The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 248: Brother is heartbroken

  Chapter 248 Brother Fucks My Heart

   In the frozen golden temple, a huge black hole opened out of thin air, and someone came out.

  Jing Ci was wearing a heavy woolen coat, wrapped in a thick woolen scarf, and stepped on the frost with leather boots, looking around.

  He felt the extremely cold and low temperature around him, and sighed softly: "The ancestor of Kuilong, the power to control the temperature is really terrifying. If he is allowed to breathe a few more times, the door of time and space transmission will not be able to open. Fortunately, he came early."

  Four corpses frozen into ice cubes sat kneeling on the ground, letting the cold wind howl.

   "The four dusk candidates, are they all killed?"

He glanced down at the four kneeling corpses, a faint smile appeared on his lips, and said softly: "Jiang Hanyi is also dead, it seems that after the matter of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life is over, things will become more interesting .”

  The combat power shown by the junior brother has completely broken the rules.

   No wonder the teacher said don't worry, this is the fish into the sea.

   No, the unicorn enters the sea.

   At the end of the Shinto that is covered with frost and cold is the golden throne that was smashed through, and a big hole was smashed out.

  There are bloodstains on the golden steps.

  Even the temple was smashed through, and a howling cold wind gushed out of the huge pothole.

   These are all relics of super ancient civilizations, and they are priceless.

   Just smashed through.

  Including this golden temple, it is a precious heritage of the ancient gods.

  Young people have no awareness of cultural relics protection at all.

  Jing Ci estimated that this one killed at least a billion dollars.

   Forget it, let the people of the Ethereum Association feel sorry for it, it has nothing to do with him.

  He raised his right hand, wearing a dark red ring on each of the five fingers.

  The ring is inlaid with strange gemstones that look like eyeballs, releasing a strange light, smearing around out of thin air.

   In this way, no matter how powerful the psychic and hexagram master are, they will not be able to perceive what happened here.

   Then he walked over to the blob of blood and wiped it hard again.

  The blood gushed out by Gu Jianlin disappeared without a trace.

   After Jing Ci finished all this, he took out his mobile phone and took a look. It had been turned off in the low temperature environment.

  He was silent for a second, then took out another Polaroid from his pocket, and took a photo of the four corpses.

   Then turned around with satisfaction, walked into the black hole, and disappeared without a trace.



  The city of Balenza was frozen by the cold mist, and the white snow covered the wide Shinto, burying the dilapidated ruins, only the fierce cold wind roared, and the deep breath of extreme cold permeated.

  Yueji raised her head and drank a bottle of Azure Blood, feeling spiritually filled, and whispered, "Aunt Zijin, are you ready? It will be soon, very soon."

  There was no emotion in her pair of clear and clear eyes, only a faint undercurrent turbulent.

   "How many times have I said, call me sister!"

Lu Zijin couldn't help but glared at the little girl, but his eyes were unusually calm, and he said calmly, "Don't worry about me, go at ease. I asked you to bring me because I was afraid that something would happen to you. If it is really a last resort, I will Even if you don't advance, you two must be brought back alive."

   Everyone looked at the two of them without saying anything.

   "Don't worry, leave this place to me for protection!"

  Ji Xiaoyu with her arms akimbo, is out of danger now, she can hold on alone.

  Lu Qingqing was hesitant to speak, but she thought that the team could survive until now because of that boy, so she didn't say anything, and said calmly: "Go first, we will follow up later."

  The two alchemists also handed over the medicine box containing the secret medicine.

"Safe travels."

  Chen Qing instructed softly.

Lin Wanqiu helped to apply a layer of protection of the holy light, and said solemnly: "I am not by your side, and I can only last fifteen minutes. Injuries received within fifteen minutes will slowly heal, and I am immune to most toxins, but you still have to be careful A few. Because the city of Balenza is too close to the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, no one knows what danger is there."

  She hesitated for a while, and said: "This is not only the world of Venerable Qilin, but also many traces from the Zhulong clan. There is a strategy here. Be careful and bring him back."

  Everyone was amazed!

   This woman actually has a guide!

  Lu Zijin narrowed her beautiful eyes, a little surprised.

  Yueji looked at this guide, vaguely guessed her identity, and changed her impression for a while, and said softly: "Thank you for helping me, I will repay you in the future."

  She didn't say much, turned around and left.

   It looked calm on the surface, but the hand holding the scabbard was trembling faintly.

  Because just a few minutes ago, the stone beads on her wrist suddenly lost their sense.

   This means that something happened to him.

   Suddenly, a huge black hole opened up in front of him, and someone came out.

   "No need to go, he's fine now."

  That person's tone was very light, as if he would be overwhelmed by the cold wind at any time.

   Lu Zijin saw the visitor and asked in surprise, "Mr. Jing?"

  Actually, for Yue Ji, this was not the person she wanted to meet right away, but when she saw the familiar figure coming out of the black hole, she felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation and security.

   The heart that had been hanging all the time finally fell down, and I was relieved.

   Gu Jianlin once said.

  Jing Ci is a person who can bring people a great sense of security.

  As long as he is there, nothing will happen.

   Now Tsukihime understands why.

Jing Ci let out a breath of cold air, looked at the cold fog that was about to engulf the entire city, took out a photo from his pocket, handed it out and said, "Junior Brother has already killed those candidates for the evening, and by the way controlled the entire Barron For the ancient gods in Sacheng, you can continue to move forward. As for his safety, you don't need to worry about it for the time being."

  He lied without changing his face: "Junior brother is at the teacher's place now, very safe."

  At this moment, everyone petrified on the spot.

   Some people, when they heard that the four dusk candidates were killed, their minds went blank.

   Some people also felt that it was fantasy when they heard that he controlled the ancient gods in the entire city of Balensa.

   "Mr. Jing, are you joking?"

   Lu Zijin asked suspiciously, "Little Gu killed four Twilight candidates by himself?"

  Yue Ji took the photo, and the wind blew her long hair, half covering her beautiful eyes: "They are all dead?"

  Frozen golden temple, four frozen corpses kneeling in the ice and snow.

   “I never joke about this kind of thing.”

  Jing Ci looked at the girl in front of him and said: "The people you have protected for so many years can now protect you in turn. Jiang Hanyi is just the beginning. Those who bullied you will be liquidated by him one by one."

  Holding the photo, Yue Ji froze for a long time before raising her head.

  How could this happen? She obviously hid it well.

  How could he know this.

  Lu Zijin's complexion changed slightly, and he said seriously, "Don't look at me, I didn't say it was a leak!"

Jing Ci smiled silently, turned around and walked into the black hole, and waved his hands: "Go ahead, I can't **** you into the sea of ​​eternal life. There is a big guy there. Once he feels my presence, he may cause trouble. Turned upside down."

  He exhaled and watched his breath quickly atomized in the cold wind: "It's really cold."

   After speaking, he turned around and walked into the black hole, disappearing without a trace again.



   The howling wind was mixed with frost, and the strange cold fog swallowed everything.

   Zhou Ming supported his seriously injured body, staggered and walked in the ruins, coughing up thick blood clots from time to time.

   Not long ago, the ancient gods of Balenza City fought against the dawn battle sequence, and he was caught in the middle of the steel torrent and the monster group, and he barely survived after a narrow escape.

   This is thanks to the fact that he was born in Jianzhong, if he had been an ordinary Omega, he would have died long ago.

  Even so, he couldn't last long.

  Until the ancient gods inexplicably stopped their attacks, this fierce fighting also came to an abrupt end.

   Unexpectedly, just after escaping by chance, they encountered extreme cold that fell from the sky.

   Bad luck.

  He shouldn't be on this mission.

   However, at this moment, a huge black hole opened up in front of him, and the man walked out of the darkness.


  Jing Ci said with satisfaction: "Very good."

   Zhou Ming's complexion changed drastically. Just as he was about to pull out the iron sword, he saw the scarlet in his pupils flash away.

   "You haven't seen me, but you have seen Gu Jianlin."

The blood red in Jing Ci's eyes flickered, he took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to him, and said in a low voice: "Gu Jianlin asked you to keep this photo and give it to your junior sister. If your junior sister asks You said that Gu Jianlin rushed into the Sea of ​​Eternal Life alone in order to investigate the ancestor of Kuilong and his servants."

   "You have to regret, you have to mourn, you have to blame yourself."

  He paused: "You have to emphasize that Gu Jianlin took a huge risk, even his own life, to find out the truth of this matter, understand?"

   Zhou Ming looked down at the photo, on which were huge bronze pillars and blood mist all over the sky.

  In the mist stood a white-haired man vaguely.

"I see."

  He murmured: "He took a huge risk and narrowly escaped death."

  Jing Ci smiled slightly: "Very well, let's go over the details again."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   The end of the third update with 10,000 words, ask for a monthly pass! By the way, thanks to Yuepro, Buqi Tenxian, the monster Ming'an, the lord of the stars who shine forever!



  (end of this chapter)

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