The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 265: Jedi comeback!

  Chapter 265 Jedi Comeback!

  Snowflakes shatter in the wind.

  Accompanied by the flash of the knife, the giant knelt down on the altar that belonged to him, and the heavy iron armor fell off inch by inch, exposing a bony body, the flesh and blood had dried up, and the bones were so distinct.

  His lower abdomen was opened with a big hole, and lava-like blood gushed out.

   There was a very fine cut in the heart, which was fatal.

   There is no roar or growl, only the lonely sigh of the millennium.

   "As expected of the warrior who roared in ancient times."

  Yueji put away the Tang knife and bowed deeply: "I respect your unyielding will to fight."

This is an ancestor from the ancient gods. He was a powerful warrior who was active in the barbaric era thousands of years ago. Fortunately, his strength and status were not too high at his peak, and his recovery was also poor, and he could not even use the original regression. That's why he was beheaded and killed by everyone's joint efforts, and was completely buried in the abyss of death.

  Everyone was shocked and speechless.

  They fled all the way here from the city of Barensa, exhausted.

  The old man Si of Youying Group even brought a few Twilight candidates to chase them down.

  Even if they get rid of them a few times on the road, they will be caught up again soon.

  I thought that encountering an ancestor was a certain death situation.

   Unexpectedly, Yue Ji didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, and she drew her sword and went up.

   Finally won the battle.

  Of course, Ji Xiaoyu, who is known as Duobao boy, has also put in a lot of effort. I don’t know how many mythical weapons he has all over his body. In addition, he is a rough-skinned and thick-skinned ancient weapon, which can be used as both an output and a tank.

  Lu Qingqing also contributed a very high output as the Overlord Path, and she opened the big hole in the stomach of this ancestor.

"Thanks for your hard work."

  Lu Zijin's pretty face was pale. In fact, it was very dangerous to win this battle. If she hadn't been on the side to point out and see the ancestor's action patterns and weaknesses, it would probably have ended in the end of the group.

  But if it is said that the one who contributed the most is actually someone else.

   "Captain Lin, are you okay?"

  Chen Qing's eyes were strangely pure white, he supported the woman's slightly trembling shoulders, and said in a low voice: "Let's take a rest first, if you continue like this, you won't be able to persist in the sea of ​​eternal life."

  Lin Wanqiu's eyes turned ferociously red, but she still gritted her teeth and released the holy light spell for them.

   Those holy rays of light shuttled through the girls' bodies, healing the wounds and driving away the chill.

  If she hadn't released the holy light technique all the time along the way, everyone would have been frozen and lost the ability to fight.

   "Don't you guys ask me when I was infected?"

  Lin Wanqiu's pretty face was pale, and she looked up at the crowd.

  Because of overloaded use of abilities, she is already on the verge of distortion.

  Only this time, her teammates did not show vigilance or disgust.

   Only worries.

  Because of her performance along the way, she has conquered everyone.

  Originally, people had the impression that she was stalking, vain and snobbish, and she was a green tea.

  But now I found that under her disguised appearance, there is such a strong heart.

   "Captain Lin, taking drugs."

The two pharmacists sincerely offered the secret medicine they had just prepared, scratching their heads and said, "This is the secret medicine supervised by the little princess. Although everyone says she is unreliable, in fact, the prescription she found in Zhoushan never passed through us. Years of research have found that it is not without logic, at least somewhat useful."

   "This bottle of medicine can really suspend your mental pollution, but it's a pity that only one bottle has been refined."

  They said: "In short, you use it first."

  Lin Wanqiu was taken aback, then smiled: "Thank you."

  Ji Xiaoyu has no objection to this either, she just holds her hands quite proudly.

"Wait a moment."

  Lu Qingqing suddenly realized: "Have you noticed that the Youying Group has not caught up for a long time?"

  Yueji took a deep breath, her full chest rose and fell slightly, she held the knife and said, "We fought for three hours."

  Chen Qing suddenly felt something and looked up impressively.

   "People from the Aether Association are here."

  Lu Zijin said in a low voice.

  Because she was on an ice field, she was wrapped up quite tightly, and she also made a face camouflage, and the rhythm of her life was changed with drugs, so she could pretend to be someone else without exposing herself.

   Everyone thought they had found salvation as if they had received amnesty.

   After all, the team has come to this point, and the team is almost at the end of its rope.

  God knows if there are any sleeping ancient gods here.

   Or ancestors revived from ancient tombs.

   Or wait until the Youying Group catches up, they will all be wiped out!

  However, at this moment, Lu Zijin's voice became urgent: "Be careful, don't go there!"

I saw a military helicopter break through the wind and snow, and the icy voice echoed in the ice and snow: "People below, please pay attention, immediately put down the weapons in your hands, kneel on your knees, and hold your heads in your hands. I have regarded you as hostile targets. Once you If there is any act of resistance, I will take all measures to deal with you severely."

  He said indifferently: "You have three seconds to think about it."

   Everyone is either a member of the Aether Society.

   Or have been in the ether society.

  They can recognize whose voice it is.

  Minister Zhang Xuzhi.

  The muzzle popped out from the bottom of this military helicopter, and the terrifying thunder light gathered together.

   Almost penetrated the snowstorm.

   This is the alchemy weapon loaded on the helicopter after modification, the super electromagnetic gun with strong fluctuations.

   This weapon was once banned because it was inhumane, and it was usually only used on the battlefield against the ancient gods!

  Once hit, probably only the ancient martial way among the fifth-level sublimators can survive.

   Boom boom boom!

  Three seconds have passed.

  Lightning thunder falls from the sky!

   Three bursts!

  The thunder light illuminated the desperate faces of the girls.

   This team has just experienced a **** battle, and their spirituality has not yet recovered, and their physical strength is even more dry.

  Even Yueji can only passively accept the fate of the clone's death.

   At the critical moment, Lu Zijin raised his hands, and the **** mantra suddenly lit up in his palms!

  Everyone was slightly surprised, and transcribed the matrix!

  A special alchemy matrix, which can store one's own abilities in it, and activate it after a delay!


  The terrifying spiritual thoughts gushed out like a tide, and condensed into substance in an instant!

  Like a natural barrier, forcibly resisting the electromagnetic gun falling from the sky!

  In the terrifying loud noise, three super electromagnetic guns burst out with terrifying bangs.

   Advance inch by inch!

   This is because the ability released by Lu Zijin has no battery life.

   Unable to sustain output.

  Therefore only a brief delay.


  Lu Zijin let out a coquettish drink.

   This was her hole card to save her life, but now she has to use it to protect her teammates.

  However, none of the people moved, and even took out the blue blood from their pockets.

  They have already reached the upper limit of taking Azure Blood.

  Although I don’t know why the people from the Ethereum Association did it to them.

   But they are obviously not just waiting to die, or abandoning their teammates.

"I'll try."

  Yueji walked forward nonchalantly, holding a Tang saber.

  In this team, she is the undisputed main output position. She has a better understanding of Qilin Xiangong than others. She has extremely rich combat experience and incredible strength.

  Although the boy was not around, the girl he left behind was simply amazing.


  The three super-railguns almost tore through the barrier of telekinetic condensation!

  However, for a moment, someone shouted: "All retreat, leave this place to me!"

  I saw a ghostly person rushing through the snowstorm, rushing forward like a strong wind, leaving behind countless broken afterimages, the Taidao clenched in both hands tore through the snow, and let out a mournful whimper!

   "Ghost Sword Art, Phantom Sword Dance!"

  No one knew what slogan he was shouting, but he flashed in front of three roaring super electromagnetic guns, and the time and space released by him suddenly froze, and the world fell into a quagmire of silence.

   The blade flashes like a storm, and each cut can tear time and space.

  Until the end, time and space collapsed, swallowing three violent electromagnetic guns!


  The field frozen in time and space was shattered, and the sky was full of wind and snow.

  Lin Lan flickered to the ground, her long hair fluttering in the wind, and she retracted the knife expressionlessly.

  He thinks this is the most handsome moment in his life.

"How about it?"

  He turned his head and said, "Am I handsome?"

   "Lin Lan?"

  Lu Zijin opened her beautiful eyes wide, and the moment she saw the face clearly, she was full of disbelief, and murmured, "You **** is here? Wait, you're still alive?"

  Lin Wanqiu saw this long-lost face, and subconsciously covered her red lips.

  The eye sockets became moist all of a sudden, and the hair on the forehead fluttered in the wind.

   "Zi Jin, you are so tightly wrapped, I can barely recognize you."

  Lin Lan turned around and smiled: "Sister, you have become more beautiful and thinner."

  Lin Wanqiu tried her best to cover her red lips to prevent herself from crying. She had no relatives since she was a child, and the Lin family who adopted her was also a madman. There was only such a brother who depended on each other for life.

   In order to save him, she herself didn't know how she got here all these years.

  Sometimes it feels like he's dead.

   But no one is alive, no one is dead.

   She didn't give up if she didn't see the body for a day, she just wanted to keep looking for it.

   There is a saying how to say it.

  If someone is missing from your life, you may not even know how to tell others about yourself.

   After many years, Lu Zijin finally saw this mangy candy who was once attached to him.

   It's just that she wasn't very moved, she just shouted: "Behind!"

  Lin Lan turned around suddenly.

  I saw someone jumped down from the helicopter, pulled out the iron knife in the knife bag, and chopped it down!


   The turbulent energy was torn apart.

  Lin Lan made a backhand Dimensional Slash, tore apart the turbulent Qi, and cut off the hard knife!

   Hearing only a loud noise, he suddenly completed the virtualization, and the energy from the shock passed through his body.

   "Lin Lan, a former member of the Night's Watch, is suspected to have participated in some kind of weird depravity ritual. He disappeared during a mission to explore the Burial Forest nine years ago. He is suspected of mutilating teammates and betraying order."

   "Yue Ji, a student of Gu Ci'an, a former member of the Night Watch, and a former non-staff member of the Ethereum Association, betrayed order in the blood moon massacre incident, and later killed many investigators of the Ethernet Association. She was once at the forefront of the most wanted list."

   "Lin Wanqiu, the head of Fengcheng District, has been polluted mentally and is on the verge of degeneration."

"Lu Zijin, the head of the Fengcheng District, there is already evidence that you took advantage of your position to cover up former members of the Night Watchman Mu Feng and Lin Lan, and assisted the former non-staff member of the Ethereum Association to defect. At the same time, I seriously doubt you Whether it is related to the blood moon massacre, now I need to take you away for investigation."

  Zhang Xuzhi is at the sixth level of the ancient martial arts path. His qi realm has been stretched, and he is already quite skilled in using this ability. He just controls the aura field on his body surface, concentrated and thick.

   "You can resist, but there will be no results."

  He drew his sword with both hands, and said calmly, "Let's begin."

  Someone jumped out of the cabin of a military helicopter.

  Li Hanting stood up with his sword in mid-air, looked down at them with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "Idlers and others can surrender on the spot, and you will be taken to the inspection bureau for investigation, and your life will not be in danger."

  Countless flying swords surrounded him, like swimming fish.

   "The association's support is twenty kilometers away, you have no chance."

  A long-haired woman who controls telekinetic power is suspended in mid-air. This is a newly promoted Omega top ten. She also has a background in the Tribunal.

  A sixth-level ministerial rank.

   Two fifth-order omega.

  Lin Lan was not sure about this, and shouted: "I will stay as the queen, you run away!"

  Lin Wanqiu was about to rush out, but was carried on his shoulders, turned around and ran away.

  Lu Qingqing was very calm, knowing that it would be over if she didn't run away at this time, so she had to withdraw first.

   Lu Zijin stared at his back, and was immediately picked up by the waist.

  Yueji fled quickly with her in her arms.

  Ji Xiaoyu also knew that it was not the time for ink marks, so she ran with Chen Qing and two alchemists.



  In the dark bronze palace, Gu Jianlin left the scepter with both hands.

  The golden light curtain in front of him went out.

Through the observation matrix of this palace, he successfully glimpsed the situation in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and said softly: "Around the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, there are a total of twelve similar sentry posts, and each sentry post is guarded by an ancestor. We met This one should be the strongest. Now Minister Lu and the others have already killed a ancestor."

  He paused: "The old man Si of the Youying Group has been chasing and killing them, driving them to a dead end. In about five minutes, Zhang Xuzhi and the people from the court should be able to catch up with them."

   In fact, what shocked him the most was the military division!

  When Gu Jianlin spied on this person, he was able to sense it, and even greeted himself.

  That kind of smile really makes people shudder.

  Tang Ling stared at him from the bottom of the stairs, and raised her hand to tie a strand of hair next to her ear: "Do you know? The way you sat on the throne just now really looks like an ancient god."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment: "Really?"


  Tang Ling said softly: "If it is not the ancient gods, how can you open this thing?"

  Gu Jianlin smiled silently: "Do you want to know who I am?"

   Tang Ling shook her head: "I don't want to."

  Gu Jianlin was suddenly a little curious: "What if I am really an ancient god?"

  Tang Ling said lightly: "The president taught me that humans and the ancient gods are not unable to live in peace. Since ancient times, many human sages have become friends with the ancient gods and gained valuable knowledge."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "Even if you are really an ancient protoss lurking in the human world, I will not regard you as an enemy until you destroy the world. What's more, I don't think you are that kind of person."

   Tang Ling stared into the boy's eyes: "So, about Minister Lu, do you have a solution?"

   "If it was not sure before, but now Jiuyin is awakened, it will be different."

Gu Jianlin thought for a while, and said seriously: "You don't want to be with me. If we go to save people this time, we may be labeled as traitors together. Go find your great-grandfather, there is no need to die with me."

  This princess from the headquarters has a bright future.

   There is really no need to do this kind of thing together.

   "Without you, how would I find my great-grandfather? I don't have the talent for profiling."

  Tang Ling put on her clothes again, carried her heavy luggage, and said lightly, "I believe in you, not because I believe in your character, but because I think you can find all the answers and let me see the truth."

  Gu Jianlin fell into a brief silence, then arranged his clothes and put on his backpack.

  He grabbed Jiuyin who was silent again, looked at the girl beside him, and asked calmly: "You are my companion, even if you don't mess around with me, I can help you find the truth by myself."

   "If you can't survive, how can you help me?"

   Tang Ling came over suddenly, and suddenly smiled and said, "Who was the unconscious person just now?"

  She seldom smiles, like a glacier thawing, and the sky is full of snow.

  Gu Jianlin had a stern face, thinking that it was an old monster's dimension reduction attack before.

   does not count.

   "This time, it is really possible to die. Don't forget that the two of us killed people in the court outside the rules. It is hard to guarantee whether Yinxiu will get in the way and let people launch a suicide attack on us."

  He said calmly: "You have to think carefully."

   "Whether it's a flood or an abyss, I'm ready."

  Tang Ling turned to look at his profile: "Can I ask you a question?"

   Gu Jianlin nodded.

   "What is your reason for working so hard?"

   Tang Ling stared at his profile, as if trying to see something.

Gu Jianlin thought for a while, then smiled relievedly: "My father and I met the ancestor of the ghost car, he could have left me and escaped alone, but he didn't do that, he died there. Now old Gu is gone , I want to protect what he has been guarding for a long time. I don't want to look at others and destroy what he cherishes."

  Whether it is Youzhu, or mother, or Uncle Mu.

   Or Minister Lu.

"I understand."

   Tang Ling hummed, took the boy's arm, and said, "Can your body hold it?"

  Gu Jianlin could feel the girl's concern for him with just such an insignificant movement.

   There was warmth in his heart: "No problem."

   "That's good, if something goes wrong, I will protect you."

   Tang Ling suddenly took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera, and pressed his head over.


   Two people posted together and took a photo.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "Actually, have I ever told you that I've always been a rebel?"

   Tang Ling looked at the photo taken by the campfire with satisfaction, and her smile turned out to be charming:

   "Come on, Gu Jianlin."

  She said softly: "Let me see how you come back."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   One more chapter until one o'clock



  (end of this chapter)

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