The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 239: The city of Venerable Qilin!

  Chapter 239 The City of Venerable Qilin!

  Dawn City, Watchtower.

  Accompanied by the operation of the machine, holographic projections lit up in the dark conference room. These ghost images were made of red light, which meant that it was an emergency meeting in wartime, and the priority was very high.

  Only Chen Bojun was sitting at the end of the long table, looking at the senior executives of the Ethereum Association.

   "What's going on, Bo Jun."

  Chen Xingli is the first minister, in charge of thirteen jurisdictions and many affairs, with a poker face on his whole body, he looks like a social person who has been poisoned by 996: "What happened?"

  The rest of the ministers also showed strange expressions, not knowing why they were summoned.

  The gray-haired Commander Lu frowned, and cast a puzzled glance. He was also the supreme commander in charge of the entire Ancient God Realm's battle, so he obviously didn't know what happened.

  The two giants of the Ethereum Association remained silent.

  Since the failure of the initial reform, Lin Dong has not received much attention from the president, and has rarely come forward to participate in these meetings these years, and simply regards himself as a thug.

  At this moment, the giant and the night watchmen reappeared in the conference room, which was obviously a special signal.

  Rhein looked at this senior or opponent expressionlessly, with no expression in his golden double pupils.

  Behind him, phantoms of saints were projected.

  The six **** generals were also projected over, but they basically just listened in and never spoke.

   "About our advance team being attacked by the Ghost Group in the Silent Wasteland."

Chen Bojun didn't talk nonsense: "The good news is that Instructor Wan and the others have already obtained the blood of the ancient gods, and they are currently recuperating in the camp. The eastern front led by the Xuanyin Saint is approaching the Silent Wasteland. They decided to set the front in Baba. On the edge of Lensa City, I plan to use the flat terrain there to wipe out the power of the Youying Group."

   No one spoke.

  Under the premise of no other factors interfering, there is no problem with this decision.

  Even Gu Jianlin approved of this plan very much at the time.

   "But the problem is that the second echelon of the Omega sequence, B-level investigator Gu Jianlin, raised an objection."

  Chen Bojun was silent for a moment: "He said that there is a problem with the city of Balenza."

"what is the problem?"

   "Isn't the city of Balenza a dead city?"

   "A student of the King of Blue? Since this is the case, we must pay attention to it."

   "Is there any reliable basis? This matter is not trivial and should not be taken lightly."

  The high-level people are talking about it.

  Chen Bojun smiled bitterly, showing a troubled expression: "There is no basis."

  As soon as this remark came out, the high-level officials fell silent, and many people had ugly faces.

   "Just for such a trivial matter, you started an emergency meeting? Is this nonsense?"

   Silence lasted for a few seconds.

  Chen Bojun said solemnly: "The Saint Xuanyin rejected the order to retreat because there is no evidence. But just like the one who said just now, since he is a student of the King of Green, his opinion must be taken seriously."

"What Xiao Gu means is that in this battle, the eastern front may not be able to achieve its strategic goals due to unexpected circumstances, and instead will involve itself in it. In addition, the various exploration advance teams will also suffer heavy losses , and may lead to some irreversible consequences.”

  He said: "That's all I have to say, and the rest is up to you."

  The top executives of the Ethereum Association all focused their attention on one person.

   Commander Lu.

   "A student of Huaiyin?"

  He pondered for a moment, and ordered: "It's better to believe it than to believe it. I will increase some combat power support to ensure that the dawn combat sequence and the major advance teams will not have any accidents."

  The high-level members of the Ethereum Association agreed.

   Some people said that it is better to be cautious.

   But some people expressed disdain and demanded that if nothing happens afterwards, they must be severely punished.



  In the city of Balensa shrouded in cold wind, huge explosions soared into the sky!

  Gu Jianlin plunged headlong into this magnificent city.

  He ran away with four beauties, shuttling through the dilapidated and barren city of the ancient gods. The streets here are unimaginably wide, and they don’t seem to be provided for transportation, and they are full of huge footprints!

"Hahaha, haven't you seen it? The cities of the ancient gods are like this. Generally speaking, during some religious celebrations, they will have a huge original mythical form. So these roads are just covered by the Dalai Lama. The monsters are gone. Have you ever seen the mythical posture of the ancient gods? Just like Godzilla!"

  Lao Gu's personality fantasy chattered beside him: "I'm so exciting!"

  Gu Jianlin glanced at him coldly.

  Old Gu was taken aback: "You ask me about the changes in this city? Hmm... I don't know either!"



  I saw a sniper bullet galloping towards.

  Ji Xiaoyu Manlan resurrected, holding the nine-foot-long Raging Fire Sword in his backhand, and slashed it down!

   Cut bullets with a sword!


  Gu Jianlin had no choice but to give a thumbs up to this Duobao boy, it really wouldn't work without him in the team.

  This dead city is actually very visual, such as temples everywhere, inverted pyramids, huge sculptures everywhere, and even decaying spaceships!

   If it is not currently being hunted down, it is really of great archaeological value.

   At the same time, the stone beads on his wrist trembled wildly.

  Many extremely powerful auras broke into his life perception, causing his complexion to change slightly.

   "Twilight candidates are here, withdraw quickly!"

  Gu Jianlin hugged Minister Loli tightly in his arms, and turned into a dilapidated ruin.

Lu Zijin's beautiful eyes were clear, and he wrapped his arms around his neck. He was clearly being hunted down, but he was not afraid at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Speaking of which, when your father and I were hunted down in the Fusang Shrine, He took me on the run in the same way, and it felt like going back many years ago."

  Gu Jianlin hesitated a little after hearing this: "Minister Lu, you won't talk to my father..."

  Han Jing surprised him at the beginning.

   "What do you think? I'm not interested in old men, I like younger ones."

  Lu Zijin rolled her eyes charmingly, and said quietly: "I didn't expect you, little guy, to feel quite safe. I finally experienced the joy of having a pearl. I'm really envious."

  Four flaming ghost hands are suspended behind them.

  Chen Qing said blankly: "I have also experienced the joy of being able to fly."

  Lin Wanqiu was also a little embarrassed, but he still kindly helped them apply a whole set of buff halos.

  These two imperial sisters are currently suspended in mid-air by the collars of the backs of the four ghost hands.

   As for the shadow, find the way ahead.

   "Which way are you going?"

   Zhou Ming roared angrily: "We should now flee along the edge of Balensa City and join the big army! Then why are you going deep? Are you going to play street fighting with the people of the Youying Group?"

   Bang bang bang!

  Lu Qingqing was lying on a steeple, using the commanding heights to set up a sniper rifle, and the gunfire roared.

   Obviously, the Twilight candidates of Youying Group have already arrived.

   A large number of ghouls filled with black curses have appeared on the broad Shinto. They swarmed up like crazy, smelling the smell of living people and chasing them indiscriminately, with incomparable speed.

   It doesn't look like the slow-moving elderly Parkinson's zombies in American TV series at all.

   This is the ability of the fourth-level Yun Zhongjun, ghoul art.

  The ability to control life and death!

"If you want to die, I won't stop you. Believe me, something unexpected may happen next. The Eastern Front can't keep you, and there is still a glimmer of life in this city." Gu Jianlin believed in himself In his judgment, the black unicorn in his mind had already warned in advance.

  Currently you can only fight while withdrawing.

  Gritting their teeth, Lu Qingqing and Zhou Yiming followed up with four guardians, fighting and retreating.

   There is a huge building in front of it, standing like a nest in the cold wind, with countless potholes.

  Gu Jianlin led the team to rush there to take refuge, but he felt more and more that something was wrong, and thought of the secret strategy that Youzhu had given him back then.

  Old Gu immediately said: "Don't go there, that's the toilet of the ancient gods!"

   Gu Jianlin thought about it, and threw up on the spot.

"Of course the ancient supreme and ancient ancestors don't need to excrete, but those ancestors are like the lowest indigenous people compared to their civilization, they still need to live. That place is to accumulate excrement, they Get used to using excrement to water special vegetation and increase productivity!"

  Old Gu Zhen said plausibly: "These things are highly poisonous to sublimators and are easily infected."

   Gu Jianlin turned around and left in disgust. In his perception, the ancient gods were all mysterious and majestic.

  Who would have thought that there would be such a thing.

   Well, he should have known since the golden toilet last time!

   "Don't go!"

  Old Gu shouted again: "There is the womb of the ancient gods!"

  Gu Jianlin was shocked, looked up at the dilapidated building with a weird egg-like shape in front of him, and fell silent.

   What a womb!

   "This is the artificial womb of the ancient gods, used to breed the eggs of the ancient gods! I don't know how many years have passed, the placenta left inside may have decayed, and it will produce extremely strong corrosion."

  Old Gu roared.

   Gu Jianlin felt suffocated and turned around again.

   This time Lao Gu spoke again: "Continuing along the Shinto path should be a religious sacrificial site..."

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself that this time it was finally not a place for those disgusting people.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly found footprints on the ground.

  Human footprints, and they were stepped on with bare feet!

   Looking around, there are many such footprints on the barren ground.

   Ji Xiaoyu was about to plunge in, but he stopped him.

   "Human footprints!"

  Gu Jianlin said hoarsely: "And you just stayed here not long ago, who has been here?"

  Chen Qing's pupils were strangely pure white. As a psychic, she has a stronger perception ability, and can even capture the residual skin tissue in the footprints, so as to obtain more accurate information.

  Suddenly, she lost her voice: "How is it possible? Three thousand years, eight hundred years, four thousand years... These footprints were left a hundred years ago, or even a thousand years ago!"

  Lin Wanqiu also turned pale: "How is it possible?"

   "This footprint is new, how could it be left thousands of years ago?"

  Gu Jianlin's scalp tingles, this is simply a ghost story.

  The next moment, his body stiffened suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

   It was the first time that Lu Zijin saw such a frightened expression on his face.

  Gu Jianlin's throat was dry, but he didn't know what to say.

  Because the shadow died.

   In other words, he was temporarily dispersed, and it would take all his spirituality to re-condense.

   Of course this is not the point.

  The point is that what the shadow saw before he died.



  Time rewinds to one minute ago.

  It was a huge ancient altar with a majestic sculpture that reached the sky. He was like a **** and accepted the offerings of all ages. The blood-red robe on his body has not decayed for thousands of years.

   On the body of this sculpture, there are patterns of black unicorns all over.

   I saw scarlet blood flowing around this huge altar like a river, and the **** smell was extremely strong.

  People in ragged black robes came from the Shinto in all directions.

  They have no hair, their skin is morbidly pale, and the blood vessels all over their bodies are bulging, burning hot.

  They chanted mysterious spells and tore off the black robes they wore.

  The pale bodies of these people are covered with ferocious and weird lines. At first glance, they look like blood-colored dragon patterns, devouring the rich blood, as if they were alive, and let out a terrifying dragon roar.

  The shadow did not carry the lock of non-existence, and it was eroded by the blood that filled the sky as soon as it stepped here.

   Crash anytime!

  At the same time, those weird people stepped into the blood river, their pale bodies disintegrating rapidly, as if melting in the hot blood, a huge roar burst out faintly.

  Countless lines of scarlet blood diffused from this altar, covering the entire city.

  On the Tongtian Pillar in the distance, a black shadow was shrouded in blood mist.

   His white hair fluttered in the wind.


  A **** sword light descended from the sky.

  The shadow was split in half by a sword!



  Gu Jianlin felt pain all over his body, and felt the pain of the shadow being torn apart.

   This is the side effect.

  Side effects of the Qilin curse.

  After the shadow dies, the pain will be fed back to his body.

  Of course, for the Shensi approach, pain itself is nothing at all.

"I see."

  Old Gu whispered softly next to him: "Boy, did your shadow see that huge sculpture? The **** enshrined is Venerable Qilin. This is the city of Venerable Qilin."

  Gu Jianlin froze for a moment.

   "But the current muzzle is a bit bad. The owners of these footprints are those ghost things you just saw. They are transformed **** servants. They have survived for an unknown number of years, and their bodies are engraved with the brand of the ancestor."

  Lao Gu whispered next to him: "That's the Kuilong pattern. On the bronze decorations of the late Shang and Western Zhou dynasties, the Kuilong pattern was one of the main decorations. Because at that time, the ancestor of the Kuilong was most active."

He paused: "I know what's going on. The ancestor of Kuilong felt threatened, so he wanted to create a group of troops for himself to wake up the ghosts buried here! Didn't Lin Wanqiu say that this place is a prison? Burial The sinners who commit serious crimes are basically ancestor-level ancient gods."

   Gu Jianlin was terrified.

   "Guess, how did the ancient gods come from?"

  Old Gu smiled and said, "It was planted with the corpses of ancestors."


  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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