The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 190: Fusion of ghost-slaying paths

  Chapter 190 Fusion of Ghost Slaying Approaches

  Gu Jianlin looked at the stone tablet: "What is the effect of the Qilin curse?"

  Jing Ci turned to look at the old man.

   Huaiyin didn't even move, but the shadow behind him trembled, rising up from the ground without a sound!

   For a moment, there was a strange shadow behind the old man. The appearance and outline were pitch black, and the whole body was surrounded by black mist. It was terrifying, like a ghost!

  I saw that black figure raised his hand, and the jet-black light condensed on his fingertips, ready to go!

"This is the Qilin forbidden curse. The effect is to create a shadow clone, which has all the abilities of the main body, and can also reproduce the spirituality of your main body. In other words, it is equivalent to having two selves. And the clone is immortal and can withstand fatal damage It will be broken up in the future, and it will take about twelve hours to condense again."

Jing Ci said calmly: "And there are no side effects, even the moment when the shadow clone is separated, there will not even be spiritual consumption, because what he absorbs is the power of nature. But there are also shortcomings, that is, you can't get too far away from the main body. Otherwise, it will dissipate directly. The range is within one kilometer."

  The shadow clone behind Huaiyin raised his hand and aimed at himself.


  The head of the shadow clone was suddenly broken up and disappeared.

  When Gu Jianlin saw this scene, his heart suddenly became hot. This is a magic skill of reasoning with people.

  Two-pronged approach.

  He immediately tried to concentrate, staring at the ancient meteorite.

   For a moment, the stone tablet in front of him seemed to have countless weird and twisted lines, which seemed to condense countless grotesque symbols, and an ancient whisper sounded in his mind, which made people crazy.

  Because he is an ancient god, his spirit is not disturbed by the outside world.

  The pitch-black unicorn in his mind came to life, and opened a ray of fiery golden pupils.

  Even the fragments of the Qilin Wedge floating in the depths of consciousness seemed to be trembling slightly.

  At the same time, behind the black unicorn, the darkness suddenly boiled up, trembling crazily like a living thing, extending sharp edges and corners, dancing wildly like a demon, wanton and wild.

  The process was so smooth.

   Seems like a matter of course.

  Sunrise and sunset, the sun and the moon change.

   is the law of nature.

   "Guess, how long will it take for the villain to master the Qilin curse this time?"

   Huaiyin smiled and said, "A week?"

  Jing Ci thought about the last experience: "Three days?"

   Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

  There are only two ways to master the forbidden spell.

  Or, observe the mythical body of the ancient supreme up close.

  Or, it is necessary to look for these meteorites with the spiritual imprint left by countless predecessors.

  If there is no talent, even if you stare at it for a hundred years, you will not be able to comprehend anything. On the contrary, if you really have enough qualifications, you will react at a glance.

  Gu Jianlin's reaction was already obvious.

"This is not a breathing technique. As long as you have the aptitude, you can understand the essence of breathing technique naturally. It is a field when it is displayed, simple and rough. The forbidden spell is different. It must be combined with your own soul, especially the Qilin Forbidden Curse."

  Huaiyin pointed Jiangshan: "The essence of the Qilin curse is equivalent to giving birth to another self."

  Jing Ci thought for a while: "It's really not that easy."

   However, as soon as the voice fell, something trembled in the void.

   Huai Yin and Jing Ci seemed to have noticed something, and lowered their heads at the same time.

  I saw Gu Jianlin's shadow trembling crazily, showing signs of condensing into a clone!

   "This is also okay?"

   Huaiyin widened her eyes in shock.

  Jing Ci even knelt down and stared at his shadow carefully, his eyes blank.

   At the same time, Gu Jianlin did not hear the conversation between these two people.

  Because deep in his consciousness, a strange scene appeared.

  I saw the phantom symbolizing the inheritance path, trembling violently.

  The two phantoms of Shensi and Zhangui were forcibly separated.

  The golden pupils of the black unicorn suddenly turned bloody, and swallowed the phantom of the ghost-slaying path in one gulp.

Almost in an instant, the shadow dancing like a demon also changed drastically, and gradually condensed into a strange phantom, pierced by blades, bathed in scarlet blood, trampled on the pile of bones, holding a handle in each hand Senran's blade!

  The way to kill ghosts!

  Gu Jianlin's second path actually merged with the shadow condensed from the Qilin curse!


  Gu Jianlin woke up, panting heavily.

  After he came back to his senses, his first reaction was to look down at his own shadow.

   Sure enough, his shadow is different from before.

  The black shadow was trembling crazily at an undetectable frequency.

  It seems to be breaking out of the cocoon.

"woke up?"

  Jing Ci put his hands in his pockets and looked at him indifferently: "Well, it took half a minute, not bad."

Sitting in the wheelchair, Huaiyin glanced at the young man's shadow, and said to himself: "The shadow has already begun to hatch, and it will be able to be used in battle in a short time. This understanding is not bad, although it is not as good as ours back then." A little bit, but when it comes to contemporary young people, no one can match it."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that, as the Qilin Venerable, his comprehension was not enough.

  He analyzed it, and it should be related to the mutation produced by the shadow.

  Who would have thought that the way of killing ghosts would merge with the shadow!

  Last night, he was still struggling with the problem that the two ways of inheritance could not be used together.

   This is all right, wait until the shadow breeding is completed, maybe this problem can be solved!

   "If you want to speed up the gestation of the shadow, then try to make the shadow faster than you."

  Jing Ci said lightly: "When that moment comes, the shadow can be used directly."

  Gu Jianlin fell into a daze. According to normal common sense, it is impossible for a shadow to travel faster than itself.

   "I'm not a **** priest, this can only be solved by you."

Jing Ci added: "Forbidden curses are divided into two types, one is the original forbidden curse, and the other is the ancient forbidden curse. The original forbidden curse comes from the ancient supreme, and each person can only master one of the corresponding ways. And There is no limit to ancient forbidden spells. In the future, you still have a lot of time to learn more forbidden spells, including breathing techniques."

   Gu Jianlin thought so.

   At this moment, the courtyard of the soul trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse.

   "It's time to go. You can't let the people of the Aether Association find out. The teacher is here to give you a little trouble. Remember, when you use the forbidden spell in the future, try to find a place where no one is around, or hide it with a lock that doesn't exist."

  Jing Ci warned: "Hide all the trump cards, one can be negative."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Understood."

   "Remember, you haven't been here today, and the teacher hasn't given you any trouble."

  Jing Ci continued: "Recently, the Ethereum Association has been thoroughly cleaned internally, and many insiders have been caught, and many people have died. Now is a sensitive period, it is better not to stimulate their fragile nerves."

   Huaiyin snapped her fingers expressionlessly.

   I don't know why, but Gu Jianlin discovered something through profiling.

  Both of them are a little anxious.

  However, before he could verify anything, time and space were distorted again.

   The sky is spinning.



  France, Provence.

   For a moment, the grocery store appeared between the mountains and fields, the spring breeze was blowing, and the fragrance of flowers was strong.

  Jing Ci looked at the purple lavender all over the mountains and plains, and fell into deep thought.

   But when he turned around, there was silence again.

  Huaiyin took out reading glasses from her pocket, and then took out a crumpled notepad, and compared them to find her mobile phone number.

   I was so anxious to turn the pages that I even licked my fingers to make it easier to turn the pages.

   After finding the mobile phone number, he picked up the satellite phone in the store and pressed the button.

  The moment the phone was dialed, the old man narrowed his eyes comfortably and hummed a ditty.

  Lying on the mahogany lounge chair, the spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease.

   "Master, I didn't disturb your rest."

   Huaiyin was making tea while holding the phone, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that I'm getting old, and I miss you a little bit, old man. After I finish those two things for you, can we talk about the past?"

  He said with emotion: "They haven't seen Silver and Gold for a long time, and I miss them very much."

   I don’t know what the president said on the phone.

Huaiyin immediately became unhappy, and said with a stern face: "Master! How could I be that kind of person? Everyone is a lot of age, what else is there to show off? In your eyes, I am that kind of person." People? It’s just because I’m about to die, I just want to see my old friends before I die, there’s no other meaning.”

   "Well, okay, you start the meeting. After all, it involves the two supreme beings, Zhulong and Qilin, as well as the ghosts inside the association. You need to be cautious."

  He said gently: "Well, you asked my opinion? I think this kind of thing still needs to be discussed in person."



  The detached apartment of the Medical Department of Heiyun Walled City.

  Wan Wan is doing homework in the study on the first floor, and there is a mountain of homework books on the table.

  She is a smart little girl with a very high IQ. It took only one week to learn the third grade of elementary school. Now she is wrestling with mathematical equations, biting the pen and frowning.

  She doesn't like homework at all.

  Study made her extremely miserable.

  Compared to the days when I was picking up junk at the garbage dump, I was happier.

   It’s just that the elder brother once said that she is the hope of everyone in the shelter today, and she must study hard to earn test points so that everyone can continue to live here comfortably.

   And it is said that as long as you study hard enough, you can awaken the path of the master of learning, and after being promoted to the ninth-level university god, you can also clean up the grievances of the people in the refuge, punch the court of justice, and step on the night watchman.

  Even the oldest five supreme beings are not her opponents, and she will be able to save the world by then.

  The world will usher in peace.

  The little girl was stunned immediately, and her first reaction was naturally disbelief, so she could only go to her father and sister for help.

  However, after the father and sister showed strange expressions, they still confirmed these words solemnly.

  Wan Wan was stunned.

   But later someone told her that she is not the only one who can awaken the path of being a master of learning, and she doesn't have to study so hard, as long as she can learn a little bit, she doesn't have to save the world.

  The little girl breathed a sigh of relief.

   Right at this moment, there were two beeps!

  The window was knocked on.

  Wanwan was taken aback, thinking that those bad kids who bullied her were coming again.

   quickly turned around and ran.

   "Don't run, it's me!"

  I saw a delicate and immature face outside the window, with short platinum hair hanging around.

   Wanwan was startled, then turned her head and blinked her clear eyes: "Sister Xiaoyu? Are you back?"

Ji Xiaoyu folded her hands on her chest: "Of course, there is nothing in this world that can trap me in a cage! The Ancient God Realm is nothing at all, and it is not dangerous at all! Even if Venerable Qilin comes, he will have to be surrounded by me!" Fist turned!"

   The younger brothers blushed below.

  The little princess was supported by her little brothers.

  Wan Wan was stunned: "Really? How did I hear that sister Xiao Yu was sanctioned before?"

  Ji Xiaoyu's face suddenly became weird: "What? Sanctions? Who can sanction me? It's all fart!"

Wanwan thought for a while, then said weakly: "During your absence, the TV channels in the hospital are all videos of you being hung on the street lamp, which have been playing in a loop, and there are many accompanying pictures. Everyone can watch it. arrive."

  Ji Xiaoyu petrified on the spot.

  Which killer did this!

  She blushed immediately, almost bleeding from all orifices, and flew into a rage.

However, she couldn't lose face in front of her younger brother. She took a deep breath and said, "Edit! This must be a malicious edit by someone to discredit me! Have you seen the ghost video? It's all fake! Someone must be envious of my talent , jealous of my talent, will use this kind of thing to slander me!"

  Wan Wan asked seriously: "What is a ghost video?"

  Ji Xiaoyu waved his hand: "Oh, don't worry about it, let me take you out to play."

  Wan Wan whispered, "But I haven't finished my homework yet."

   "What the **** is homework? Don't worry about it, whoever forces you to do homework, I'll blow his head off!"

  Ji Xiaoyu opened the window: "Come on, there are a lot of new sweets in the restaurant today."

  Wan Wan's eyes lit up when she heard that there were sweets, and she immediately crawled out.

As the mad king of the fourth rank, Ji Xiaoyu hugged her easily: "Don't tell your family members. Speaking of which, I recently found a lot of materials in the Qilin Immortal Palace, and maybe I can refine a peerless God Pill, when the time comes, find a few fools to try it out. If it is really useful, we will be developed."

  She beamed and said, "You don't have to stay here when the time comes, follow..."

   Before he finished speaking, there was a whoosh.

  A stone roared towards him.

  Ji Xiaoyu had sharp eyes and quick hands, snapped his fingers casually, and the stone exploded in response.

  I saw a little fat man at the entrance of the hospital, with a few brats behind him, holding a slingshot in his hand.

  They were still grinning: "Look, that unclean man has come out again, the copycat beat her!"

  Wan Wan turned pale with fright, and was about to shrink back immediately.

  Ji Xiaoyu's face darkened, and she immediately noticed that there were many bruises on her arms.

   "Did they fight?"

   she asked angrily.

  Wan Wan shook her head and said in a low voice, "No, I did it myself."

  Although Ji Xiaoyu is not intelligent, she is not a fool.

   Immediately put the little girl down, turned around and raised her hand: "Come on, bring me my Italian cannon."

   Brothers immediately sent the bazooka.

  The faces of those brats changed: "What do you want to do? Tell you, I am..."


  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   As mentioned in the previous article, Wanwan met a young lady here, and that person is the little princess, although I also forgot which chapter it was.



  (end of this chapter)

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