The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 238: revived ancient city

  Chapter 238 The revived ancient city

   Gu Jianlin raised his head and saw the panicked expression on the woman's face.

  He immediately turned his head and looked out the window, his expression solemn.

   Trek all the way here, the temperature is already very low.

There is no vegetation in the wilderness, and an ancient city shrouded in cold wind can be vaguely seen. The ancient gods' architecture is characterized by a strong mysterious and religious atmosphere. Huge pyramids can be vaguely seen, surrounded by countless towering stone statues. There are also decaying ancient trees suspended in mid-air, with roots pierced into the ground.

  Balensa City, which means the place of eternal rest.

Chen Qing adjusted the earphones, stepped on the accelerator and galloped forward, and said in a cold voice: "The Eastern Front has issued orders to all units and will converge at coordinates 469.125. This place is located on the edge of Barensa City. The terrain is open and there are no obstacles. It is suitable for The horizontal push of the battle sequence at dawn is also within the envelope of the realm of heaven and man."

  She paused: "Director Chen also approved this plan, and wiped out the Youying Group in one fell swoop!"

  After hearing this, it seems that there is really no problem.

  Both Lu Qingqing and Zhou Yiming approved of this plan, with excited expressions in their eyes.

  After being beaten for so long, I must let out a breath of anger.

  Lu Zijin stroked the little princess who was dozing off, but looked at the boy: "What should I do?"

  Gu Jianlin couldn't fault this plan.

  Just the next moment, Lin Wanqiu leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Something is wrong, something is really wrong here, can we bypass this city? Enter the Sea of ​​Eternal Life from another place?"

  Gu Jianlin frowned subconsciously. Right now, this road is the fastest shortcut. As long as he passes through the city of Balensa, he can reach the ice field, and the deepest part can reach the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

  If you make a detour, it may take more than half a month.

  By then, even if Minister Lu has completed his promotion, the day lily will already be cold.

Lin Wanqiu knew the answer was no when she saw his expression. In fact, she was also very anxious in her heart, and continued to whisper in his ear: "This place was not like this four months ago, although the temperature is very low at this time, But it should have been a piece of frozen soil at that time, the city was frozen."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned, and turned his head to stare at the city.

  At this moment, a large number of dense red dots appeared on the display screen of the tablet computer.

  The soldiers of the dawn battle sequence have already rushed over.

  Squads from all directions are also converging here.


  The transport vehicle rushed over the hillside and rushed into the city of Balensa, the howling cold wind cut the face like a knife.


   Gu Jianlin seemed to sense the black unicorn in his mind, and opened a line of golden vertical pupils.

  Although he himself hasn't felt anything yet.

  But the instinct of an ancient supreme has been triggered.

   This means that there is a problem with this city!

   "Captain Lu, what was the temperature here when you came last time?"

   Gu Jianlin asked in a deep voice.

  Lu Qingqing was locking the helicopter in the distance with the scope. Hearing this sentence, he was stunned for a moment, and replied: "It should be about ten degrees below zero. Hey, it really doesn't seem so cold this time."

   Zhou Ming felt the most intuitive on the roof of the car, and shouted: "It's only five degrees now, what's wrong?"

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself, as expected, this frozen city is gradually heating up.

  What Lin Wanqiu said is correct, there is indeed a problem.

   "Quick, stop them immediately, don't let them start a war in this city!"

  Gu Jianlin's face changed, and he shouted: "Sister Chen Qing, contact Director Chen immediately. If it is irreversible, then let them prepare for the worst, because something will happen tonight!"

  Lu Zijin squinted her beautiful eyes, her eyes were serious: "Is it really that bad?"

  The little princesses raised their heads and looked at him blankly.

  Chen Qing saw him so impatient for the first time, and passed the news on without hesitation.

After a while, her complexion also became ugly, and she said in a low voice: "Director Chen has not recovered yet, but the Eastern Front has rejected our request. As expected, all units suffered heavy losses this time. I will definitely find ways to retaliate. Especially, this time the commander is still a member of the trial court."

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath, and the stone beads on his wrist were trembling wildly.

   Youzhu is getting closer.

  This means that a large number of dusk candidates are also coming.

  The parrot poked its head out of his backpack and cursed: "These idiots!"

   At the same time, the stone beads trembled wildly.

"not good!"

   Zhou Ming yelled: "Abandon the car and run away!"

  Lu Qingqing's expression changed suddenly, her eagle eyes saw very clearly, a burning helicopter swooped down!


  Gu Jianlin didn't say anything, a pale will-o'-the-wisp ignited on his forehead, and four ghost hands emerged from behind.

  In just a split second, Lu Zijin and Ji Xiaoyu, one big and one young, were picked up by his ghostly hands.

  Chen Qing and Lin Wanqiu saw this miraculous scene before they could react, they were also picked up by one hand, as if carried by an invisible ghost, they turned and disappeared into the carriage.

   "Leave the rest to you, withdraw!"

   Gu Jianlin shouted.

   Hearing a bang, he crashed into the carriage abruptly and rushed out with the four women.

  Whether it's Lu Zijin or Ji Xiaoyu, or Lin Wanqiu and Chen Qing.

  All felt an unprecedented sense of security.

   "What shall we do?"

  The four guardians are numb.

  The next moment, Lu Qingqing and Zhou Yiming grabbed their back collars and ran, jumped out of the car and fled.


  The transport vehicle suddenly exploded!



  The explosion soared into the sky, illuminating the camp one kilometer away.


  Old Master Si played with the copper coins, with a gloomy expression on his face, he sneered and said, "It's just a fight between trapped beasts."

  The dusk candidates all put on black hooded robes. Because their identities in reality need to be protected, they all dressed in uniform and carried their own weapons.

   It is worth mentioning that their robes seem to be coated with some kind of spice, which has a strong aroma.

   "The soldiers of the dawn combat sequence are coming soon. It is indeed a torrent of steel. With the alchemy technology, on the flat wasteland, it will crush us all to pieces in less than ten minutes."

He turned around and said: "The soul-snatching incense that the military adviser found for you is very precious, and you only have about half an hour of activity time. Once the time limit expires, you will become like everyone else, and you will be awakened by the spirit that is about to be revived here." Those things attack indiscriminately. Whether you can survive at that time depends on luck."

   "Our main task this time is to behead Lu Zijin. Whoever can take her head will have the opportunity to evolve. The two evolutionaries among you can also get a further evolution."

   "Behave well. You are all fifth-tier elites comparable to the first echelon of Omega. It is almost a sure thing to be promoted to the sixth rank. By then, you will only be one rank away, and you will be able to become a member of Twilight!"

  A strange light flashed in the old man's pupils.

  Twilight candidates are eager to try, obviously tempted by this pie.

  Yue Ji was silent in the crowd, she knew that the current situation was urgent.

  But it is different from the last time in the Forest of Burial.

   This time, the companions around her were all masters, leaving too little room for her to move.

  Especially the old man of the Si family.

  A hexagram master of the sixth rank.

  It's hard to do things with him watching.

   No way, you must endure it, plan before you act!

  Jiang Hanyi stared at her intently, that ferocious look seemed to swallow her alive.

  The reason for this was that the two had just had a fight.

   But out of her expectation, this battle is no longer a unilateral crush like the first time they fought.

   But evenly divided!

  As a direct descendant of the Jiang family, she was ridden on the head by a bastard, and she couldn't accept this result.

  She was faintly moved to kill.

  Although she was warned not to kill this bastard, as long as she goes deep into the unknown area, no one can control her.

After a while, she said hoarsely: "Why don't you choose to start the war outside the realm of heaven and man? There is no way to evolve in the city of Balensa, and I can't wait to tear apart the waste in the greenhouse. Especially when I heard that , The King of Green accepted another student, I don’t know if he is in the team. If he is, I am happy to take his head and give it to the military division.”

Yue Ji turned her head and glanced at her, as if she was looking at a dead person, and said coldly: "Stupid bitch, you want to be run over to death by the people in the dawn combat order, and no one will stop you. Besides, before you speak wild words, Don't forget that Mi Luo stepped on your feet and begged for mercy before."

  After speaking, she suddenly fell silent.

  Because this was originally what she had in mind, but in the end she said it out of frustration.


   This is not over yet!

"What did you say?"

  Jiang Hanyi was furious: "Say it again, wild species."

   "The Jiang family can give birth to trash like you, and the king will be ashamed of you when he is resurrected."

  Yueji's eyes were indifferent, and she blurted out the thoughts in her head again.

  The smell of gunpowder is full, and the sword is on the verge of firing.

  Si Wei'an stared at the two of them, but he was extremely apprehensive.

  Because on the way here, these two people had already fought once, and they respectively mastered the evolutionary posture, killing ghosts and confronting Shensi, the fight was quite fierce, showing amazing combat power.

   These two women are actually the strongest in the team!

  If it weren't for being pulled away by Lord You Ming and the military adviser, it is estimated that life and death will be divided.

  Jiang Hanyi's strength is unquestionable. As a descendant of the Jiang family, he is as strong as ever. At the age of twenty-four, he is already a star king of the fifth rank, and he is already preparing for the ceremony of being promoted to the sixth rank.

  The situation of Yueji is different. Although she is also of the blood of the Jiang family, but because she is an illegitimate daughter and has not received any training since she was a child, she has also been promoted to the fifth-level Yuesi.

  Now that I think about it, that Moonstone Heart is too crucial.

   "Miss Yue Ji, don't be angry."

  Poison Scorpion stepped forward to comfort her, "Don't be as knowledgeable as that woman."

  He is also from the six major families of the dark world. He saw the strength and charm of this petite girl in the first battle just now, and immediately decided to launch an offensive, chatting up all the way.

   On the other side, Jiang Hanyi was also persuaded to leave, otherwise there would be another fight.

  Yueji glanced at the man: "What are you? Get lost!"

   After being scolded like this, the poisonous scorpion was not only not angry, but even more excited.

  He likes this kind of cold girl.

The old man of the Si family saw everything in his eyes, and said with his thoughts: "Miss, please don't worry, it was our mistake last time, which allowed this girl to get the heart of the moonstone and was promoted to the fifth rank. But this time, you can Try to find a way to target her, I am the team leader this time, I will act as if I didn't see anything."

  Si Wei'an also heard what his uncle said, and his mind became active.

  He still suspects that the fragment of the Qilin Wedge was taken away by this girl.

  Jiang Hanyi's mood eased a lot when he heard the words, he turned around and left: "Let's go, go and kill Lu Zijin."

  Tsukihime vaguely sensed their gaze, and instinctively became vigilant.



  The huge military helicopter swooped down towards the ground, and below it was a steel chariot that looked like a giant beast.

  The torrent of steel in the dawn battle sequence ran over the barren land.

   "What? Asking for our retreat? What kind of rude request is that?"

I saw a middle-aged man in a moon-white robe sitting in the cabin and said into the walkie-talkie: "Director Chen, if we cannot give us a suitable reason, we will firmly oppose it. What will happen? The specific situation is What? Has the news been verified? What is the result of the divination?"

   "If there is nothing, how do you tell us to retreat? I am fully responsible for the Eastern Front. If something happens, I am willing to take all the responsibilities, not you!"

  He said: "The Youying Group has ridden on our heads and acted wildly. This time, we must show them some color. Even if the candidates from Dusk come, today they will be smashed to pieces."

  Communication ends.

  Li Hanting sat beside him, and asked silently: "Master Saint, is that student of the King of Blue again this time?"

  The Saint of Xuanyin hummed: "Besides this person, who else is there? It's inexplicable."

  Li Hanting looked out the window expressionlessly: "Brother Shou Heng died at his hands, right? I really don't want to believe that the person who watched me grow up was a member of the Priory."

The Xuanyin saint said: "We don't want to believe it either, but now is not the time to take personal revenge. Master Rhine has issued a death order, and the time of the president is numbered, and the day of handover is not far away, and we must not Something happened at this juncture. I will never allow you to make more trouble."

   "I know, I'm not that stupid."

  Li Hanting took a deep breath: "Dawn, Poison Master, Nightmare, prepare for battle."


   At the same time, the ground trembled violently.

  In the communication channel, there was a confused voice: "Have you heard any strange movements?"

  The city of Balensa, where the cold wind was howling, seemed to wake up.

  (end of this chapter)

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