The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 273: military strategist game

  Chapter 273 The game of the military division

  Snowflakes are falling in the sky.

Since the opening of the Qilin Fairy Palace, the world of order has lost heavyweights one after another. The two saints, Tianri and Xingye, have died, as well as two ministers, and several members of Omega have died inside. fight.

  Of course, Youying Group will lose more.

  The night watchmen looked at each other.

  The faces of the people in the trial court were as pale as paper.

   It's over.

   It's all over.

  Vice President Rhine seemed calm when he left, but in fact he was already facing a big enemy, extremely angry.

  Originally, if Minister Zhang Xuzhi was brought back for interrogation, then it could be proved that this matter was his private act, whether he murdered internal members with the intention of public favoritism or colluded with the evolutionists of Twilight.

   But now, Zhang Xuzhi is dead.

   There is no proof of death.

   All must be suspicious.

   Behind this matter, is Rhine the mastermind?

  With the president's suspicious personality, he will inevitably be suspicious.

  The position of the next president has been tossed.

   For Rhine, the most intolerable thing is that something goes wrong before he handed over the power.

   As for what the President position means.

  Even if only the high-level members of the Ethereum Association know part of it vaguely.

   Not just power.

   And the Supreme Power.

  Now, the layout of the trial court is almost completely collapsed.

   "Codename, Qilin."

  Chen Bojun repeatedly chewed on this code name, and said with emotion: "You are really there, you are lawless."

   "Director Chen."

  Although Fu Qingxuan knew that he was saved by this child, he hadn't had much contact with him. He asked curiously, "Has this child always been like this? After all, he is the vice president of Rhine, so he is too courageous."

  But it's normal to think of being a student of the Blue King.

The Xuanyin saint held back for a long time, his face became extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but said: "I think there is one thing we must pay attention to. Gu... Mr. Gu's behavior just now reminded me of a person, Gu Ci'an! Just now The blizzard came too suddenly, and Mr. Gu suddenly appeared again, it's not like this has never happened before."

  Yes, this incident has happened before. Some people who are very familiar with the ancient gods can use some special mechanisms to achieve their own goals and kill many people.

  For example, Gu Ci’an back then, when he was in Fusang Jingu Shrine, he once had a conflict with sublimation organizations from other countries, but he used a sudden fire from the sky to wipe out the opponent’s 12th-level sixth-level group, and became famous in one battle.

   It was later proven that the skyfire was the wrath of an ancestor.

   Now that there are such people again, it is scary.

   "It's okay, we have to believe in his character, he is not such a crazy person."

   "Are you talking about the character of the chair killer?"

   "What chair murderer? People call it Qilin! Speaking of which, this name is really big."

   In a sense, this is also a good thing, because the final battle to conquer the Sea of ​​Eternal Life is about to begin.

  Gu Jianlin can provide very important information.

   If nothing else, the Sea of ​​Immortal Life is the ultimate place leading to the upper level.

  Gu Jianlin turned around and looked at the two dying Omega.

   "Are you going to kill us too?"

  Li Hanting coughed in pain, knelt on the ground, and struggled to get up.

   Zhou Hanye's pupils suddenly dilated.

   "Your grandfather and my teacher are of the same generation. Logically speaking, my generation should be older than you."

Gu Jianlin looked at him condescendingly, and said calmly: "My teacher didn't kill your grandfather, why should I kill you? I don't know if you are a member of the Priory, and I have no interest in you, or are you also Want to complain for Mr. Zhang? Or defeat me instead of your grandfather?"

   "If you have the courage, go to the Xuanyin Saint to heal your wounds now."

  He said lightly: "I will fight two, and the outcome will be decided, as well as life and death."

  When he dealt with the four dusk candidates, he was only at the third level.

   Therefore, it must be deified.

  Now there are four levels, just need to evolve posture, you can hit two with one, easy.

  Zhou Hanye's throat rolled, looking at the young man's indifferent eyes, and the skeleton giant covering him.

  Li Hanting even thought of his astonishing record of killing five Twilight candidates.

  Can you win?

  Even if they are in their prime, they feel that there is no hope.

   What's more, their growth-type mythical arms are all shattered.

   "I can also not be armed with a growth myth."

   Gu Jianlin said calmly.

  Finally, both Zhou Hanye and Li Hanting lowered their heads.

  When the King of Youth got rid of the shackles of God's punishment, the evolutionary was completely on the stage of history.

  The trial court did not dare to say a word.

  And now, Gu Jianlin trampled on the rules face to face and killed Minister Zhang.

  Vice President Rhine didn't make a move.

  What can they do.

  Especially now, Gu Jianlin has the talent for profiling, and has entered the sea of ​​eternal life ahead of time.

  The intelligence on him is crucial.

  At this juncture, he is too important.

"I dare not. It seems that my senior brother said that the belief of the Tribunal is really ridiculous. Your so-called maintenance of order is just to consolidate your own power. Rejecting evolution is just jealous that this power is not in your hands. As for you The extermination of the fallen and unclean is even more ridiculous."

  Gu Jianlin said indifferently: "If you think I'm wrong, don't you even dare to challenge me?"

  Li Hanting and Zhou Hanye did not answer.

  Because their pride was crushed.

   But at this moment, there was a click!

  A crack appeared in the ice on the bodies of the two Twilight members, and it exploded with a bang.

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes and suddenly became vigilant.

  He doesn't know what rank these two people are, but the rhythm of life is inexplicably strong!

  Han Jing stood in front of him, and the cold air in the sky seemed to become her servant, gathering in front of her. Her own code name was Frost, and this was her home field.

  Chen Bojun held a sniper rifle expressionlessly, walked to his side, and stretched towards the field.

   "All alert!"

  The Xuanyin saint roared: "Protect Mr. Gu!"

   This is not because he changed his face quickly, but because this young man who is proficient in profiling has key information. If something really happens, it will be of no benefit to anyone, and it will be a loss to the world of order.

   What's more, the President and the King of Blue blamed him, and his position could not be kept.

   When facing the dark world, everyone must be consistent with the outside world.

  Accompanied by the continuous shaking of ice chips, Xingyun shook his head, like a puppy shaking off dust.

"Xing Yun, you idiot! Look at you! What am I talking about? Are you leading the wrong way? Are we really in the lair of the ancestor of Kuilong now? Otherwise, why would he be attacked by him? It's over, over, I'm going to die this time, I hope my son will burn more paper for me!"

   Guiyan cursed: "There is no order in the system of heaven and man, let's take the lead against an ancestor, you stupid woman, if I form a team with you again in the future, I will take your surname!"

  Xing Yun bowed and apologized aggrievedly: "I'm sorry senior, I don't know why we were attacked by the ancestor of the Kuilong, but I don't think I got lost, this is not the lair of the ancestor of the Kuilong."

   "But the mission does seem to have failed."

  She turned around and looked at the members of the Ethereum Association seriously: "Zhang Xuzhi is dead."

  Ghost eyes froze: "Dead? Unlucky!"

   "Yes, dead."

  Xing Yun's face was full of cuteness: "It seems that I can only perform the second task of the military division."

   Everyone looked at the two in silence, thinking they were here to make a joke.

   "Do you want to do it?"

  Chen Bojun said with a cold face: "You might as well try."

  Han Jing was not afraid at all, and stared at the other party with her arms folded.

   Evening is dangerous.

   But the Big Three of the Ethereal Society are all around.

  If they act rashly, they are courting death.

   "I'm not a fool, your Celestial Realm is nearby, right?"

   Xing Yun said seriously: "Don't take me for a fool."

  Ghost Eye yelled: "The people of the Ether Association are the most shameless."

   Gu Jianlin was blocked by two seniors, his face full of suspicion.

  He had only heard of the mysterious Twilight Organization before.

   But he has not been seen.

  Looking at it like this now, I feel that my brain is not normal.

   "Which one is Mr. Three?"

  Ghost Eye coughed dryly, put his hands behind his back and pretended to be serious: "I am blind, and my companion is a fool. Please respect the disabled and don't deceive us. It is not easy for us to come out to carry out the mission."

  Xing Yun was not angry at being called a fool by his companions. Instead, he said seriously: "Our military adviser said that if Zhang Xuzhi died, he must have been killed by Mr. San. He asked us to bring a word."

  Everyone was shocked.

  The name of the military division can be described as thunderous.

   It is said that Dusk's rise in recent years has something to do with this person.

  This person appeared inexplicably, but he inherited the mantle of the Red King.

  Although he didn't show any combat power, he was thoughtful and exhaustive.

   Pretty scary.

  Han Jing turned her head and glanced at the boy, feeling tense all over.

  Chen Bojun whispered, "Little Gu?"

  Gu Jianlin knew that he was looking for him, but the title of Mr. San was really strange.

  He directly passed the two people and walked in front of the two Twilight members: "What's the matter?"

   Guiyan snorted coldly, and took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

  Xing Yun pressed the answer button for him.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, this should be our first communication, although it was one-sided. First of all, I want to show respect to you. I took out our five Twilight candidates with the strength of Tier 3. The combat power is very amazing. I also admire your will to fight. I'm curious as to how you did it, I think I'll find out."

The voice of the military master with a smile sounded: "The person who peeped at me from the sea of ​​eternal life should be you, right? As expected of Gu Ci'an's son, he is really capable. Such a sophisticated plan I prepared was almost destroyed by you alone. Go. Generally speaking, those who destroy my plan will die."

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes.

  Han Jing put her hand on his shoulder, and then winked from the corner of her eye.

  Chen Bojun nodded to indicate that he was ready to strike at any time.

However, the military adviser changed the subject: "It's just that if you die, Yue Ji will be very sad, right? This is someone I value, and she is also a descendant of the king. I don't want her to hold grudges against me. I won't kill you." , but I will make you lose someone who is very important to you, why don't you guess who it is?"

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyebrows, and the skeleton giant behind him roared loudly, and the dark flash of light flashed away!


  The huge black flash disappeared without a trace.

   Nebula just stretched out a hand, crushing such a violent black flash.

  The dark energy collapsed in her palm, causing her to frown: "It hurts, are you really a third-order?"

  Ghost Eye was startled, and quickly hid behind her.

   "Yo, what a murderer."

  Military division smiled and said: "You are not like your father at all, he will say hello to me before he wants to make a move."

  The signal of the mobile phone seems to be not very good, rustling.

Gu Jianlin raised his eyes and said expressionlessly: "I don't want to guess who it is, because you won't succeed. But just to say this to you, in the future, apart from Yueji, you probably don't need to be nominated at dusk. "

   There was a rustling electric sound in the mobile phone, and the military division smiled and said, "Why is that?"

   "Because a dead person cannot be a candidate."

  Gu Jianlin said coldly, "Get lost."

   After a second of silence, the military division smiled and said, "Interesting."

  The phone hangs up.

   For a moment, the turbulent air was released, shaking the wind and snow all over the sky.

   Xingyun's black hair was blown away by the shock, changing from his usual cuteness and stupidity, and bursting out with a fierce murderous aura!


  The snow on the snow peak crashed down!

   She picked up her companion without hesitation, turned around and ran away!


  Unimaginable power breaks through the sound barrier like a cannonball and gallops away.

   Almost at the same time, a cold snort sounded from somewhere.

  The brilliant golden light hit the two of them like a shooting star!

   "The President has made a move!"


  Thousands of feet of snow rose into the sky, and the blazing golden light rose like the sun, like a nuclear bomb exploding. The world of ice and snow was illuminated brightly, and everyone couldn't open their eyes.

   Even Gu Jianlin covered his face with his hands, and was blown back half a step by the gust of wind.

  The black unicorn in the depths of his consciousness was restless and apprehensive.

  What a terrifying power!

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   Originally, I could finish writing this chapter in the morning, but the circuit at home exploded, and I am... outrageous!



  (end of this chapter)

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