The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 274: male and female give or take

  Chapter 274 Men and women do not kiss each other

   Rather than saying that the highest authority of the Ethereum Association is the president, it is better to say that this super alliance that maintains the order of the real world is originally supported by her alone.

  After all, without her, there would be no 200-year golden age in human history.

   There will be no birth of natural disasters.

   In terms of achievements, she is undoubtedly one of the best leaders in the human world.

   It's just that she hasn't made a move for many years because of the high altitude, and she has never met an opponent worthy of her real anger. Even facing the ancient gods, she doesn't need to face the enemy in person.

  So many people no longer know how strong she is.

  However, after many years, the president once again used the power of heaven and man. People only felt that a nuclear bomb was detonated on the ice sheet, and endless light and heat burst out, burning forever.

"How about it?"

The snowmobile was galloping on the ice field, Chen Bojun sat in the driver's seat, and said with a smile: "This is the power of the president, the huge energy transformed by the wedge of heaven and man, and the seventh-level evolutionary will not be ashamed. Not only is it powerful, but it is also clean energy, low-carbon and environmentally friendly, clean and hygienic.”

Wrapped in a heavy military overcoat, Gu Jianlin took a deep breath, looked at the burning light in the distance, and couldn't help but said: "Indeed, the enemy even avoided cremation. However, it has been burning for half an hour. .”

  He was sitting in the back seat, holding a cup of hot water, and sneezed.

He caught a cold.

   "The power of the president is like this, even if you don't take a serious shot, you will have to burn it all night."

Han Jing was driving a snowmobile and kept pace with them: "Those two dusks are very strong. They must be not only at the seventh level, but at least at the eighth level, but they don't seem to be very smart. If I remember correctly, this is The duo of dementia in the dusk, both of them have bad brains, but their fighting power is terrifying."

   "Dementia duo..."

  Gu Jianlin said with emotion: "I didn't expect the dusk to be like this style of painting, Ah Choo!"

   "It's not surprising that there are everyone in the dusk."

  Han Jing glanced at him coldly, and handed out a bottle of medicine: "Take the medicine, three times a day, and you'll be fine tomorrow."

  Of course, this kind of minor illness does not need to be cured by priests, because if it is self-healing, it can also enhance its own immunity, which is somewhat beneficial to the sublimated person. Taking some medicine can make him feel better.


  Gu Jianlin took the pill, raised his head and swallowed it, and drank two more mouthfuls of hot water.

  The parrot poked its head out of the backpack and shouted, "Thank you, Mom!"


  Chen Bojun almost died.

  Han Jing's cold and pretty face suddenly changed color, showing an unnatural blush, and angrily said: "What little mother? Who did this parrot listen to? I'll tear his mouth apart!"

   I'm in a hurry.

  Gu Jianlinxin said that you have already admitted this reaction.

  The parrot immediately retracted into the backpack and began to play dead.

   "It's not me, I didn't say anything."

  Chen Bojun cleared his throat: "There are only a few people in total, just think about it yourself."

  Han Jing said with a cold face: "Hehe, it's either Lin Lan or Mu Feng! Two cheap mouths! Don't listen to their nonsense!"

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself that a woman's intuition is really terrifying.

  Poor Uncle Mu.

  If this was found out, he would have died at the hands of the night watchmen if he hadn't died at the hands of the trial court.

   "Is everyone okay?"

   he asked suddenly.

Chen Bojun smiled and said: "Well, everything is fine. The little princess has become a great hero now, and she has also been rewarded by the president. She is showing off to everyone in the camp, and she is basically crazy. The same is true for Captain Lin Wanqiu. Mental pollution, but I got a special exemption, although I can't go out for missions, but I am completely free."

   "That **** Lin Lan is lying in the intensive care unit. He is the only living sample. We need to study the matrix on his body to determine the specific function of this thing."

  He paused: "When he wakes up, he can vindicate Mu Feng and the others."

  Han Jing said lightly: "In short, everything is stable and improving."

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly: "Will I be held accountable?"

"Of course not, although you killed Minister Zhang in front of Vice President Rhine. The nature of this matter is quite bad. Normally, you will spend decades in prison. But the problem is , Minister Zhang originally planned to kill you, and now you kill him, there is nothing wrong with your feelings."

  Chen Bojun said: "The most important thing is that you are now useful to the president."

"As long as it is useful to the president, she will be extra tolerant towards you, but the reward that should belong to you is gone. And the most troublesome thing is that what Lu Zijin did was indeed confirmed, and now she is being taken by Yueji again. Entering the sea of ​​eternal life is basically regarded as an act of betrayal, and the position of the **** general may be suspended."

  Han Jing explained: "As for Yue Ji, because of Wang Taisheng's inexplicable death, her arrest is not so high, but now she has been confirmed to be your father's student, and she is still a candidate for Dusk."

   That's all for now.

   There is no need to say more about the rest.

   "But don't be too nervous."

  Chen Bojun thought for a while: "Originally, Rhine will complete the handover of the Wedge of Heaven and Man next month, but after you make such a fuss, it is probably no longer possible. Now the entire court is jumping up and down, and there are mourners everywhere."

   Han Jing sneered.

   Gu Jianlin understood, and looked up at the glorious golden realm in the sky.

   Now that the black unicorn is sleeping in his consciousness, he is obviously very afraid of this kind of power.

   This is the power of heaven and man.

   "If I'm not mistaken, will this power directly invade the depths of the Sea of ​​Immortality next?"

   he asked suddenly.

   "Well, the Ethereum Association is already preparing to attack the boss."

Han Jing said in a cold voice: "As the name suggests, the dimensions of the Ancient God Realm also have levels. For example, Buzhou Mountain has seven levels, Fusang Shrine has nine levels, Yunmengze has thirteen levels, and the Gate of Hell has five levels. The Qilin Fairy Palace has fewer floors, but each floor has a large area. Originally, this floor should have been guarded by many ancestors, but because of the decisive battle more than 2,000 years ago, most of the ancestors fell. .”

   "Some of them are still completely dead, and some of them are sleeping in the dimensional gaps that we can't even observe. They won't come out for a thousand or eight years. Therefore, the only ancestor confirmed to be alive at this layer is Kui."

She paused: "There is a key to the next level in the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. In a sense, the ancestor of Kuilong is the gatekeeper boss of this level. There are new expansion packs, and with the opening of new areas, players from all over the world will gather teams to take the first boss kill."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized: "This is very appropriate."

   "The ancestor of Chilin in the Forest of Burial is already half dead, and his power has basically disappeared, so there is no big movement. He will wake up again in 1,500 years, regardless of our business."

Han Jing explained: "As for the ancestor of Kuilong, if it is at its peak, then only the natural disasters can take action, but since the first time we observed him, he was in an extremely weak state, and he should have recovered to More than two-thirds, there will be a lot of movement at that time, and the guard team will be very luxurious."

"for example?"

   Gu Jianlin asked curiously.

"This time the guarding team is led by the vice-chairman Winter, plus the God of Fire and the God of Xuanshui, the Saint of Xuanyin and the Saint of Night Sword, and finally me and the newly promoted Sanctuary level." Another Night's Watch."

   Han Jing said calmly: "One ninth-level, two eighth-level, and four seventh-level. In fact, the main force is only Vice President Lin Dong, and the others are used to deal with possible ancestors, or as support."

  Chen Bojun said with a smile: "This is not enough. We people still have to work outside. After all, we are the ancestors of the ancient times, so we can't take it lightly. At that time, there will be natural disasters to overwhelm the battle."

   "You are already Tier 4, I will transfer you to the first echelon tonight, there is no ranking, but an exception."

  He said: "Same as Thunder."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized, "I understand."

   "Actually, I thought you would reject me this time."

  Han Jing said suddenly: "Compared to Night Watcher, I think Thunder is better."

Chen Bojun also laughed and said: "Yes, actually, we didn't expect you to agree to help the night watchman. Do you know? In fact, your weight is very, very substantial. After all, you are a student of the King of Green. Once you get involved in the ether Factional struggles within the association are a huge boost no matter who they are."

   "If you are willing to help Lei Ting, then the president may really change his mind, give up the two vice presidents Lin Dong and Rhine without hesitation, and use some extreme methods to prolong his life."

  He emphasized: "Waiting for the Thunder's promotion."

  Gu Jianlin's heart skipped a beat.

   "Compared to Rhine and Winter, Thunder is obviously more promising."

  Chen Bojun said with emotion: "This girl's background is incredible."

   "Although I very much hope that you join the Night's Watch, if it is for your personal consideration, you should really choose Thunder. Now you can go back on your word, but it will be too late in the future."

   Han Jing said: "Behind Thunder, there is more than just the sword mound. The so-called sword mound is just an ancient sect inherited by the silver king. It is essentially the same as the gold king's Ying family."

   Gu Jianlin vaguely thought of something.

  Baize clan.

   "Why didn't you choose Thunder?"

  Chen Bojun asked curiously: "I remember you have a very good relationship with her."

  Han Jing also cast a suspicious look.

   "Because she doesn't like it."

  Gu Jianlin thought for a while: "I want to go and see Lei Ting first."

  Chen Bojun was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile, "Okay."

  Han Jing took a deep look at the boy and said nothing.

  The front is full of wind and snow, and they have returned to the temporary camp. There are nano fighters guarding everywhere, and there are towers and forts that have just been built, and countless drones are hovering above their heads.

  Thunder's tent is in the deepest part of the medical area, and the strange thing is that there are no nano warriors guarding it.

  Outside the tent, there were people in black robes who were in charge of guarding. They had quaint sword boxes tied behind their backs and stood like sculptures in the wind and snow. There were a total of twelve people with strange and mysterious auras.

  Chen Bojun and Han Jing still have official business to deal with, so they will definitely not come together.

  Gu Jianlin approached alone in a sleigh, and because of his special status, no one stopped him along the way.

   When he got out of the car, he went straight to the tent.

  The blood-red Tang knife wrapped in bandages trembled slightly in his hand, as if sensing something.

"What's wrong?"

   Gu Jianlin asked with his consciousness.

  Jiuyin snorted: "It's interesting."

  For a moment, the people in black robes raised their heads and looked at him. The faces under the hoods were crystal clear like jade, and they couldn't tell the difference between men and women.

  Gu Jianlin had seen such a person before, in the teacher's grocery store.

   "These are not humans."

   Jiuyin sneered.

  Gu Jianlin was a little surprised: "Could it be the ancient gods?"

Jiuyin mocked and said: "Strictly speaking, it's not counted. These people were originally human beings, but they carried the power of the ancient gods and were cultivated into what they are today. The Baize clan is still studying this kind of thing, my lord It's been tried a thousand years ago, and it doesn't work."

  Gu Jianlin asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

   "How do you think I got here?"

   Jiuyin disdainfully said: "Using growth-type mythical weapons to integrate with humans is a trick created by the Baize clan. These people are just false ancestors, not as powerful as the real ancestors, but it is also a way out."

  Gu Jianlin was thoughtful.

   "Of course, it's incomparable to a monster like you. When I saw you, I felt that the Venerable must have succeeded. Although I don't know exactly what you are, this just proves the greatness of the Venerable!"

   Jiuyin buzzed.

  Stupid knife.

  Gu Jianlin shook his head and walked straight to the tent, but no one stopped him.

  There was a wind chime hanging outside the tent, and he flicked it lightly.

   There is a jingle.

  A cold and reserved voice came from the tent: "Who?"

  Gu Jianlin calmly replied, "It's me."

   There was a rustling sound from the tent.

  Tang Ling cleared her throat and said, "Well... wait for me."

   As soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of bottles and cans being smashed, and there was a splash.

   It looks like someone fell down.

  Gu Jianlin quickly opened the tent and walked in, but was stunned.

  Tang Ling fell to the ground and hurriedly covered her body with a quilt. Her long, frosty hair fell down on her round fragrant shoulders, and her clavicle line was exquisite and charming.

  Well, it seems to be without clothes.

  The key is that there is a bandage wrapped around the shoulder, and the secret medicine is scattered all over the floor next to it.

  Four eyes face each other.

   Tang Ling's awe-inspiring eyes were filled with anger, and after a moment of silence.

   "I'm on medication."

  She bowed her head in embarrassment: "Then I accidentally fell down."

   Gu Jianlin thought of the frostbite on her back, and couldn't help but said, "Why don't you ask someone to help?"

  Tang Ling held back for another second: "I don't like contact with strangers."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned: "Then... Shall I help you?"

  Actually, when he said this, he just meant it. After all, men and women are not close.

   It's just that if you just turn your head and walk away, it will be embarrassing again.

  Tang Ling raised her hand to tie a strand of hair around her ear, and said reservedly, "Yes, that's fine."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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