair appeared at some point. He was wearing a quaint brass battle armor, holding a rough spear as black as a dragon in his hand. The murderous aura trained in the sea of ​​mountains and blood burst out, sweeping the entire library like a hurricane.

  Countless ancient books trembled in the wind, and the pages of the books were flipped and rattled.

   The maze-like bookshelves are trembling wildly, and the soaring vigor almost overturns the entire library!

  The iron gun trembled, brewing with an extremely sharp aura, as if it wanted to penetrate your heart!

  Gu Jianlin just took a look at him, and saw an ancient warrior standing upright, as if standing on a battlefield filled with yellow sand, with the broken earth under his feet and collapsed mountains behind him.

   This is an ancient warrior!

   At least it is also a sanctuary-level ancient weapon!

   You don’t need to think about it, you know, this is one of the top battle strengths of the Ethereum Association.

   This is the first time Gu Jianlin has faced the strength of a sanctuary-level sublimator. Although he is nothing compared to the old monster, the distance this time is too close, and he feels a sense of crisis that he will be killed in seconds at any time.


   Huaiyin raised her hand and gave it a gentle push!


   It was clearly just a push out of thin air, but the red-haired middle-aged man resounded in the body with a dull thunder, and was thrown out loudly, crashing and collapsing countless bookshelves, and fell on the wall of the library.


  At the same time, there were terrifying muffled sounds reverberating in his body, even the iron gun in his hand was thrown out, and fell heavily to the ground, the buzzing sound was endless.

  In the final roar, the sanctuary-level ascendant immediately disappeared into the courtyard of souls.

   Even the collapsed bookshelves and the cracked walls are silently healed.

   "Tian Vulcan has grown a lot over the years, otherwise he would have been shot to death just now."

  Jing Ci explained: "The one just now is one of the six generals at the headquarters of the Ethernet Association, an eighth-ranked ancient warrior. In a sense, it can be regarded as the guardian of the real world."

  Gu Jianlin fell into a long silence.

  It is indeed more than enough for the old man to enter a soul courtyard.

   It's just that there is a little bit of deviation from what he imagined.

   This is what it means to co-author with high morals and high prestige.

  He seems to have opened the door to a new world.

  However, the strength of the old man is a bit too terrifying. To defeat an eighth-level player, you only need to push it casually.

   This is a natural disaster!

   But natural disasters, still unable to defeat the old monster.

  How strong is the real strength of the old monster?

  Gu Jianlin's scalp was numb.


   Huaiyin walked in the front in a wheelchair.

  Jing Ci and Gu Jianlin followed behind.

  The towering bookshelves are constantly turning, changing the way of arrangement and combination, which actually opened up a passage.

  A wall of the library also collapsed, revealing a dark and narrow corridor.

   Clusters of candles spontaneously ignited out of thin air, lighting up the road ahead.

   "I haven't been here for more than two hundred years."

   Huaiyin said with emotion: "The last time I came here with my junior."

  Gu Jianlin's heart skipped a beat when he heard the word junior.

   "Teacher's younger brother is the legendary Red King, the one who betrayed the Aether Association and joined the Scourge into the Dark World. He is also the first king of the Dark World and our uncle."

  Jing Ci said casually: "He discovered the Qilin forbidden curse."

  Gu Jianlin was thoughtful.

   This long and narrow passage crossed to the end, and suddenly there was no way back.

  There is a faint starlight ahead.

   I don’t know when, they actually appeared in a starry sky, with brilliant stars in all directions, and they could see countless spheres surrounded by star rings suspended in the darkness, the boundless universe.

  Under the bright starlight, there is a simple stone tablet standing in the void.

"The soul courtyard is essentially a special space, not in the dimension of the real world. It can be regarded as an independent small world that humans have taken from the ancient gods. And the place we are in now is actually a place that has been cut off. The cracked time and space was first found by my junior brother, who set an anchor point and connected here."

Huaiyin looked at the pitch-black stele, and said with a smile: "Back then, Yanli claimed that he was the only one who discovered the real secret of the ancient gods, because he came into contact with the original origin, although no one knew what the so-called original origin was. "

"This piece of time and space was cut into pieces by Venerable Candle Dragon. He is the ancient supreme being who first came to earth, but he is also the most powerful. From ancient times to the present, we have always been curious about what he is going to do, but There is still no answer. Everyone guesses that once the answer is determined, the origin and truth of everything will be revealed."

  He smiled reminiscently and said: "Yanli was the person who was most likely to find the answer. After all, his talent is indeed a little bit better than mine. It's a pity that he is too stupid."

  Gu Jianlin looked at the time and space around him and fell silent.

  Well, the old monster can cut time and space at will.

   And now he is a ride through time and space, and he still gets motion sickness.

  There is a long way to go, and we have to continue to stabilize our development.

   "The real name of the Red King, Jiang Yanli."

  Jing Ci said lightly: "After you go out, don't mention this name, it's a taboo."

   Huaiyin stared at the dark stele and said:

"From ancient times to the present, one thing that can be determined is that regardless of the difference between the real world and the ancient gods, human beings have reached the end of the inheritance path, and at most they are comparable to the ancestor-level ancient gods. Before the pre-Qin period, the most human beings Strong, in the Ancient God Realm, it's just a tie with the ancestor-level ancient gods."

   "So after the pre-Qin period, how did human beings fight against their ancestors, and even those ancient supreme beings who claimed to be invincible? The answer to this question is naturally breathing techniques and forbidden spells."

"The former is the power created by human beings with the help of the realm of heaven and man, combined with the ancient divine language of the ancient gods. The latter is a taboo born by human beings using their own inheritance methods to imitate the special nature of the ancient supreme. This is From the ancient times, it has experienced the research and precipitation of countless ancestors, and carried forward the forbidden technique in the late pre-Qin period."

   "The golden age of human beings also began from then on. People at that time had already mastered the key forces against the ancient gods, and they were even able to counterattack to the ancient gods and take the initiative."

   "It wasn't until a few years later that the concept of natural disasters was formally proposed."

  Jing Ci obviously knew this, so it wasn't too surprising.

  Gu Jianlin was lost in thought, no wonder he couldn't know the so-called Qilin curse.

   "My junior brother was studying the origin of breathing techniques and forbidden spells, and suddenly went crazy."

Huai Yin withdrew his gaze, and regretfully said: "Don't respond! Don't respond! Don't respond! These three repeated sentences should be considered famous in the dark world today. That idiot claimed that human beings should not get involved in the power of the inheritance path, Including breathing techniques and forbidden spells, it's just a conspiracy."

  Gu Jianlin hesitated for a moment.

   "Did you hear anyone else talk about it?"

  Jing Ci glanced at him and said with a smile, "Are you curious what he did?"

  Next, Huaiyin answered this question.

   "Two hundred years ago, Jiang Yanli was convinced that his conclusion was not wrong, and he fell into a huge madness, claiming that all of this was a shocking deception, everyone was drunk, but he alone was sober."

  He paused: "However, no one believed his words, and everyone thought he was crazy. In this kind of madness, he decided to do something that has never been seen before or since."

  Jing Ci added: "Cut off all inheritance paths in this world."

   Gu Jianlin's heart exploded with fear, and he was so shocked that he remained silent for a long time.

   "Cut off the inheritance path?"

   He murmured, "How is this possible?"

  According to the official website of Deep Space, human beings have not yet figured out how the inheritance path appeared.

   Huaiyin's eyes flashed a faint mockery, but he didn't speak.

   "If you don't figure out the origin of the inheritance path, there is really no way to cut it off. But there is an old saying that if you can't solve the problem itself, then solve the person who caused the problem."

  Jing Ci smiled and said: "I don't know how to cut off the inheritance path, it doesn't matter. As long as all the ascendants in this world are killed, then the inheritance path will disappear naturally."

   Kill all sublimators in this world.

  Gu Jianlin was so shocked by this sentence that he was covered in cold sweat and his pupils trembled.


   This is really crazy.

  How many people will this kill?

   It is no less than annihilation.

"Sword of Heaven's Scourge, this is part of the plan to destroy the world. The Scarlet King is the ninth level of ghost slaying. This stage is named Candle Yin God. He has the most forbidden spells and the use of breathing techniques. "

Jing Ci said faintly: "The Scarlet King brought 3,267 meteorites from the depths of the universe, and transformed them with forbidden spells. Then he created an algorithm with the help of a supercomputer deep space, and set up a meteorite outside the atmosphere. An extremely huge alchemy matrix, the core of that realm is the realm of freedom that you have mastered."

  Gu Jianlin understood that the effect of the Realm of Freedom is to remove all supernatural powers in the field!

   "Although in the end, the Red King's plan failed."

  Jing Ci shook his head and said, "But the scourge was kept and used on the teacher."

  Gu Jianlin turned to look at the old man.

   Huaiyin couldn't see any expression on his face, he just snorted coldly: "Unlucky."

  Gu Jianlin is a little curious now.

  The red king is so crazy, so what did the blue king do back then.

  At this level, their thinking is really hard to imagine.

  Especially for an extraordinary illiterate like him, he doesn't understand anything.

   "The stone tablet in front of me records the Qilin forbidden curse."

   Huaiyin said lightly: "It seems that there are no words, but if it is the path of the gods, when you concentrate on it, there is a probability that you can comprehend the language and characters of the ancient gods, and thus obtain the knowledge of forbidden spells."

   "But the forbidden spell is slower to learn than the breathing technique, because there is a process of gestation."

  Jing Ci turned his head and said, "Go and try."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   Continue to write the next update, the typo should be corrected first and then corrected!



  (end of this chapter)

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