The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 249: Tang Ling: I'm going to save people

  Chapter 249 Tang Ling: I'm going to save people

  Cold fog shrouded the city of Balensa, and the wind was blowing.

  A huge military helicopter hovered in the air. Chen Bojun was wrapped in a heavy military uniform, and his sharp eagle eyes looked around. He held a huge bow that seemed to be gathered purely by flowing water, and roared furiously.

  The sanctuary-level old-fashioned powerhouse personally dispatched, looking around.

   It's not just him.

  Including the trial court, three saints were dispatched at one time, repeatedly checking the possible risks around.

  Because it has been determined that an ancient ancestor caused the turmoil, an eighth-rank general was specially dispatched to temporarily rush from the city of dawn to the city of Barensa to prevent accidents from happening.

The code name of this divine general is Xuanshui. When he came to this frozen city, he immediately deduced the corresponding authority, and predicted that the cold fog will continue to cool down. I don’t know how much it will drop. , but at least it is not suitable for human survival, even with the physical quality of a sublimated person, it cannot bear it.

  The cabin of a military transport plane was temporarily used as an infirmary and conference room.

  The Xuanyin Saint listened to the reprimand from his superiors, his face was cloudy and uncertain: "Yes, Lord Rhine, I understand. This is my ineffectiveness. I will try my best to make it up, and I will never cause you any trouble."

  The surrounding alchemy holographic projections are also on, and many high-level members of the Ethereum Association are watching.

   Everyone looked at him, silent.

  It’s the same for all the saints, not to mention the Omega present here.

   "We should listen to Gu Jianlin."

Nightmare participated in the rescue mission of the Forest of Burial, so even though he was trained by the faction of the Tribunal, he recognized the boy's ability: "Student of the King of Blue, how can his opinion be ignored? I have repeatedly I have reminded you, although I cannot predict the result, I must take his opinion seriously!"

  He was also seriously injured, and his face was pale: "It's better now, something happened?"

  Dawn went down with a ray of holy light, and said tiredly: "Calm down, now is not the time to complain to each other, the most urgent thing is to count the number of wounded, and..."

   "Missing member."

  Poison Master added: "Almost all members of the third team disappeared, only one person remained."

Li Hanting carried the sword box on his back, looked at the pale man on the stretcher, and asked calmly: "Zhou Ming, what is going on? Why is the Youying Group staring at you? You met in the city of Balensa. What? Why did Gu Jianlin suddenly warn us and tell us not to approach?"

   Now he's under a lot of pressure.

  Because of this matter, he also has to bear joint and several responsibilities.

  Especially in the missing third team, many people are very important.

   Zhou Ming lay on the stretcher, opened his eyes with difficulty, and stood up.

  He didn't look at other people, but his gaze fell to the girl in the farthest corner.

  Tang Ling was carrying a huge guitar case on her back, crossed her arms across her chest, and looked at each other coldly: "What are you looking at me for?"

   "Gu Jianlin is right."

Zhou Yiming looked remorseful and said in a low voice: "It's all my fault. We should all listen to him. I didn't expect something to happen. Along the way, all his judgments are saving our lives, but we are questioning him. You The Ying Group sent Twilight Candidates to hunt us down, and we were forced to enter the city of Barensa."

   "Gu Jianlin used a certain method to detect the abnormality here in advance, and even the ancient gods held sacrificial ceremonies here, with the purpose of awakening the dead ancient gods and attacking us."

  He emphasized: "The Twilight candidate of the Youying Group has a way to avoid the attack of the ancient gods."

  After hearing these words, the Xuanyin saint felt his face was about to be swollen.

  The Omegas headed by Li Hanting were even more silent.

  Even if you don’t want to admit it in your heart, the students of the King of Blue are indeed capable.

  The entire eastern combat sequence was not aware of anything, and people had already foreseen the danger.

   "In order to cover us, Gu Jianlin lured away four fifth-rank twilight candidates alone. After a **** battle, he killed them and prevented the riot of the ancient gods." Zhou Ming said in a low voice.

  Everyone was even more astonished when they heard the words.

   Alone, kill four Twilight candidates!

  That’s the Twilight candidate, at the same level as the first echelon of Omega!

"This is impossible."

  Li Hanting questioned: "Unless the opposite side is a parallel importer, it is impossible to do this kind of thing."

  Nightmare's pupils were pure white, and he said, "He didn't lie."

  Dawn and Poison Master looked at each other.

  The complexion of the Xuanyin Saint is even uglier. Although he is a student of the King of Blue, he is a super genius after all, and he is still a member of the Ether Association. Something happened in the area under his jurisdiction.

  If the president pursues this, Master Rhine will be held accountable.

   And then he will definitely be screwed.

  A strange look appeared in Tang Ling's beautiful eyes, and she whispered softly: "Is he still this strong?"

Zhou Yiming took out a blood-stained folded photo from his arms, and said in a low voice: "This is a photo that Gu Jianlin risked his life to take when he was trying to stop the riot of the ancient gods. Before he chased into the cold mist, please let me take it This is for you. No one can see this photo except you, not even the president."

   Tang Ling was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously took it.

  The Saint of Xuanyin felt that this was an important clue, so he immediately came over to read it.


A chill flashed in Tang Ling's beautiful eyes, she opened the guitar case behind her, and pulled out the Great Thunder Sword with her backhand, putting it on his neck: "I advise you to stay away from me, or I will cut off your head with one sword. "

  The Xuanyin Saint scolded angrily: "Presumptuous, this is an extremely important clue."

  The higher-ups in the projection are also scolding: "Thunder! What are you doing?"

"You idiots, you should ask yourself what you are doing. Why are you not retreating after others have warned you? In the end, you have to let a third-rank newcomer stop this riot? Looking at it now, the loss is really not big. But the man who stopped the unrest, along with his teammates, is missing."

   Tang Ling said coldly: "If I were you, I would have killed myself."

   After she finished speaking, she opened the photo and was stunned.

  The bronze pillar, the diffuse blood mist, and the familiar figure in the mist.

  Tang Zijing.

  After Zhou Yiming handed over this photo, he closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

   Everyone didn't know what was in the photo, so they could only look at the nightmare.

   "It depends on what I do? I don't want this aunt to be hacked to death."

  Nightmare did some divination and said, "In this photo, it is indeed Gu Jianlin's blood..."

  Tang Ling was silent for a long time, folded the photo expressionlessly, didn't think the blood stains on it were dirty, but placed it on her chest with great care, and then put away the iron sword: "Thank you, Nightmare."

   After speaking, she turned and left.

   Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

   "What did you hear just now? Is it an illusion."

   "No, I heard that too."

   "Thunder, did you actually say thank you?"



   "Thunder? What are you doing?"

   "The city of Balenza has been blocked, and no one can enter now."

   "Wait a minute, you..."

  Omega dare not speak out, because the strong murderous intent is pervading, making people feel like a thorn in the back.

  Tang Ling walked through the temporary barracks and walked towards the gate of the frozen city of Balensa with no expression on her face. The wide Shinto path was covered with frost, and her feet were even slippery, but it didn't affect her pace.


   Xuanshui God General's voice was like rolling thunder: "What are you doing?"

   This is an old man who is nearly a hundred and a half years old. He comes from a water town in the west of my country. His ancestors have been corpse hunters for generations. He is undoubtedly a powerful eighth-rank **** priest. He has made great contributions to mankind and is truly highly respected.

  Chen Bojun also turned around and stared at the girl: "Why are you here?"

   Tang Ling walked in front of the two of them, and said without any respect, "How long will it take to get in?"

   Xuanshui God will frown.

  Chen Bojun turned his head and asked, "Longevity?"

Seeing a golden flying sword floating in the air, Ying Changsheng's eyes glowed with a fiery golden light, and he said lightly, "I can ask my grandfather to leverage the power of the artificial sun through the astrolabe and forcibly transform the environment here. But it’s going to take at least another seven days if it’s going to heat up.”

  Mu Qingyou stepped on the flying sword and looked into the distance, and is currently trying to contact the Silver King.

  When Tang Ling heard this, her plump **** rose and fell slightly, and she continued to walk forward.

"and many more!"

   Xuanshui God will stop her: "Are you crazy?"

  Chen Bojun also persuaded: "Lei Ting, calm down, going in now is courting death for you."

   For the vast majority of sublimators, extreme cold or extreme heat are fatal.

  Because the inheritance path basically does not have the ability to withstand this extreme environment.

   "I'm going to save people."

Tang Ling raised her hand, and a sword glow condensed from her fingertips, and she pressed it against her heart: "If you want to stop me, I will kill myself right now. Don't persuade me, because I won't listen. Don't try to take Strength to suppress me, because in the future I will be the pillar to protect this world, not you."

  She said indifferently: "Don't show off your ridiculous qualifications, because you know very well in your heart that if I stood in your position, I would definitely do better than you."

  Chen Bojun was speechless.

General Xuanshui didn't get angry when he heard this sentence, but said with a straight face: "I know that in the future, you will pay something that ordinary people can't imagine for the human world. I respect you. But if you are let in, I can't explain to the president and the silver king. So, go back by yourself and don't let me do it."

   His eyes were full of black, and dark energy was surging.

   "Even if the teacher and the president are here today, they can't stop me. I still say that, if I am the same age as them, they don't even have the qualifications to stand in front of me and speak."

  Tang Ling let out a breath of cold air, and said coldly: "Otherwise, why would they value me?"

  Ying Changsheng looked down at the girl. As a descendant of the Ying family, he knew some inside information.

   Lei Ting is notoriously arrogant, but that doesn't mean she thinks highly of herself.

   But the one from Lishan thinks highly of her.

  For the sake of the future, the human world also unanimously agreed to send this girl there for training.

  She will become very powerful in the future, but she will lose a lot of things.

  It is very unfair to her.

   But on this matter, no one asked her opinion.

   "Thunder, what are you talking about?"

  Mu Qingyou said in a cold voice: "It's a big treason."

  Tang Ling just looked at the thick cold fog, her voice was cold: "If you let me in, I might die. But if you don't let me in, then I will definitely die."

  She raised her head and looked at her fellow senior sister: "I'll hold you back before I die."

   After speaking, she stepped directly into the cold mist.

   "A bunch of trash."

   Before leaving, he didn't even forget to make a mockery.

   No one dared to say strange things anymore.

   Xuanshui God General was silent for a long time, and said with emotion: "It's really like the president back then, are we really old?"

  Chen Bojun shook his head with a wry smile.

   Right now, they could have stopped this girl.

   It was just a voice in my head.

  The voice of the President.

   So they let it go.

   If you want to say that they are trash, they are not.

  The high-level people seem to be useless, and they are ridiculed in various ways.

   But really, it's not their crap.

   But blue and red are too strong.

  The most powerful duo born in human history throughout the ages, even recognized as rivals by the ancient supreme.

   In fact, its danger is no different from that of the supreme class.

  If the King of Green and the King of Red want to play a game, then the whole world is their pawn.

  Even the great being in Lishan said that whether human beings can break the doomsday prophecy depends on the result of the game between Qing and Chi, and everyone else has to stand aside.


  Mu Qingyou turned around, drove the flying sword and left.

Ying Changsheng pondered for a long time, then landed on the flying sword, and asked lightly: "You two, I want to ask a question. Why did that great being, who has stayed in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor for more than two thousand years, suddenly decide to help?" Humans? Even decide to cultivate Lei Ting himself? My grandfather didn't tell me the truth."

   General Xuanshui didn't want to answer at first, but when he saw that it was him who asked the question, he hesitated.

  Chen Bojun said with a smile: "You want to be a sixth-order soon, so it's okay to tell you, but the premise is that you have to stand on our side. As long as you nod now, we will agree immediately."

  Ying Changsheng is the descendant of the winner, the eldest grandson of the King of Gold.

  The strongest Omega of this generation.

   Strong background

  If he can get his support, it will also add victory chips to the struggle between the Night Watchers and the Inquisition Chamber.

   "My mission is to protect human beings. I am not interested in factional struggles, but I can help you once."

  Ying Changsheng said lightly: "Director Chen, let's listen."

  Chen Bojun cleared his throat: "This starts with the characteristics of the Bai Ze clan."



  After Gu Jianlin regained consciousness, his first reaction was real pain.

  If he hadn’t maintained his deified state at that time, he might have been killed in one blow.

  The sky was covered by a blizzard, and his body was also trapped in the blizzard, his clothes were already soaked, his limbs were frozen stiff, and he couldn't even move a single finger.

  I don’t know how many bones in the chest are broken.

  The last blow of the Kuilong ancestor was really terrifying, it was like an avalanche of terror.

  The most important thing is that there is not a drop of spirituality left in his body.

  In this case, although he is not dead, it is no different from being dead.

   According to the visual inspection, the temperature here is minus 60 degrees. After a while, he will have a thermal hallucination after a complete hypothermia. The metabolism and physiological functions of the body will all collapse, and then he will die.

   No, he must find a way to save himself.


   Breathing can also help him restore his spirituality.

  Although the surroundings don't seem to have much life, as long as you summon your good sister, you can leave here.

   I don't know if it's an illusion.

   There were faint footsteps in the wind and snow, and the graceful silhouette of a woman flashed in the snowflakes.

  Her face is charming and charming, with long ice-blue hair, covered in snow-white fur, and stepping on the snow with bare feet, like an elf in the ice and snow, alluring.

  An idea was born in Gu Jianlin's mind, charming girl!

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   Four thousand three, today I need to revise the outline, that's all...



  (end of this chapter)

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