The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 209: Bells die, heads fall to the ground

  Chapter 209 The sound of the bell disappears, and the head falls to the ground

   This is Gu Jianlin's confidence.

  Extraordinary ability, mythical armament, breathing technique, forbidden spell.

  The combination of these will occasionally produce some wonderful effects.

For example, the shadow of the candle dragon itself does not have any rhythm of life, and it is invisible in the state of blurring. Coupled with the elimination of the sense of existence of the non-existent lock, the final evolved effect can be called a non-existent ghost , it is difficult to observe its existence in any way, so it has become his strongest assassination method!

  Although at the moment of swinging the knife, it must be transformed into an entity.

   And the blur also has a time limit.

   But enough is enough.

  The way of killing ghosts is a high-speed and high-attack in itself, and it pays attention to avoiding thousands of miles with one blow.

  The fighting instinct left by Venerable Candle Dragon did not show the skills of swordsmanship. After all, with her personality, there is a high probability that she does not need that kind of thing, but she has a bit of her charm when using a sword.

  Power, angle, posture.



  Blood dripped to the ground, blooming like a sea of ​​blood-colored flowers, falling drop by drop.

  Shadow of the Candle Dragon holds the Tang Dao, like a enchanting mandala in full bloom, lonely and enchanting.

   "What the **** is this?"

  Ye Hua's throat rolled, and the blood all over his body became cold.

  As for Xing Hao and Yue Tong, they were on full alert, for fear that they would be the next to be beheaded!

  After a brief silence, the audience was so quiet that they could almost hear their own heartbeats, and then there was a huge cheer, and some even sprayed champagne on the ring, which was extremely exciting.

  Such a fierce and **** scene completely awakened their animal nature.

   "Did you see clearly just now? How can this knife move by itself?"

   "This is a priest, could it be his spirit body, and then he became invisible in some way?"

   "Could it be the sword control technique of the Jianzong path? This is the fifth level?"

   "Kill! Keep killing! Don't keep a single one!"

Mr. Liu rushed out of the private room, laughed arrogantly and said: "Hahaha, good job! Kill them all, don't leave a single one behind! You are indeed a candidate for my investment, I knew it would work! Mrs. Si, and Si Wei'an, do you really think that the third master and I are soft persimmons, so easy to pinch?"

  The old man Si hasn't shown up yet, but he just snorted coldly.

  The other directors knew very well that the old man seemed unhappy.

  Indistinctly, the entire auction was trembling.

  It seems to be able to see countless demon-like reflections trembling on the wall, as if a group of demons danced wildly.


   Tang Ling looked up at the box, and seemed to sense a rather terrifying aura.

   "That's the old man of the Si family, a veteran and strong man from a hundred years ago, and he is narrow-minded, and he must take revenge."

  Miss Lan didn't look at the box, but stared at the boy in the octagonal cage, and stopped turning the copper coins in her hand: "You knew he had this ability a long time ago? So you're not in a hurry?"

  She finally knew why today's hexagram was so strange.

  Because of the Moonstone Heart, I can indeed get it.

   But not for them to get it.

   It is very likely that the boy won through a game of life and death.


  Tang Ling raised her red hair on her forehead, her scarlet eyes were indifferent, as if she had expected it.

   But in fact, she was a little bit guilty.

  Gu Jianlin is the third-rank chief commander, and he has not transferred to the sword sect path for the time being, and it is even less likely that he will know how to control the sword.

   And his spiritual body is the four ghost hands, so he shouldn't have this kind of speed.

   That's weird.

  No matter what the method is, it is undoubtedly a powerful killing move. If it is not an Omega-level genius, it may be the end of being directly killed in seconds. Even she finds it extremely strange.

   Not to mention other people.



  The murderous aura like Shura's **** enveloped the entire octagonal cage.

   With every drop of blood in full bloom.

   The killing intent became stronger and stronger.

  Gu Jianlin himself was able to release a strong sense of oppression when he was in a runaway state.

   Not to mention the shadow of the candle dragon, that is ancient and wild, the killing intent of the gods!

   "We must kill him, otherwise none of us will survive today, and the next blow will kill him!" Under this terrifying murderous aura, a hole had appeared in Ye Hua's mind, and he yelled like crazy.

  Xing Xing and Yue Tong rushed to attack, condensing a pitch-black realm all over their bodies, and went straight to the main body!

  Because the mysterious Tang Dao was still floating behind them!

   At the same time, Gu Jianlin also raised his hand, and the palm was filled with pitch-black particles!

  Dark Blast!

  With a bang, the darkness exploded, and the structure of the entire octagonal cage was completely destroyed. Even the power grid that fell from the sky was washed away in an instant, the ground trembled violently, and the metal floor collapsed and sunken!

  The two sides are evenly matched!

  Gu Jianlin could only feel the wind whistling in his ears, and the two twins had already locked on him one by one!

  The actions of the twins were very tacit. They pointed like knives and tried to slash at his throat, but he reacted in time, raised his hands and firmly grasped his wrists, pure wrestling!

   At the same time, the gigantic grimace behind the twins came roaring, gathering pitch-black particles again!


   The darkness exploded again!

  At the critical moment, four flaming ghost hands condensed out of thin air to help him block the blow.

   Covered by the dark and vibrating black light, the four ghost hands were not exposed.

   He took it back in an instant.

   And he himself was blasted out and slid to the edge of the grid.

  Xing Xing and Yue Tong didn't know how he blocked the blow, but the two of them had an overwhelming advantage when they teamed up. They didn't hesitate to bully them, and once again blasted out a violent fist!

  The fire of the **** sacrifice was ignited on the fist, and it was about to suppress the boy to death!

  The so-called two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Even though Gu Jianlin tried to parry, two ribs were broken, and his left arm was almost shattered. The vitality of his body was burned by the fire of the sacrifice.

   This is not the most dangerous.

  The real killer move is the spirit body with two grimaces, gathering violent dark energy!


  Gu Jianlin parried with one hand, but was thrown into the air by this whip kick from bottom to top.

  Xing Xing recalled the grimacing ghost, as if merging with it, the black flash almost covered the spotlight.

  The next moment, Yuetong was carried by the grimace spirit body and jumped into the air.

   Sweeping legs, swinging punches, knee strikes, heavy hammers!

   After such a set of combos, even if Gu Jianlin was able to parry, he didn't know how many bones in his body were broken.

   This is the price he paid for not being proficient in fighting.

   He wrote it down.


  Yuetong and Yuetong said in unison.

  Because they collected the boy's blood!


  Gu Jianlin suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was covered in pitch-black ghost curses, and the rhythm of life was sluggish.

   Nearly dying.

  In the battle of God Division, this is commonplace.

  As long as it is not completely dead, it can always be swallowed back.

  The twins also knew this truth. The grimaces behind them condensed a huge black flash, which suddenly spewed out!


   I saw two huge flashes interlaced, and Gu Jianlin fell in mid-air, spreading his hands.

  His left and right hands lighted up with jet-black flashes, gushing out!

   Without the cooperation of the spirit body, the ability of dark vibration is definitely not as good as the opponent!

  But at the critical moment, Xing Hao and Yue Tong spurted out a mouthful of blood!

  Ghost spells!

  Curse from the air!


  The dark negative energy exploded again, turning into dust and dissipating in mid-air.

  Xing Xing and Yue Tong only felt the majestic murderous intent shrouding the entire octagonal cage behind them, and then saw the bleak knife light flashing away in front of them, almost stinging their eyes!

   At the critical moment, they dodged and retreated, and a ray of coldness suddenly struck!

  Shadow of the Candle Dragon made a move at this time, just to kill with one blow.

   After all, these two Yunzhong Lords are not weak. If they do it directly, they are not sure that they will be able to kill them instantly, and maybe the existence of the shadow itself will be exposed, so the safest method is adopted!


   Accompanied by a scream.

  The phantom of the peerless beauty is fleeting, and it cuts the void with a single knife, the cold light is flickering, and the blood is gushing!

  Dimensional Slash!

  The upper and lower bodies of the twins were separated, and blood gushed out like a waterfall!

   There was a bang, and Gu Jianlin fell to the floor with one knee. The clothes on his upper body were shattered, and there were horrible burn marks on his body. His bones were shattered, and half of his body collapsed.

  If it wasn't for the temporary summoning of the four ghost hand guards just now, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have died on the spot.


  He swooped forward, and the fire of the divine sacrifice burned up, turning into a vast expanse of scorched earth.

  The vitality is quickly restored, the bones are remodeled, and the flesh and blood are healed.

  Gu Jianlin grabbed the necks of the twins with both hands, trying to break their necks.

  However, unexpectedly, even though the two blood-soaked twins were cut in half, they still grabbed his hands tightly, and their extremely distorted and ferocious faces were full of madness. This is the nature of Shensi!

   For a moment, silence fell.

  Time seems to have fallen into the silence of the quagmire, black and white are blurred like ink stains, and everything along the way is frozen and solidified, as if losing color in time, mottled and monotonous.

  Ye Hua finished charging at this moment.

   She finds the perfect moment.

One hit kill!

   Time and space freeze, space jump, dimension slash!

  Three in one!

  This woman actually mastered the combination skill of the ghost-slaying path!

   "You are very strong and a good opponent, but... useless."

  Ye Hua said indifferently: "Die!"

  In the domain frozen in time and space, only she herself can move!

  I saw a shattered phantom fleeting, she jumped close by jumping in space, and the Taidao in her hand trembled and buzzed.

   Cut it down with one blow!

   For a moment, everyone in the auditorium stopped breathing.

   The outcome will be decided soon!

  The torrent of time flies by, Ye Hua runs wildly in the silent field, as if he can hear the wonderful sound of the blade cutting the head, and see the boy's head flying high!

   The time for one breath is very short.

   But it can also be very long.

  Especially for those who also master the power of time.

  At this moment, the shadow of the candle dragon has also completed charging.

  The ability mastered at the second level of the ghost-slaying pathway is called Dimensional Slashing.

  It can also be called the air-shattering cut.

   In short, it is able to cut time and space along the cracks in the world.

  Can ignore most of the world's defenses.

   And after cutting the same space too many times, a large area of ​​void can be collapsed!

  The Shadow of the Candle Dragon possesses supreme power, and its abilities have also been advanced.

  After the dimension cut is strengthened, the effect obtained is very simple and rough.

  After accumulating power, smash the void with one blow!


  The magnificent phantom floats outside the frozen domain of time and space, and the charged sword slashes down!

  The domain frozen in time and space crashed and disintegrated, and was swallowed by a huge black hole in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

   At the same time, Ye Hua's slash tore through the void, and burst out like a ghost crying!


   This cut was blocked by the blade that suddenly appeared!

  An invisible phantom held the Tang knife to block the cut!

   Both sides used Dimensional Slash, and the result was that the space-time gap canceled each other out and annihilated each other.

  Great horror exploded in Ye Hua's heart, because she found that her time-space freezing field was actually cracked, and the sure-kill knife was also blocked, and a bone-chilling chill permeated her heart.

   What's going on, what happened just now!

This is impossible!

  Endless doubts, I can't figure it out.

   But she has no chance.


  Gu Jianlin twisted the twins' necks and turned around abruptly.

  Ye Hua was terrified when he saw the will-o’-the-wisp on his forehead and the dark pupils.

  It seemed to see a devil.


  Ghost spells!

  Ye Hua suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and was in a trance for a moment.

  Gu Jianlin grabbed her throat with his backhand to prevent her from dodging with the speed force, and the fire of the divine sacrifice suddenly ignited.

  The vitality was burned, and Ye Hua, who was in pain, let out a shrill scream.

  Almost at the same time, a bleak saber light was fleeting.

  Ye Hua's head flew high, and the hood had come off, revealing an ugly face.

  Blood splashed down again.

  The audience was dead silent.

   Exactly at this second, the bell echoing in the hall was drowned in the void.

  Ye Hua's head fell to the ground.

   slipped to the boy's feet impartially.

  All eyes were on the ragged boy in the broken octagonal cage.

  Blooded all over, but with a strong killing intent.

  No one could see, the magnificent phantom stood behind him, as if surrounding him.

  It's like trying to merge with him.

  Blood bloomed like a sea of ​​flowers.


   "Is there anyone else who wants to compete with me for the heart of the Moonstone?"

  Gu Jianlin stepped on the head under his feet, and spread his hands indifferently: "This is the end."



  The bell rang and the head fell to the ground.

   After a brief silence.

  Huge cheers, gushing champagne, lit lights.

   It seemed to detonate the entire auction.

   One against five, complete victory!

   For a moment, in the boxes of the six directors, as well as the old man of Youying Group, were in a trance.

  It seems to see the king two hundred years ago.

  Mr. Liu was so dumbfounded that his jaw dropped to the ground.

   "Third Master, are you okay?"

  Ning Chen asked in a low voice, "Do you want to win over this person?"

  Only the butcher beside him has an extremely weird face. This cold and fierce temperament, as well as the unspoken sarcasm, and the black will-o’-the-wisp on his forehead, isn’t this just Brother Gu!

  The reckless man finally reacted!

   The co-author was Gu Ge who came to grab materials for his wife, no wonder he was so aggressive.

   And he vaguely guessed one thing.

  There is a reason why these five people are so miserable.

   The blame is that after Ye Hua won, he still stepped on the little girl and yelled.

   clamoring to step on the boss.

   This is a good time, there is no chance.


   "Brother Butcher, I'm sorry..."

  After Nightingale took the secret medicine, Yoyo woke up.

   "Hahaha, don't be afraid! Someone has already vented your anger on you!"

  The butcher grinned.

  The cheers from the auditorium almost toppled the dome.

  Miss Lan felt lost.

  The copper coin in her hand slipped to the ground inadvertently, and she didn't know where it fell.

  Before this, she hadn't understood one thing.

  That is Sister Yue Ji, what do you like about this boy?

   Now, she knows.

"Don't make such a fuss, he is always beyond your expectations, there is only what you can't think of, and there is nothing he can't do, just get used to it." Tang Ling stood up and shook her red hair, quite anxiously. He glanced at the woman deeply, then turned and left the auditorium.

  Gu Jianlin gave her a look just now.

   The general idea is, almost.

  Next, they will go to get their own lot, and then take the opportunity to find the stronghold of the Priory.

  Miss Lan was silent for a long time, when the phone suddenly vibrated.

  Miss Tsukihime called.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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