The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 264: Blue and Red, Candle Dragon and Kirin

  Chapter 264 Blue and red, candle dragon and unicorn

  Gu Jianlin had never seen such a strange expression on a girl's face. He tried to reach out, but couldn't.

   Tang Ling sighed faintly, holding up the handwritten cursive script with both hands.

   This action is even a little cute for her.

   "What an ugly word."

  Gu Jianlin complained expressionlessly, but when he roughly glanced at the content in the cursive script, his pupils contracted violently like a cat caught in a bright light, his body suddenly tensed up, and his back felt chilly.

Because the first sentence on this cursive script is: "My dear little apprentice, if you find this place one day, I will unfortunately tell you that you are out of luck. I hope you are not from the body, otherwise Most of the words will be explained here. Because I discovered a big, shocking secret."

"After my investigation, I can say with almost certainty that I am not the first group of cheaters to enter here. After the gatekeepers disappeared completely, two people came here before me. These two people must have come from the outside world, from In modern society, it is not clear whether it is the ancient gods or humans, but they are much stronger than me."

   "If I'm not mistaken, one of them should have even reached the deepest part of the Qilin Fairy Palace."

   It was just three paragraphs, and Gu Jianlin felt that the blood in his whole body was already cold.

  At this point in time, he has not yet become the second-generation Kirin.

  Pharmacist and the others have never reached the depths of the mausoleum.

  However, there is such an unknown existence who arrived at the deepest part of the Qilin Immortal Palace ahead of time.

   Then what this person saw should be the real Venerable Qilin!

  What the **** happened at that time.

  What is the identity of that person, and what purpose did he come there for?

  And what kind of state was Venerable Qilin back then.

  How did that mysterious mask fall into his hands?

  In fact, he always thought that the person who sent the unicorn mask was his father.

  However, on second thought, something was wrong.

  Because if all this was really planned by Lao Gu, then why didn't he mention it.

   On the way to escape, at least several hours.

  And that mysterious courier was also sent to Lao Gu.

   Can't figure it out.

  The more I think about it, the more I feel like falling into the abyss, and I feel cold all over.

"Although I don't know who the first person is, I can confirm the identity of the second person. This is what I want to remind you deliberately, because this person turned out to be that mysterious military adviser from Twilight! This person is the same as Like me, enter the Qilin Immortal Palace as a fraud sealer, and explore the sea of ​​eternal life."

   "As for how I know, hehe. Because I met him, I originally wanted to try to take him down, but the dimension here really doesn't allow hands-on, and he looks very weak, but I'm not sure."

   "The military division is very mysterious. No one knows when he came out, and I have never heard of such a person before. But he gives me the feeling that he is not worse than Nether."

"This strategist didn't have any malice towards me, and even sat with me and talked about a lot of things. The strategist told me that he had returned from the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, where time and space were frozen, and Venerable Candle Dragon set Even the ninth-level Candle Yin God can't enter the space-time boundary that lasts for two thousand years."

"Of course I understand that Venerable Candle Dragon controls the authority of time and space. This is the domain he dominates, and no one can overstep it. We talked a lot later. This person is quite knowledgeable, and he knows as much about the ancient gods as I do. We all agree that Venerable Candle Dragon is making some kind of attempt to break the rules of the real world."

   "As for the key to this attempt, it is hidden in the sea of ​​eternal life."

"Only in theory, Venerable Candle Dragon should have arrived at the Qilin Immortal Palace in advance. As the master of time and space, it only takes a moment for him to open the time-space tunnel. Is he afraid of something? If he is afraid of the Qilin Your lord, that shouldn't be at all. After all, Zhulong is still at its peak, but Qilin has been sleeping for a thousand years."

   "Just when I was wondering, the military adviser suddenly smiled mysteriously and answered my doubts for me!"

"Because of Suzaku! Venerable Zhulong had a premonition of Suzaku's awakening, and became extremely vigilant! Because Suzaku has returned and is about to complete the ultimate nirvana, but neither Fuso Shrine nor the real world has any movement. This is unbelievable, isn't Suzaku already exiled?"

   "It's only been a few short decades, how could Venerable Suzaku return so quickly? I feel extremely disturbed, because the curse of our family comes from the Suzaku clan."

"That is to say, Venerable Candle Dragon is afraid of Venerable Suzaku, which is why he has not come to the Qilin Immortal Palace for a long time. Does this mean that Venerable Candle Dragon will be in a very weak state when he transforms?" ?”

   "So Venerable Zhulong is making some preparations, and he must make sure nothing goes wrong!"

   "The military adviser only told me so much, and then he actually asked me if I want to join the dusk? Of course I refused. Although I am also an evolutionary, what I hate most are these mysterious guys."

"I asked him why he invited me, but he smiled and said that because I was investigating the Priory, and I was close to the truth. This made me creepy, because I didn't know what I was looking for. This time When I came to Qilin Immortal Palace, I did encounter the control of the Priory, but I was able to resist."

"I found Guixu in the sea of ​​eternal life, glimpsed a corner of fate, and saw the person who wanted to control me. This person has a very high status in the Priory, and people call him Mr. Solomon. This should be a strange thing. code name, but based on my review and profile of past experiences, I vaguely feel that I should know him."

   "As an exchange of information, I told the military division this news. The military division actually told me the plan of their organization without hesitation. My God, Dusk actually wanted to kill the president!"

"Well, this statement is open to question. To be precise, the Twilight organization is consuming the lifespan of the president. This organization has been operating secretly for a hundred years, creating various incidents as much as possible. The purpose is to keep the president. The shot. The military adviser told me that the president has the wedge of heaven and man, which is so powerful that it is unimaginable."

"Even if it is the dusk of all the sanctuary-level evolutionists, I dare not appear in front of her. Hehe, this is simply nonsense. The president holds the wedge of heaven and man, and he is simply the mother of the evolutionaries all over the world. Otherwise, at the beginning The Qing and Chi have pierced this world long ago, how could it be possible that one died and the other was injured in the end."

   "But the military adviser said that the president is not invulnerable. Although this pillar of the human world is strong, her body can no longer hold it. Every time she makes a move, she will lose her lifespan."

   "The military adviser hopes that she will die soon, otherwise their plan will be too late. And the military adviser also said that they are not the only ones who want the president to die, even the King of Blue wants the president to die."

   "Crazy! I smell the conspiracy of Qing and Chi again, these two people are all crazy!"

   "The military adviser said that he admired me very much, so he was willing to tell me the information. He told me that you have a very important person who will have an accident here in half a year, but you have no way to stop it."

"Wait a minute, I suddenly realized something. I have completed the promotion ceremony in the sea of ​​eternal life, and I can break through the sanctuary at any time. Zijin's time is about half a year later. What the **** is Dusk trying to do? Lin Lan is staying in the Well, he likes Zijin so much, he should go crazy by then, right?"

   "In order to stop all this, I want to kill the military division here."

   "Damn, this guy is weird, I can't actually do any real damage to him. My precious apprentice, if you see this, please remember. Be careful, this guy is abnormal!"

  Cursive writing stops here.

  The bonfire is still burning, and the firewood is crackling.

   Actually, this shelter was very warm, but Gu Jianlin felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"finish watching?"

   Tang Ling said in a low voice.

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, then hummed: "It's really scary."

  First of all, Lao Gu's message helped them confirm their conjecture about the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

  The most terrifying thing is that this matter involved three supreme beings at once.

  Candle Dragon, Kirin, Suzaku.

  This also means that if it wasn't because of Suzaku's containment, Torch Dragon would have arrived long ago.

  At that time, Gu Jianlin might be in a very dangerous situation.

   "As for Mr. Solomon, have you heard of it?"

   Gu Jianlin asked softly.

   Tang Ling silently shook her head, saying that she had never heard of it.

   "It seems that the water in this monastery is much deeper than we thought."

  Gu Jianlin said calmly: "Then in the end, it's the military adviser."

Tang Ling leaned on the Great Thunder Sword, stared at the boy lying on her lap, and said in a low voice: "Since the incident of the ancient catastrophe, the president has been the guardian of order. Many people want her to die. It's normal. Including Chihe...Well, speaking of it, this is the first time I have come into contact with the information of a military division, and your father is really powerful."

  Gu Jianlin smiled silently.

   "I envy you for having such a good father."

  Tang Ling said softly: "Although he can't protect you by your side, he has done everything he can."

   What Gu Jianlin saw in her eyes was the deepest envy and longing hidden.


  Although he said he hated him, he always felt that Lao Gu was the best father in the world.

  Or, everyone who loves their children deeply is the best father in the world.

   But Tang Ling's most important person betrayed her freedom and betrayed the human camp.

   "You're changing the subject."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly said: "Actually, what you wanted to talk about just now were green and red, right?"

Tang Ling glanced at him with deep eyes: "I know that the King of Green is your teacher, so I don't want to talk about this topic in front of you. Because the King of Green seems to be dormant all the time, but he does have plans, and he also wants to always die."

  Gu Jianlin actually knew it in his heart.

  The King of Blue's one test and three lessons are all giving him a chance to choose.

  Why let him choose?

  Because the Green King is a good man, he is willing to give him the chance to choose his destiny.

  But students who become the King of Blue may really have to bear a lot of heavy things.

  Because the elderly may do some terrible things.

   "Actually, the president should also know that many people in this world want her to die."

  Tang Ling said softly: "Sitting in this position, everyone is doomed to betray their relatives."

  Gu Jianlin hesitated for a long time: "What kind of person is the President?"

  Tang Ling looked up at the dome, and the firelight reflected her delicate side face: "I have been with her for more than ten years, and I always think she is a very domineering and cold person, but sometimes I feel that she is very lonely."

  It's very cold at high places, so it's no wonder you're not alone.

  Gu Jianlin said with emotion: "So that's how it is."

   "The president's physical condition is indeed not good, and she has been taking medication recently, so you rarely see her really doing it, because she wants to save her life and strength to protect mankind."

Tang Ling played with her long hair and explained: "Many people are afraid of her because she can kill people at every turn. But everyone knows that she can't kill people because her body can't hold on , and she won't let the orderly world be hurt at the root. Because the future that mankind has to face is too hopeless."

  Gu Jianlin was thoughtful, so this was the root of the internal strife in the Ethernet Association.

   "So why did the military division attack Minister Lu?"

  He murmured: "Why is it Minister Lu?"

and many more!

  Gu Jianlin suddenly understood something, and forced himself to sit up.

"What's wrong?"

   Tang Ling quickly supported him: "What happened?"

  Gu Jianlin's eyes flashed with fear: "I know why it's Minister Lu."

   Tang Ling was taken aback.

   "Because Minister Lu once sheltered Uncle Mu and the others, and she also helped my father's students escape. My father said just now that this bastard, Lin Lan, actually likes Minister Lu? What is his identity now?"

   Gu Jianlin said in a low voice.

  Tang Ling narrowed her beautiful eyes: "The Fallen, the descendant of the Lin family, the holder of the Penglai Ascension Formation, and the wanted criminal of the Tribunal."

   "I now suspect that since the military adviser met Lao Gu here, he might also meet Lin Lan."

  Gu Jianlin's face became ugly: "The military division has long known that Lin Lan is here. If Minister Lu happened to meet Lin Lan when he was hunted down? He would definitely rescue him, right?"

   The two most powerful factions in the Aether Association are the Night's Watch and the Inquisition.

  Minister Lu undoubtedly supports the former, and this time he is also here to be promoted to the sanctuary level.

   But the problem is, she has a loophole.

   "I understand, the military division just wanted to create this scene, and then be seen by the people of the Aether Association, especially the Tribunal."

  Tang Ling murmured softly: "This strategist wants to completely mess up the Ethernet Association."

  Gu Jianlin only felt a chill in his heart.

  Because Yueji happened to be beside Minister Lu.

   Once everything Minister Lu has done is exposed, then everything is over.

  Even if he was promoted to the Sanctuary, he still couldn't become a **** general.

   Even she herself will be judged.

  And what will the night watchmen do to save her.

no one knows.

   All of this is by design.

  In addition to the supreme level game, Sea of ​​Eternal Life also has traps from the organization Dusk.

   In other words, this is the Red King's trap.

  As for the Green King, no matter whether he knows about it or not, he may not interfere.

  Because no one knew what he was trying to do.


  The gate of the bronze palace was pushed open.

  A Yue and A Lan came back panting, holding a large bundle of materials in their hands.

   There is no one behind.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   I forgot to ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month, so please vote, the child is starving to death! There are at least 4,000 words left today, continue to code words!



  (end of this chapter)

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