The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 285: Break the sword with one blow!

  Chapter 285 Breaking the Sword!

  The conference room of the Deep Blue was filled with sandalwood, and white mist rose from the incense burner on the Buddhist altar. The mist blurred the ancient and dilapidated Buddha statues, and the silence revealed a sense of Zen.

  Taihua sat at the end of the long table, sipping a cup of hot tea, looking down at the documents in his hand.

   "After so many years, it seems that the president is still a nostalgic person."

   Someone said coldly: "Even if you don't believe in Buddhism, there are traces of Buddha everywhere. Maybe you still haven't forgotten that in the era of war and chaos, it was a Buddhist temple that took you in as a child."

   This is a man with white beard and hair, with a face as handsome as a heavenly man, wearing a black robe with exquisite golden patterns embroidered on it, and carrying a sword box on his back. He is not like a modern person at all.


  Rin Dong raised his hand and knocked on the table, and said gently: "Although you are an elder, I still want to warn you, don't try to be disrespectful to the president. Otherwise, I will beat you to death here."

  His pupils seemed to have a blizzard gathering, faintly glowing brilliant gold.

  As one of the vice presidents of the Ethernet Association, he naturally has a part of the power of the Wedge of Heaven and Man.

  Han Jing narrowed her eyes, keenly smelling a different atmosphere.

  The Night Knife Saint lowered his head and wiped the long knife in his hand, bowed his head and remained silent.

  The Xuanyin saint turned a deaf ear, as if he didn't hear anything.

  The only young man present was Ying Changsheng.

   He sat in the far corner of the meeting room and listened, observing the expressions of the big shots, and found it really interesting.

"Baifeng, don't you know who you are? If my late husband hadn't nodded, you would have been qualified to go to the Tianyan Pavilion? Besides, I don't even remember killing the ancestor sleeping in your body. How much."

  After reading the document, Taihua raised his chilling Danfeng eyes: "Do you want to die?"

   "I remember my brother's kindness."

  Baifeng was silent for a moment, and said: "I am Baifeng, a member of the Bai family, and I am a human being."

  Taihua snorted coldly: "Just remember, don't think that you don't know who you are after joining the Baize clan."

"I just vaguely remember the last order of my elder brother. During my lifetime, my elder brother promoted the mirror image project. The purpose is to prevent order from being destroyed in the hands of human beings. The Ether Association is in your hands, although it still maintains a stable order for the time being. , but when you leave this world, there is no doubt that you will collapse immediately."

  Bai Feng said in a deep voice: "Did you really live up to your elder brother's last wish?"

  Taihua narrowed his pupils, and a cold light flashed in them.

"Collecting the resources of the entire world of order, only Lei Ting has been cultivated, and she herself does not seem to have a strong will to protect the world of order. If she is not strong, she may not be able to successfully integrate in the end. If she just becomes like A symbiosis like ours is basically a failure."

  Baifeng said blankly: "Omegas of this generation are generally too weak. So far, only the crown prince and Lei Ting are known to have mastered the realm of heaven and man, but this is far from enough."

  Taihua said lightly: "The younger generation is not up to date, what does it have to do with me?"

  The top management of the strategy team also knew what the other party meant.

  Among the breathing techniques mastered by humans, the core is the realm of heaven and man.

  People who master this kind of power will be called celestial beings, and they are better than evolutionists in terms of combat power.

   After all, there is a restraint relationship between the two parties.

   In addition to this, the Heavenly Man has another huge advantage.

  It means that when you display this state, you can leverage the power of the wedge between heaven and man.

   Of course, this requires the permission of the President.

  The problem is that there are too few people who are qualified to master the realm of heaven and man.

   It's even broken for now.

  There are only two Omegas in this generation who have learned to breathe, and the future is dark.

  Once the president dies, the two vice presidents are still far behind in controlling the realm of heaven and man.

   Even if the Wedge of Heaven and Man is handed over, it is still a world of difference.

   Once the time comes, the supreme ancient protoss will appear.

   Or a super evolutionary like the King of Blue.

  The world of order will undoubtedly collapse.

  The meaning of the existence of Lishan Tianyan Pavilion is equivalent to the observer and supervisor of the human world.

  Although this group of people is a little arrogant.

   But it is absolutely fair and objective.

   "You mean, you are blaming me for not managing the world of order well?"

  Taihua said lightly: "I also know the current situation, so I lifted the power of the evolutionary."

  As soon as this remark came out, the high-level officials were in awe.

   It reminded me of the scene when the King of Youth took the scourge of heaven and restarted the road of evolution.

"As the preparatory President, Lei Ting is both a celestial being and an evolutionary. Her ascension will be the beginning of a big scene. At that time, the pattern of opposition between the Tribunal and the Night Watchers will be reshuffled. Before I die, there will be Rebuild two special departments. One is composed of heaven and man, responsible for maintaining the balance of order."

  She paused: "The other one is made up of evolutionaries, retaining the tradition of natural disasters."

  This plan will undoubtedly promote the involution of the entire sublimator world.

   Survival of the fittest, elimination of the weak.

   But everyone has no opinion. Originally, people pursued this path for the sake of strength.

  Bai Feng didn’t even think about it, and vetoed it: “No, we can allow evolutionaries to exist, but we can’t create evolutionaries on our own initiative. You can’t make fun of young people’s lives, otherwise, what’s the difference with Qing?”

  Suddenly, the senior executives seemed to realize something, and their expressions changed slightly.

   "Heh, you might not know about it."

  Taihua said with a half-smile: "We have just found a method that can curb the distortion. Although it is not complete, there is great hope that it can be perfected and used to create evolutionaries."

  The reason why evolutionists are taboo is simply because this method is inhumane.

  If you successfully control the breath of the ancient gods, you will become an evolutionary.

   But if it cannot be controlled, it will directly become a deformed monster, or even explode to death.

  When the young king was obsessed with this power, he frantically arrested people for experiments.

   Extremely gory.

   The problem, however, is that if distortion suppression is ever perfected, everyone will have a chance to try it.

   It's okay if you fail.

  If you succeed, you will become an evolutionary.

  Baifeng showed a surprised expression for the first time, and said in a deep voice: "There is such a method?"

  He couldn't believe it.

  Because this is undoubtedly a big step for human sublimation.

   Even affect the entire sublimator history!

   "Some young people found it by mistake."

  Taihua said softly: "Young people always have infinite possibilities."

  The group of young people thought they just found a way to cure diseases and save lives.

   But in fact, they unwittingly unearthed enormous power.

   This is why, the Lin family siblings are currently under strict protection, and even sent directly to the headquarters for treatment.

  No matter what the siblings have done, and whether they are guilty or not, if anyone dares to touch them, they will be bombarded until there is no scum left. Including the world's top alchemists and priests, they all lined up to meet.

  Even the trial court headed by Rhine will do everything possible to protect their safety.

  As for Ji Xiaoyu, let alone.

  The president personally came to watch.

  If these young people knew what they had done, they would probably faint from fright.


   Kashiwagi narrowed his eyes.

   After a while, he said again: "However, if you want to unlock the power of the evolutionary, why didn't you implement the mirror image plan of the elder brother? We have the spiritual genes of the ancient gods sealed in our body, which is stronger than the evolutionary."

   There was an eerie silence in the meeting room.

  Taihua surprisingly did not refute.

  The strength of this group of people is indeed beyond doubt.

   But this so-called mirror image plan is absolutely flawed in her opinion.

   That is the annihilation of human nature.

  She was worried about entrusting the future to such a group of people.

  Although it is said that the future of evolution has a higher upper limit, natural disasters are the best proof.

   But whether such a person will appear in the future is hard to say.

   Just then, an alarm sounded in the conference room.

  The projection equipment was activated, the image in the central rest area was condensed, and the audio was turned on by itself.




  At the bar counter in the central rest area, the Omegas were dumbfounded.

   "This is the power of an evolutionary?"

   "It seems that this is the first time I've seen him so handsome?"

   "I'm so excited, who can tell me why I'm so handsome?"

  There was a lot of discussion among the people, most of them were amazed when they saw such a dignified and evil posture of the young man for the first time.

   After all, they are elites, not timid idiots.

   For evolution, only the charm can be felt.

  I didn't feel scared.

  Lu Qingqing had seen the power of an evolutionary before. At that time, in the **** team of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, all the Twilight candidates had this attitude, but none of them seemed as powerful as the young man in front of him.

  Only the original Yue Ji showed an evolutionary attitude comparable to it.

  Ji Xiaoyu was stunned for a long time, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, what are you pretending to be? Do you really think you are great? Didn't you get kicked away? When I become an evolutionary, let's do it again!"

There was a trace of complexity in Mu Qingyou's eyes, she couldn't tell whether it was jealousy or envy, she murmured softly: "This is the power of an evolutionary, it looks really strong. This person is very close to Junior Sister, it is impossible not to know that this is Li The people of Shantianyan Pavilion, so they directly show the strongest posture and attack?"

  The Omegas who knew about it also showed surprise on their faces, thinking that they are indeed chair murderers.

   Or do not shoot.

   I won't give you a chance as soon as I make a move.

  He showed his strongest posture from the very beginning.

   "Killing decisively, praise!"

   Nightmare murmured: "Duke Meng, hurry up and call Shuguang and Poison Master, just in case."

  Meng Gong nodded slightly, and went directly to the other side to call for someone.


  Gu Jianlin let out a foul breath, but fortunately he controlled it well, and immediately showed his weakest evolutionary posture. This is not good in the ancient gods. He needs to try his best to suppress the power in his body every time.

  Once you don't suppress it accidentally, you will be deified on the spot.

   When the time comes, you will roar directly up to the sky, and the wedge of heaven and man will fall from the sky.

  There will be one more tomb in Funing Garden, Taipei Road, Fengcheng.

   "This false ancestor is really courting death!"

   Jiuyin trembled slightly: "She actually wants to check your memory? What do you think?"

  The people in black robes looked at him expressionlessly, but there was a trace of pity in their eyes.


   It's not that they haven't seen an evolutionary, but they don't take it seriously.

  Because the power they possess is the strongest.

  In the long and narrow corridor, muffled footsteps sounded faintly.

  Tang Yun paced out of the darkness, with a hint of indifference in his immature voice: "I thought that in this generation of Omega, only my cousin is an evolutionary, but I didn't expect there to be another one?"


  Gu Jianlin frowned.

   "What secret do you have, you don't want me to check your memory?"

  Tang Yun walked slowly, her short hair had turned crimson in color, fine bloodshot eyes appeared in her eyes, snow-white horns grew on the top of her head, and illusory wings fluttered faintly behind her!

  Baize clan!

   Even though he tried his best to suppress it, the terrifying breath of the ancient gods still permeated.

  Gu Jianlin took a deep look at her, and it seemed that she was no longer the girl she was before.

   That face completely changed into another person's appearance.

   cold, indifferent.

   There is a shadow of a wild beast struggling wildly behind her, as if it is about to break out!

   Sure enough, he is an ancestor!

  In an instant, Tang Yun stepped forward, raised the iron sword in his hand, and the sword energy gushed out!

   So fast!

   Undoubtedly, it is stronger than the Twilight candidate we encountered back then.

   Still above Jiang Hanyi!

  Gu Jianlin's forehead hair was blown up by the wind, a pitch-black will-o'-the-wisp was lit on his forehead, and his pitch-black pupils were smudged.

  He pulled out Jiuyin from behind without hesitation, and the light of the knife reflected his indifferent eyes.

   It's like being in hell.

   "Come on, show her some color!"

  Jiuyin trembled happily, even if it is not the way of killing ghosts, it cannot exert its strongest power.

  However, it is a peerless sharp knife!


  The swords met, and hot sparks sputtered.

   Tang Yun's eyes widened in disbelief, because her sword was cut off!

  The shattered fragments spewed out along with the scattered sword energy.

  Almost at the same time, she saw fingers condensed with jet-black light, approaching between her eyebrows.

   "What is your relationship with Tang Ling?"

   Gu Jianlin said coldly.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   The next chapter is still very late, so I suggest getting up tomorrow to read it.



  (end of this chapter)

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