The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 208: Forbidden curse of the unicorn, Sister Candle Dragon fights on behalf of her!

  Chapter 208 Qilin Forbidden Curse, Sister Candle Dragon fights on behalf of her!

  The throne of the dark world has disappeared, so in order to commemorate the king who has passed away, people left the tradition of ringing the bell.

  King once quoted a sentence from Julius Caesar: I came, I saw, I plundered, and I conquered.

   This should be the law of the dark world.

The bell still echoed in the temple. After a second of silence, the guests in the auditorium seemed to smell a strong smell of blood. They didn't even care about the restraint and elegance of the upper class, as if they were drunk watching an underground black boxing Like the spectators, there was a huge cheer, and the blood was racing!

  The bunny girls served champagne to the excited guests with delicate plates.

  The king also said that the fight between life and death should be accompanied by beautiful women and fine wine.

   In the darkness, spotlights light up one after another, illuminating the octagonal cage covered by the grid!

  The moment Gu Jianlin stood in the octagonal cage, his identity information was found out, and even projected on the projection screen, because it was necessary to know who the candidate was.

  As long as it is a candidate for Sanye's investment, it is in compliance with the rules.

  At the same time, all the lights in the boxes of the six directors were turned on, and their eyes fell from all directions.

The bell was still ringing, Gu Jianlin was standing in the huge octagonal cage, surrounded by sizzling hot currents, and the people in the auditorium were cheering and shouting, obviously it was such a technological auction, but it seemed Traveling to the medieval Colosseum, primitive and barbaric.

   Of course, there is only one reason why everyone is so excited.

  He wants to hit five!

   This is crazy!

   "I have seen many people who want to please the directors, but I have never seen you so desperate."

  Ye Hua stared at the young man, his face covered under the hood was gloomy, and the scar squirmed like a centipede: "Or do you mean you don't know the rules at all? After the bell rings, there will be blood."

  Xing Xing and Yue Tong also tilted their heads, with weird smiles on their faces.

  The rest of Scar and Black Sniper are watching from the side.

  A high platform rises in the octagonal cage, and there are secret medicines on it.

  After taking the secret medicine, their injuries have almost healed, and their spirituality has recovered.

"I know."

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "That's why I came."

   There was an uproar in the auditorium, and his words echoed in everyone's ears through the sound transmission device in the octagonal cage.

  You fight five with one, why win!

   "Interesting, more and more people are desperate these days."

  In Si Ye's box, there was an old hoarse laughter.

On the contrary, it was the third master, who felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and murmured, "Who is this Gu Ting? Is this trying to show off? If you want to show off in front of me, you don't have to risk your life." Bar?"

  Miss Lan glanced at him silently, thinking that you really have no self-knowledge.

  She played with the copper coins in her hand. She had done a divination before, and the probability of winning the Moonstone Heart today was more than 99%. That's why she was so confident, and she looked like she was sure of winning.

  As for what he said to that boy, it was just pure contempt for the scumbag.

   But now she couldn't sit still, and walked out of the box.

  The butcher and Ning Chen brought the wounded down, and stared at the boy in the octagonal cage with puzzled expressions on their faces.

  In the auditorium, Tang Ling crossed her arms and stared at the boy's back with narrowed eyes.

  Her eyes were a little dazed, as if she understood something.

  Gu Jianlin would do this, not without reason.

  The high probability is for that Tsukihime.

   "Aren't you worried?"

   At some point, Miss Lan suddenly stood behind her.

  Although she didn't have Ji Lei in her hand, Tang Ling wasn't worried at all, and said indifferently, "What are you worried about?"

   "This time you can't use Myth Arms."

  Miss Lan asked calmly: "Aren't you worried about his death?"

  The copper coins were flipped over and over in her hands, but she still couldn't get the hexagram.

   "Since he dares to go, he will definitely win."

   Tang Ling snorted, "He's not a fool."

  Miss Lan was slightly taken aback.

   At the same time, the lights of the entire temple went out, and the spotlight hit the octagonal cage!

  The battle begins!



   "Tonight, when the bell rings, there will be endless deaths in the octagonal cage!"

  The beautiful hostess shouted excitedly into the microphone: "The madness that has never been seen in a century, this candidate named Gu Ting is one against five, let us witness this **** massacre!"

  Amidst the roar, the lifting platform rose again, with many alchemy weapons hanging on it.

  Gu Jianlin just glanced at it casually, and then silently removed a Tang knife without a sheath.

   This is the first time he has used a knife, and before that he used either a chair or a throne.

   Or simply empty-handed.

   Today is a rare exception.

  Tonight, he wants to test how much combat power he has without using ancient deification!

  The lifting platform fell, and the audience was dead silent.

   Only the dull bell echoed.

   "Fighting, start now!"

   With a bang, the power grid burst out with shining electric light, and the high-voltage voltage was released, covering all directions.

  At this moment, there is only life and death in the arena.

  Gu Jianlin weighed the Tang knife in his hand, and it was still in his hand.

   "Tell me, how do you win?"

  Ye Hua stared at him and sneered.

  Gu Jianlin smiled silently, and then made a move.

  He hooked his fingers: "Come on."

  For a moment, Ye Hua's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice, "Kill him!"


  Xingtong and Yuetong, the two fourth-rank Yunzhongjun, immediately used ghost-humanization, pale will-o'-the-wisps ignited on their foreheads, and the original violent instinct was magnified countless times, and they swooped forward.

  The ability of the fourth-level Yunzhongjun is the dead ghost technique, which is useless without a corpse, but they released the spirit body without hesitation, and the same huge grimace appeared behind the two of them.

   Scar also rushed forward, his right fist gathered terrifying power, and he punched out!

  The next moment, the roar of the sniper rifle sounded!

   That Tier 3 wild hunter named Black Sniper is ready to charge up and shoot!

   This is a must-kill game.

   What's more, there is a fourth-rank Shura watching behind him.

  No one thought that Gu Jianlin could win.

  Because it's simply not realistic.

  Why did Gu Jianlin win?


  Gu Jianlin's forehead was also ignited with a pitch-black will-o'-the-wisp, and the runaway ghost released violent negative energy. His body was like a **** in the abyss, imprisoning countless sleeping devils, waking up with a roar!

   At the same time, there are illusory chains around his back.

  The characteristic of the lock of inexistence is to eliminate its own sense of existence, and it can hide from everyone's sight.

   And in the realm of the Unexistent Lock, the shadow reflected behind him like a ghost suddenly trembled!

   Kirin Forbidden Curse!

  This is his confidence.

  Because of his shadow, he can wake up at any time.

   For a moment, the pitch-black shadow condensed, clearly it was just a phantom that did not exist, but it woke up as if it had life, and its spirituality rose steadily, reaching the level of the third level.

  Ghost-slaying path, first-level ghost, second-level shadow ghost, third-level ghost cut!

  Sense sharing, thinking synchronization!

  However, the moment the shadow woke up, Gu Jianlin felt an emotion that didn't belong to him.

   Breathe the world, look at the world, I am the only one!

  In the depths of his consciousness, the sky collapsed, and the sky was burned by deep flames, as if the ghost kingdom of God was eroding the world, and a huge blood-colored vertical pupil faintly lit up between lightning and thunder, as if to ignite the world!

   This is the remaining emotion of Venerable Zhulong, and it is her leftover instinct!

  In the sound of the dragon's chant that pierced through the sky and the earth, the shadow once again solidified, even showing its appearance.

  The long jet-black hair fluttered in the wind, and the extremely beautiful and demon-like face could not even distinguish between men and women. The blood-red pupils were full of murderous intent, and there was a charming tear mole in the corner of the eye.

  The surging black mist covered the body like a ghost!

   Overlooking the world with a beautiful posture.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin was a little lost.

  Because of the shadow's appearance, only half of it resembles him.

  The other half is like an old monster!

   This is the authority of Venerable Qilin, the product after devouring the bone of the candle dragon.

   It is manifested in the form of a forbidden unicorn spell!

   Not enough, keep going!

  I saw this beautiful shadow once again released the immemorial and wild aura, with noble and ferocious dragon horns growing on its head, **** vertical pupils appeared in the beautiful eyes, and the void dragon chant sounded like thunder roaring!

  Evolutionary status!

  In his eyes, the world has become devastated, full of stern cracks, and every detail is visible.

  The field of super speed force is stretched, this kind of accelerated state is a great burden on the body, but after the skill is strengthened, the side effects are already minimal, and the speed is even faster!

   And in the state of evolution, the all-round ability has been greatly improved again!

  Next, blur!

  Suddenly, the shadow disappeared strangely like a reflection in water, as if it had never existed.

  This is the enhanced effect of blur, stealth!

  People only saw the pitch-black Tang Dao come out of their hands, leaving fleeting traces in the void!



  I saw blood splashing out, and the head of the third-tier wild hunter flew high.

  Battlefield rules, kill the nanny first, then kill the overlord!


  If Ye Hua hadn't been in the blurred state, he would probably break out in a cold sweat.

   At a speed like ghosts and gods, the gloomy knife light flashed away again, splashing a handful of bright red blood!

  The head of that third-ranked Guwu also flew into the sky, dying with regret.


  In just two seconds, the five people have been reduced to three.

  Ye Hua's expression froze completely.

  Xingtong and Yuetong, who were in a state of losing their minds, showed expressions of disbelief.

  People can only see the extremely weird Tang Dao, suspended in mid-air.

  Only Gu Jianlin himself could see that magnificent and beautiful silhouette looming in the mist, possessing the strangeness and nobility of that supreme being, as well as his own coldness and indifference, it was completely natural.

  Like a god.

  Blood fell like rain.

  The Shadow of the Candle Dragon gently danced the Tang knife, as if performing a peerless **** dance.

   This is His first battle after waking up.

  Gu Jianlin didn't even try to control it deliberately, but let him fight according to his instinct.

   That is to say, except for his decisive and ruthless killing.

  The action logic of Candle Dragon Shadow is all left over by the good sister.

  What would a good sister do.

   He will do just that.

   Therefore, His every move, every look up and back, is so beautiful that it is suffocating.

   "You just asked me how to win?"

  Gu Jianlin spread his hands expressionlessly: "How do you think I won?"

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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